West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Jun 1938, p. 1

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$1 >. *" •*• ̂ V. W %i# Wkull̂ W i^ Jh \ ' ^ ' { ' H Jt Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Amhlesidet Hollyburn^ Weston^ D undarave ,00 per yeir. - • Cypress Park^ Caulfetid^ W hytecltffi Etc^ . p®** ®®px newiwitiindB. Vol* X III HOLLYBURN^ P.O ., WEST, VANCOUVER, B.C., TH U R SD A Y , JU N E 9th» 1938 No. 10 \ RUSSIA BECOMES NATIONALISTIC MAY DAY COMMITTEE Russia has forsaken internationalism. The school child­ ren a iV being instructed in .the history of their country, which is the history of the Czars arid the Boyars. They are learning how Ivan III, Ivan the Terrible, Peter 1st and other of their despotic rulers of the past conquered Siberia, the Caucasus, large parts of Lithuania, Poitand, Sweden and Turkey. And so the original Bolshevistic ideal of the creation by a world revolution of a world state of workers has been given up. th e argum ent used in the text books to explain, this drastic change of a ttitude is that, while th eR u ^ ian people were irround down by the^ Czars, the la tter freed, those peoples theyN ̂ conquered from slavery a t the 'hands of their own rulers, and these conquests resulted in a large and strong Russian , state. There is held up for admiration th a t imperialism which ex- pre.sse,s itself in wars of conquest. The reason for all th is is not far to seek.' Russia could, not expect to indefinitely w ithstand the increasing Nazi-menace with its fanatic nationalism, if she insisted in training her people in the original Bolshevistic ideals. Stalin realized th a t ' sooner or later the world struggle between Russia and the Fascist nations m ust end in conflict. Therefore, he is incul­ cating in his people a national sentim ent and. a„ pride in their past history, which shall weld them into one strong unit to r the evil day th a t he forsees to be inevitable. . Another dream has melted away under the impact of fact, as is the manner of d r^ m s . The Bolshevist conception of a world s ^ t e of workers, however, even if not a dream, was doomed to failure from the beginning. In the first place a country like Russia, where such a large propo^rtion of the people were illiterate, was the last place in which to try out -"Such a vast social experiment. -^Secondly,a brotherhood of ' mankind, can never be established by personal violence ^nd revolution, which are the very antitheses of brotherhood. Should such a th ing be a t all possible with human nature as it is, it can only come by the M aster's way of love. And thirdly, suoh a brotherhood to-be successful m ust embrace aU^ sections of ia people or peoples and not certain sections of _:_them,_______ ______ j..j__ ________ ____ _ J _______________ . Unless man suffers a very great change of heart, centuries ^' must elapse before the world can become one.- The barriers of language, the differences in customs-and. ideals, and ,the inherited hatreds from the "past alike make so. very desirable a thing outside thei^ealm"df*practfc^';humanrefforTr^^ ̂ . ------ Remains-in Russia,them a.tter_of-religion. . I t is re a s o n - ^ able to suppose th a t sooner or la ter we shall hear of the re-"'-' A meeting^ of the May Day Committee will be held a t 8 p.m. next Tuesday, June 14th, in the Council Chamber. It is request­ ed th a t all delegates endeavour to be present. DEATH OF . * MRS. GEORGE BALDWIN COMING EVEN'l'S ST. FRANCIS CHURCH GUILD The sudden passing of Mrs, George Baldwin of 1418 22rid Street on Tuesday, came as a distinct shock to her many friends in West- Vancouver, where she was very well known. hViday evening, June 24th -- Recital by th e ' students of Mrs. P. Knight-Hodge in the U 'gionHall. BRITISH - ISRAEL A garden party and tea will be held a t the home of Mi*s. J. F. M.' Pinkham of Caulfeild, under the auspides of the Ladies G uild-of St. Francis Church, Wednesday, June 16th, a t 3:80 p.m. Admission, including tea, 25c. *!!f* ..-.J ........... ....... Regular meeting of the Dun- The deceased was returning darave Branch of British-Israel from Victoria and was apparent* World Federation next Monday ly taken ill while bn board the evening, 25th and Marine; Speak-^ s .s l Princess Kathleen. She or, Mrs. Brereton. Subject; 'Thp p.m, Miracle of the Loaves and Pish-was'found in a cabin a t 4 ....... by a steward, who, thinking she was only seasick, left her there,- o.s." All are welcome. *** ANNUAL FLORAL FESTIVAL On returning an hour latei*, he JOE MURCH HAS discovered she was unconscious . TWO BUTCHER SHOPS and called in a doctor passenger, With less than two weeks left before the doors are thrown open on the fifteenth annual Floral Festival, garden lovers all over the municipality are now put­ ting final touches on well-nur­ tured. plants and vegetables. 'M ore.than seventy-five different classes will a ttrac t a record, n u m to of entries am ateur gardeners of vanous degrees of proficiency to compete in friend- ; ly rivalry for the more than 300 prizes. The Flower Show will be staged in the Inglewood School on Saturday, June 18th, from" 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. __ ■___; but she passed away a t 7 p.m. To take care of his growing shortly a f te r th e boat docked in " business Joe Murch of the_ the city. The deceased was an Ambleside Meat Market, is open- old time resident of West Van- ing tomorrow (Friday) another couver and a very active worker store in the building formerly in the United Church. She i$ occupied, by ' ,Iefferies ' Meat survived by one son, Charles, Market, next to the Hollyburn , here, her husband having pre- Theatre, where he will specialize deceased her., Funeral servicBa in fresh meats and d<^licatessenV will be held a t 12:30 p.m, to- {This market is fitted 'w ith morrow in the West Vancouver ; the latest equipment and refr;ig«- United Church, the Rev. Hfilis '^rating machineryj_,Call„V!i^a^V3__ W right officiating, arid " in ter; ~ b r Ŵ̂ ' m ent will be made in Gapilano ^ View Cemqj>ery: H arron Bros. Ltd. are i f f^ a rg e of the funeral arrangements.; MEMORIAL DAY SWIMMING & DIVING establishment of the Russian Church, purged of those in­ iquities whicch were, responsible for its downfall. Atheism -is not natural to man, fo r even the most degradedisavages have their crude and.usually fearful gods.^ , The .Russians as °a people have-always been particularb'̂ religious, °^nd, if ̂ a d when it is called upon to act, the irbhurch desists from th a t oppression which caused i ts downfall, it should be more able to bring happiness to 'R ussia th an any other a^gency. With no admission fee charged arrangem ents are being made to accommodate . the , ex tra large crowd, of visitprsrthat is ex p ec t^ to view the^attractiVe displays. -Divided-into'^ many different sec­ tions, the ^ h ib i ts are bound to appeal to all types of horticul- turalists. With the exception of four special classes fon home- gardens and boulevards and two- -classes . f or--ehildren^sT-gardeH-- ^ ' A Memorial Day service will be held a t the Soldier's Plot, Capilano View Cemetery next ^^i;Sunday,_June .-12th,.,jat_;3_ p.m.. Molly Edwards will s ta r t h e r ' Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, swimming and diving classes ,for F o r the converiience of those all ages, beginners and advaric- wishing to attend a bus will be ed ,^atIlundarave P i e r , a v a i l a b l e leaving 18th and Mar- nesday, June 15th, and !there-"'^tne a t 2:30 p.m. sharp. ' A ir in a fte r on Mondays, Wednesdays ' vitation-is-also extended-to the and Fridays from 1 to 4:30 p.m. members of the W.A. and gen- Any * interested are asked to eral public. , ., kindly phone her a t Wesf208-X. ' Flowers will be.placed on the. ...... graves. -, . "♦ * ♦ ' IRON FIREMAN continuous feed transmission, -------------------- -- -̂------- -̂------------------ r a ^ a l - A a n e a ir - p r e s s u r e - g e n e r ^ The Iron Firenian de luxe tor, volumeter • a ir regulator, -Heatraaker--̂ is--the--latest--put----easyT--floWrfeed-wormy-^Electric-- plots, which will -be visited by the judges during the day, all the flower;, fruit, decorative and vegetable classes will-be judged in the' High Schcool prior to the opening, and will be labelled ■ MRS. ]BURBRIDGE'S PUPILS IN RECITAL w itlrthe m erit certificates issued Mrs. Charles Burbridge will present her pupils in a piano recital to be given -Thursday; 16th June,- a t 3 ;30 p.m.. a t the. . studio, 2309 Marine Drive. ---- -------------^ ^ ________ PROGRAM-^__________________ out by'.the Canadian Sumner Iron Works Ltd. of Vancouver. The exclusive features of th is well known automatic coal burn­ er include dust tigh t hopper, rubber cushioned mountings. al-Brain" regulators, etc. I t may be installed in a fumaoe on spwially easy term s for-a-limit- ed time only. The local agent is -by-the-Horticu-ituraFAssooiationr While the catalpgue, issued some months ag o ,'s ta te s th a t entries from exhibitors can be _God-S:avej_the_King_ made on Friday evening or on Doriglas Steele, 1391 Clyde Ave., Saturday morning, th e Directors W est 57-R or High." 2420i VOCAL RECITAL BY MRS. D. L. GILLEN (nee IVY MILES) Mrs. D. L. Gillen, the form er MisVlvy Miles, will give a recital undeXr:-the auspices" of--the,, West-YancouY^r_:TcMn,&s sj * * ^ " make a special request for in­ tending competitors in Classes . 48, 49, 50 and 51 (gardens and boulevards) toi telephone the secretary, Mrs. McTayish, West _498=-L7--not plater--̂ -^ijday,; ........ .......... ............................... .. "Danbe on Green"--Irene Brown ^ "Kittens a t P l a y " -- Josephine"'Hailstone. . Scherzno .......... ............................ .......................................... Rondoletto '................................................. ................... . Mozart Beryl Scott "Twilight Fancy" .............: - -............................................ ■ Aubry "Sunshine" .......... ............................... ............................... Dupont Brenda Bone French Minuet ^ , "A t the Races" ..........:............. ....................-.............-.....Copeland Billy Hilborn lorisieur Rosseau,vue Avenue. Mrs. Gillen is a student o: ̂ _ coach for the Chicago .Civic operai;: Miss Hilda Wilson, A.T. C.M., will alsOftgive piano selections.. Admission 25 cents. The program! is as follows: j . ' Solveig's 'Song .... ............. - ........... ,.....- ............................ . Gn€g ^̂'One Fine Day," frorii "Madame Butterfly" .................. ..Puccini Nymphs and Shepherds ................ ..................................., Come and Trip I t ............................ Carmichael Tianoforte Solo by MissdSilda Wii'ion, A. T. C. M. ' - T , to be selected Love ls^the W md"! . ' . ........................................ .^Mitchell Song of (the O pen' . ........................ .................................LaForge Ny T ask ............ :........................................................ .̂........Ashford Ave Maria .. ............. ' * ........................... --............ Gounod ;B,c.ri=U^manri. e v is in g 'ju d g es ; "TEa' D onnri^M obile............. .............................■. ■ . . i. 'S s isF -............. " ■■ ■■......... Ao, non-competitive table .will "be'^-available and tfi'e- Directors will welcome for'^exhibition any plant foliage or bloom. They also call special attention; to the seven "classes for children found on page 9 of the catalogue. ' ST. STEPHEN'S-INGLEWOOD W.A. MIDSUMMER TEA Board o f School Trustees W est V ancouver, B.C. Commencing J^une 9th, and until further notice, the meetings of tHe Board of School Trustees at 7.3,0 p.m, on the second and fourth Thursdays of each m.onth will be held in . PAULINE JO H N SO N SCHOOL. 22hd and Inglewood. The St. Stephen's Inglewood W. A. are holding their annual M idsummer^Tea, on Thursday, June 23rd, a t the home of Coun-. cillor and Mrs. William Dickin­ son, 780 14th S treet.' Home cooking and "Candy will be on sale under the convener- ship of Mrs. G." Jackson and Mrsi. served from 2:30 to 5 by the comimittee in charge under Mrs. George Newman. BASEBALL TEA The Girls' Cosy CJorner Ĉ u)̂ ̂ will give a Baseball Tea from 3 :30 to 5 :30 p.m. next Mbnday, June 13th, in St. Stephen's Par­ ish Hall; Tea, 10 'cents.. . German Wapitis ..̂ ...... -........................................ ............... .. Osterle Andree* I^ y _ "June Flowers^' ...........i.................. -.............................--- Spindler Stella Gracey "The Strolling H arpist" .....t....... ............................ ,..........Harding "Tempest of the H eart" ...................................... Verdi ' ̂ Mavis Colman Minuet in G .........................---v-;.......... -........................Beethoven Blue Danube W a ltz .........::..... -............. :..............................Strauss I Bruce Ramsey Dramatic Impersonation--Mrs. E. ]^iltshire. 'A t the piano: Mrs. Charles Burbridge Gavotte in G Minor ................................... :................ ........ Bach Sonatina ............................................................................. Clemente Sweet Dreams .............. Tschaikowsky Dorothy Purse La Jeunesse .................... -................................... -.................... Conde L'H erondelle................................................................. Burgmuller "Roy Henriksen Raphsodie Mignon ................ .'............... i........... ............. Koelling . . _ ^ M argaret Hilborn t^Qp_49^ 0r-2 ,̂ . . .............■. .......... .............Beethoven------------ W altz in G F lat M a jo r ........ ;:......................... :................ Chopin ° Kathleen Cole _ " .. . -Recitations-- "Foolish Questions" "The Soliloquy of a Safety Pin" Margaret Hilborn (pupil of M argaret Richardson) Nocturne in B M a jo r ...................................................... .V. Chopin Sbnata, Op. 14, No.. 2 ............:.........................................Beethoven Barbara Sparrow Country Gardens ................... ................ ................... . Grainger Turkish March (Ruins o f A thens)..........Beethoven-Rubinstein Betty Gourlay f \ f, j c' i - ; '