' ' ̂ '- ' ̂ r ■# ' *" 1 %A,ifu.- '1 «,V'A,-'-r ̂ ' > f ' '̂M'>'-,i V ' '•»». '-!"« IM rv "'iS w »' )•■. ■ A ■. ■>, rf ̂ P J I t I > t ^ ^,M •!« -> » -̂ f O" ■' If. rf > -' V -fSI5*f̂ IVj-lfcs « »*-'> A)Cl>̂ s»»» jl^.afjn -1 > <1 »■ ̂ f 1̂ f. <*, fc I «(rf«-k,js""i«v,(>'9-'̂ A N D LIB R A R Y ]hfi?xt to ISttoSc 1680 Marine Drire • West 687 j{tM»k«. ,M8«a*In«i«» Office, School 4iiid IIuuHehoId SuppiicH, j irHt Rate LENDING UBRARY 65c month; 3c per day - L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l The Dundarave Junior Dra matic Society wiir give a ' peF formancce of Miss Beryl Gray's 3-act play, "His Splendid h'amily" a t Ail Saints Parish Hall at >, s-\ s r . 8 t b p b e m 's .jCV.i*.a . F L A N N E L D A N C E - wr<«̂ m D A V ; 22»d APRIL, in the ORANtSE HALL Dam'inK- 1* to I. 'Refreshments. Mario Xbrams' Orchestra Tickets .35 cents. Royal Oak on Wednesday, April 27th. ■ •* ' * formerly ob ^ n ed their copies of this newspaper at Miss Camp- beir»»slore, can get them now at Gardiner's store at Sandy Cove, where the Sherman Post Office is now located. .'41 ' 4i A. E. Jacks and family, 1410 20th Street, have moved to 2714 Caroline Street, Vancouver.: 41 ̂ ' ttl ' " « . Mr. ami Mrs., Tom Oxley of Field. B.C., and Mrs. A lbert TH E m iE N D L Y D R U G STO R E " You.will like dealing at the ' . a m b l e s id e p h a r m a c y Phone W est 323 p, S: MONTAGUE , 1.403 Marine Drive Quick, courteous delivery always! . . - Miss It'ene Patterson, of Van couver, spent the week end with MiaSa B.etty Watson, 1328 Gor don Avehue. 4> 4< '■■' 4< ■" W est l a w n BOWLING CLUB The Green will be,officially opened for play on SATURDAY, APRIL 30th, at 2:30, p.m. ' • ̂I Permitting) ,, - ; ■ The opening game will be a mixed draw game. New memlbers will be. made cordially welcome' and it has been arranged to give special in struction to beginners. Those intending to join arc asked to phone P, C. iChapinah, West 42-Y-3, Secretary-Treasurer. ' Geoffrey Marshall of Vernon, B.C., was the guest over the week end, of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Blair, 1527 Gordon Avenue. ' ■ ' ♦ .41 , 4l' ' , Mr. and Mrs. Pox of East . Beach, left on. Monday. foiMl .trip to England! going by way of New York. They^ expect to be away several months. Mrs. Wood has moved from 2370 Marine Drive into a house, a t 14th and Argyie Avenue. PishipSg is' good in the Capil-' ano, therje being plenty of steel- heads and the river high. -............. ..---_»_4.~,-.4«-»™,.4i-..................... TOE HIGHLANDS . 1393 Marine Dri.ve Tea Cup R eading Professor Griffiths Tuesday - Friday - Saturday - 2:30 to 5:30 p.m '. Miss Helen Stevenson, 1919, Bellevue Avenue, has returned to her home a fte r spending the E aste r holidays a t Harrison Hot Springs. . . < . 4< 4< lit • .V Miss Kathleen Gosnell and •Jack Wormald of Victoria, were the guests over the Eas.ter . holi days of Mrs. W inter at "Sunlit'S Lodge," West Bay. jacks 1516 Marine Drive Phone West 710 Furniture Re-C.oyered - V.a!cuum'Cleaiiei: Fw-Reht- M ilady's Lingerie Shoppe -,tl474 -Marine Dri ve"®, ; Bolero Dresses, 'H-20 l .SAXURDA-Y:5BECIAL-$2;-95- The coroner's ju ry brought in a Verdict of "acpidental death" in , the case of "th e /la te Miss Saunders, a form er Altamont resident, who .was struck and killed recently in California, nO' blame being attached to the driver,*'who" stated' he had been blinded by the lights of an ap proaching auto. The funeral ser vices were in charge, of the I Order of the Eastern Star, of which the deceased was an active ̂ member, and interm ent followr" ing cremation was made in W est m inster Memorial Park in Costa Anna. ...-- ■ ■' I- Mrs. C. E . Morris, 2497 Law- son Avenue, spent E aster with' felativesrin Nanaimo; GAINES & BALDEN KALSOMINING - - - . - . BUILDING 3ALN-TIN-Ĝ -- ■: ----- ----- - - - - - - ALTERATIONS PAPERHANGING Free Estim ates SHINGLING Do work under Home Improvement Plan. WEST 530 , Bruton--rBeard A, quiet wedding was solem nized a t 9 a.m. Eastey Monday in St. Stephen's Church by. the Rev. F. A. Ramsey, rec.tor of -the, /parish, when...Elizabeth Knox of Vancouver, spent a few days during Easter week with Miss B. J. Campbell of West Bay. ' A son was born on Wednesr day, April 14th, in the Vancou ver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. R. Silva-White of 2585 Marine Drive. Ill ii ' A"' 'h • , . T ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ Mrs. S. J. Stocks was the guest over the holidays of Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor of "Kiew House," Kew -Beach.J, Mr. Taylor sp e n r 'th e week-end iit Samuel Island, * 4i 4< Miss, Fowler of the St. Paul's Hospital staff, is occupying a cottage at Sherman. . ■ " ,'r V ♦ 4< 4I In spite of the warmer weath er the skiing is still good on Holly burn ̂Ridge, there being seven feet of snow, a t the ski camps. ,, ♦ 4< « Mrs. Hunter has moved from Vancouver into a house a t 1139 Marine, Drive. ̂ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beall, 2596 Bellevue Avenue, have as their guest . Mrs. Dawson of H ornby'Island, B.C. * I ♦ ♦ ' Mr', and Mrs. Aubrey have re turned from the city and are occupying their home a t Glen- eagles.-r -- ---- ----- -' ̂ ■ . On Tuesday morning an .eagle swooped down in fron t of the Hollyburn Theatre and flew off with one of the pidgeons who > spend most of their time -therer ^However, he: .was, .chased ,, by a to ig r ^ s e a soon qmfijiFlieirtDndrop^his prey."' Mrs. C. W. Stevenson, 1919 Bellevue Avenue,' wHo has been seriously ill for several months, has recovered sufficiently to ro- Stratton's B A K ER Y HOME-MADE FRESH DAILY Ton varieties to suit every taste Moat Pies -- Cookiee Ekcles Cakes--- Pastries Buns and. Rolls Note Address: . 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE April 21at, 22nd and 23rd SPANKY McFa r l a n d **GENERAL SPANKY" 'ROUND^ui* TIME IN TEXAS" SA'l'UKDAY BVI5. & MONDAY / April 23rd and 25th DON AMECHE ALICE FAYE " You Can' t Have Everything" -a». also THE MARCH OF TIME" "PLENTY OF MONEY AND YOU" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY April 2Gth and 27th FRIEDA IN ESCORT WALTER ABEL " P O R TIA ON T R IA L " (Once only at 8:5 also ^ " EVERYBODY Fr,on M o r»kef 3 % West 190 " 1578 M arine .Drive West 190 F rid ay a n d ^ t u r d a y Flora, only daughter of Mrs. E . ' turn to her home .^after several M.Xeard, Dffridarave, and of the weeks spent a t the .Seaview late Mr. Daniel D. Beard, be- Nursing ' Home. Her many came the bride of Henry Michael, friends will be glad to hear that only, son of the Ja te Sir James .is able to be out and around and Lady Bruton of Glonf>p.«ntfirj ^ ^ England. ; Given in m arriage by her uncle, Mr. A. C. .Black of Vancouver, the bride wore a soft crepe dress of powdered blue, tailored coat cffjiayy blue and felt hat of the s ^ e shade tu rn ed off the face with accessories to match, her corsage bouquet being of pink carnations and, -liHies of the valley. Her-brides maid, Miss Clare Boulding, had chosen a figured crepe' dress to match her coat, which was ru st colored with a_st]^:aw-hat of the Mr, and Mrs. Townsend have moved from "The 'Gables," West Bay, Jn to a house a t 1344 Belle-. vue Avenue. B utter "FIRST-GRAUE ■ i3Jbs--foi/^l.l2 HUNTER'S Marm alade Large Jar 3 0 c Shanû ocjk . _Bacon- ^ Snipire's Fiaeist 18c gê r ^|2 Ib. pkgs.- b a k e a sy BBRE l a r d ilh prints Loin Pork : Ib. 27c Meaty'Roast's, lb. 22c S hoH ;a in b ^ :::;lb 7 ^2 3 c bride's motherrMrsrLlrM^^Beard, wore a black and w^^itq silk crepe- dress, tailored coat of the same"^ colors, "and a white flowered hat, ~ o with corsage ' bouquet o f , pink carnations. - "Mr."E7tr7Beardrbrothef~of'thie Breast Lamb... lb. 15c Cottage Cheese lb. 12c Rump Roast Beef Piime Ribs Beef Rolled Roast Beef ' Short- Ribsridb: bride, was best man.--The-church was very prettily decorated with Easter flowers, and Mr.. Albert Kendrick played the bridal music. ^ Immediately following the ceremony the happy couple left for Victoria, where the honey- inoon will be spent. Oh th e ir re-: tlirn they will leave via ^the Panama for England, where they,, .expect tonstay-for about a year, returning a t th°e end of th a t time to take UP residence in* West ^Wanoouver:-- -̂------------------------- r Shucks! for a new car this bus of yours sure squeaks and bumps, Bill. No need for ik. • either~you know. It'd run like a million if you just let somep one like Bob S^edi give it a REAL lube job once a thousand miles like I do. Boy, he's got a really modern Lubrication Ser- _ vice- down :there.:with hydraiilicz: gurjF' for different greases --gdt^these" new" Extreme"~Pres- sure and Hypoid Gea *̂ Oils -- and. up-to-rdate information. Say, . Remember r I/Igi)t_..my:__ new car - ^ e n they first came out? Well, I'd only had it a week or so when I took ,.it in to. him and -damed-if-he-didn't-have-a-luDri-- cation chart for my exact make . and model -- got a filing cabinet full of 'all the others too." You ought to drop in and see Bob get the low ,down *on. all this. You'll find it pays -- I know I do -- and yoiTtl" like the service too. They pick up and deliver your car back too, if you want,. His number is West 614 if you want to phone him. Well^J'lI have to be going. This is'Thy stop here. So long. Bill.- " NELSON'S =^EIRErEUEI^ 1894 Marine Drive SAWDUST We handle Only One Grade of Sawdust (THE BEST) 100% old growth fir, Range or ' Furnace. --. -̂--- (gT3,ararntee^h^neasui*ement) . WOOD (BushSvood)) _ _ Hand Split Fir old growth......... $6.00 cord Maple ( f i r e r i a c e ) . 5.50 " Alder (fireplace) ........ 5.50 "• Bush Fir ................ 5.00 " • _____ Millwood________ „ inside Mill Fir ......... 5.50 " v Furnace Blocks ... ... 4.25 " Slabs (Barky) ......... 3.75 " 2 cords .......;........... 7.00l„J,'.. Slabs & Edgings....... 3.75' V 2 Cords ................... 7.00 Edgings ..................... 3.50 " 2 Cords ................... 6.50 _ COAL We handle all grades of Coal. Phone West 783 Your local dependable dealer. •c « ;; ' WARM WEATHER IS HERE .For a light lunch FISH f r e s h DAILY Marine Fish Market 1429 Marine Dr. West 722 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Hollyburn Business Collegie 14th and Marine Drive (Upstairs in New Ambleside, Block) DAY and EVENING CLASSES" I^ividual Attention ' PHONE WEST 341 Rolled-Boneless PoferRoast-̂ r::TT:̂ lb.--15c-| " r" * 2 5 c do*. EXPERT W atch and Clock ___ /REPAIRING. T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522. Marine ̂Drive West Vancouver United Church W , A. ' ̂ "~r" ■- Presents " S l i '- i r THE JUNIOR GIRLS' CHOIR (MRS. COLIN M«cLEAN, Conductor) ... a 1 ^ " A l t Haba a n i t thr .40 Shtrutg" -- A.Musical Play UNITED CHURCH HALL, at 8 p.m. FRIDA-F and SATURDAY APRIL 22nd " APRIL 23rd _TICKETS~^ADULTS 3 6 c . CHILDREN 15c"