West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 May 1938, p. 5

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R.P. BLOWER & COMPANY notaey public , governm ent valuator REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE and FINANCIAL BROKERS (Member pf the Vancouver Real E state Excjhange) 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver > • V E R Y S l ^ G I A L • 6-rdoms, modern, large cleared lot, full price on terms $1750.00 4 rooms and nook, modern, central $1600.00 Several Very Nice Lots from $ 175.00 up Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blythe ..of Menlo Park , California, hay© been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Freeman of Cypress Park. They left on Tuesday accomp­ anied by Mr. and Mrs, John Van­ derbilt fo r a six weeks' trip to Alaska, * * * . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Le Clercq (nee Kathleen Hodgson) have left for Mayo, Y.T., following their re turn from their honey­ moon. Mrs. C. P. Domeny has return­ ed to her home in Nelson, B.C., a fte r a visit to her mother, Mrs. L. E. McKenzie, a t West Bay. ,1 A house is in course of con­ struction a t 19th and Inglewood Avenue,,for Mr. Grant of Van­ couver, Mr. Garrison of 2332 Bellevue Avenue, has., left for Bowen Is­ land,"Where fie expects to spend the summer. . ■ ' ' * * ■ Mrs. Rorison and Miss Kilby of Caulfeild, have as their house guest, Mrs. Brighouse of Shaughnessy. ' ' The brother and sister of Mrs. E rnest Irish have returned to Winnipeg a fte r visiting her a t her home, 1461 Haywood Ave­ nue. ' ' .- A mew house is being built for Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Lane a t 19th and Inglewood Avenue* , The ferries will maintain a Imlf-hourly,, £^yice, though NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Second Narrows Bridge to Close - - The draw spaai of the Second Narrows Bridge. will be lifted for the purpose of annuaL.Qverhaul and repairs during the early, morning hours, from 12:30 a.m. (30 minutes past midnight) to 5:30 a*m. on the days and dates as follows: , ' ' " Tuesday morning..... :."7.;..:..:.."....::.May-J7th--"--r--- ------- Wednesdaj^ morning ....... May 18th' Friday morning ...........................May 20th .. Saturday morning ...... ;........ :......May 21st Friday morning ............. :............Jlay 27th _ Saturday mOming ...... ..... ...........May 28th __ D uring these hours the Bridge ~will-be closed to traffic.,, , iiyr --3rhe"'LGO**opera"tron--of"'the'"rBU'hl'ic--*is~*re^u.ested*"m--conneGtion..there3yithi i -Vancouver ,-B.G.,-MSy-l-lth,-1938.- NATIONAL HAEBOURS BOARD Vancouver Harbour K. J. BURNS, Port Manager. Mrs. L. Freeman, 2490 Marine Drive, entertained on* Monday evening with a pantry shower in honor of Miss Jeian Griffiths, whose m arriage to Mr. P. Mast- erman takes -'place on Friday, May 20th.- Guests present were: Jean Griffiths,. Mrs. J. Summer- field, Miss M argaret Currie,* Miss Edith White, Miss Ruth Os­ borne, Miss Gwen Davidson, .^Mrs. Perree and Mrs. Festihg. -^Mrs---F reeman p resented the guest of honor with the g ift shower. ♦ ♦ ♦ A very enjoyable surprise " party given a t the home of ^ , ja n d .M r a J M f i -L a jy to iH L ^ eccasion of the ir eighteenth wed­ ding anniversary. Among those present were Mrs. M;"Macdonald, mother of Mrs. Lander, Mr. and Mrs. I^ed Bates, Mr. and Mrs. D a y . iqave Amblesldc.Dock at 6 a*̂ * and the last at 11:30 p.m. first' boat from' the city dock win be 6:30 a.m. the last boat ' leaving there at midnight; Wwt Day buses meet all boats. The Sunday service will be maintain­ ed by the upper lev.el bus.* * * Mrs. Leah W right of 2774 Marine Drive, entertained a t a luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Mrs. D. Laredo Gillen of Chi­ cago, who is a t present the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. Miles, 2311 Bellevue Avenue. Guests included Mrs. D. Laredo Gillen, Mrs. W. H..Gillen, Mrs. Miles, Mrs: Hope, Mrs. (5. Lancaster, Miss Jean Myres and Mrs. Leah W right. . ' Mrs. D. L. Gillen, the form er Miss Ivy Miles, of 2311 Bellevue Avenue, accompanied " by her husband, arrived by motor from Chicago on a surprise visit to, their parents, on, Thursday last. W hilst Mr. Gillen is- spending ten days in a combined sketch: ' ing and mountaineering trip to Garibaldi^ Mrs. Gillen is very busy renewing old contacts. Mrs. W. H. Gillen, Sr., of Burnaby; is a t present a g u est. of Mrs. M. Miles. Ill ♦ Miss Vance and Miss Wood­ ford of W est Point Grey, are" spending a holiday. a t "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay. The DickSns Book Club gave a "Bon Voyage" surprise i^ r ty last week 'to Mrs. "J. Hamilton Smith a t her home 1488 Gordon - Avenue. Mrs. Smith left on -Sunday for England. She was presented with a bag for travel­ ling accessories during the .even- ing, which'was spent in, music, refreshm ents being served a t th e conclusion. Thfose present in­ cluded Mr. and Mrs.'^W. Wilt- shm e,Jfrs. C. Burbridge, .Mrs. W. -R r GIafk7-Mr--and-Mrs. (rordbn"" Gray, Mrs. D. Hardy, Miss Ev^ Ha'milton-Smith, Mr. P. C. Chap-, man, Mr. V. Griflfiths, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton-Smith. Another member, Mr. Burgess, was un- ' lo - t^ b e ^ e s e n f r Stratton's BAKERY lotJ% 1U R 1SI -IKJE-'j/E 'VkllP Ten varieties to suit ovary taste Meat Pies -* Cookie* , Eccles Cakes •-- Pastries Buns and Rolls t Note Address: » 1468 Murine Drive Phone Wcet 27 • > ...... Holly burn iheatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY ami SATURDAY MATINKK May loth, 20th and 2l8i , ANNA NBAGLE ' Victoria the Great' also "ACE DRUMMOND" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY . May 21st anc) 23rd BARBARA STANWYCK JOHN BOLES STELLA DALLAS' • oIbo "MICKEY MOUSE" NEWS and SPORTLIGHT TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 24th and 25th MARX BROTHERS "A DAY AT THE RAGES" ....................... also- - "BAR RAC'S NIGHT OUT" "MODERN DIXIE" ,Mr. McGill of Vancouver,- moved into the Devlin cottage ^onJRadcliffe™ Avenue.___:__ Gordon Spring. Mr. and Mrs: Ted Minkley, Mr. and Mrs. George Minkley. ]\fc. and Mrs. Fred Lam- bert, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McMillan, Shirley Ware, John Minkley, Franois- Jenvey, Earl Philips, -Dorothy-Lem onrGeorge-f^inanr , . tt* 'l l *11 Ttl ■■■■ W est 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 FRRE -Connie-Howell, Billy Ealstwood,- Lorence Lauder, Chas*. Lauder, Mrs. Hillyer and Paul Lang. ♦ * * . * . A home and garden in W est Vancouver was the scene of a "prbnMneht" prenuptial-*' tea^^ 19DT1CE This Company has large, quantities of -fir, hemlock, and cedar logs felled and biroked~aIoni?iide' p^arv"e"d" --road.--Tliis-tim berJs-ayail " able free to any person de­ siring* to cu t--firewood for personal use. ^ Phone West 374 or apply , ;_at,, E sta te _Office, _7th__and3 ^ ^ ^ a th e rs .- - NELSON'S FIRE FUELS -------^1894-Marine -Drive - SAWDUST We handle Only One Grade of Sawdust (THE BEST) 100%' old growth fir, Range or Furnace. : (guaranteed measurement) WOOD (Bushwood)j., flTiMTSwlltrFir? old grow th.............. $6.00 cord Maple (fireplace)........ - 5.50 Alder (fireplace) ........ 5.50 " Bush F ir ....... 6.00 " Bark Special.-- 5.00 " Millwood -fnside-Mill-^F-ir- r..... . 6.60 -Furnace Blocks ......... 4.25 " Slabs (Barky), ......... 8,75 " 2~cords .:.... .............. 7;00-- Slabs & Edgings......... 3.75 " 2 Cords ................... 7.00 -Edgings 8.60 2 Cords ................... 6.50 COAL We handle all grades of Coal. -Phone'tWest-783' Your "local dependable dealer. The DELIVERY B l i t t e r \^RST-GRADE 3 lbs fo r 94c Lpin Pork....Jb . 27c Meaty Roasts lb. 22c -Sho. L a mb l b . 23c Breast Lmnb..Jb. 15c. ̂ •' . Cottage Cheese lb. 12c HUNTER'S Ma r m a l a d e Large Jar .30c Shamrock Bacon ̂ Empire's Finest Rolled Roast Bjeef lb. 25c Cross Ribs.... lb. 18c Ribd Roust lb.--23c-i5c per-^ lb. pkgs. ___ '■ > b a k e a s y 1 lb. cartons r:7liin|yg^tw<rovTl#wW-- Short Ribs... lb. 12c Rejjled-Boneless -Pot--Roast4r>:;:rIb.-48c- honor'«was Miss Jean Griffiths, • whose m anage to Mr. Percy . Masterman takes place on May 20. Joint hostesses were Mrs. J. Hutchinson, grandmother of Mr. Masterman, and his aunt, I Mrs. Frank Lefeaux, assisted by his mother, Mrs. P.^Masterman. Snowy dogwood blossoms were arranged throughout the recep- . tipn rooms, and in the tearoom " . the table was centred with a woodland bouquet of bluebells, tulips, lily of the valley and sprays of bridal wreath.; Presid.. ~ ing -were"Mrs7-Sidney'Gisby~and~"7 ̂ Miss Florence Masterman, aunt of the ^oom-to-be, who is v isit­ ing in the city from England.' Assisting as serviteurs were Mr.ci R. Crotheroe, Misft__I.,Qia of the Age! = 7 PROPERTIES LTD. West Vancouver BOX LACROSSE R eservations For Reserved North-Vani couver Section up to j . p.m. day of game. ~ SMITH'S SMOKE, SHOPS .Lonsdale Avenue__, _ No.phone, please. Fresh Fish frbni* the Salty Sea. U. .* The warm weather is here and we have SALADS, COTTAGE CHEESE, Etc, Marfiie Fish Market 1429 Marine Dr, West 722 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Mrs. W hite of 20th.Street, is ^eaving■on the 23rd instant for E n g la n d ^ -Dunbar and Miss Marian M aster-"" man. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON 1 R G G C GRADE A LARGE doz. (formerly with Birks Ltd. Montreal) 1522'Marine Drive JYESl^ N-STATlONERS^iUJBRARY- 1680. Marine Drive Next to Royal Bank West 687 POE MAY 24th-- SUN GLASSES; PICNIC PLATES, 10c dozj DIXIE CUPS,. 10c doz.; WAX PAPER, DOILIES, NAPKINS, STRAWS, SNACK-PACK CUTLERY, lOc pkt.; Etc. -- City Prices. THE NEW 5-SUIT BRIDGE CARDS! -- f la y in g Cards 30c arid up; -LEXIGON7-60c^ack;~-ZOOF---BALL,-~ThrilIiiig--New-SpTnrt!!--25c:' Canadian, Old Country, American Magazines; Books, Pens, Games, -Gift Wraps, ete.7"etCM UP-TO-DATE-RENTAL LIBRARY. -- 1000 Titles to choose from.