....................................................... «L* WBST ¥AK UNITKD CEUitCH a«r. H(Ut« Wrifht« Mi»i«t«r ■.-■fimwljijr'̂ iiarfteii *̂>-- '■ 11:16 iuu.* 7:16 pjso. Sunday Sebool and Dibla Ct«aa 10 a.m. Strantf ri'̂ 'A"' Vlt Itow"Wfkottit; The Scientific Wag to Give a Permanent Wave ia bg Controlled HeatJ With this new l/uart nmchlne it ' in '"iin|ioHHibl« to igui that <lru*<l frizzy look, :ih w ary ln'Uter iH thomioHlatically con trolled. With every, I'errilMnent wo " :five ti hairMtyle .cKpedally for you. y Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Croutora of ExcIumIvo PermanentH, 1546 Marino Drive Wc«t 117 BAI»TIST CHUECH *]liidai#r E«v. W. L. McKay« B.A..« ED. gttaday Sm w km 10:00 a.m.--Church School in- dudinir Adult Clasa U a.ffi. &.7:30 p.m.r^FreachIJUC Sorvkea. A (hearty welcome to all ̂»' / 4*. M ' » THE HIGHLANDS i;iy;i Murine Drive, Tea Cup Rjcading l'rof('HH(»r firKniliH 'u<'M(lay - Friday- - .Saturday 2:00 l,o"nr.'IO p.m. HOLLYBDRN A A LL 14tb and Ducheua SUNDAY, May 22nd at 10 p.m. ' Sunday School and Youn^r People's JBible Class SIINDAV, May 22nd, at 10 a.in. GOSPhlD ADDltKSS MU. A. MOENINC WEST VAKCOUVER C b rilO lii Science Society CHURCH BDIFICB 20th a&dl Baqnintalt, IldUybara- Thls Society b a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May 22nd Subject: "SOUL AND llODY" Sunday School-atl0;00 a.m. Testimony Wketlntr Wednesday (:16 p.m. is cordially 1 In vited to attend our seririceB>nd moetinas. MEK'S SUMMER CAPS in C h u i*____________ . • " * 8 l«d« . Priw...___ 25, SW«AT SHtBTS, aBsorted Stylaa and Calora. Prli*..................... j. The iv'KW JANtZEN SWIM TKONKrSItli Zipper and Plalh Siylw, .Price ...... $2.96 and $3.96 McLEOD'S MENS WEAR rarVANCOOVER BR lD ES^^^see Chesterfield Suites Occasional Chairs Stopls -- F urn iture Eenovated Needlepoint M ounted. 1516 Marine West 710 ILIC UNIIED CHURCH 21hL and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. HilHs W right, Minister I'h HOLLYBURN DRESfSM AKERS 1H90 Marine Drive I'ilONE WEST 083 _ MIS.S D. II. llO ItlE Sunday Services a t 11:15 a.m. ttnd 7 :10 p.m. Sunday School ajid Senior Boy.s' Bible Class a t 10 a.m. Explorer, Boys ' meet every Mojiday a t 7 p.m. ST. ANTHONY'S CA CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. , fligh Mass and Sermon •-- 10:15 a.m. ^ Rosary und Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Cateehi.sm and Bible Class--2:00 RAMSAY PAINY SALE Ending Saturday, M ay 21st Sold exclusively by ROBT. SEEDS, General: Mierchant 1434 Marine Drive West 28 p.m. Week-day Services Senior 'Young People meet -- 7:00 a.m. DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST liny Block, 14th and Marino Dn Olllce Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evonings by appointment. Phono West 72 every Monday a t 8 p.m. C.G.I.T. meet every Wednes day at 7 p.m. ' ITayer Meeting a'nd Bible Study every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Choir Practice on Thursday at 8 p.m. "̂ Ti'ridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. , Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 , to 8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay- 1646 Duchess Ave. May 22 -- Rogation Sunday . 8 :00 a.m.^--Holy Communion, ̂ 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 3 :00 pirn.--Empire Day Service . 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- ® "i mon. 'Everyhody Dat Talks 'b ou t H eaven A in't G w ine to Git Dere. Says an old negro song. And everybody. th a t talks about King Mill sawdust, doesn't necessarily have any, because only KNILL can get the King Mill sawdust on the North Shore .and the reason everybody-talks about.it is that it is the bestCl00%^flr sawdust there"is on the market. Be smart ---- fill your storage space at present price. , 'SfJ -KNILL'S -FUELB • SAWDUST -- WOOD -- _ COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 794. Ilf ." ' IIF':!■ >rj F.! : ^ 7 h •- Flstablishcd on North Shore„ 25 Yfars (Lady Assistant) HAiUlON BROS. LTD. funeral Birectara vilollyburn Funeral. Home- 18th and'Marino W est-134 Nortir ^Vancouver: Pirirlors 122 Wc.$t Sixth Street . Phono North 134 Vaheduver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East . Phono Fair. 134 ..Through the coming lof Rev. Thursday, Ascension Day, 10:15 C. L. Whitman of the .Sudan a.m.--Holy Communion.- United Mission, the pastor post'- - Tuesday,„8:30 p.m.--A.Y.P.A. . poned the beginning of his series Tuesday,-2:30 p.m.--W.A. Study oil the Lord's Prayer, until Sun- Meeting, day morning. • The subject will . St. Francis-in-the-Wood, be, "G od's Fatherhood." He will 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Sermon £dso have a story for the mem- ---------- :---------- bers of the Young Worshippers' ^ ... BRITISH - ISRAEL League, in the evening, in view . F- / --------- :of--Ascension--Davi;--th-feSsubject---- The-Dundarave-Branch of the. GAINES & BALDEN PAPERHANGING KALSOMINING Free Estim ates' ------------- ROOF STAINING PAINTING - - - SPRAY WORK . - Reasonable Rates West 530 will be, "The Expediency o f tn e B. - 1. World Fedeation meets Ascension." The choir will lead regularly on Monday evening a t • in the worship of song. 25th ;and Marine Drive." May The church school will meet-at - 23rd:wilLbe_a.s,acial eV_ening_w_ith._ 10 .rtVlnpk _____ several short addresses. You ICE R idley's Service MILK WEST VAN. ICE & MILK SERVICE Original Distributor, for TWIGG ISLAND MILK ICE BOXES FOR RENT OR SALE -- CITY PRICES -SERVICE-----------P h o i « r W a 8 t ~ a t S 6 ■ quality m The French Beauty Salon The Young People's Society willineet on Monday a t '8 o'clock. The, devotional will be taken by "l:krther^Eass6^ aaid" For Work of Quality -We-s rmeia-l izo-4tv~fi HOr-grey-afld- The pastor will speak on the subject, "How We Got Our Bible." are very cordially invited. The Provincial B.-I. Convention on May 30, 31 and June 1, meets in" -Vahco u-ver__A.. ibcal-B ;-J.™Rally- early in June. ■Patronize the bnly-Local Iceman. ICEMAN: C. Ridley Keep 't) tir Money- a t Home • MILKMAN: H.Stephens *** white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 FLQWERSH^GR- TIIK HAIIDWARE MAN SAYS: W e ar<' in fo r a d ry spell, so you h a d -b e t to r look to yo u r H ose and S p rin k le rs .---We can supp ly a ll youi- noed.s-in th ese lin e s ; a lso th e now B ritish -B in c h 4 ..a w n Mowers," Look th em o v e r. ^ -C R A W L E Y -& BARKE0R each Wednesday a t 7:45 o'clock.^ The fourteenth'linniversary of' the Women's Mission Circle will take place M d a y evening a t 8. p.m. in the Church. Mrs.. John H art of India, will be the speak- ^ MAY QUEEN'S STAND ^er-tod^eVassisdhii^^ be the Neufeld Sisters quartette. Miss Miargaret Hilborn and Miss Winifred and Master George - , Any desij'ing to donate flowers for the decoration of the May Queen's stand at Ambleside Park are asked to kmdlY~phoneiVIrs Ht P. AJlen at West G95=ij, "when a truck will call for them. K'W:M; 3E !;k' : .11: 2444 Marine. Drive HOSEL IN G E R IE , O H IL D R E N 'S U N D E R W E A R ..D R E S S E S , N O T IO N S G IF T S U G G E S T IO N S B r e ^ e y . An offering will be taken for missions. Everybody welcome. LEGION NOTES Hello'-MacT^-'What'TaTe you'grinli^ about ? Someone tell you I took my car down to Bob Seeds ? Well, I did. And I must admit youVe got some- service r ever had the,,good fortune to connect with. I got ^rre ' . L t:T' iNY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON iii l 1B42 m a r in e ORIWK ' WEST 366 - . M . - m h i ' r s " A . I S . T . n T B . d . , ' - - - The next general meeting will be Jieid on PTiday, May 20th, a t 8 p.tft; All members are 'request ed -to attend. P'inal a rrange ments for May 24th will be made. Air members and Ex-Service men are invited to attend JEmpire Day service a t St. Stephen's Church on Sunday, May 22nd, a t 8 p.m. Fall in a t the N.W. cor ner of 22nd S treet a t 2:50 p.m. shai*p. Medas and decorations will be worn. ̂J ' * 5 ,'w.-Lr ii; THE W ^ s t ~ V a t i~ N e w s Publi.Hhcd JEvery Thursday The_ Legion Hall_wilL.be open- on May 24th for R e-^ ion of all Ex=Servioe-men;-- Open fi^m 3 p.m. to midnight. .....-- ...V... I got ^irengine tune- up as well as. a lubricatibh job. 'i^Boy, Oh, Boy, Tknow you told"me but I wouldn't have thought those: two oper- .ations could 'make so much improve ment in a car. I watched theiu^ '̂while the car was on'the hoist for'lubrica- tion and I see now where the-differ ence comes between "a "grease" job and a "complete lubrication." I got the engine oil changed to Triton too, and say it runs smoother and freer, every day. Bob's got a complete record of everything done, and Oven if I for get to go back in a thousand miles he can remind me for he knows when I Will have done approximately that ^iileager-I-'m-sui^-glad-yoir told "m"e"to~ go down there. Bob a n d . his boys are sure'-a -friendly bunchl By^theT >vay, there's one phone riumber I m Publisher F. F.lLOVEGROYE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 65 IMrs. R. I. Sherriff, 2659 Mar ine Drive, has returned to her homeTrom S elm aP arkr -- won't forget when I need service for my car and that is Bob's number -- West 614. Web. I 'll be seeing, you, have to be ^be Jfamily to the show. So Jong, Mac. ^ ii Ih, North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. ii ii')' , ■ i i --' ■ *<>> 1* , ^ t i ' J - p i i f ^ $ 1.00 a yedf by carrier; $2jD0 a year by mail______________ HANDY ANN SHOl . 2442 Marine Drive SALE OF MARSHALL, WELLS' ------- ~"HGUSE~P^INTrSHiNGLE^TAlN M « and-SHINGLE PAINTMay 14th to May 28th 100-WATT PO-WATT Tw /rr T H E u m r A 60-watt lanp eosts tbreô f̂iffliST̂of a cent lor 5 hours (on the 2-oenL«te). A 100-watt lamp costs 1 cent for 5: boors and-givos.̂ ouble' Ihr light iSrIt Send for, the girl inth^ th e Sight~Saving K it, Phone B.C, Electric, Seym our 5151