BAI*TIST CHURCff Mintot«r . jE3 1̂1 ' ' j>yowiwiMljr isni^TPpwp 11:16 ».m.. 7:16 p.m. . Sun<tay School and OIbU CUumi ■I6"a;mr ■ Ittrr'-Wrli;- McKay, ■̂= 5î!̂ c- 1<c' 4, j> •-'r̂l -s«,„ * ##Jf « ̂v- I ffl-̂ V. (rf « *t. ̂ V ̂ ̂ l4 * v̂T 'f'J" «».'.A»-/>v',->ai . îi.t'v̂'f-j i-^ f-t ■̂1 1 >/fp«Nfaj in ■•« »(j(i,i Sumlty ScrTieca 10:00 «.m.--^burcb School in- Strartfcri A Vialtora Welcome. clpdl^y""Adpllf Iŵleee. 11 & 7:30 p.m.--Preaching Servieea. A hearty welcome to all Fmaturing "Warm Milk'* Manicures HOLLYBDRlf HALL Hth and Duebeaa WEST VANCOUVEB Christiao Sdeace Society * KDIFICE AS-', -fltte 20th and Baqaimalt. UoUybMrn Tbii Society is'a Branch of, The Mother Church Toe Piret Church pf ChrUt. Sefentiat. in Boston, Maaaacbuaetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. S u n d a y , Ju n e 26th, Quality Furnishiaipi for lien~AT.-cnywmces r-̂5 «■ ̂ ■m * MFN'S AND YOUNG MKN'S SUITS, hand tailored,to your individui ineasure. Two larjri' nuijfes o f samples to choose from. Writes I aiiKc ............... McLEQD'S MENS WEAR ....... .............. . $26.00 to $4U.Oo 1412 marine drive WEST VANCOUVER NOo NOT THERE! f ii Arc"you nshutned of your iuuuJs? Wiiy not try our treut- tm*nt rrmuicun*. cHpj'cially dc- Higncd for brittle, cracking, or |ic<')ing nails and rugged culidc. We know the results \yould he pleaHing. ('reulora Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe ra of Exclusive Perntu SUNDAY. June 26th, at 10 a.m. Sunday .School and Young People's Bible Class, SUNDAY EVENING a t 7;.30 GOSPEL .SEHVICE MIL IIAHOUD .SUMMP:US Subject: CHRISTIAN SCIKNCE" atieiilH, 1540 Marino Drive West 117 Holl{Kl>urn / Biisiness College 'Mill and Marine Drive DAY and lOVKNING CLASSE.S Individuirl' Atleiitiuii PHONIC WEST 311 . TUESDAY a t .8 p .m . Prayer and Bible Study. .Subject: •'The 'I'uhernucle of WitntHUH" Speaker; ' DIt. HltYSON Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16> The public la cordially in vited to attend our aervicea and meetings. The lawn and the paths and the basement floor are not the plmi-s for Sawdust and Jack Knill has been very pleased to hear the co.n- nliments from many customers on the cleanly way m which his bovs deliver to his cu.stomers. Make your arrangem ents now to tulu- advantage of summer j>rice.s $3.00 bulk; $J.60 caVned In sacks to your busement. ■ k m ill*s KUiaLS ' Z T SAWDUST -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West 'Vancouver Office; 1528 Marine Drive. Phono West 7!M. ST . A N T H O N Y ^ O A T H O U C CHUItCH ..... Kev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. ■ ..",,,; ■ PjaHtor ;'■ / -Low-Maas"---"^8Tl 5-u.~nii-------- -̂------ Rev. HIIMh Wright, Minister High and S<'nnori -- 10:15 -------- a.m. •rii(i Jtov. W illiam S to l l o f S t. Ko.sary and Bern,'diction 7:45 Andrew's Church, N orth i Van- ' p.m. UNITED CHURCH -21 .s t~a nd~ Es(i u i mal t_A ve. Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFORd e p e n d a b l e DAVe ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones ,-- West f391-L or North 1310 H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S ISjlO. Marine I' Drive I'ilONE WEST 5H3 MISS I). II. HORIE coiiver; will preach in the morn- Catechism and Bible iriK and the mini.sler in the p.m.-, eveiiing, ' . , Week-day Services . S unday Services at 11:15 a.m. Mass--- 7:00 a,m. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School and Senior lioy.s' Bible Class at 10 a.m. D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST tiny Block, 14jth and Marine Dr. Onice-Hours 9 to 6 p. m. EvenIngB by appointment. ---- Phone AVeBt.72 , BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Fridtiys---Rosary,' Beiiediction 7:46. , . , Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.. ST. STJBPHEN'S CHURCH (Anglican): ; 22nd and Fulton i DILMcRAF> D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building llourH: !> to 0 -- Evenings by at>paintment. -I860 -MariiiO:±DjiLve-,--W est-432- ('o)itinuing the .ser-ids on the "Lord'S'r'Prayer, the pastor will 4;.spcak, On the subject, Sunday morning, "Our Daily Bread." - There will- also .be a -story-for- the boys and girls. The evening subject.will be "The Lost Book." The choir will leatC in the wor- " Sh i )T ljl'^"n;g~b'oth" niW evening. _ • , The Church School will be held -at 1̂0 a.m. There are classes for eyery age, taught by faithful teaehera. ». , 1 ___ _______ ^F e-- m i d-=week--^meeting---for R. P. B low er & Co., Ltd. 1405 Marine Drive Phones West 21 or West 2 0 4 X Notary Public - Real Estate, Insurance, F inanci^ Brokers "This Week's Special" 6 room s, m odern, large lo t, cen tra l $1,500.00 SOLE AGENTS Sunday, June 26th. 8:00 a.m.---Hply Commufiioni 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. _7-d5^j)jm.-^Evensong--and Ser mon. PACK S,t. Francis-in-lhe-Wood, - The first annual Wolf Cub , Caulfeild sports day will be held at Irwin -9-:45':^a;m:=^-Holr Communionr~-park'^toiT24tlrStreet7i>ne"block up' from Mayine)" Saturday, June .25th, at 2 :30 ;p.m: sharp! A! good pro^am h aa : h^en ar ranged ' and ribbons will be "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will awarded the winners.. !, The For Quick Action list your p roperty J n th is office CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST -be--the--subject--of--the- -Lesson-- Ladies^-Gommittee^of-therGroups- :S3f "TSstabli8]lied on North Shore 25 Years- . (Ladjr A ssistan t)' HARRON BROS. LTD. jfuiircallttectars Hollyburn FuneraLJIomc l'Sth""and~Marmo ̂ West 134 North Vancouver Parlors t^^ATust SixTlT'S'treet Phono Korth 134, Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 prayer and praise^will be held on Sermon in all Churches of Christ are putting on a bun feed aft6r- Wednesday .at 7:45 p.m. , Scientist, on Sunday. , wards so" the pack are ask"ed to --=-̂--^ ^ ---- "" The. Golden Text is: "The bring cups. ■ . W. C. T. tJ. rails,omed of the Lord shall re- Mr. Parkes will unfortunately turn, and come to ^ion with be absent. on̂ business in Vic- The annnaL meeting,., of̂ .the songs _an.d_evfiHjasting. joy..jup.Q^-- tor̂ iaT-- 4he--!4=emami-n-g-^ 1 Yi.. ...; -X I7 r'p T T,. 4* n.Ckl.'ir* Vt r lo • 4-Vvrv-...̂ 11 r r r . 1 . :• i ' - i*i • • ' ̂ i' ■••nWest Vancouver 'W.G,T.U; was their heads: they shall obtain Wolves and £heir. helpers will', held at the home of Miss I. JOY and gladness, and sorrow carry on. ' Philip. 2303 Bellevue Avenue, on and ^sighing shall flee away." Thursday afternoonv June 16th. (Isaiah 35: TO). The president, Mrs._ Richardson, Among the citations which -Occupied--thb-Tjhalr.--Mrs.JRA4sh-- CQmprise,-th e-Lesson-=-Sermon-4e For WV orkof- Qyality Wo spoeializc in. fine, grey and white hair. 1562 . Marine Drive Phone W, 212 led the devotiobal period by the following from • the Bible: reading the 13th chapter of 1st "Then He. called His twelve .di's- Corinthians. . ciples Together, and gave them Honoring the late Mrs. George povver and authority over all Baldwin,"the members stood in -devils, and-to"cure diseasesrAnd !75iilence-for a-moment, then Mrs.- He sent them to preach the Beamer led in prayer. Mrs. kingdom of God, and to heaf the Baldwin was the correspondjng sick." (Luke 9: 1, 2 ). secretary of this, society and a The Lesson - Sermon alsr> in- valued-^member. , . ' dudes the 'following passage WECIAL FOR -Friday &~Saturday Fresh F illets, 2 lbs. 25c Nex t_ M onday & Tue^. Sole, 10c a lb. Marine Fish Market ___ ^JVest 7221429 Marine Dr.' PROMPT FREE DELIVERY ■rhe annual reports were read from the Christian Science text, from the various\depar.tmentg^, book, "Science and Health with arrangements by 'Toiii^istance If you are planning to go away from home for your '"holidays', it may; be advis- able to call in advance by long-distance telephone. There--willv--Iikely^Jtie_a_■mnumber of things that you wish to fludr-outan^^^v^noe^ THE HARDAVAREMAN SAYS: Hose -r-. TJie kind you£wf^ t̂he--gardiar'\VithT .̂rt» t̂K^*5K Builders & C on tracto rs Homos of Distinction. . .\ltofatlons R.«̂ >paiv.s--- Ite-Roofing 825 " 22mi Street to th^Lg.C. Temperance Let^ie twilling to part with pain than and the Provincial" budget. are sinners to give up the sinful, Mrs. J.̂ McPherson, a provinci- so-called pleasiire of the senses." ' al'officer, occupied the chair for £__::___ ....... ......... „/ ___ I he ̂ election -uL-eff-ieers-- Foi^the ,g;?7trTO{a»«»ea..t i.t,. look it oye.r when .you are down town. CRAWLEY & b a r k e r In one telephone conversa tion you can ask questions, receive replies, and, if you . wish, make res.ervatiqnsi::. A long-distance call first may; prevent „ disappoint ment later. m -- L-- m miim ■ i i i * feiSgiis WEST VAN M essenger Service -iauaG4T17-BAGliA(?Er-Etc; lM CKEirUP"ahd DELIVERED Daily Ferry Service 1'honc West 700 Phone-U.S for ____ ' I'rjhhpt City Delivery ensuing year, those elected-beiiTg as follows.: President: Mrs. Richardson; T-st"Vic€-President':-Mrs7-Beamei' - 2nd Vice President: Mrs. Mer rick; Recording Sec.: Miss I. Philip.;, Corresponding Sec.: Mrs. Hib- 7* THE W e st VM l N e w s Tierd; Treasurer: Mrs. Chapman; _Evangelistic Superintendent: Mrs. Herron; Sick Visiting; Miss Stokes; Y. Superintendent: Mi\s. Faulk- a 6 l^ihlished-Every Thur^sdayi *al%H ̂ Bor; Press"&"STT.T.~: Mrs." Chapmanr - The~ members' paid special iip i.*5gW®5 , Ififc :* <r i *■ %? : Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive ^ Phone West 55 '̂VIvjifl* North Vancouver Office; , 123 Lonsdale A rt. tribute to Mrs, Richai-dson, the president, for the spletrdid work done in the union during the-past yehr. Refreshments were ser ved frorri a daintily appointed table by the hostess, Miss I. Philip, assisted by Mrs. Rush iind Miss C. Philip. ^ M r . " and - Mrs. ̂ Phillips have $i.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year moved from Caulfeild tb the by mail city. ' , « "f?4f "Pself a pass to the Hollyburn Theatre to see E^FPRANt <»iTeetIy and win for your-ELEPHANT BOY" on June 30. and July ,1st. _ i S H l i