Y i m m e n s ELJkNNEL p a n t s ..Fv's an;r'T0^N0'^l|KN*»7Mifi*'W0dL-^FlJAftNEL" 1^XlTOS»te^ ^ itml dni'k grey shades in pleated and plain styles. Price $4.95 jlKS S ami YOUNG MEN'S GREY COTTON FLANNEL PANTS. * --.riice, ...................... . •",■■;...............• ■ . • t o . „ $tG5 McLEOD'S MENS WEAR --WEST VANCOUVER 1439 .Marine Drive PUBLIC MEETING WUONESDAY, June 8th, 8 p.m. a t the LEGION HALL MRS. D, G. SIEEV ES, M.L.A. will .s])oiik on "The Sharpening of the Crisis in EmployAieni. Everybody welcome. SPECIAL Inside Fir.............$5.50 pet cord Slabs with Bar|c $4.00 per, cor'd Slabs & Edgings $0.76 per cord SAWDUST I'KITAM'S FUEL , ' Pliono North 620 (Upstairs ih Now Amblesido Block) DAY and EVENING CLASSES Individual Attention " PHONE WEST 341 ■ . BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS Tinsmithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal Work, Specializing in Air Conditioning „ G. W; H. JACKSON, Manager 1483 Marine Drive . . . West 41 B u rra rd L a u n d r y L td . LAUNDRY SERVICE•FOR '•DEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative West 691:l of"N drthrl3T0 vPhones CONCRETE CONTRACTORS ̂Land Clearing Excavation'W ork. -SoIe~Agents-for- ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT TEAROE '48 .SON, p :̂SNrwEST%4 West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 F r id a y a n d FREE \- DELIVERY Butter ----- EIRST-GRADE-- -- Loin Pork... lb. 28c Sho. Lamb.. lb. 23c SHAMROCK BOILED HAM 4Sc per lb. Breast Lamb : Ib. 15c" 1 , i_ * • • - Roast Veal... lb. 18c Sham rock Bacon Empire's F inest 18c per ^ | 2 lb. pkgs. b a k e a sy Rolled Roast Beef lb. 25c Crd^Ribs.. lb. 20c Rmp. Rent Beef lb. 25c Short Ribs lb. 12c 11b. cartons Rolled-Boneless P o L R o a s r = lb T ^ i^ c : T E N N I S RACQUETS BALLS RESTltlNGS Wo can lill you** tennis requirements a t the lowest oily price$. Wc invite you to call and inspect our stock a t J O N E S " Bicycles - - Sporting Goods . Norman L»eeming. Sluter, son.. .J ., X* . W att, ..Arthur Tudd«n: of Mrs. W. Slater of 1066 Keith ham of Sherman, and Frank Road, and a former student of Wiley of Altamont, have re tum - the West Vancouver High cd from a fishing trip to Manette School, now resident in England, Lake in the Nicola .. Valleyi ;has had a story accepted by the Valley, where they hhd excellent BBC in Manchester, and will luck. , " give it himself over the air. ...................♦ *• ♦ * ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Ingram have Miss Marguerite Wilcox, 3285 .moved from the x ity into a Marine Drive, moved on Satur- house a t 1262 21st Street, day into a house a t 1488 Ingle- Stratton's BAKERY FUKSH DAILY Tun varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookie* Eeclca. Cakes -- Pastriee Buus and UoUs Note Address: 1468, Marino Drive Phono West 27 if wood Avenue, where her studio will now be located.e ' a m Constable Kruger has moved to Whyteoliff for the summer. ■ . . ♦ ' ■ O' ' * ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Burrows of Van couver, have taken a house a t Mr. and Mrs. White; 2119 Marine Drive, have moved ' to Vancouver. ♦ a ♦ - , Mrs. E. Belf, and Mrs. T. G, Hamilton were* joint hostesses at a tea on Friday evening a t the home of the former, fo r a JO. 2878 Bellevue Avenue, moving few friends of the Eastern Star, HoUyburn Business College , l '4th and Marine Drive in Tuesday.. Miss E .'W orby of Calcutta, India, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. B. Morison, 1276 Clyde Avenue. * *■ * JUS Mr., and Mrs. Barnes h a w moved into the Webb house a t 25th and Marine Dive. ♦ * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. De Cou have honoring "their mother, Mrs. J. Reid, who is returning to Scot land afte r an extended visit here. The tea toble looked very beautiful covered with an old Scotch lace cloth and centered with a bowl of spring flowers. Pouring tea were Mrs. J. Neill, and Mrs. D. McMillan, while Miss P. D. McCleaiy cut the ices. After tea Miss McGleary rea^ a beautifiil poem composed by moved into the new* home they Miss M. Ll McFadyen, and asked have had built a t 20th and Wat- Mrs. Reid to accept a beautiful erfront. leather bag and riiqtto. Those , * ♦ * present were Mrs. J., Neill, Mr, A total of 7,346 passengers and Mrs. MaeVean, Miss F. ,D. was carried by- the ferries on McCleary, Mr. and Mrs., J . Mc- May 24th, this constituting an Gowan, Mrs; D .■ McMillan,'Mr. all time record for th is holiday. J- Murch, Mrs. H. Thompson, Last year 6,776 passengers used Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. Vinson, the ferries. ̂ Mrs. J. Fiddes, Mrs. J. Allan, * * ' * M rs.'C. B. Greenwood, Mrs. G. A group of young ladies' from* Payne, Mrs. J . Mitchell,' Mr. and the Y.W.C.A. in Vancouver are Mrs. Hower,.Mr. and Mrs. T. G. occupying one of the Miller cot- Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell, tages a t West Bay. Mrs; Hower is accompanying ♦ * Mrs. Reid .as far as Montreal.' A daughter w^s bom last Fri_ d ay -in -th e""Vahcouver "Gen'eraT Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. L. S. P . Leroy (nee Dorothy Russell) of 3277 Marine Drive. , ____ ^ Engagement HoUyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FllIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE .luno 2nd, 3rd and 4th JOB PBNNEU 'New Faces of1937' (Onco only nt 8:10) uIbo "FISH PROM HELL" " FOREST GANGSTERS " SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY ' Juno 4th and 0th • CAROLE LOMBARD FRED MncMURRAY "True Confession" also "THE BOLTED DOOR" "AT THE RACES" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY . Juno 7th and 8th EDWARD ARNOLD ««TheToast o f N ew York** (Onco. only* at 8:00) also • "FOWL PLAY" "POPULAR SCIENCE" Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Jerem y Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb^ 4278 V ^sti 1 couver, announce the engage ment of their daughter,,Dorothy. of-Vancouver, are, s r a ' r f l i i r a n d Mrs. a t 14th and Lawson Avenue. j j j S tratton, 1468 Marine Drive, West Vancouver. i The , j j 1 Txr--J 'wedding w iirtake place a t" 8:30 couver, died suddenly on 'Wed- evening of June nesday of last week while visit- g i ^ ^ r m e n j L j J a H w ith-R ev.- Ga H ,'Y illetfc officiating. Miss , ♦ i|c Mrs. Janet U. Brown of Wan ing her daughter, Mrs'. J. C. Foote, a t the la tte r's residence V her6. Funeral services were held . la s t F riday'ih Vancouver. Thos. Blvthe. 17. of N orth Vancouver, was overcome, w ith oramps while' swimming a t Jean ,^end inn ing , arid Miss Grace'^Duncan .will' be brides maids and_Mr. Jack Stratton, brother of the, groom, will be -Jbest-maru----------:----- --̂_ ---- ^ "A in b l^ d e Beac^h, lâ t*- Sunday Shower evening and had a narrow escape, from drowning. He was saved . "bjr-Norah-Kingsley^of T5th a n d ', Duchess Avenue, who is only 15 years old. He was revived by artificial respiration, the pul- motor which was taken to the scene by the West Vancouver Mrs. J. C; H unt and Mrs. J. H. Paterson were co-hostesses last Friday-evening at- a miscellaijie- ous shower in honor of Miss Julie Pyne, bride-elect of Mr. Cecil White. The shower' took -: the form of a surprise visit to the bride-elect's home. During the evening the Misses Eula NELSON'S FIRE FUELS , 1894 Marine Drive SAWDUST ' We handle- Only One Grade of SaAvdust (THE BEST) 100% old: growth fir, Range or Furnace. ---^(guaranteed--measurement)- WOOD (Bushwpod)) , Hand Split Fir old growth.......,.--.... $6.00 cord Maple (fireplace)........ - 5.50 , Alder-(fireplace) ....... £T.60 " Bush Fir ...... 6.00 " Bark S p e c i a l . 6.00 " ̂ " ----- Inside Mill Fir ......... 6.50 " zJilumace-Blocks--™----,-4.25_li__ Slabs (Barky) ......... 3.75 " X cords ...».............. 7.00 " Slabs & Edgings 3.75" 2 Cords ................;,-7i00--------- Edgings .................. 3.50 " 2 Cords ................... 6.50 COAL We handle all grades of Coal. Phone West 783 Your local. dependable dealer. . Police not being found- to be - _ necessary. • Drs. Lang and Ther- _ PaM spn_and Betty Hunt pre rien were in attendance.' sented Miss Pyne with the,gifts _____ ^ i n a beautlfulIferdeGorated-Jjox- ,^vi^g.-,« new home bfiilt a t BOX LACROSSE Nelson Avenue.-Garrow Bay; .M r. and Mrs. Rod'H arris who are spending a short vacation with their'parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. C. Harris, 2145 Bellevue ̂Kibarhs,' Mrs--T r Grickmay,. Mrs. W. Russell, M rs.-J. Stark, Mrs. J. Yates, Mrs. J. Reid, Mrs. J.i Hunt, Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs, ,R. W. Pyne, the Misses D. M. Jones, M. Short, - Kathleen: -Hampson,I Avenue, are . to W g on Friday u® to resume their very successful classes in tap and acrobatics a t Courtenay and Cumberland, V.I. Engagement Mr; and Mrs. A. Gracey, 2379 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, announce the engagement of -their daughter, Florence May,~to- Mr. Ronald B. Watson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Watson, 233 W est 26th Street, North Van- I__couver .^The^jweddingrwrHztafee Short, Barbara Allwork, Kath leen Love, Mary Yates, Janet Thomson, May Cripps, Beraioe Ward, Eula- Paterson, Betty Hunt and Jacqueline Paterson. <SSB!3SSSi For Reserved- North Van- couver Section up to 1 p.m. day of game. SMITH'S SMOKE SHOPS rzi:-- Lonsdale. Avenue No phone, please. ' r EGGS GRADE A LARGE 25c doz. place quietly at the church' of St. Francis-in-the-Wbqd, Caul- feild, next Saturday, 4th. June. NELSONS LAUNDRIES -LTD. ZORIC (odorless) DRY CLEANING C. C. FINNEY, West'Vanicouver Representative Norpp ^ -PHONE WEST 782 . Parcels may be left at HULLAH'S GROCERY, 1409. Marine. ^ WEST BAY STORE, DUNDARAVE LIBRARY _̂______ EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING _T. -CHRISTENSON (formerly with ̂ Birks Ltd. Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive NOTICE This Company has large quantities of fir, hemlock, and cedar logs felled and -buoked-^^ldn^ide--p-aiv-e-d- road. This timber is avail able free to any person de siring to cut firewood for personal use. Phone W e^ ' 374 or apply a t E state .Office, 7th and ■Mathers; BRITISH PACIFIC PROPERTIES LTD. W est' Vancouver FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street- Wood, Coal, Sawdust TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside.... :........$5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside ................ 5.50 " Fireplace F in ................... 4.50 " Green Alder ................. - 6,50 " Ptirnace Blocks............... 4.60 " SP E C IA I^ -- NOr-1--Fir-Edgings,..-tt; 3;60^^rd- 3 Cords....................$10.00 6 Cords (6 Loads) $16.50 Slabs & Edgings..... 3 Cords $11.00 Slabs, Barky........... ........$3.75 Cord SAWDUST SPECIALS No. i Old Growth Pirr-- 50 sacks,-per u n it ......... ..... $3.50 R Unitfi............. . $10.00- Topsoil, 2 yards........ ,;...$3.00 Load -ChickenzManure',i:_.3::barEelsi$1.00i CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at 1436 Marine Drive !' 1-- r -=• V V