---J. IMHII -.i-HW. ilMM 4"̂ #V-fj wu»- #.W4"<. jt̂;K̂,̂>r «0J«̂>1(W •'.-.'iU{-«̂ ■ BCIIOOI, BAND WJV. £ A R ilE N ^ P A R m WEDNESDAV, JUNE 29th. at 2:30 p.ni. in th r g r o u i td s p^ W*** J ^ « d JM tr8 ,J l]a y f ie I4a A«. ..9 "• *»«««» at 20th and Iiuflewood. k a:A.0;*!'5*fSI* „,l.pa::fUP̂ i«*̂ ngr, .llonta Cooking, -TCandy >nd Ice Cream, GiKn Tour.' M K w a ^ a . i a « a a i t i a Proceeds for Hand*a muaical future. Mr. and MrsrBowIes ai^ hav ing a new- house built at 19th and Duchess Avenue. Pitoiie West 601 JT^........ . HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B.C. 1678 Marine Drive IPhone West 60l jlOSlKiiY, "GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDERWEAR ETC VANCOUVER MAID and TILLH3 FROCKS J ' .............. Arrow Shirts; Sox and Ties Mary BURNS, MonngeresB. FOR THE GENTLEMhjJN Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Creaghan and fan^ny of Monti*eal, have rented the Tipton house at 2384 Haywood Avenue, and moved in """"T̂ lfr. and"MfiirGEaHii'WrStev enson of 1919 Bellevue Avenue, are spending a. few days holiday at Springfield Ranch, north of Kamloops, B.C. In our issue last Week the Eradus-Black iiuptials were stat- Stratton's BAKERY JGRbuf l̂ llGEJEi'-'ilî QKMnR JLIrMb...... ' iUIJULXbiiinll ̂ "'".' FRESH DAILY Ton vnriottoB to suit every taste Meat PieB ^ Cookiea liiccles Cakes -- Paatries ,, Buns and Rolls Saturday. They expect to be . ed us having taken place at St. here for the summer. a a a Mrs. Provincial and family, Mrs. Angus McAllister enter- aiid Inglewood Avenue, tained informallv at dinner o.i12tli and ingiewood Avenue, tained informally at dinner on liavc loft |or Buccaneer Bay, Wednesday of last week at her H.C. home in Caulfeild. aa.A S u g g e s tio n for., TONIGHT'S DINNER I 'R d T y Oinelet Filled with Afushtooina: ̂ Buttored New Peas anti Cattols Bed Pepper Jam "" Crusty Holl$ Vanilla Ice Cream with Hot ithubarb and Strawberry ^'oppinff, ' ' ■ .• Mojjee "■ ■■ '- r ; o n eDIRECTIONS'! Cook the peas, carrots and rhiiharb a t i time, in a set of three-cornered pans. AtChe'same tim e, saute the fresh mushrooms in a little hot huttor, using the other clem ent. Remove and cook the omelet. Qni(*kly reheat.the m ushroom s while transferring the yogetahles to their dishes. .Spread th e hot mushroom m ixture on Iho surface of the om elet and fold. Serve garnished with, parsley. Make the cogee While first course is on the tahlc. To make th e ho t rhubarb and strawberry topping, cook together till tender one box of strawberries, half a pound of rhubarb and three-quarters of a cup of sugay mixed ■ with two .level teaspoons, of cornstarch. ■' - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Du Moulin have taken the Caulfeild home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron for July and August. .. '■ * ' * Jack Stratton ef Alberni was in West Vancouver this wedk for his brother's wedding, which took place on Tuesday m Van couver. ,1 . ' ■ ' t'" - ♦ ' Mrs. D. M. Smith has returned to her home at 2031 Esquimalt Avenue," fromi Englewood, B.C. ' School-Trustee and Mr.s. 11. G. Barker and son, 3033- Marine Drive, left*on Monday for a trip ' to the British Isles. On Friday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. a "Cup of Tea," will be served Free to, All at the Holly- burn Gift Shop. Dr. Frank, E. Dorchester the Dorchester Phillip's Church, Kerrisdule. This should have rend St. Phil lip's Church, Dunbar. H. A. Roberts Ltd. have moved into a separate office at 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 546, '1*1 ■■ . ■■■'V. t ■ B Don Stewart has returned from the North Vancouver Gen eral Hospital, where he under-" went an operation, and is con valescing at his home, 1297 Gordon Avenue. Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive J 'hone West 27 l»AUIJNE JOHNSON PI)I>1LS HOLD PICNIC AT BOUNDARY BAY Institute Ip.stead of the usual closing exercises the graduating c tos of Pauline Johnson School decid ed to hold a picnic. Leaving.;the school grounds shoi'tly after 0 o'clock last Saturday in Jimihie Thomson's transfer the forty- •. two pupils of Grade 6 journeyed In Boundary Bay where a most nf enjoyable .picnic was held. Ar- 3- Hollyburii Theatre fllURSDAY, FRIDAY nml SATURDAY MATINEE <lum' 2ilh uml 25lh . VUrrOR McLAGLKN "The Magnificent ' Brute" uIho bAUREL HARDY "BOnUNKS" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY •luno 25tli and 27lli Nature "Dure, and Physical Edu- rlvijig at the American summer cation, has been designated an . piesort in time for lunch vbry official delegate of the congress lovely tables were spread and all' acting .on a program of Health enjoyed a hearty, meal. Welfare Education during the ^The afternoon was spent play- period of the New York World's ing baseball and other games bn Pair, under the auspices of the the . sand, swimming and roller WtHtRAi 'Drr~Borchester~was;---skating on the new butdbpr rink'r the recipient of the annual honor After another wonderful spread award of the Women's Health and an hour's play in the even- Federatibm of America in 1934, j^g all were again loaded into the-first-time-their--award--had- A peachy omelet 'with three Vegetables, 'plus a smooth dessert and coJTee can all be done ori a cool electric hotplate I Yours for only $3.95 or easy terms oa your electric service bill, this ,handy little tim'e-sdver plugs in At any convenience outlet and --makesl-;AhoctT--sweet--work--Af--8 um'mei-- ever been conferred outside of the UwS! The Federation i's ~an endowed body of half a million woinen of the United States int-> erested in health welfare actiy- -lH[tiesr^Dyr>Dorchester-has"been- invited to become a-guest of-the Federation during this period. Physical Culture magazine reo- the-truek-and-the-returnjburney_. commenced, arriving in West. Vancouver about. 10 p.m,. Miss Hainpson and Mr. Coii- don accoihpanied.thejchil-drenjn the truck, leading' community singin'g~anll"rgamesf-=while--dV[F7- and,; Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Condon, WARNER BAXTER JOAN BENNETT " Vogues of 1938'̂ (Entirely in Teohnieolor) NEWS, (.'ARTOONS, Ete, TUESDAY niul WEDNESDAY .lime 2Htii ami 25M.lr . I^IANCHOT TONE BETWEEN TWO WOMEN" ' -(C)nce orjly a t 8:15) a lso . "YOU CAN'T BEAT LOVE" M r.^nd-M rs. Mitchell and Mr. and"Mrs7 Kemp"maiieii;he trip by oar. AH',helped in making thb^ cooking. iSwitch how to a 'cool kitchen! B. C. Electric stores. - ' ently dealt with-the activities of the Federation. He may also at- ^ g^ia one for the. young- tend-^the-|oi^4leeming^enveHt-ieH sters:------------'--------------------- - of Xaw Enforcement .Officers of ' Uanada, United States, and Mex- .ico, as a registered delegate, and * a member of the ,.West Vancou ver Police Commission. YOUNGER TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The Younger To-wnswomen's ha^ve-iFeommimced-HrbehY- ~ Stra,tton -- Lamb -- , sunfmer activities with lessons The "marriage of Dorothy - in ,archery given by Chief Mat- Margaret, daughter of Mr. T. A. thias at Capilano. Those inter- Lamb,-'and- Mrr--William Strata--ested-who are not already-ih- the West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 -ton, eldest son of Mr. "and Mrs. J. M. Stratton,. 1468 Marine Driven West Vancouver, was . solemnized by-the Rev. G. Harri-' son Villett, in Harmony ;Hall on Tues^day evening, June -21st, a t 8:30 o'clock. The bride, given in . marriage by hef father, was, a t tired *in a gown„ol.daffb4iLjchif-- classes can receive information from Miss Bessie Lomas, 25th and Ottawa Avenue. W est Van S ta tioners -7- ;" ^ a n 'd D ip ra ry ....... Next to Royal Bank, West 687 LIBRARY . GIFTS - IK)OKS sunglasses "HVhx Paf)er, -- Picnic Supplies ■Doilies", Napkins, Confetti,. Weekiing Cake Boxes, WEDDING & SHOWER CARDS Gift Wrappings. SPECIAL- -Library Discards -20c to 35c each bocap-Post \Jaj'd views, Pla.yjynĝ Cards, Etc,, Etc-. Try th^ . WESDVAN.STATLONERS- City Prices ' No r t h 'Sh o r e l o c a l COUNCIL OF WOMEN The regular meeting of • the Shqre Local Coimcil will, WE SELL -- Modern Home Rolled Rib 25c lb. Cross-Rib 20c lb. Rump Roast 22c lb. Short Ribs 12c lb Pot Roast ISclb. Rolled BUTTER First Grade 3 "ll)sr84c^ Sbamrock Bacon Empires Finest l̂ilb. packets ^ch-26c bO ast 1 lb ca rto n s 2 lbs. 25c Loin Pork - 28c jb. Butts"PorIr ...... ........ man roses and sweet peas. The - me.mbers i^re requested to bridesmaids, Miss Grace Duncan" attend as.'a report on the«Nation- ^ n d Miss Jean-Glendinning, wore. Convention will be read, pale blue and carried, bouquets " This will be theJast meeting of pink carnations ̂ and sweet until September, ' peas. The groom was aittended ---------- by his. brother, Mr. Jack 'Strat- ■ Highbrow: "You are a pauper." ■ 46n-of2Por4-A-lbeHlVBr-G;^Bur=------Low-br.ow. -̂ -̂u r̂ah^^H-it-a-boy-ol^ ...... m i .......................... Radio Service B r o w n a M u n t o n .. 1542 MARINE-DRIVE WEST 366 Members Associaterl Kuclio TeohnIolanH of U.O, 22<rlb. -When-a-gtrl-get-H-her-face-l ifted-«he Shoulder Lamb ̂ 23c Ib BreastLamb - "-ISclbr ing thPsigning of, the register ■ Miss Winnie Thorne sang. A reception^ following during which the bride cut- the four-, tier wedding cake ̂ A toast„ to the bride was given, by Mr. James Reid, to which the groom replied. On leaving later^ ̂for ' Vernon the bride wore a navy blue ensemble with matching accessories _and a corsage of _orchids._On theinreturn Mr. and fl/T ■ (c il. L i . i l l ' • i A A -e a g irl?" usually gets herjiacc* lifted.also. Roast Veal I6c Ib. Bellevue'Avenue, West Vancj^u- ver. ROLLER SKATING EVJi:RYlNITE WEEK DAYS: 8 to 10;.30, . SATURDAY MATINEP]; 2:30 to 4:30 -- 15c. - ALL NITE SESSIONS: 2 5 c . S A T U R D A Y NITF (T.st .session) 8 -- 10 ; (2nd ses.sion) 10 -- 12 It's Healthful. It's Fun. Special Thursday Matinee; 2:30 to 4:30 '--r Ladies Only. EXPERT Veal^tew W atch and Clock ' REPAIRING" _T. c h r is t e n s Gn (formerly w ith 'B irks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Mal îne Drire ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY of the Women's Association of the United Church at - th e home of Mr. and Mrs."Chilton, I.5th and Inglewood , on. TUESDAY AFTERNOON (28th Instant) a t 2:.30 I\M.■ " ' ey. o Sale of. Home Cooking Admission 2,5c 7