rso' zr , ̂ . *=; ; ,v -.'V̂ ;." V /'K* ¥-;.•« , ' ' 'H» -<A '«*.t> mm mimm •f g l i i g T V m T fC T "S MM I li IS !:'i' J. 'h I-I '.i if Phone West 46 RED AND WHITE Phone . FOOD V A Lines H. Î SAUCE, '/; 111.Vi III, bottle..,... HASFBEUlty JAM -- Nabob I'ure .. ............. ......... ̂ lb. tin 49c I'lNKAl'PMi--SInKapore ., 3 tlna 25c Sllfcd or Culled. ALL liUAN--Kfllotfjf'H l.arKt* I'k t.................................. . 20c AUNT MAUV'S CO FFEE..... lb. 26c Meats-- Plione West 370 - FRIDAY & SATUI^DAY, May 27 and 28. ......'27e * " CANNKIJ FOODS Ited & White I»EAUS S<|iiut tin ............................... I®« Nuliob HKD VlTVKl) CIlERfUES Hqunt 'i'in ................;. . .?.t........... 20c FiNperiulty iirepiired for ple«. Hed & While Cin* tiHEKN BEANS 'IViider, StrliifcleHM .2 Squat Tina 2.3c HH While CAHHOI'S & FEA8 2 Squat 'I'iiiM ................................ 23c Nabob BABY BKEl'S, aquat tin 14c Ht'd & White SOCK EYE SALMON FiH, 'I'in ............................. -Wd- M E A T S UKEAST OF VEAL, per lb. 12c .SHOULDER ROAST VEAL |*er lb........................... ... 20c UNION COITAGB ROLLS Fcr 5-FOINT TENDERIZED HAM Half or wholê |ier Ib.....38c SHOULDER LAMB, Ib.. 24c (;RADB "A" BOILING FOWL Per Ib........... ........... 25c MAY, , . (Continued fr<yn Page25 Yard"; Egg and Spoon Kace Boys 6 and 7 r-- L Alan Cue; Victor Fish. 25 Yards; Egg and Spoon Jtace Girls 6 and^--^I» Barbara N idd ; 2, Elizabeth McGlashan. 60 Yards; Three-U*gged Raoe, Btoys 8, 9, and 10V-~ 1, Alee. Swanson & CSeoffrey Cue; 2, Dick CJlmie & Roy Jordan. 50 Yards; Skipping Kuce, Girls 8, 9, and 10 -- 1. Joy Cramvill; 2, Mary Addison. 50 Yards; Three-Legged Race, Boys 11, 12, and 13 -^1, Victor Vaughan & Jack Climie; 2, Gor don Morison & Ronald MacAuIay 60 Yards; Thread and Needle Race,'Girls 11, 12. and 13 -- L Eveline C!ook & Marjorie Mc- Tavish; 2, Marion Vigar & Dor othy Nelson. 25 Yards; Boys 0 -- 1, Doug- Service there IS ..... i tS S s E S 's u p p u r , NO SUBSTITUTE ^ RO O PiNa*- ~ FOR QUALITY SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS p0 |̂ quality WALLBOARDLATH ruKMUAi.111 Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. W EST VANCOUVER LUM BER CO- D D . 1 5 lh & » Iarm e D r iv e P h o n e W e st 115 C L A S S I F I E P A D S rho rate for ClaaBified AdvectlMinenU !■ 2 cents per word, ininimh„. 25 ceiitH. Except in the case of thoee having regular accounts, all cUiil ficdH are payable strictly in *«l^" e*; « m * , . Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get Immediate result*. SMOKED ALASKA COD, Ib; 20c SMOKED KIPPERED SALMON Ib............................... 22c or. V«w1».Vj..Io n _ i «hipU> Cod -- Halibut -- Cod Fillets Fresh Daily All Meats the very finest quality During her tour! tho May (iueon ami her party woro enter tained at tea by the Ex-May, Queens a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre in Cypress I*ark. ' .... Mrs., A, C. Bagley, Vice (lenl of Uie National Council of. ' Women, received a National Life Membership on Monday through tile North Shore IjOcuI Council of W(anen, in which she is vital ly interested. " Mrs. R. P. Stceves, M.L.A., was also made a Life Memljor of, the National. Council of Women; the North Shore Local Council C O R R E S P O N D E N C E . 'J'ii<> Editor, W est Van News.' Sir:--In a recent issue of your puldication I read a letter from lh(! Reeve of this Municipality in which he asked for the co ̂ opera tion of future home-build-. er.s in giving employment to local arti.sans. This is a splendid and reaso n ab le request to make but w h a t I would.Jike to ask, and I know th a t I .speak for a goodr. many others, is --- Why not set an example for these residents- . those who 25 Yards; Girls 0 -- 1, Shirley Sharpe; 2, Rasermiry Money..,i-; , 50 Yards; Boys 7 -- 1, Ian Morison; 2, Terry Waghom. 50 Yards; Girls 7 -- 1, Aud rey Mitchell; 2, Barbara Nield. 75 Yards; Boys 8 and 9.-- 1, David Barker; 2, Ian McGlashan. 75 -Yards; Girls 8 ami 9 -- 1, Olive Wdghoni; 2, Patty Reid, Father & Son;' Pick-a-back; 100 Yards each -- 1, James GORDON ROBSON Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at W(ist V^'uicouycrf any tunc, by aiiDointincnt. West 403.___________ F o il S A L ^ - 16 ft. Sailboat, full, rigged. Phono West 128-L. ^ SUMMER* GUES'rS -7- Apply Mias B. J. Campbell, "Sunlit Lodge, West ■ Bay. West 379-Y-2._____________ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine} repairs, uarb West Vancouver Machine Shop; 1440 Marine. . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 81 l-R-2. MARCEL SHOP «-- Thcrmiipic Steam ' Permanents; .o n ly best maleriaS used. Expert operators. Phom, West 304, Royal Bank Building, FOR ALTERATIOjis to ypur home t r y Western, Woodworkers; West 740, residence. West 448-R. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4 Hollybum Block. ' Mitchell & George;'2, D. Brown c . JORDAN first for Window Shades, to-be by giving to .................................. ............ have helped build up this Muni- 6f Women having the honor 0/ cipality a fair chance at j'obs in adding her name to .their honor the.yarious Municipal undertak- roll. V V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. 8EAUI.E Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coalj , Builders* Sjupplies ings? - Surely we are not looking a- & Doug. Mother & Daughter, Thread and Needle; 60 Yards, each -- .1, Mrs. M. Fish & Jean; 2, Mrs. J. Breeden & Violet. , 100 Yards; Married Men's Race -- 1, J. Chappell; 2, H. Brown. , 50 Yards; Ladies 21 and over -- 1, Mrs. J. A. Bowes; 2, Bertha Weinborn. Parade Prizes Decorated Floats .-- 1, West Vancouver High School; 2, Can- Venetian. ..Blinds, 46c and 55c per square foot. Awnings at reason able prices. West Van. Blind & Awning Supply.* Phone West 719; Res. West 74-L-2. ________ WANTl^D -- We pay tho highest prices for bottles; rags, metals, etc. Call West 91. Burrard Junk Co. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther., land, 2144 .Mahon Avenue, North T455-L. WELFARE in need of small kitchen range and baby buggy. West .690. NOTICE -- Land Clearing and Grad-' ing; power machinery. Get my esti mate. G.-W. Kissick, We'st'252-L. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insur^ West 512. , , FOR FLY SCREENS, Cupboards, Di'awers, etc., try Western Wood workers, West 740; residence, West 443-R. WANTED -- Furniture, Brie a Brae, Stoves, Heaters, etc., highest prices paid. _Call West 91. Burrard Junk- Co. holul when the only apparent adian Legion West Vancouver, oualitication needed for a Muni- l . S e a n J o i S l Pat Rathje.cipal job if^.that you have to be oh relief! What of the time, not far distant, when all of us, who have been struggling tq keep off . relief come to the obvious con- ■ elusion th a t it has been in vain as f^r as employment goes? Why not fill' vacancies with local -men who are qualified by,train ing and experience instead of by the appearance' of their name on TIOLSCREENS for Windows; guaran teed ten . years. , Write/ 300 West Pender St.„ Vancouver. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sawdust burners intalled;- furnace repairs. ■ Phone 6 . Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. Children-With Floral-Display^-- 1, Mary Griesdale; 2, Chas. Breeden. Decorated Bicycles -- 1, Rob ert Metcalfe; 2, Ernest Sayers. Bicycles -- 1,' Johnny Rippon; 2, Marion -LaMarche.---- ------------ Scooters -- 1, Garry Gruohy, FOR RENT--Small Bungalow, partly furnished; garage. West 124-L. PAINTING & DECORATING - E j Wedley, formerly with C. L. Kon-' ings. Phone 'W est 122-Y. Esti- mates free .' LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- ■ Cleaned, oiled, repaired, work guar anteed. Shears, prUners, call Mack for deliveryi^West 700. ' . - . J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor^ 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21,. or West 553-R-l. Dicky Horspool; 2, Hersey E. CATERPILLAR WORK -- 15 years' .-expei^'ience;, clearing,. - blasting-- and excavations. Estimates given. C. W. Magbun, West 503-Y. A REAL REST for Tired Palks- Restawhile Convalescent: Home, 136 ' 27th Street. West' 86'L-2, r. " It's so easy to talk by long-distance -telephone*' 'T used to^be--irervous- about talking by long-dist- anco telephone," said Mrs. Cribbling. "I thought I would have to lift my voice and screech in order to be heard. But I know better ndSv. I i'gr really'sorcasy ;- - -- 'T talked to Aunt Jane iiv Winnipeg the other ^day, ______won Ith^ouFTielieSSasaeaCTw ' ........... i n 'JfT' .'■'P'r'i g-- we ̂ ohat-fedlvWaylu^ a.s though we were-both in the sapie room. - liSI'l ' 'v 'T'll be calling her often, now that I know it's so simple." the'Rejdef Roll? For a specific n/r r> i ^ d .'case, why is a stranger do West Vancouver^gjyen a johxon-the... P . , Britton, .D, W. Roth ; buses when there..are several ' ^ «R D onov^ ^ Duke, W..Beek, FOR SALE -- Three choice homesite lots facing south on Marine<Drive between 23rd and 24th Streets; PAINTING, .1 Kalsomining, .Fencing, Gateways, Arbors; designs submit ted. Reasonable rates. Phone West 763-L. D. Sinclair, D. Brooks.young men, long resident here," n., 4. - j r. , who oould do the job as ablyrif ~ Ruby not more so, and' who have-had . Harol d Sangster. . applications Tor this work ac- „ ^ i ' cepte'd .by the Ferry Manager 2, Ajma M. ^ several years ago ? ------ Costumes 1, ©pnglas~Harve3^mith 2 Her- tion. George Gourlay,- West 2. FOR -SALE--r- Monarch Refrigerator,. ■ practically new, cheap. West 330-L W aterfront, 2212 Bellevue. West 128-L." Phones FOR SALE -- Sail boat, I 2F2 x S'/i ft. ■ Sacrifice $25. Phbne West 536-RFOR SALE -- Moffat Electric Range, - Cheap. Good condition. W est 687Y3._g^Q COCKERELS, 4 weeks old, 12 for Is it Asking too much, Mr. . * _ Reeve, to have you explain ju sf .P i^ L a rle c h ^ why .you are asking others to do y Costumes r-^ 1, Bud something-which our own Coun-- -)!-®̂ ?̂' Poole & Pat-Lang; cil chooses to ignore, i.e., employ Wardrope & Wilfred Poole bona-fide West Vancouver resi dents who are properly qualified for the available jobs. I thank you Mr. Editor, for al lowing' me this space in your paper: -R^N£DL_HOIXSEKEEIiER--w,ishes- ■ position a t once, elderly couple or ■ moHierless home. Mrs. Buchanan, Doug, 4890-L, $1.00. McIntyre. West 663-Y.'. be- tw een '6:30 a n d '8, p.m. Yours for fair play CEBPEECEE. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all friends for the-many expressions of sympathy and for the'.^beautiful floral-offCr^ Jug-s-r-Gcewed-t>n~theTJassingnoFeuF very dear son and brother. HUBERT DENRHYNTEAROE -4 - ROOM ̂ BUNG ALOW, -$3150.00; 5 Room House on Marine) very large lot, $2050.00; 3 Rooms, large lot, $1250.00. For Rent; 6: :^ modern, Marine Drive, $30. Lawson, Walker & Pride,-Qpp. P .O ~W est~55 WANTED ----'"Acreage west of Dun- darave. Box 50. West Van News. WANTED -- View lot, fairly close in. Box 51, West Van News. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM; suit 2 persons, % block from Beach ( tral)_ newly decorated. West 617. WANTED --' Folding Baby Carriage -T-with hood. Phone West 549-Y. f o r ,SALE -- Full Sized Heavy Brass Bed with spring and m attress com- -P.lfite' in -exceI]ent:,.eonditionf^:^est- FOR SALE -- , 1927 Pontiac Sedan; -- good-runniiig order;-good tires;-38_ license, , $75.00. West 688-L. B. C. TELEPHONE CO. Marine Drive, -is moving on Sat-. ,urday of this week into a- house a t 1488 .Inglewood A Venue., wh^re her music studio will be located, for the future. P r i c e s S L A S H E D Wa n t e d ̂ Carpenter work', repairs,, alterations, roof work, deed , West 112-R. • GORDONI-ROBSON -- Barrister,^ . appointment, West 403. NOTICE CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all friends and neighbors for their kind expres sions of sympathy and for their beautiful floral offerings tendered both during the sickness and a t the death of. my beloved husband, H ubert James Tearoe, and also to thank the Rev. Hillis-W right fpr his comforting words. BIG RJEMOVAL S A L E Electric W ashers BOATS FOR SALE CHEAP -- 1455 Esquimalt Ave,, Phone West 179-X J. Normand. Henry-McGowen, Deceased FOR RENT ~ Unfurnished large J-- room suite, newly decorated. Couple preferred. 1298- Gordon. LILLIAN. MARY TEAROE. Made in- Canada by Well known manufacturer. Safety Wringer, Enamel ̂ Tubs, Sealed Mechan ism,' etc. Guaranteed. Reg; value $99.50 While-they last FOR SALE -- 26 Chev. Coach in good Apply. 1717 Bellevue. Jr. AVANTED t o r e n t SmaU furn ished house. $15. West 723-L. Suit- able adults. S i LANDSCAPE DESIGNING j i ^ Contracting A C O M P L E T E .Ga M M I S E R ^ C X $ 5 9 .5 0 Electric Refrigerators T" Light housework. Sundays off. Phohe West708-X. are If you are jeohsidering the improWng of your grounds this year, we competent to care fo r every detail'from the submitting of a design to suit the aTChitecturc of the home to the construction and final planting -oi^thoT^ompieted-gardenr-Our-prices-are moderate and we give origift- Clearing_these 'a iew l937JMQdel.s- |- Beach - Kelviiiardr"^rEYigidaire etc. - Special-Removal-01 Q A cq- Sale prices from ....... BEAUTIFUL GLENEAGLES, Water- front lot, $1,550 on good terms. Also I building lots facing Golf Archg ' Notice is "hereby given that all per* sons having claims against the esta^ of Henry McGowen, of 1376 Esquimalt Avenue, West .Vancouver, B. C., who died on February 1, 1938, are require on or, before 15th day of June, 1938, to deliver or send by prepaid letten full particulars of their claims duly verified to ' HARRY -T. WELLS, Executor o f the will of the said Henxy McGowen, deceased, a t his of fice 833 Hastings St. W., Vancouver̂ B. C.. , . And take notice that after the last mentioned date the executor will pro- cceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitlea thereto having, regard only to tht claims of which he shaB^ then have had-notice.-'-H ------ " --------- --Datetf^Oth-rMay,--19387 nlity to the finish^ job. rx . tYi>ejDfjr_aMetLyoa:may desire including English. -- Caimultlus-regarding--Pk>oI^~Flag-l^iks"nv.n fulftHP. Pnfm* ' u _ « for -a Flagp Pjatio; ' / Pror your .garden problemsjcall BURGESS & WALKEljL BUY AND SAVE-o n - J p - O C S t ^ S '-- EASY PAYMENT PLAN. Call Your Local Representative b 3 days .weekly, no children; fnrto?® reliable; full' in- ■ 63, W eS '°4n 'N e ^ ' ^ '**'" *^- -HARRY T. WELLS, '• ;; Executor .of the Estate ; of Henry McGowea W EST 3 4 5 "HUGH MacK'AY West. 343 - Phones '- North 525 Sheet Metal Works WESTtVAN - ~ Phone West 39 - Fnniace and Range .Repairs, Sawdust Burners l iW f iW f l - Book Yoiir Passage to the ' Old Country Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR : and CANADIAN NATIONAL -^Full particulars,- sailings- ana accommodation- ., 'J , T. WATT 1744 Marine Driva PhoneWU^L --r r r -- r-- ,"T-"--" n \