West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Jun 1938, p. 2

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W EST VAN UNITED CHUEC0 K«r. HUIIt WHflit. lffnict«r. . Sun4i«y SerrlcM 11:1& *.m.» 7:16 p.m. Sundâ y School and BU>1» d ata Strangers A , Viiltora Wtleomt. T' I '. , . . Featuring "Warm Milk' Manicures BAPTIST CHUBCH Miftlatar M n .M * lU JIDa Sunday Serricaa 10:00 a.ro.--Church School in­ cluding Adult Claaa '1 ri'.tarA ■"iTiSO' Bcrricea. A hearty, welcome to all 99 An* you ahhujik'd of your I i m i h I h ? Why not try our treat- rm*nt manicun* cNiH'dally dc- Hiifncd for brittle, cracking, or lu'cling riailH and rugged cutide. We know the resulU would he plcuHing, i'i Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe <N'■ *t rI -» i .('reatora of Excliialvc Permanenta, 1646 Murine Drive Wc«t 117 llo llyb u rn Businesti College 1*1 l i r and " Marine* ri rive ' IMV and lOVKNINCJ Cl'.ASSES Individual Attention l*irONK WEST .'HI HOLLYBURlf HiLL 14th and Duchoaa SUNDAY,dune' 19th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People'a Bible CIobh SUNDAY BVENlNCi a1 7:30 , GOSPEL SERVICE , Speaker: MR. JOHN REID TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. "The 'ruliermicle of WltneaH'* Speaker: DR. BRYSON WE^T VANCOUVER ChruSaa Science Society ¥ ' ,'1 C m m ^ B EDIFICE '■'tfii'tirimd' fcmlmaJC'Hdllyhttrir Thia Society 1« a Branch of Tho Mother Church Tfio Firal Church of Chriat, Sciontiat, in Boaton, Maaaachuaetta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 19th, Subject: **I8 the Universe, IndudinK Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" HORTICUl*?URAL S O C t m V • ' . FLORAE. F fSISV A t INGLEWOOD. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM SatttrdteyirJ«iie"T8tli I 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. MuttUal selections during afternoon and evening. Presentation of prizes by Mrs. J. B. Leyland at 8:30 p.m. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Toatimbny Meeting Wedneiday at 8:16 p.m. Tho public, is cordially in­ vited to attend our aervicea and m eeting!. _____ lember Fathers* Day Sunday, June 1 9 tli. . TIES for Dad....... at 50c to $1.00; SOCKS for Dad.... SHIRTS for' Dud at ...................... ........ ........ .......................... .. at 35c to $1.00 $1.05 and $2.0() McLEOD'S MENS WEAR ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOWC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave.̂ Rev. W, J. Millay, O.Pr.em., ------ :--------------- -----^ -ty:.. ^Pastor■ ̂ 's, , ' ■ . UNITED CHURCH ̂ Sunday Services . -21si and E/jQuimalt A v e . Low Mass --„8:15 a.'m;. Rev. Hillis »Vright, Minister^ High Mass and Sermon 1 0 j15 /In ^ \\ . ]» HOLLYBURN D RESSM A K ERS 1890 Murine Drive «s ■ IJi ■ PHONE WEST 583 MISS D. H. HORip D R . G. d : H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, Nth and Murine Ur: Oflico Houru 9 to 6 p.m. Eveninga by appointment; Phone West 72 . 'I'hc iicv. William. Stott of. St. Amlfew's Church, North Van­ couver, will preach in tho morn­ ing and tho mini.stor in the i'voning. ■ Sunday Servicos at 11 ;15 a.m. and 7 :15 p.m, Sunday School and Senior Hoys' Biblo Class a t 10 a.m. The regular monthly mcoting of tho W.M.S. of tho United ('hurch will bo hold in th e . Church Hall on Tuesday, the 21.st instant. The social tcja hav- iiig boon postponed unt'fl' tho- autumn session the .ladies are a.sked to leave their donations to the Hospital Shower .at ■ the ■ a.m. "■ ■ ■ ■;■■■ ̂ .■ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 ;45 " p .m ., Catechism and Bible CIassT-2:00 p.m. . Week-day Services Mass I-- 7 :00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays. -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. ' ...................... ....... • ......... ^ .......... ............ ONLY A GRASSHOPPER would forget the winter months because the summer sun is shining and Knill is not a grasshopper. He suggests that it would be smart fo r those who have sawdust storage space, to fill it NOW with top. grad© sawdust at tho prevailing low price. Remember Knill and only Knill has King Mill lOO'/o fir^iawdust. * Please phone now! ' Bulk $8.00 Sacked $3.50 w E s j ' : k n i l l ' s ....f u e l s ' 7 .... ....... SAWDUST WOQD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West vViricouver Ohfice; 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 704, ^ u r r a i t l L a u n d ry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFORDEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones -- West 691-L or North 1310 * BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. ,' Dr. J. W. Litch of the Kerrig dale Baptist Church, Vancouverf 'will occupy the pulpit Sunday homes, of Mrs. Ji Reid,- Mrs. evening. He and the pastor'will V O 'Donnell, or Mrs: Herrin. Miss exchange, DR. McRAE „ * ^ i | r ̂ ■ D E N T I S T - ■ l i t '■■ V • ■'h '; --' tpUA.. -" formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building i |' " ■ '_^ IIoui'h: 9 to 0 -T- Evenings by appointment. , 1860 Mhrino Drive W est 432 ber to" bring their mite boxes, continue the series oh the Lord's 'The guest-speaker-'is-"to-be-Mrs.-- Prayer,-speaking-on-the subject^ Dbnald Ferris of China, and it "God's Will on Earth." The is ' hoped there w ill be a good choir, , under the leadership of FERGUSON'S MOVING and STORAGE • ■ ■ • .... ' '■ ■ ' J': - ' '■ ' ' ' " ^ Daily Freight to and from Vancouver Leave West Van. 8 a.m, and 3 p.in.; Leave Vancouver 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. PHONES:-- West 85; Douglas 429; North 1243-Y attendance. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Estnbiished oh North Shore 25 Ycara . (Lady A ssistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. J h i t e r a l - W m t a r k Ildllyburn Funeral Home l8th and Marine ' West, 434 North Vancouver.' * Parlors --1^2--West--Sixilt^treet-- Phone North 134 Vuncouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 22hd and Fulton B. S. Short, will render special music, both m^orning" and even­ ing. . . ^he^drarch^schooLundeiifcthe: Sunday, June , 19th, 1938. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.---Flower Service. superintendency of David Wil- linf>foh, will meet a t 10 o'clock. The prayer meeting is . held each Wednesday - at J :4 5 p;m. Strangers and visitooraC to our GAINES & BALDEN PAPERHANGING KAESOMINING PAINTING ROOF STAINING Free Estimates West 530 - SPRAY WORK Reasonable Rates 11:15 a.m.-TMatins and Sermon, community are cordially invited f t . 'v A Y Y l . . 4 r / ^ r \ ^ l l . • '•7 :l5 p.m.-r--Evensong and Ser- to all our services. . . mon. " ." S t , ' Fraricis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild 3:00 p.m!--Evensong and Ser- mon. „ G E N E R A L W O R K E R S ^ UNION ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING DEATH OF SERGEANT JAMES DUCKWORTH V ; ' ; . s , The French B eau ty Salon For 'W ork of Qj-iality We .specialize in fine, grey and white hair.- 1562 Marine Drive Phone W; 212 Sergeant James Duckworth,~ 24th and Ottawa Avenue, passed away Tuesday in his 60th year in the North Vancouver (^leneral Hospital. The deceased, who was born in Blackburn Witton, EnglapiL,^had been a resident of West Vancouver for eighteen Builders & C ontracto rs Homes of Distinction. Alterations Uepali'M . ' Rc-Roofint* ~ * 825 - 22nd Street 'tmA ■SA ^ I ' WEST VAN M essenger Service ^ FREIGHT, BAGGAGE, Etc. PICKED UP and DELIVERED Daily Ferry ■ Service Phone West 700 . Phone us for '■ Prompt City D elivery----- ■ V: '"- i. THE is m intendent for a number of years. He was a veteran of the South African "and Great Wars, serv­ ing as a sergeant in the 29th Battalion, C.E.F. ' Surviving him are his wife; ■ two daughters, Mrs. L, Speck, here, and Myrtle a t ..home; one -.,8011, James, a t home; six broth- .ers, 'W alter of Vancouver, Wil­ liam H,- of --Victoria, Ernest," A rthur and Edwai*d of St. „Thomas, Out., and Fi'ank in , England. The military funeral conducted by the 29th Battalion, C.E.F., was held a t 3 p.m. today from the Hollyburn B\meral.'-Home of-. HAVE YOU READ THESE MUCH TALKED OP BOOKS? (Keep, .this list fo r -reference) "THE MORTAL STORM; by Phyllis Bottom© "THE YEARLING" by Marjorie Rawliiigs, _fiTHE-SEVENTH SISTER by Freda, Lingstrom - "THIS PROUD HEART". by Pearl, Buck. "SECRET INFORMATION" by Robert, H ich en s., . "SWISS SONATA" " --------- by Gwethalyn. Graham. "THEY SEEK A COUNTRY" by Brett - Young. "GREAT ARGUMENT" in the^Legion Hall, THURSDAY, June 23rd, at 8 p.m. Speakers:--Mr: Charles SteWart, and others_____ of the Trade and Labor Council. -eO M ELA N D -D l^U SS YOURTTEDBLEMST "h y ^ ra r ice s^ a ^ Kevps: , „ Howard Spring. "THE DANGEROUS YEARS by Gilbert Frarikau. .. „ THE PRODIGAL" PARENTS" . by Sinclair Lewis, . "THE RAINS CAME^' by Louis Bfonifield. "THE LOST KING" ' by Sabatini. "HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE •AcfeN™"-^ ■M iv 'Kl ~ ^m iyourn runerai.-Home ofVV est V an News, . tlarron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. F; i> utt u ̂ A Ramsey and ..the Rev, C C ----- LL¥j»!*»='l Every Ihursd., - ^ wbii' offioiatirijr arid interment PuDUsner F. F. LOVEGROVE- Phone-West 363 "-r-was-hiade-i n-CapHanorV'iewLtenP eteiy. ' i J ; ; t ' - Bu.siness and Editorial'Office: 1704 'Marine Drive Phone \Vest 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. " ' r '(i. I, Ljjj . dshiy'iirK' ' - $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year .b y mail HE BKifltiHHIS 1393 Marine Drive P h on e'W w t 671 Tea Ciup Ri»dif% . P rofeu or Griffiths Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday 2^80 to 6:30 ̂ AT ACQUILLA'* Hervey Allen. "MADAME CURIE"" by Eve Curie. "THE SUMMING U P',' .(r , M a u g h a m . r e d s t a r o v e r O T N A " = by Snow. "HELL ON TCB" --------------- r by Ellsberg. "JO U R N .^ IS T 'S W IFE" - by Lilian Mowrer. "NEWS OF ENGLAND". Nichols. " ACROSS THE FRONTIERS" by Philip Gibbs. V etc., etc. JA _lilB R A R Y J)lSC A R D S 20c and 35c. eacR Gifts and Gift Wrappings, Greeting .and Playing Cards, Candles, Etc. W est Vaa 'S ^ tip n e rs N ^ to Royad Bank, Wost 687 Hours 9 oju . to 8 pm. Thux^ay: 9 .> m , to L p.m; Goal eyedglif is a ; pregions asset life... doi'i draip it by poor iigbt- at hofflO'?-^f-a"ebeek~today. t A r 1 ■ m M W ' ' 7 A .1 Send fo r the girl tn th th e S ighuSaving K it, Phone B,C, J ^ o tr ic ,. Seym our 5151 t ft »**-»•