West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Jun 1938, p. 6

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si!#gSilSI*iiSfigiiig®̂ ............. . ' t . i . - n n - w ^ . . > « ̂ ^ 1 ^ . , t, f t f l a »^ i «a »8 > ' ■#HM •MW iiiiwiwiil»il THE WEST VAN NEWS June 9 , 193H®̂B9!(SS9igjB( MEHRHfflbM IfQX I r-Cf V-*-̂ tf-p 4- «. Phone West 46 -^'ai RED A N D WHITE Phone W est 46>)-n,>»,̂ <<lUn<?-I?*'-. WEST VANCOIIVEH TOWNSWOMEN'S (JUlU) M eats-- Phone West 376 PHICKS GOOD for FRIDAY & SATUKDAy» June 10th & H th M E A T Sl(i*d At WhiU* All I'urpwR* FIX>Ult--7 Ik Hfuk, path ....................... 5*lc21 Ik Back, cad i ................. ||* 0 5 IP Ik Buck, fHfh 11.98 lltNl A VVliltp IIAKINi; I'OW DEK Savf llu- CoupoiiiHi 12 oz, tin 17c IMt'I'FKI) W HEAT--<iunktr.. pkt. 9c OIriM -- IktyM Mwten in on the Dirk Trufcy Itiidio I'roKram. |'M :M j a m -- Nabol) Dure 1 Ik liii ..................................... "Oc, BAI.MON 2 lall tina I7c SAUDINKB--('atUHliun.........'I Hiih 14c IMMINKS -- BwoH, Plump Banla C laraH Ji.................2 llw. 17c CIHHCO 1 0). tin 2.'tc IOhI .St WliiU- I'KA-- . ,, Try a Pound pMlay................ Ik 48c Bavo lilt* (loupouM for ViiluabU* I'miiiuniN, ; . Kid iti Wliiti* PEAS, Hifvi* r* 2 No, 2 liim 21f Kwl A: W liilf W HITE rO K N No, 2 (ill ......................... 19*5 l)d Mafz l'OKN N lH IjknB (in 18c ( KAHMEAT- ( oliimbia, '//h, (in 22c Kid A Whi(c HALVED PEACHES Hyual Till 17c iMONEV'S MUSHROOMS Per 111. .................................. 30c HREAST OF VEAL, per lb. 12c SHOULDER ROAST yEAL Per III......................... .............. 30c UNION COrrAGE ROLLS The West Vtuicouver Towiih- M'omen's Guild met Friday, June Ord' in the Clachan, Reports were given by Mr.'<. E. Nightin­ gale, Mrs. S. MacKay, Mrs. T. B. Tunier and Mr.s. A. T. Cushing. The Book Club will meet at the home of Mrs. .1. Bisset, .2309 Mathers, on June Kith, a t 2:30 p.rn. Mrs. A. Croniar Bruce ex­ tended an invitation from the Point Grey Townswomen's Guild to attend their recital in Kelly's Auditoriuni, C59 Granville St., ' Service L U h iB E R -- Q uality SASH & DOORS "SHINGKES PLYWOODS LATH THERl,rwvwt,*c.fj f>n a NO SUBSiW uS FOR QUAUTYi rr? ff Agents: PA IN T > BUILDERS* "<8t}pp;.|vc>~ ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. V̂ EST VANCOUVER LUMBER GO. LTD, 15th & Marine Drive Aone West H5 i,,_ 11̂ 28c on Monday, JuM(!. 27th, at 8:15' B-l'OtNT TEN oijR iz 'Ea J'̂ - M emters K Half or whole, |>er II)....... 38c the Toint Grey Guild on then SliOUi.DER i.AMB, Ib: . .. 24c GItADE "A" liOlUNG FOWL Per lb................ -....... 35c S.MOKEI) KH»PBREI) SALMON l>er 111..................... ......... .. 22c Cod ■-- Halibut --• Salmon Fresh Daily All M eatsTiie very finest outing on the North Shore dur­ ing the week of .June 13th, kind­ ly communicate ■ with Mrs. A. Croniar Bruce. ' C LA SSIFIED A D S The rate for Claaslfled Adrwtisem ents is 2 cents per word, inlnimui 5 cents. Except in the cose of Uiosc having regular accounts, all daNai25 cents. Except in uie case oi uiu»e imvuiK regular accounts, all clasa?! fleds are payable strictly In advance. ̂ , Remember Classifleda in the W est Van New* get immediate results. DEATH OF ANDREW M. STEWART GORDON, ROBSON -- . Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointmont, W est 4Q3. ........ SMALL BU SINESS FOR SAKE Box 82, W est Van News. IMK.V r PASTE-- ;{ (iiiH ....................... COKNED BEEF lIcdlundH, !4k > ...................... 2f>c 1 (in i:icNo, NORTH SHORK LOCAD COUNCIL OF W( Andrew Miller Stewart of Er­ win Drive, Cypre.s.s Pkrk, passed away Iasi Monday in hi.s 70th year. He leaves to mourn his pas.sing his wife, one daughter, M argaret; two sons, David and-. SUMMER G U E ST S^ Apply Mms B. J.' Campbell, "Sunlit Lodge, West Bay. West 379.^Y-2.________ ____ WANTED -- Room, and board near water; $30 per month; youmr imm Box 83, W est Van News. . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- ' try way. Guaranteed. Brick and • stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-Rr2. ____________ FOR SALE -- Simmons Waliiul S(ccl crib, complete, goot} comlition. - Plume -West 699-R.l.~ - . - .... -' - LOST -- Turquoise pin, probably on 14th Street. W est 210-Y. OMEN '"S c h o o l CliOSING d i s p l a y -- Robert in Hamilton, Ontario, 'I'liere will he a closing display and one . brother, Duncan, in FOR ALTERATIONS to your home try Western Woodworkers; W est 740, residence. W est 443-R.______ I r IK II 'rhe Norlli Shore Loqil Coun­ cil of Wonicui entertained the National (./ounc-il of Women fol­ lowing the business part of their 9 reguhir nusding (>n~rue.sday. uft- (.'riiooM, May Bl.sC Mrs. George ()., Spencer, Na-T.-.\vill tional Presid<nit, was t'he/'guest speaker, her chief aitn to have all wonum's associations alfiliated,,with counoil work. Mrs, Frederick Ktheringion, National Vice Ih-esident,' also gave a short talk 'Oti the Found­ ation Fund. ; North, Vancouver was repre- -j._.H'enl.ed hy (Commissioner George at West Vancouver High School on Wedne.sday,' June 15th. Vis­ itors will be received in the a.ft- enicon from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. and at n ig h t from 7:00 until JO p.m,' North Carolina. Funeral ser­ vices were held at 3 p.m. yester­ day from' the Holly burn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. F. A. Ram.sey otTiciating, and interment 'was made in C. JORDAN first for Window Shades, Venetian Blinds, 45c and 55c per sqyare foot. .Awnings at wdSOn- able prices. West Van, Blind & Awning Supply. Phono WesJ; 719; Res. Wnst 74-L-2. - WANTED -- By High School Girl, j)0sition a» mother's help, during summer months; capable, good character. ' Phone W est 314. FOR SALE -- Good WilliH Piano; ̂best cash offer. Phone West 29-1., The following departm ents ' Capilano View Cemetery. lealure d isp lays:--Home --------------------- . Kcoimmics, Shops, Art and-Com- h u il d in g PERMPrs .$42,700' nu-i'cial. - A fashion show has ______ been arranged but the parade 'J'he Municipal Hall last month will not s ta rt until, a signal has issued • 20 permiits totalling FOR FLY SCREENS, Cupboards, . ..Drawers, etc., try Westerh Wood workers, Wes(i 740; residence, West 443-R. ■■ ! LOST -- Baby's rattle, ivory ring ,, with silver bell,* "Baby" on bell; between 24th and Amblosido. Ŵest 508-R. , .soiiiuied to permit the opening $42,700 made up as follows: or llio oLulilpmim (loons. The Dwelling.s......... $41,3( varidus exhibits wall be set up 'i ^avnrror .. q< LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED' -- Cleaned, oiled, repaired, work guarr ' anteed. Shears, pruners, call Mack for delivery. W est 700. FOR R E N T -- 7 Roam Modern IImi.so, waterfront. Apply 2210 Belleviio! Phone W est 128-L. FOR SALE --> Nice carpet, 9' x 12', good condition, reasonable. Annlv ' 2433 Bellevue. in rooms on tlie basement and main lloors, which may be visit- ed Ix'fore and after The fashion 300 3 'Garages ...r...... 300 3 Alteration.s.....1,100 CATERPILLAR VvORK -- 15 years' experience; land clearing, blasting and excavations. Estim ates given. C. W. Magoun, West 603-Y. ------ FOR RENT -- 3 Room Cottage, mod­ ern, for June, $15.00; close to ferry and beach. 1357 Bellevue. ~r VanoK Mrs. Geoi'ge 0 . "Spencer paj'adi $i2,70JL -WA'NTED-=-CaTpentcr-workrrepairsK __ alterations,-roof-woi*k._JGrleed,-W.est_ JIDXIM.A.]NjD_JB-C>ARD ---• Waterfront;_1__ cut tlie birthday cako', donated by Mrs, F. Fatock and Mrs, A. Forsyth, in honor of the Fir.^t birthday, of the North Shore j -vocul Council. _____ - • honored All opportunity to inspect the lilirary. facilities will be provid­ ed and friend,s who wish to assist the .students in the mat- 112-R.' suitable for two business _pej;)i)le, ■Wesr79'7-Ja: BdATS FOR SALE CHEAP -- 1455 >- Esquimalt Ave., Phone W est' 179-X, J. Normand. This ig an increase ofc^lQ.TTO over May of last year, when the total stood a t $31,060, UP to is is i m e .siiK ieiiis in m e m a t- t v i / i / ^ n r i l o ^ i - 4-u ^ ^ -------------- r of getting library books may J'nr HANDY ANN SHOP - Marshall . FOR RENT .Ike a ca sh c o n tu o u u o n a t m e jg g g a m o u n te d to $2 0 2 ,7 3 7 . _ . turps, oils, £ i i 3i r n n e T l f i i n i r S -------- ..wdte. FOR SALE -- Chesterfield, bedroom suite, miscellaneous, like new.' West .783. .. „ , . ter m door 5 iiRoomed Furnished -prartnfent-near University or oy- change for waterfront cottage, July and August. Point Grey 247R1.guest.s along with .several mem­ bers of the council motored to Please accept this., notice as . ,nwTT,.xT̂ ,r ̂ x . . . W hyteclifl'Park and the British a cordial invitation from the LO&T-- Red and blue bead belt. CHIMNEY SWjEEPING-- Sawdust HAppy SAFE PLAY HOURS for" ........................... ■ - .............................................. W e sf3 0 -R . I- North 822. iw Pacing Ih'oporties in cars placed staff and students to all parents a t their-disposal by friends. All mnd residents of the Municipal- w<*ri>' -̂v('ry m u ch impress^^d hv i ty to be p r e se n t a t th is final . 'Beach,. 10:15 until 12:15; morning . sunshine; free activities; healthful the beautiful surroundings. dosing function. S; WESTiVANCOUVEK I'OWNSWOMEN'S GUILD VOCAL RECITAL By MRS. D.-L. GILLEN (nee IVY MILES) TOMORROW (Friday) _at._8,. PsOi,- a( tlu* lionu* of Mr.̂ .̂ F. C. Coleman^ 2008 Bellevue .-\venue. ' , .tdinl.ssion: 25 cents Proceeil.s in aid of the Oxygen Tent Fund. R.P. & Co. IL I- ; HOKITCULTUKAL SOCIETY CHKYSAN'rHEMUM CLUB LIMITED your garden" of pests; waterproof, killing effect, lasts six weeksv J. W. Parkinson, W est 286-R. 277-X. bus. Prom" Ambleside 10 o'clock WANTED -- Work by young married map, odd jobs, any kind. Barclay, W est-112-R.REAL ESTATE, ---- ^N SU R A N C E-and. FINANCIAL BROKERS Notary. Public 1405 Maiine Drive k_ West Vancouver Phones West 21 or 204-X Offers for Sale 6 Rooms, modern, stand­ ing.on a large cleared lot, , full price $17^0. _ _ -- = LADY will share home (modern) with two ladies or elderly married couple ry, B6X^G7AVestWaffiNTewH" OLD COUNTRY BRICK and STONE •, Masoni Cement worker. W est 653, - Geo. Zicker. l a w n m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d -- |Special machine; repairs, parts-- /West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 ^.prine. WANTED- -- Girl for housework; - sleep out. Box 81 W est Van News. FOR SALE---One Durant Four Cylin­ der 1931 Model Sedan in perfect running order; Price'$350 cash. To - be seen at 2047 Gordon Ave. A lso' one-Canmore Water Heater, $10; Some chickeiT* wire in forty foot lengths: MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam, Permanents; only- best m^erials used. Expert operators. Phone W est 304, Royal Bank Building. VAS^^ Chiropractor, Suite 4, Block. WANTED' -- We pay the highest • bottles, rags,'m etals, etc. ■- Cnll W est 91. Bufrard Junk Co. IN(iLKWOOI) SCHOOI), TUESDAY, Ju n oM th ; at 8 P.M. Roniembor the FLORAL F E ST IV A I/-- SATURDAY, .lUNE 18th. Sole Agents -- For quick -acjtion- lis t your~propertv in this office. vWEK^HAWE:^^n u m m ber^pf--pi aces^f or- . rent both '|urnish6d'̂ Tnid unfurnish­ ed. Lawson, Walker & Pride. MASON'S TAXI. -- Day and night; heated .car; passengers fu lly insured: W est 512. i l i Rockholm e Gardens o f V ictoria, B.C. Take idea.sure in unmiuncing tlio apiioiniment o f MR. J. W. PARKINSON, F.IKM.S., of 1393 20th Street,-..Hollyburn, as representative ■ fo'r tlie Greater \ 'nnoouver urea. This biing.s to your clo(Li!rStep our high stand­ ard of service in selecting ami growing th*o gem s of ATpine flora' (Signed) NORMAN RAUT, Manager, ~ ' Rockholmv Gardens, R.M.D. 3, Victoria, B.C. L O O K I SACRIFICE High Class residential cleared lot near Dundarave Pier at a bargain price. Diamond Realty;'West 719. GORDON ROBSON ^ Barrister & Solicrtdr, 510 W. H astings, Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. i l i i i ili® mm Sfipiil a isi - /■ A N N O U N C E M E N T ALL-WAVE CONSOLE AND MANTEL RADIOS Here--is- the lowest -- WE HAVE several'furnished houses • for summer months. Diamond Realty. West 719. Owiiig to (he increase in his business JOi: MURCH o f the- 3ESIDE MEAT'AtARKl PV-,® offered on Clearing slightly use^ demon-, out at strators and brand j. new all-wave radios. C > | O ^ 0 Some are 1938 models with automatic tun- ^ ing, etc. $3,000 -- Modem Bungalow; four large rooms; splendid basement witn-sawdust-burner; lot 112 xT.32* beautifully landscaped with clear . -IH^aing brook and maple shade small fruits and shrubbery. Diamond Realty, W est PAINTING & DECORATING -- H. Wedley, form erly with C. L. Kon- ings. Phone W est 122-Y. Esti­ mates free. J. .EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive;- Phone W est 21. or W est 553-R-l. A REAL REST for Tired Folks -- . Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street. W est 8B-L-2. easy ternis I 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 2 will open another store in the building formerly occupied by Jeft'erios M eat Markejt, next to the Hollyburn Theatre, on FRIDAY. JUNE lOth, (TOMORR<)W) Specializing in Fresh 3Ieats and Delicatessen - " SPECIAL; Reconditioned Console bedrym s, fu lly modern, large view locatinft Radios' $6.95 ■F.-11 . '^®^®"~'^®THt-ransportatioTrr full^ price,. $2600. Term s., _.C. j !. PiHNTING, Kalsomimng, Fencing, ^Gateways, Arbors; designs submit-, _ ted. Reasonable rates.--Phone West 763-L: , •_______ ______________ Archer Ltd., We'st'225: Buy and ,$ave on Forst's Easy terms \ ' This market is fitted with all the latest equipment and refrigeraiion. ' ' Forst-s Ltd. Oall^Your Local. Representative t h e c l a c h a n Two Stores -r- -Call West 3 or West 303 -- .F ree Delivery HUGH MacKAY Chicken Dinners W est 343 - Phones - North 525 25th and VVaterfiront 'Phone W est 604 WANTED Junk, Rags, BottIe,s, Furniturq, ,* M etals, etc. Highe.st prices paid; Call W est 91 and get the cash. , Burrard Junk Co. CAPABLE. GARDENER wants resi­ dent position, temporary or perm­ anent, o ld , or new property; no reasonable w age refused. Phone c)o" W est 286-R. EXPERIENCEJ) g a r d e n e r --Care of grounds, repairs, handy jnan; ■», town or country home. West 763-L Mr. Millan.