R.P. BLOWER & COMPANY notaey public , governm ent valuator REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE and FINANCIAL BROKERS (Member pf the Vancouver Real E state Excjhange) 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver > • V E R Y S l ^ G I A L • 6-rdoms, modern, large cleared lot, full price on terms $1750.00 4 rooms and nook, modern, central $1600.00 Several Very Nice Lots from $ 175.00 up Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blythe ..of Menlo Park , California, hay© been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Freeman of Cypress Park. They left on Tuesday accomp anied by Mr. and Mrs, John Van derbilt fo r a six weeks' trip to Alaska, * * * . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Le Clercq (nee Kathleen Hodgson) have left for Mayo, Y.T., following their re turn from their honey moon. Mrs. C. P. Domeny has return ed to her home in Nelson, B.C., a fte r a visit to her mother, Mrs. L. E. McKenzie, a t West Bay. ,1 A house is in course of con struction a t 19th and Inglewood Avenue,,for Mr. Grant of Van couver, Mr. Garrison of 2332 Bellevue Avenue, has., left for Bowen Is land,"Where fie expects to spend the summer. . ■ ' ' * * ■ Mrs. Rorison and Miss Kilby of Caulfeild, have as their house guest, Mrs. Brighouse of Shaughnessy. ' ' The brother and sister of Mrs. E rnest Irish have returned to Winnipeg a fte r visiting her a t her home, 1461 Haywood Ave nue. ' ' .- A mew house is being built for Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Lane a t 19th and Inglewood Avenue* , The ferries will maintain a Imlf-hourly,, £^yice, though NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Second Narrows Bridge to Close - - The draw spaai of the Second Narrows Bridge. will be lifted for the purpose of annuaL.Qverhaul and repairs during the early, morning hours, from 12:30 a.m. (30 minutes past midnight) to 5:30 a*m. on the days and dates as follows: , ' ' " Tuesday morning..... :."7.;..:..:.."....::.May-J7th--"--r--- ------- Wednesdaj^ morning ....... May 18th' Friday morning ...........................May 20th .. Saturday morning ...... ;........ :......May 21st Friday morning ............. :............Jlay 27th _ Saturday mOming ...... ..... ...........May 28th __ D uring these hours the Bridge ~will-be closed to traffic.,, , iiyr --3rhe"'LGO**opera"tron--of"'the'"rBU'hl'ic--*is~*re^u.ested*"m--conneGtion..there3yithi i -Vancouver ,-B.G.,-MSy-l-lth,-1938.- NATIONAL HAEBOURS BOARD Vancouver Harbour K. J. BURNS, Port Manager. Mrs. L. Freeman, 2490 Marine Drive, entertained on* Monday evening with a pantry shower in honor of Miss Jeian Griffiths, whose m arriage to Mr. P. Mast- erman takes -'place on Friday, May 20th.- Guests present were: Jean Griffiths,. Mrs. J. Summer- field, Miss M argaret Currie,* Miss Edith White, Miss Ruth Os borne, Miss Gwen Davidson, .^Mrs. Perree and Mrs. Festihg. -^Mrs---F reeman p resented the guest of honor with the g ift shower. ♦ ♦ ♦ A very enjoyable surprise " party given a t the home of ^ , ja n d .M r a J M f i -L a jy to iH L ^ eccasion of the ir eighteenth wed ding anniversary. Among those present were Mrs. M;"Macdonald, mother of Mrs. Lander, Mr. and Mrs. I^ed Bates, Mr. and Mrs. D a y . iqave Amblesldc.Dock at 6 a*̂ * and the last at 11:30 p.m. first' boat from' the city dock win be 6:30 a.m. the last boat ' leaving there at midnight; Wwt Day buses meet all boats. The Sunday service will be maintain ed by the upper lev.el bus.* * * Mrs. Leah W right of 2774 Marine Drive, entertained a t a luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Mrs. D. Laredo Gillen of Chi cago, who is a t present the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. Miles, 2311 Bellevue Avenue. Guests included Mrs. D. Laredo Gillen, Mrs. W. H..Gillen, Mrs. Miles, Mrs: Hope, Mrs. (5. Lancaster, Miss Jean Myres and Mrs. Leah W right. . ' Mrs. D. L. Gillen, the form er Miss Ivy Miles, of 2311 Bellevue Avenue, accompanied " by her husband, arrived by motor from Chicago on a surprise visit to, their parents, on, Thursday last. W hilst Mr. Gillen is- spending ten days in a combined sketch: ' ing and mountaineering trip to Garibaldi^ Mrs. Gillen is very busy renewing old contacts. Mrs. W. H. Gillen, Sr., of Burnaby; is a t present a g u est. of Mrs. M. Miles. Ill ♦ Miss Vance and Miss Wood ford of W est Point Grey, are" spending a holiday. a t "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay. The DickSns Book Club gave a "Bon Voyage" surprise i^ r ty last week 'to Mrs. "J. Hamilton Smith a t her home 1488 Gordon - Avenue. Mrs. Smith left on -Sunday for England. She was presented with a bag for travel ling accessories during the .even- ing, which'was spent in, music, refreshm ents being served a t th e conclusion. Thfose present in cluded Mr. and Mrs.'^W. Wilt- shm e,Jfrs. C. Burbridge, .Mrs. W. -R r GIafk7-Mr--and-Mrs. (rordbn"" Gray, Mrs. D. Hardy, Miss Ev^ Ha'milton-Smith, Mr. P. C. Chap-, man, Mr. V. Griflfiths, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton-Smith. Another member, Mr. Burgess, was un- ' lo - t^ b e ^ e s e n f r Stratton's BAKERY lotJ% 1U R 1SI -IKJE-'j/E 'VkllP Ten varieties to suit ovary taste Meat Pies -* Cookie* , Eccles Cakes •-- Pastries Buns and Rolls t Note Address: » 1468 Murine Drive Phone Wcet 27 • > ...... Holly burn iheatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY ami SATURDAY MATINKK May loth, 20th and 2l8i , ANNA NBAGLE ' Victoria the Great' also "ACE DRUMMOND" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY . May 21st anc) 23rd BARBARA STANWYCK JOHN BOLES STELLA DALLAS' • oIbo "MICKEY MOUSE" NEWS and SPORTLIGHT TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 24th and 25th MARX BROTHERS "A DAY AT THE RAGES" ....................... also- - "BAR RAC'S NIGHT OUT" "MODERN DIXIE" ,Mr. McGill of Vancouver,- moved into the Devlin cottage ^onJRadcliffe™ Avenue.___:__ Gordon Spring. Mr. and Mrs: Ted Minkley, Mr. and Mrs. George Minkley. ]\fc. and Mrs. Fred Lam- bert, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McMillan, Shirley Ware, John Minkley, Franois- Jenvey, Earl Philips, -Dorothy-Lem onrGeorge-f^inanr , . tt* 'l l *11 Ttl ■■■■ W est 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 FRRE -Connie-Howell, Billy Ealstwood,- Lorence Lauder, Chas*. Lauder, Mrs. Hillyer and Paul Lang. ♦ * * . * . A home and garden in W est Vancouver was the scene of a "prbnMneht" prenuptial-*' tea^^ 19DT1CE This Company has large, quantities of -fir, hemlock, and cedar logs felled and biroked~aIoni?iide' p^arv"e"d" --road.--Tliis-tim berJs-ayail " able free to any person de siring* to cu t--firewood for personal use. ^ Phone West 374 or apply , ;_at,, E sta te _Office, _7th__and3 ^ ^ ^ a th e rs .- - NELSON'S FIRE FUELS -------^1894-Marine -Drive - SAWDUST We handle Only One Grade of Sawdust (THE BEST) 100%' old growth fir, Range or Furnace. : (guaranteed measurement) WOOD (Bushwood)j., flTiMTSwlltrFir? old grow th.............. $6.00 cord Maple (fireplace)........ - 5.50 Alder (fireplace) ........ 5.50 " Bush F ir ....... 6.00 " Bark Special.-- 5.00 " Millwood -fnside-Mill-^F-ir- r..... . 6.60 -Furnace Blocks ......... 4.25 " Slabs (Barky), ......... 8,75 " 2~cords .:.... .............. 7;00-- Slabs & Edgings......... 3.75 " 2 Cords ................... 7.00 -Edgings 8.60 2 Cords ................... 6.50 COAL We handle all grades of Coal. -Phone'tWest-783' Your "local dependable dealer. The DELIVERY B l i t t e r \^RST-GRADE 3 lbs fo r 94c Lpin Pork....Jb . 27c Meaty Roasts lb. 22c -Sho. L a mb l b . 23c Breast Lmnb..Jb. 15c. ̂ •' . Cottage Cheese lb. 12c HUNTER'S Ma r m a l a d e Large Jar .30c Shamrock Bacon ̂ Empire's Finest Rolled Roast Bjeef lb. 25c Cross Ribs.... lb. 18c Ribd Roust lb.--23c-i5c per-^ lb. pkgs. ___ '■ > b a k e a s y 1 lb. cartons r:7liin|yg^tw<rovTl#wW-- Short Ribs... lb. 12c Rejjled-Boneless -Pot--Roast4r>:;:rIb.-48c- honor'«was Miss Jean Griffiths, • whose m anage to Mr. Percy . Masterman takes place on May 20. Joint hostesses were Mrs. J. Hutchinson, grandmother of Mr. Masterman, and his aunt, I Mrs. Frank Lefeaux, assisted by his mother, Mrs. P.^Masterman. Snowy dogwood blossoms were arranged throughout the recep- . tipn rooms, and in the tearoom " . the table was centred with a woodland bouquet of bluebells, tulips, lily of the valley and sprays of bridal wreath.; Presid.. ~ ing -were"Mrs7-Sidney'Gisby~and~"7 ̂ Miss Florence Masterman, aunt of the ^oom-to-be, who is v isit ing in the city from England.' Assisting as serviteurs were Mr.ci R. Crotheroe, Misft__I.,Qia of the Age! = 7 PROPERTIES LTD. West Vancouver BOX LACROSSE R eservations For Reserved North-Vani couver Section up to j . p.m. day of game. ~ SMITH'S SMOKE, SHOPS .Lonsdale Avenue__, _ No.phone, please. Fresh Fish frbni* the Salty Sea. U. .* The warm weather is here and we have SALADS, COTTAGE CHEESE, Etc, Marfiie Fish Market 1429 Marine Dr, West 722 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Mrs. W hite of 20th.Street, is ^eaving■on the 23rd instant for E n g la n d ^ -Dunbar and Miss Marian M aster-"" man. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON 1 R G G C GRADE A LARGE doz. (formerly with Birks Ltd. Montreal) 1522'Marine Drive JYESl^ N-STATlONERS^iUJBRARY- 1680. Marine Drive Next to Royal Bank West 687 POE MAY 24th-- SUN GLASSES; PICNIC PLATES, 10c dozj DIXIE CUPS,. 10c doz.; WAX PAPER, DOILIES, NAPKINS, STRAWS, SNACK-PACK CUTLERY, lOc pkt.; Etc. -- City Prices. THE NEW 5-SUIT BRIDGE CARDS! -- f la y in g Cards 30c arid up; -LEXIGON7-60c^ack;~-ZOOF---BALL,-~ThrilIiiig--New-SpTnrt!!--25c:' Canadian, Old Country, American Magazines; Books, Pens, Games, -Gift Wraps, ete.7"etCM UP-TO-DATE-RENTAL LIBRARY. -- 1000 Titles to choose from.