West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Jun 1938, p. 5

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'■̂-'f̂ ft sSsJrt̂-̂-e-c 3 MENTS s w im m U N K S*̂54̂ r.'ir, B.V.D. SWIM THUNKS in Blue, Maroon and Black shades ĵ ju'cial ■.................................................................... .................... .................. $2.25 I-IH' \ 'KW JANTZifiN SWIM TRUNKS, assorted colors in Zipper „ 1 , p s t y J e a , Brlcad a t^ . $2.95 ■ and $8.i)6.̂ .Brlcad at^. McLEOD'S MENS WEAR 1412 MARINE DRIVE WEST VANCOUVER JUST 'PLUG IN' FOR COOL QUICK COOKING A HOTPLATE OR RANGETTE IS ALL YOU NEED TO LOOK A F tE R LIGHT, SUMMER MEALS. I ' '■■ ,»i' 1 ■| ~ Dcrirno a ôlUorfrylntf bttcon'"'ttttd"6i){|P'6r nriy lifilit $ummor tnoal task. Is cool and ilmpln with on olootrlo hotplato. Sold on ihn caslr̂ it of terms. Doublo hotplotoi from ■"•r"* ' • \ - $ 3 . 9 5 ' $ 1 .9 5from................................ Even full.oours(h meals are handled..easily.by eno of these fast, : table-stylo rangettos. They plug In at any oonvonibnoe out­ let and are priced i from os ' Z l ... :..... $ 1 9 .3 5 Easy B.O.. Elootrlo .Terms QUALITy'i' MEATS i€€--̂ m m m -a.' W est 190 1578 M arine Drive \ ^ s t 190 . -M . .........- FREE SPECIALS DELIVERY B u t t e r FIRST-GRADE ||; .3 lbs-for^84cI^ Loin Pork.....Ib. 28c Meaty Roasts, lb. 22c She. Lamb-- lb. 23c Breast Lamb . lb. 15c1 SHAMROCK 4Sc perIb. • Pol ib. 15c ̂ ̂ , j - S h am ro ck -- -- Rolled Roast Beef lb. 2Sc- - Em pire's F in es t 18c per ' 2lb. pkgs. Cross Ribs .yiJb. 20c 1 Rmp. Roast BeeMb. 22c 1 Short Ribs....Ibi 12c 1 Rolled-Boneless 1 Pol RoasfT....lb. 18c | b a k e a s y 1 !b. cartons l O c p e r l b . E Q G S GRADE A LARGE 2 5 c d o z . Installed in your present furnace on Special Easy Terms. Limited time only H ere Js your opportunity f c finest; .cheapest, m ost dependable• iui6St« cne<tp«>^> ax*vr.»v j Act* : automatic heating ever, offered. Ask us about new low price and 'Special , term s in effect for. limited time only. a^No obligation; inquire today.____ ■ DOUGLAS STEELE _ -- Local Agent_____ Tel. W est 57-R :o r High. 2420 Local and Personal Mrs: JrB iilingham of Auck- Ken Black of Vancouverr is land, New Zealand, arrived on having a house built On 'T he M.S. "Aorangi" last week to pay Island/' situatcHl on the , British an extended visit wiili her par- Pacific Properties. ents, Dr. And Mrs. R. P. Doherty of 25C8 M athers Avenue.1 a a dt , Mrs. R. S terry of Denver, Colorado, arrived here on Tues­ day and will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Young, 2092 Marine Drive, for a few days. •Edward Otty Lmni, son' of Captain D. 0. Lunn of 994 15th StiHjet, has been awarded ilie Initial Paper Prize for 1937 and the Best Paiier Prize for 1937 by~~the Amerioan Institute of Electrical Engineers for a paper entitled "Induction Motors under Unbalanced , Conditions." The presentation' of the two certifi­ cates together with $25 was made recently a t a dinner in Vancouver. It w ill. be remem­ bered th a t Mr7Xuh'n had a dis­ tinguished career a t the U.B.C. Ik ♦ . 'iR * a * . John Nyland, 29th and Marinp Dx'ive, loft on Tuesday for a visit to Victoria. H. ' t|) Ik' Ik , Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillies of 1353 Clyde Ave­ nue, has been accepted by the Royal Canadian Navy, and is now stationed a t Esquimau, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. BiVch have moved into the Wallace house a t Sherman. « ♦ « Stratton's BAKERY W ..1TJ% m J t l r ! l . l u n :ja . | P | | | P PUKSU DAILY , Ton vuriotiofi to suit ovory lusto Mont PloH ' -- Cookie* Ifk'clcH CnkcN •-- l*a*trieH ) Bun* iimT Roll* Note Addi*esa: 1108 Marine Drive Phono West 27 Mrs. R. C. Proctor is occupy­ ing a suite a t the Black Cat Tea Rooms, West Bay. ;'Ik ' ik ♦ ̂ Mrs. Crawford has moved from the city into the Forbes' cottage t West Bay for J^ipie. . ; f i ̂ " ■ . ' Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Gentleman of Vancoiiyer, are ' . Douglas Elliott of Cypress guests at the Chachan. Park, left yesterday for a trip , ♦ ♦ to Honolulu. ' ' 'Dr. F. E. Dorchester, Director * .* * Dorchester Institute of Nature " Mrs. W orthington inid her Cure and Physical Culture, Van- small d au g h te r ,'Eleish, accom- couver, has been appointed by panie'd by the form er's mother,-, the Hon. Dr. Geo. Weir as a Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY nml SATURDAY MATINEE .hmo tHh, 10th, and 11th ALISON SKII'WORTII "Two Wise Maids" alHo "HOPALONG RIDES AGAIN" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY Juno l l ih and lOlh I'RANCES FARMER RAY MIDLAND Mrs. Keeling, of Vancouver, are spending ' a holiday lat Sunlit Lodge, W est Bay. ■Ik Ik >k Mr. and Mrs. W right of Van­ couver, have moved into a house a t West Bay for the summer.. l : Ik' :• .'Ik' .̂ '. ' ■ ■' member of the Provincial Board ,of Examiners for Naturopathic Physicians, aVso' physiotherap­ ists and masseurs. Dr. Dorches­ ter, who is well known as Aii authority on physical education and nature therapy, is the author of a number oDbooks and of many articles on health and\Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Braim of Point Grey, who are having physique, a house built a t 28tH and Marine Drive, are oocqpying a house a t M rs. B. W. M. Bone, 2257 'Sandy Cove until their new King's Avenue, has left for Gib- home is ready. ̂ son's Landing. . './"Ilk: .. . . ___________ ' . ' daughter Was born "last Sunday a t the Norths Vancouver General .Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. W. Davison, 13th and Clyde Avenue. sk ♦ !k . LEGION NOTES ««EBB TIDE 99 ulso " LITTLE RED WALKING H O pb" VITAPHONE FUNSTERS' TUESDAY and W EDNESDAY June IJth and '15th EDMUND LOWE ** Under Cover ^ N ight" , (Once only at 8:20) ' also "DANGEROUS NUMBER" <7 ■ ' All members are requested to attend Memorial Day Service next Suhda^y, June 12th, a t 3 _p.m.-- Bus--will--leave--l^ th --and- MaTte^r2T3-0 p.m. shaiqDrXlec-T%e--ferries--had--a-'̂ b:u«y|-rday _______ ^_______ _____ last Sunday, carrying 3,500 pas- , orations and Legion caps to "be T ocf QQ Qoo -------- invitation is also: ek-sengers; L ast month 93,322 worn persons used the ferries, an in -. tended to all Ex-service men oi crease of 3,872 O'ver the total 'dependents. ' ' for May of la s t^ ea r. The total -- number of ferry^^^assengers for the five months ending 31st May was- 421,165, which is 35,549 more than for the same period in 1937.' , : sk sk * SCHOOL BOARD TO MEET AT P. J. SCHOOL The Hoard of School Trusiee.s announce in th is i s s u e / th a t , - commencing June 9thrand* until Sunday _to M r., and Mrs. J. E. J P-«i- on the - second and Cdnho:r (nee Mdllie Kinlock), a t fourth Thursdays of each month 136 E ast 27th Avenue, Vancou- in Pauline Johnson----------------------- -»------------------ QnVlrtnl----- 'T'Wa-- ------------ver.' Mrs. W. H. Vass of the Holly- burn Apari:ments, 16 th ' and Marine Drive, is visiting in Seattle. . . School.--i^h e--Board--find s too cramped I. O. D. E. present quarters ___ . due to the additional office space required by the Principal of the High Schools, also quieter and more roomy quarters are neces­ sary to accommodate visitors' and others having business w ith. the T rustees.' NELSON'S =EjRif4BmLS=: 1894 Marine Drive " -J SAWDUST H' We 'handle Only One Grade of Sawdust .(THE BEST) 100%' old growth, fir, Range/ or; Furnace. ^ -- K~gtraTantced. imjasuren-ient);--:r WOOD (Bushwood)) Hand Split Fir . old growth.,.............. $6.00 cord Maple (fireplace)........ 5.50 " A lder-(fireplace)........ 5.50 " Bush Fir ...................... 5.00 " l_Bark--:ST7ee1ai~ ............... 5t00--̂ -- Millwood Inside Mill Fir ......... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ......... 4.25 " Slabs (Barky) .......... 3.75 " ' - - 2 cords.--:.T77;;:r...-..T.-- - 7 .0Q- Slabs & Edgings ........ 3.75' " 2 Cords ..................7.00 Edgings ..................... 3.50 " 2 Cords ..................6.50 COAL We handle a ll grades of Goal. Phone W est 783 Your local dependable dealer. -meeting of theTTuncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D; E^,, has. been postpan^d to Monday,.June 13thr and will be held a t the'hijpi'e' of Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 1 5 6 6 ^ rd o n Avenue, a t 1 :45 p.m. ' /' ■ --;--------*• HOLLYBURN HALL ̂Sunday School and Young P*eople's Bible Class will be held., a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, June 12th; in Hollyburn Hall. Alfred Mace, who has been actively en­ gaged in the work of the Gospel for seventy years, will conduct ' the service next Sunday at_7:30 p.m. Mr. Mace will also gjve addresses on Tuesday, evening, June 14th, a t ,8 p.m., on Wednes- _ -day,-June- 15 th ,^ t-3 -p.m. and *7 p.m: Refreshments will be served-during-the-intervalT--The--s away and left me fo bach in this kind of weather, With nothing*^but the ice- box , to- ke^ej)-'things-cool.- Say.Mt sure made me realize how much a woman has to put' up with. ; When;;.they came back .there' wa.s a Frigidaire, doing the work, clean­ er, cheaper and with no trouble at all. - Thait's why we have .sold Frigidaire ever since, because we believe in them, the original: cool­ ing system. CRAWLEY .& BARKER Book Your Passage to th e Old C oun try ..Through Your LocaLAgent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings and accommodation. J . T . W A T T f744 Marine Drive i Phone W. 141 ' This- Company, has large .quantities of^'fir, hemlock,^ and cedar logs felled and buoked alongside p a v e d road. This'lim ber is avail­ able free to any person de­ siring to cut firewood for personal use. Phone-.West'374 or apply a t Estate Office, 7th and Mathers. BRITISH PACIFIC PROPERTIES LTD. West yancouver_ 1 . *4̂ Miss Joan Mathews of West Bay and Miss Betty Elliott of Caulfeild, have-both-been-avvard- ed scholarships a t the Vancou­ ver Scifodi- o fA rt. ' public are heartily invited to be present a t these services. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING . T. CHRISTENSON (formerly--with--Bbrks-Ltd.,-- Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive , \ ___ ,_ B R ID E S ""S ee Chesterfield Suites Occasional Chairs Stools Furniture Renovated -Needlepoint-M ounted: 1516 Marine W est 710 ,