West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 May 1938, p. 1

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p̂nimwwmmw?. Circulating in-the D istrict o f IVest Vancouver-^ Amh/eside, Holly bam , Weston, Dundarave- $1.00 p«r ye»r. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. *= p" '®py «t newMtanda. Vol. XIII HOLLVBURN P.O.. WEST IVANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1938 No. 7 horticultural society Property a t the corner of 22nd Street and Esquimau was acquir­ ed many years ago by, the Horti­ cultural Society with a view to the erection of a Horticultural Hall. In connection with th is it is intended in the near future to . call , a meeting of the members ol-Uhe Association to. discuss what can be done with the prop­ erty in the best interests of the society-and West .yancouver. i'he directors urge all members of past years to renew their fifty 'cent membership, and thus be eligible to enter into the ..discus­ sion with privilege of voting if necessary. Due notice will be advertised in this paper as to date and place of meeting. MAY DAY GUANl) STAND TICKETS , Reserve tickets a t 25 cents each for the grand stand on May Day are on sale a t Cun­ ningham's Drug Store. Those desiring to purchase same arc urged to do so early, as the supply is limited. IF IT RAINS m a y d a y p r o g r a m s ' May Day programs may be obtained free on Saturday and Monday a t the local stores. Should the ..'woaihonnan bo liositively ornery and insist on tears instead of sunshine on May Day the sports, parade and program will bo postponed until the first fine Saturday following. The May Queen Crowning cere­ mony will be held a t 4 p.m." a t Inglewood High School, and the baiuiuoi and ball will follow as scheduled. Should the parade be called off the news will be broadcast over, radio * station (UvWX at noon, May 24th. .... CHILDREN'S MAY DAY DANCE The Aiinual Children's May Day Dance will be held in the Lois Minkley Maid of Honor GLADYS .WILSON May Queen 'Elect Louise Messinger Maid of Honor WEST VANCOUVER MAT DAY CELEBRATION UNION AGREEMENT WITH SAFEWAY AND .PIGGLY WIGGLY DONATIONS AND PRIZES, MAY BAY CELEBRATION' AumtoHum'on' . j ' i-u nesday evening, May 25th. There ■ As May Day draws near the vvijl be dancing from 7:30 p.m. May Day Committee, makes its ) i:, i i yr - FULL DAY'S PROGRAM The signing 'cxf k union a g r ^ ment between Safeway and Pig- gly Wiggly Stores here and* Local 279 of the Retail CIierkŝ „̂ national Association is announc­ ed by Mr. Don Maxwell, its organizer. :;vv;s:' ' ; Hours of labw general, said Mr. MAxwell, ̂^ e re not the essential Jo in ts were found to .be better than those prevailing in th e industry and in the niain to bê^̂̂ i^andaird set ever, in the opinion iof the per­ sonnel and - the mahAgement, a union shop card is thbuglit to be ^a^efinite::guaranteed:6lthe^ u b li^^ of "the standard of wages and conditions obtaining in the Safe­ way and Piggly' Wiggly .Stores. :|chool ;ioard , May ̂ Q u ee^ e le^ • "^ " i^ 7 "d e^ a ted "Autos; r e ^ e c t lm i ̂ . 1:00 m .-A M B LESID E P A ^ - M a r c h P ast r f M Amval of May ^ e e n . Maids «f,-Honor and ^ , wage increases totalling appnoxi- of breaking the F lag; .arrival of'May Queen e t e t a p d her touragerA-ddress rf'welcome-and ̂ o w n m g ;^ :^ ^ ^ employees in the Company's 75 tag Message of Congratulation by ^ retail stores in Vancouver, North ^ 'oop. ̂ îT'rtiLr DjinpiTHy Vancouver, West Vancouver, and-PrizesT b;^^yd^ue^p to -4V inne^= ^d io^^d iaciy^^i^^^^ The various Jfeypole Dances. Gymnastic Display by West Vancouver High provisions a r e ' retroactive to " A. A. A.U I- At A.v,̂ ' fi^st .and the agreement will 3:30 p.m. May Queen starts the first rac^ ^^At^ A-rv̂ r of be in effect until May, 1939. ^ noon sports program and leaves with her retinue for ̂ commenting on the negoti- ; the Municipality?:^-----------^ •" • COMMENCING a t 8:30 a.m. Inter-house Relay. Sherman to 14th St. Inter-High Relay; Lonsdale Ave., North Vancou. ver to 14th St. W est Van. Inter-house Girls-Relay, Sandy Cove to 14th St.; Pauline Johnson vs. Hollyburn School Relay, 23rd ; Street to 14th Street. . . « . ' rr, a. 10 a.m. AMBLESIDE PARK -- Sports Program, Flat races, Broad Jumping, Hop-Step-&-Jump, Sunday- School Re­ lays, Boys and Girls. , , 12:15 p.ni. .ASSEMBLY OF PARADE a t 20th S treet and judging of decorated Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters, Wagons, Floats, Patriotic -Ck>upl.es,_.Gbipic,.^€i:tiaiu^^ Original Character Costumes. - - • a.- 12:45, p.m. PARADE leaves 20th Street, Tree Planting ceremony by May Queeii a f Memorial Park. Order of Parade-- , Chief Constable Squires, Children in Costume, d ^o ra ted Bu cycles, etc., School Band, Veterans of Empire W ars, May Quee;i and escort, of SeafortH C adets; Reeve and Council, Guests, ---rr--= r-- '■ -T r r -- r,--f - --r * J-- annual appeal to the generosity , of the citizens of West Vancou­ ver. An„elaborate program of children's sports and com petitive. parade events has been planned, but donations, whether in the>- form of cash or prizes, are urgently needed. Will the pub­ lic help the committee if they possibly can? ' ......... Please send any contributions however small to Mrs. J. R. Patterson,. 2694 Marine Drive; - Mrs.. W. B. Small, ■ 2047. Fulton Avenue. ' ■ ■ or to the Editor of this paper. ' Money ? i D. Davidson................... $2.50 June & Bud "R" 2.00 -Canadian Legion _„-.:,....;..._zz2i.50j. "D" i::?--.:..;:::...:.:.. i.bo to 11 p.m., .and the May Queen and her entourage will be pres­ ent. Altogether a very happy . evening of fun {viff'^dancing awaits the children. rTiCKets 10 . cents'.- ' ■ ' . . ..:. HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, May _22nd, in Hollyburn Hall. A t the 7 :30 p.m. service next Sunday a Gospel address will be given by A. Morning.. . " DEATH OF MRS. C. READ AnonjJ-'mous ...............3.00 Prizes , Mrs. Christina Read, widow of the late A. S. Read, passed aw;ay ■suddenly last Saturday a t her home in Horseshoe. Bay_ in_ her_ "6 5 t h - y e a r S h e ' is"W rvived by two sisters. Funeral services ■were held ̂a^ ___________ .. from the Hollyburn Funeral TownswomenV~Cuild, Greeti- Home of Harrpn Bros. Ltd,, the -wood's--Groeeryj--SpencersHJ^ --Revi--HiHis ■ "Wttght~offici:a^ %-J J""*' ■ X ' ■ ' J, " *' ^ ■ -• -f ' ■ - •arid ' interm ent was made Mountain View Cemetery. ------- -̂----i--------- inHudson's Bay Co., Woodward^^ Ltd., Associated Dairies, Dun- Darave Librafy, McLeod's Men's "Furnishings,,Cosy Coffee Shop,. CONSERVATIVE MEETING" ' Wooding Shoe Store, Fry-Cad- - bury Ltd., Crqss & Co., Brooks „f A u T l I S ! IlK ir-x G n n rf A " v --F6.dG.CflI---Drv^oods.--^Mrs.--TU-AJL^pfmrau^ '̂Well Wisher,". J. H. Fletcher, Brown & Munton, B. C. Elec. Rly.- MAY DAY BALL ;6:30 p.m.--MAYr. QUEEN BANQUET a t St. Stephen's Parish Hall, 22nd S tre e tr • 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.-r-INGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL a u d ito riu m --Grand May- Day-Ball. The May Queen and her complete entourage will open the Ball and Marie Abrams -Orchestra will supply th e 'm u sics "This~spectacle with its set- ting in the beautifully decorated A'UditOT^^^ best conditions possible for its -a n ^ c o lo iv is -o ^ ^ M to & u ts ^ d in g e v e n ti^ p ^ ations which re^rted"~iiT~t1iis* agreem ent,'M r7"Lon ~W. Raley, President of Safeway and Piggly ' Wiggly, -stated, "Our organiza­ tion welcomes this Union Associ­ ation. The Company 's policy- has always "been-'to provide the ~ The Annual M ay Day Ball will- take place on the evening of May Day in the Ingle'wood Auditorium; which will be beautifully decor­ ated for^the-occasion__This-ball,- the eighth in succession since West Vancouver began keeping -May Day, _-is--the.:=J^iefiv-social- couver North was held on Tues­ day at the Norths Vancouver Club rooms. Jack Loutet, ex-M,L. A., and John Pox were selected as delegates to proceed to Ottawa tion in July."- Alternates chosen were ̂R, ,R. Rose and David Beach.' SANNIE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 1, Yrom _____p.m. to j.m.- • Vi'; The. refreshmenit booths on the grdunds ^t* Am bleside. Tark \nll dispense light refreshm ents, afternoon teas, ices and drinks a t popular prices. ' " ' Grandstand Seats will be on sale a t Cunningham's Drug Store, 1586 Mariner-Drive, from FYiday next until *11 a .m .,. ^ay 24th.' Ticckets 25 ceiits"."^ . • ■ « ., Free prograinis "will be available, a t your local merchant s s to r e s .^ ' 1 - For further- information phone Secretary, W est 42-Y-3. West Vancouver - Board of School Trustees N O T IC E R e b e g i n n e r s . Children "who intend to begin school next .Septeinber must be six .Z™?-Jl£_age_.dn -or--before-December--S-L̂ -lOSS. Reg^stration-fornisjEox- children may be obtained ' from the principal of the sphool which the child intends 4o enter, l i t is desirable ;.to have these forms completed soon as possible, th a t the School -Doctor may proceed with the physical .. .. examination fflyenito. ah SPehThfidren haforc they enter school. Parents of such children m ay interview Principal Da'vidson on Tues- - ^-^ftetnoons at. Hoilybum School or Principal Condon on Thursday ^rnoon^at Pauline Johnson Schcool. igiifying' their efforts in craft improvemept and better public seJ^ice, as well as for the h an d -' ling of m atters in their own -int­ erest. We are, therefore, glad to have the public know th a t . these conditions exist." -. ̂ "This is the first agreement covering work and wage_condL tio'ns and giving recognition to a trade union which has been - signed in local retail history," stated Mr. Maxwell. "I t should' be a welcome example to retail Vworkefsrithiroughout; the city:"~ Harmonious relations had exist­ ed between the firm and-its-em--- ployees during all negotiations, Maxwell emphasized. He said th a t valuable ^ ^ b e had been ' extended during, the negotation -period- by--officials:_of-the Van­ couver and New Westiminster "Trades and Labor Coiipcil, to 'which Local 279 and 18,000 'members of other local unions are affiliated. March,, which is always a -very and Mose warn having a h n "i-gnment. In reply to some re? evemng with her presence. Dane- m ark of Eastus, Mose said: ing will take place from 9 to 1 with Marie Abrams Orchestra in pharge of the music, and re- freshm ents win be .served. _Ad- missiori 50 cents. "Guess I know, niggah. Don't you think I'se got any brains?" "Huh!" Rastus -replied., "Niggah, if brains were dynamite,-you couldn 't' blow off your hat!" Mrs. K. A. Ray accompanied by her son Herbert, left Wednes­ day morning on a two m onths' trip to Colorado, Texas arid Cali, fornia. \ ° - West . Vancouver Municipd Ferries H A LF HOURLY SE R V IC E MATT DAY SCHEDULE AMBLESIDE _j. CITY DOCK T F irst Boat, leaves a t 6 a.m, -Last •Boat_leayfis„at JLLajQ_:p.m. F irst J ^ a t leaves a t 6:30 a.m. Last Boat leaves a t 12 midnight. West Bay Buses meet all ferries; Upper Level Bus--Sunday Service VrT'.V?:, iiit'