ipp™ . •* * - ,- ' • i»-.' ̂,* V -- m» > Vl»v - ^̂,*V > (,l! .»»,-llA.,̂ pfc > " S r a g lT S * su f 1 ■ ill. f - Is . :.41J? N'. r-- i.i: H y- ^• \ 't .. f % :i.^: I * i i i lm $ ! <lP *"i" THE WEST VAN NEWS RECITAL BY O F MRS. B U K B R ID L L Phone West 46 RED AND WHITE Phone 'W eir46^ M eats---Phone West 370 EXTRA VALCKJ^ for FRIDAY & SATURIUY. June 24 & 25. < allfornitt (IUAPEFRUIT 4 for I7« HutikiNl Vulrntfa OKANGBB FumJly BlJer.................... doxrn 2.1c i.arKi* «ix<' dosten, 29c SunkKl Juicy LEMONS per doz. 25c |{»-d & White TOMATO JUICE 25 o x . till ........................ ' .... ... lOc SliHEDDEl) WHEAT pkt. 10c FU rPE Il WHEAT or IHCK ,2 l'kt«..................... ............... |5c Red A White TEA , Oraitire i'ekm* ... . .. . . . |M»und '*48c |{ed A White Jlraitd SOUR Veifetahle . Tomato......2 tina t7c HARIIINES--Cimadlan ......3 linn 14c Hriinfull TOMATOES Vine-ripened ..... 2 lnrt(i* tina 23c Red A WhiteJ*ORK A KEANB 2 IH-oz. tina .......... '....... I7 r Red A White REAS, S le ie l '2'tlnH 25c Red A White R/tiR I'LEIT REARS Sniiaf tin . , ....................... 17c Red A While REACHES Halved ................. ' Squat tin 17c Red A White SI*AGHl*TrTI with cheeae and Tomato aaiice ...tall tin 9c MEATS An audience of nearly fifty parents and guests filled to cap acity the .studio of Mi***̂; Chas. Burbridge, at 2309 Marine Drive, last 'Hiursday, when her pupils gave their annual piano recita which has come to be regarded as ond of the features of trie year by those interested in local music. The array of lovely June roses displayed in silver vases was charmingly effective and the successive items of the .Service,,...,. L U liB E H U 2^ l!iia lity Choice Milk Fed BREAST OF VEAL.... Ib. lOc VP A J 'HnPQ^.......Wr program needed only that back- ^ ..........■ Ik * on ground to impart' the final touchMUSHROOMS ............./....lb. 30c, to the entire arrangements. The MINCED HAM LOAF ...lb, 45c recital was a comjilete succe.sa, the young performers showing SASH & HOOKS "SHINGLES™ PLYWOODS LATH PAINT WALLBOARD' TILE ' Agents: ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTJ). THERE IS NWui^tTfUfl' FOR. QUALITY \^EST VANCOUyER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15fh & Marine'Drivc Phone W est 115 VEAL LOAF.................. Ib̂ 25c , the young per FLETCHER'S BAKED HAM For Ih...............................- 65c SHAMROCK BOILED HAM l*er Ih, •................ ............. 60c AH'Our Beef, Lamb, Veal and Fork is ubsoluiciy lop (|uality. Fresh Fish Daily R« d & White CLEANSER .Sifior tin ...................... He WEST VANCOUVER HICH SCHOOL INTER HOUSE TRACK MEET r r ; " T -- : It . . 7 / . ' i \ \l A-' '*.A "A 'A'A-J-'- -'A'-,- " ' .Junior Roys' Events 7 . 5 Yards -- Vic Vaughan';. 2, (Jerry Jone.s; 3, lx*s Brooks. 11 till' Mile -- 1, Ron MacAuley; 2, (Jerry .Jones; 3, Hob William son. High Jiim]), Jr. -- 1 , Doug. Smithers; 2, Don 'Diompson; 3, Eric'VV'hite. . Ilop, Step & Jump, Jr. -- 1 , Hilly Reid; 2 , Vic Vaughan; 3 , ' (J. (Jreenway, Relay (G x 75) -- 1 , House 2 : G. Jones, H. Sang- ster, H. RbsettT, Glen PooJk T. (Miniii*). 2 , llouse 1 : (R. Mac Auley, J. Hailstone, D. Smithers, Hoh Williamson, CJ. Greenway, I )■ 3, Hou.se 4j (G. Lyiih, J^'lJTorton^^prm Hay, V. -Vaughan, D. Thompson, Take.shi Kataoka). ~ Intermediate Boys 100 Yards -- 1, D. Howieson; 2, Fat Jefferies; 3, Bob Shef field. . • Half Mile, Int, -- 1, D. Howie- .son; 2, Doug. Johnstone; 3, J. Anderson. High Jump, Int. -- 1, Cliff 'I'earoe; 2, F. Morris; 3,* Male. Douet. Hop, Step & Jump, Int. -- 1, Hob Sheffield; 2, Doug. John stone ; 3, Pat Jefferies. Relay (6 x 100) -*r House 4: (E. Farnum, F. Morris, P. Jef feries, F. Smithers, D. Mont gomery, J. Anderson); 2, Hou.se a thorough appreciation of the beauties of tKe .musical numbers which they were executing and 'a graceful techni(|ue that com bined a skilful touch With per fect fluency. This was strikingly shown in the performance of the more difficult selections by the ad vanced pupils. Two amusing recitafion.sf' well rendered by Margaret Hilboni and a clever dramatic impersonation by Mrs. E. Wiltshire with Mr.s. Burbridge C L A S S I F I E D A D S adnituiimTht rate for Claasifled AdVe^tfa^imeiiti ia 2 cents per word...... ..26 centa. Except In the caae of tlioae having regular accounta, ail Geda are payable atrlctly )n ' Keinemher ClaBaiOeda in the West Van News gel immediate retjulia GORDON IlOHSON -7 Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 ul W est Vancouver any time by unnointinent, West 403. LAWN MOWERS SHARI»ENEI) ' Special machine; repairs, path - West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ........ ' SUMMER GUESTS---. Apply. Miss B. J. Campbell, "Sunlit Lodge," . West Huy. Wcst 379-Y-2. CHIMNEY SWEEPING t- Old Coun- i try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer,' Capilano, North kll-R-2. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam P erm an ^ ts ; only beat materials*I used. Expert operators. Phnno West 304, Royal Bank Buildin " " W; H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4 Hollybum Block. ' ' at the piano called fcnlh hearty poR ALTERATIONS to your home applause. A dainty tea' was try Western Woodworkers; West aervecl at the close, the hostess 740. residence. West 443:j ^ ---------^ being assisted by her pupils., and c.\jORDAN first for Window Shades, the gathering came to an end Venetian Blinds, "45c and 55c por with warm congratulations for square foot. Mrs. Burbridge and wishes for her continued .success. •i,. Awnings a t reasonf able prices. 'West Van. Blind & Awning Supply. Phone West 719; Res. Wpst 74-L-2; ____ ■ STOP PAYING rent Under the Dominion Housing Act we can build an attractive well constructed mod. ern home to cost $15.95 per month , 'For complete information phone West 719. C.i Sharpe, Contractor and Designer. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Slither- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. LEOICiN NOTES An Executive meeting will be held on Monday, June 27th, at 8 p.m. ̂ ' The usual g.eneral meeting will be held on Monday, July- 4th, at 8 p.m. All members are. FOR ' FLY SCREENS, Cupboards, Drawers, etc., try Western Wood workers, West 740; .residence, West 443-R. MASON'S'TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 612. ' ; CATERPILLAR WORK -- 15 years' experience; land clearing, blasting c and excavations. Estimates given. Cri \y.;.Magoun,.West SOS-'Y. GORDON ROBSON ^ Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 ,j a t West Vancouver any tiraei by appointment, West 403. •>, /m.. 1 oi- /-. • asked to attend and turn in *ir I ̂I etc., on: that date.,lio.) Keii(h-ick, D. Howieso^ Bob Enquire from secretary de- Colliim, M. ^ n t le y ) ; 3, House gjg Legion Picnic at p* i 1 Q- " Hastings Park on Saturday,Bob Sheffield, Bill Simpson, Male 9 nH l _DpiLet _̂Coj!nuAVallac6 .)______ , __..l „ Senior Boys o ̂ o 100 Yards 1, Sid Breeden; Fagan , 2, HANDY ANN SHOP -- Marshall ■ 'Wells "Paints, enamels, yarnishes,- turps, oils, kalsomine, nails, hard ware. . ■ J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 14,05 Marine Drive; Phone --^West'21, or West 553'-R-l.------ " CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdhst burners "dntalled; furnace repairs^ -- Phohe--G--MeIdrum,-l-103-Lonsdale-- A ,REAL REST for Tired Folks -- ■ Restawhile Cdhvalescent Home, 136 27th Street.** W est 86-L-2. North S22. Bill Dickinson; 3, Joe Mathias. l^ th ie; 3, Bud Parker. . . ." - . High Jump, Sr. -- 1, Sid B reed en 2; M, Lauder; 3,, Ted Sprciule^ m m OLD COUNTRY BRICK and STONE Mason, Cement worker. - W est 653, Geo. Zicker. EXPERIENCED GARDENER-Care of groundsr^repairs; handy man;J town or country home. West 763-L Mr. Millan. ■ F o rst's save you monejf on b rand new ̂ . Electric Refrigerators SPECIALLY PRICED FROM Bargains in our NEW RfltTtJRE^- DEPT. Broad Jump, ST. -- 1, Brune Pridham; 2, Jud Armstrong; 3, Bill Dickinson. - ; Relay (6 x 100) -- 1, House 4=; -- (Jttd-A:rmstTongf::Gltff-^ Jagger, JPqter (3reer, Allan For BUY and SAVE, on easy terms. I-- N e w ^ t o c l Better Prices H u g h Ma c k a y , TLOCAL.AGENT PHONES W. 3 4 3 , - N. 5 2 5 F O R S T S 1475 M arine Drive, W est Vancouver Senlor Boys' Events EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con- tract7" Experienced m̂en7~modefn" . ^ machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick, PAINTING AND DECORATING-- J. H. Wedley, formerly ■ with C. L. Konings. ' Phone West 651-X; Estimates-free;---------------- ---^ ^ West 252-L. JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Everŷ wW J thing of value; bottles, rags, sacks, WL r a v e a nummber of places fo r^ metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Teut^both furnisbed and unfurnish- Gall W est 91 andw e bring 'the cash ^ 'P H d e .'. to your door. Burrard Junk Co. ^772083-:ING1:EW(K)D AVENUE:------------W e ^ T I------ -- -̂----------------- ster, VValt. Parker); 2, House 2 : SALE at very attractive price (Bill 'Dickinson, Sid Breeden,T>. ' T> n/r-: • Ultra modern home with doubleBiune Ridham, Ross Minions, plumbing, ijiagnificent view. Call Art Knight): 3. Hous^ 1: (M. " .......... ^ ----- FOR SALE -- BeauGful Table Linen some embroideredi initial "H". Box 100, West Van News., Costello, D. Mackenzie,_Jim G ib- tin <s^Co., Sey. 9 l 3 i . ' -FO R -SA^B^ -son7-Petei*-BarrrIlod-Varughan7- W. Lennox). Junior Girls 50 Yards -- 1, Rhpda Tilrvey; 2, Nora"' Kifi:^ley 7 "37< '̂oroth"y Jackson. 75 Yards -- 1, Margaret Payrie; 2, Kay Ward; 3, Betty Marentette. . (Continued in next issue)' WANTED TO RENT -- Bungalow, •, 6/7 rooms. List your property with us. I Pronipt courteous attention. H. -A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine. West ---546;--:-- •-------------------------: -- ■- - Crossley. mantel model. What of fers ? Phone West 757-Lrl. HOW I S i ^ I S FOR A BUY -- 2'/2 Acres close in, about one-half clear ed witji some improvements. Clear title for immediate sale. Full price $ 1750. West«225. ..G. J. Archer Ltd. FREE -- Baseball tickets with every ..Princess packet bought from the Hollybum Dairy. Have you tried -- our--delicious ,-Par-Vay- ice.-cream_on_ fresh fruits. Cheaper than whipped cream and much nicer. Free delivery Phone West 617. Ipllffip ■S-/ -i Vi-v 'U' After July 1st, residents living West of 20th Street; and re- i]uiring seTvice are requested lo phdrid:-^ P. B. CHRISTIE....1..,:......... West 273 Those l̂iving East of 20 Street and requiring service are re- t*uested to phone:-- ' , ' . ------^ W e s t - 1 8 7 ^ I L --------- --̂ f l l t M 'l ■ 1 1 * ' i/M i i i 1516 M arine l a c k s West 710 ^WEDDING ^ CHESTERFIELD SDITESSALE OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, STOOLS, CUSHIONS ^Furniture Re-covered and Repaired, • Loose Covers ' CARD OF THANKS -We-wish-to-extend our heartfelt- pathy and-beautiful floral offering leceiyed from,pur many friends in .Vancouver and 'West Vancouver during our sad bereavement in the death of, our dear husband and father; James Duckworth; especial ly the 29th Batt. Association of which he was a member. Also' the Army and Navy Veter ans,^North V^ancou the^.Canadi- Ciinadian Legion W.A,, . West Van couver; Reeve and Council, West Vancouver; Municipal Hall staff; Waterworks and Board of Works, West Vancouver;. L,O.L. No. 2990, West Vancouver; North Vancouver L.O.L.; West Vancouver L.O.B.A.; North yancouverw LiO.B.A,; Towns women's Guild and I.O.D.E.; British Pacific Propel ties- Ltd., Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Harron Bros. Ltd., Dr. Therrien and the nurses in North Van eou ver H os pita 1...... ■ :Vi,'.......... MARGARITA DUCKWORTH; __ :T-:and ~Famity.~ m̂rtSrih f -"u i * ' 'iiiii#iAA:^SA L RACQITEI'S BALLS RESTRINGS We can fill your tennis requirements a t the lowest city prices. H We invite you to and inspect our stock at . ^ONES - Bicycles ** Sporting Goods ^ 1439 Marine Drive FOR SALE -T-r Mantel RddiOj portable phonograph, - typewriter, • electric buffer, fan, blow-torch, gladstone bag. 1339 Marine Drive. ^ FOR RENT -- 7. room modem house, waterfront.... Apply, 2216 Bellevue. Phone W est'12&-L. - FOR, SALE ' Piano, in good condi tion; good tone. "West 724. . with orivate and gentled ----------- West 42-R-2. WAN^EDr^General housework, "sleep j in. Phone Wgst 575-R. FURNISHED BUNGALO^y -- Job- and August, 2341 Marine Drive- Phone., West 666-E.' ______ _ MISS PRENTICE, R.N., will be plead ed to accept private, nursing. 2665 Marine Drive. West 852-L. West Vancouver AUCTION LOANS , , We have funds available either foT Homre building or Business Blocks. If you contemplate building, come and see us for Lots and Loans, --Mrr--Sheasgreen, 'Pj--G~Gibbens-" . ,^Co*-Ltd., 1474 Marine Drive. West 704. ' 3094 Procter Avenue (1 block south of Marine D r \ a t 31st) ̂ on SATORDAY Next, 1:30 p.m. . By order of Owner./'- ,*arge Turkish Rug, 13' x I J , in choice coloring, predominent red and blue with green; Choice 3- piece Chesterfield Suite in old gold' conventional tapestry with covers; occasicfnal chairs; yueen Anne Buffet ar>fi nirtin.* -FOR SALE -- Cheap, genUs bicycle, fii"st rate .condition. Phone W0, 326-R. 'private 1 Buffet and Dining Table ROOM AND BOARD with . ' family for two weeks, near beacn a'nd ferry. Phone West 640-R- TRAILER FOR SALE -- With Wa*l I 'Tent. -Spring B ^ s and Felt Mat- f tresses, folding, very compact, no J much used; eomplete $35.00, cos $200. West'266-X. Book Your Passage to th e Old C ountry Through ;Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Pull particulars, sailings and accommodation. • i t / i i i J . T , .W A T T , 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 hardwood nook- checker, top; .solid oak and' kather Lounge; Lamps; solid mahog any double Table Desk; 12 vols 'Kmes History Gmat War and o t h e r 'b S ? -̂*̂ >"ac_china. utenl sils, % bed outfit, passage lino,- etc. ®̂ sieoW M attbews ^ AUCTIONEERS & VALUATORS enamel, in good" shape, just fiv® years old, $^,00. West 266-X-___ SUITE TO RENT -- or board and lodging.-^ Phone; West 288-R. ^ GENERAL HELP WANTED -- See Mary Bums, between 9 to 10 a.m- MondajF. - _____ C. JORDAN - I F irs t for Wind^ __^Imdes and Awnings, Small dovpn. payment; easy terms. W. V. Phone SeyV 2977 529 pander St. & ' Awning , Supply. Phone West A •