A^Weefely-Newspaper ■WtlKpIlHHc#* Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouverr-Ambieside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave $ 1.00 p e r y e a r . , Cypress Park,^Caulfeild,WhytecUff, Etc. 6 c p er c o p y a t n e w a a ta n d s. V ol. X l l l HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY^ MAY 12th, 1938 No. 6 rr- THE HITLER - MUSSOLINI MEETING Events will tell the World in the course of the next few weeks ju st what H itler and Mussolini decided upon during their recent meeting. And it goes w ithout saying th a t it was no social get-together. Nor was the Rome-Berlin axis ever . held in question. For thieves do not fall out while ,there are still nests to be cracked. It is when the opportunities for robbery haye been exhausted and the spoils come to be divided . that the quarrelling starts. The,series of ̂ magnificent spectacles pu t on -by Mussolini were {Trrangfed primarily to impress the German nation with his power and to bolster up the Italians with a sense of their own importance. Since obviously, another coup or coups were f.ho chief subject of discussion, and coups r equire a rms or the backing of arms, H itler land^hls experts were* in Italy to si2se'_ ̂ up the strength and efficiency of the Italian forces. And they ' saw them all. In this.connection it is significant th a t a grand review was held of the Italian naVal forces, because on, them will largely rest the fortunes a t sea of the dictators in the'event of a quarrel with.Engand. To w hat extent the German dic tator and . his staff were impressed remains to,'be seen, but it can be preti^y well taken for granted tha t the immediate peace of the world hangs upon that issue. The English people for the thircLtime signified a t Lichfield their grave disapproval of Chamberlain's foreign policy. They refused to be turned by the arguments of three Cabinet Min isters sent down to take part in the campaign contrary to the usual procedure in by-elections in the Old Land; There seems to be little doubt;-therefore, th a t in. the event of a gen eral election the government fbrees would be snowed under. It should be enough for even a wise politician, but how much, more so for a leader who poses a s a statesm an and an upholder of demiocracy. Yet it would be altogether surprising if Chamberlain altered h is policy by one .iota. He , remains and will-remain wedded tS n is obsession for appeasement. And the mere fact of his ever embarking on such a course reveals his u tte r ignorance of-the G enm p psychology as ex-, emplified-in H itler and Mussolini. '^ ^ V ^ in n o t appease or" " pacify a hungry , tiger by stroking has to be fed; ' and; unless there is enough food to'mj^plij^ he will-turn ' ' and eat those who are try ing to supply^ariP^nts. . That is exactly 'the case now in 'Europe. There is not enough territory, in the. world today t̂o sa tis fy .the^ ambitions of the two dictators and th e ir 'peoples; ■ They^-.wilt not- be ■Gant^tiwith.^uch^<niaps=as^an#e-^ven-them^ -4--̂ ■-- -•■■ - -- JLi_s__jus_t this_truth which the people of E ng land :so -clearly= DONATIONS AND PRIZES M AY DAY CELEBRATION PARLOR SHOW NEW BUS SCHEDULE Preyiousy acknowledged Westr-Van. Council.............$25.00 Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0 . D. E ........................ 10.00 Canadian Legion W.A.................. 2.00 A Parlor Show of spring flow ers will be given tonight a t 8 o'clock by the West Vancouver Horticultural Society in the Inglewood School Annex. There are classes in tulips, lily of the valley, pansy and viola. BloomsThis week's lis t ; Col. M. H. Tristram ......... $2.60 will be judged bv Frank Garnish Canadian Bakeries Ltd...... ^.00 of the U.B.C.,' who . will also Daily Province.;................ 5.00 spoak on them and the pruning Prizes: : ___ flowering shrubs. In addition ̂ _ _____ ___ Naorhi Chapter, Eastern ..... acivice on the care of chi*ysaiithe- m a / 'be , obiaiiTed'^riom Pacific --Star..*.,.,,..,.j.«j......»»j.....̂ -- .... .-- Cup--mums -will-be given-by-Johii -Mc- - St.^e--Lines agents,-or - any-bus New summer schedule for the North Shore service of Pacific Stage Lijies are announced. The changes include both week-day and Suilday services between North' Vancouver, Horseshoe Bay, and intermediate points. Sunday service has been aug mented considerably for the summer month's; ' ■ Clpies of the no\v^-time table Marcel . Shop .................... Cup Handy E m porium .............r:Prize Seed's H ardw are ........... :... Prize Mrs. G rig o r ..........................Prize Mrs. Hullah's Grocery;........Prize Sterling Meat M arket......... Prize Mrs. Busst (Handy Ann Shop ....... Prize Glashan. driver. SCHOOL BAND CONCERT DOLLY VARDEN SHOP The W est Vancouver School Band under the sponsorship of the W est Vancouver Busirieas Men's-Asaociution, vvill give a Greenwood's Grocery ........ Prize band concert in the Inglewood, West Van. Florists.. 4 Bouquets Auditorium tomorrow (M day), for Maids of H onor., May 13th, starting a t 8 p.m. A , ----------------- fine program has been arranged. SOFTBALL ' Free tickets can be. obtained .-from those local stores and busi- Miss Edith White has taken over the Dolly Varden Shop at ♦ 2444 Marine Drive, where, she is carryng a stock of lingei'ie, ho.se, -childrcn's wear, ladies' ready-to-wear, notions, g ift sug-> gestions, etc. Her phone is West 772-L, and she solicits the patronage of the public. TENNIS CLUB I>AR' The next Tennis Club party will take place on W'^dnesday, The m erchants and business firms carrying the display men of West Vancouver have cards annouheing, the concert; in sponsored a,softball.team in the, their windows,,the concert hav- ........... . ........ _________ North Shore League, and the ing been sponsored by the Busi=^May is th , at Mrs. B. M7Grkdy"s team members wish , to express ness Men's Association as p a rt Beach House a t 8:30 p.m. sharp, their appreciation for their sup- of the campaign instituted bjf It will take the form of a special port. , I t is hoped to carry on . them to induce local residents to May Day party and all those f^om vvhere last year's'team left buy locally. Children -must . be participatipg are asked to come off and to have lots of support accompanied'by their parents. ..u,...,, ah from the fans a t the opening ' The assisting artists, the Bet- game Thursday, - May ,19th, a t ty Cavendish Dance Classes, will Ambleside Park a t 6:15. give their second annual recital, The m erchants who have lent""', a feature .of which will,^be the their co-operation-are: ' children's ballet,- "Rom'ance in .» Ambleside Meat .Market ■ Candyland." There will also. be Diamond Realty - - > a group of ensemble and solo - M c N e i l - B r U g s : .. dajnces-- sllQWing,:;;;;:::aJL types' of m -children's costumes. All interested in tennis are invited. RECITAL BY PUPILS OF, MISS WILCOX appreciate, but which Chamberlain apparently cannot see,. Ethiopia is one of the scraps to be thrown, .and possibly the German colonies will be the next, although we should doubt .'whether the British Government would dare hand these back ^wit-h-the-people-ofrt-he-01d-€ountry-in--t-h present- temper. ~ . ̂ Meanwhile nothing has bOen gained. The alliance with JV estV ancouver S l ie e f M ^ r .France, which Chamberlain'inherited, has only.been re-stated, the rest being all windowdressing, and the Rome-Berlin axis " remains" unweakened;- Neither H itler lior Mussolini, have C. B. Greenwood A stbury Lumber Co. L. Stoniet, Red & White ' . West Vancouver Lumber'Cb. Smith's Red ,&-White Store-- Lewis Barber Shop ^ B on Ton Gonfecti onery . of Miss Cav endish's advanced pupils will pre sent a Spanish scene ""Fiesta," which---features- the castanet playing of the dancers. I. O. D. E, '..swerVed -one degree from their course", in spite of assurances dmow;: to keep Jt. Bill Grout, West Van. Motors RiddalTs -Dairy;-- ------ The pianoforte pupils of Miss Marguerite Wilcox were heard in-' a rec ita r last Friday" evening in the Orange Hall before a large number of their parents and friends. A varied program had been arranged consisting in the main of solos, the various num- Jber.s^being--veiy---woll-^€eiVGd-hy- the audience. Generally speak ing, the - young' .artists played with accuracy , and feeling, and. how The' regular meeting of the ___________ , ___ _____ ^ :g uncan-Lawsonz(3iiapiter,Zl:D;D."T:showed:~the.'effect E.,,was held a t the home of training. Miss Wilcox played -Anyone--with^the--smallest-insigJit--into_the_pec.uliaiLGer:i. The 1st Company, West Van-.. During...Easter..week a _commitr. -hangen,"-.the audience demand'- ---------- ____________ __________ tee Visited t he Preventorium and ing an encore. She was later th.e_ couver Girl Guides, have com*-- gave the cffildren of~fhe ward recipient of a bouquet menced Their meetings once an Easter-treat. MrS: J. B. Lang. \ -------------------------1___!________ man makeup knows tha t to try to appease them is only to con vince them th a t yau; a re 'afraid.': _ _ _ __________ ___ ____ but to make them laugh, because "they frankly don't believe , more under"tlTe leadership of gave, a summary* o7 the"7miua1 That is w hy 'the present policy of appeasement is the . their ne-w captain. Miss Banks, provincial m eeting which wasyou. shortest cut to war, leading, as it m ust do. to some coup which The meetings are from 7 ta-8445 iare no tlp^o lef ati^T TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD BRITISH - ISRAEL p.m,-on Thursdays a t St: Steph en's Parish Hall. T^e Guides are working hard for their ten-- derfoot, second class land i^ s t class badges. During the Easter held- invitation to attend Empire Day service a t St. Stephen's Church a t 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 22nd, has been accepted." A special meeting*will, be held Public Notice Traffic Regulations is h e r .b , . i , e „ thatt h e j -- ' u ijctixivs LOOK me •, on Monday. May 6th, at 7:45- is nereoy given tna t __GnidM^n:Tthike:pi^^ , .mm.,dit the hdmfi-of=MTsrA¥rrR-Tz:=under - WEST,---VANGGkJVER^T- 763,- o8 being raised for the oxygen tent. Particulars are as-follows: ^oceeds of the Bridge held a t - tn^Legion Hall in February.'. , M e ts sold.... :....:-„„:.„$24.85- Cash at door .........21.35 donations- .'irr.........2.00 ' at 25th ahW M anhe,D river"^^e speiaker is C. Gladwin of North Vancouver. Everyone is 'm ade welcome. ♦♦♦ Estabrook--Dickinson St. Stephen's Church, West door tests and all had a very en- arrangem ents for the national joyable time. The Company list- annual m ee tin g < ^ " is not yet complete and those B irthday Luncheon wishing to become members may -'The 18th birthday of the do-so by attending the meetings Chapter was held in the Jane by gettm_g in. touch with the. Lawrence_Lunch.^RoQm-of-Spcn- captain. . , , cer's store on Saturday^ May Will be enforced, and the drivers' Expenses........................ lo!oO $48.20 - Vancouver, was the scene 6f a 'Cash in h an d ...............$38,20 quifet wadding on Saturday, May 7th) when Miss Dorothy Dickin- HGLLYBURN HALL 7th. Mrs. Frank Stead, provinci al president; extended birthday greetings froin, the provincial of motor vehicles are requested to govern themselves according ly :-- • . * ■ d. W ithin the") limits of the -- r^Mun icipali ty ho-me>torweh iele-̂ shall be driven a t a speed s»n;_aeco«d « t e S , g a v f l '^ p S i d tddre.^^^^^^ 2. ' ■ Mri-E.'J. Dickinson and the late "a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, May Privileir^s^oFciH^ ........-$66.95 Mrs.-"Dickinson, of 2347 King's I5th, in Hollybuim Hall. A t'the showed^the gradual develonmeiit at door...............37.30 , Avenu^^became the bride of Mr ■i .jfinle a t_danca^'..............13.7-5-- Alfred:-Es.tabrook-T)f 4004 West donations ..................... 13;50 "The"35th Avenue, Vancouver. Eev. F. A. .Riamsey officiated. _ . , , „ , - - -- gradual developmeiit m next Sunday of communities from the earliest j j --^Tgn will give_a__Go_sp_eI_- .rcave-ho^es-of-man to-^the pres- '> - AExpeuses -Gath $131.5Q Given in m arriage by her father, ... 49.00 the'bride wore a brdvm ensemble with pale-̂ g-re_en accessories and_ address. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and Bible study, the sub ject of which wilj be "The Taber_ nacle of Witness." ' ' \ ■ TirSiaaid ................ 82.50 'acorsage_of HHes of the valley. DR. KENNETH E. McESET by her- sister, OPENS DENTAL,OFFICE -donation" frorrf Juridr Guild . ■^iss ""Joyce "Dickinson as "brides- Total, .$17.30 - maid, wearing a blue ensemble Dr. Kenneth E. MoRae, form- with matching accessories. Mr. erly of 705 Medical-Dental Buildr- en communal centres and-point- ed .out the share women had in this development and str;essed particularly the p a r t y e t to be play e d . by them in community life. The birthday oake, which was made by one of the mem- "b^s, was fit ' g reater than THIRTY (30) . MILES PER HOUR. Between 14th and 25th ■ S treets on Marine Drive no motor vehicle parked on the South side, shall face West and no motor-vehicle parked on the North side shall face East* - dSTd': '4r was lit by eighteen red, white and blue candles, the col- j of'4 h e chapter, and was cut' proceeds ............$138.00 Clarence Estabrook, brother of mg, announces the opening of a by Mrs. John Lawson. The at- Ac! +1, -- ^ t h e g r o o m , was best man. - modem dental office in the n j^ MLendaiiceJprize-was-won-~bv-JVri8s~ " it-T fv '̂ ^^^^®^"^^«'tept-is-$250--^-A-small-reception--was-held--at---butIding-lTe"hafr-had~€rectea a t ,3 . M. Jones. . ' ' ' Guild ' the* home of the bride's father I860 Marine Drive; His tele- ^ vi-i. or.' n f l i / a v c T T - r t i 3 T * / ^ ' t v i . n . r i 'tr=====:T-;a+-iav--■f+i---T»Virvn -̂nnrKLhPT*--.ia---Wf 5.1 6.- motor vehicle shall be parked within Twenty Five Feet of any Fire Hydrant. No motor vehicle shall be parked within Twenty Five Feet of any corner at • the in tersection o f 14th Street and Marine Drive. No driver of a motor vehicle shall m ake a "U TURN" a t 14th and Marine Drive. -It--is--unlawful--to--allow a- othersTwho desire "'a fte r the ceremonyr^=Dater"the-- phone-number-is-West-432r^nd----=^ock: "Artd-how7,do^yduHike*your ' tion« T ' dona- bride and groom left for a short he will be pleased to m eet any ' radio, Mac?" to Mrs. Ben Hbram; 1766 haneymoon. They will reside in desirous of dental services. Eve- motor vehicle to remain sta tionary on_^ny_bridge or o n . any- o f the" Kard 'iy 'iimalt Avenue, West 236-Y. Duiibar. Heights. nings by appointmeut. Mac: "Mon, it's.grand, but the wee light's hard to read by." surfaced portion of Marine Drive: " BY ORDER of the Municipal Council. : ^ • <" t l i s s i i i