West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Apr 1938, p. 6

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i't . . f - .*■•< '^Y. « •■**■» *V .V ^ -, V/- , ' ^ , ,4 , , 4 DMWMMfiH•'rWSrWBSTTM ^^f^^ --,̂ «,»-<,!Ajl̂ y '•r '̂ '̂iiltl'rr̂ '̂ «'">̂ >«4 -̂ v ^ n *•> Phone West 46 RED AND WHITE Phone ..JWfefLM Meats->»^iione West 370 f '̂H*;;f S|i ' i|̂ ' r ii. ii!rf^ M; MuifKeHllon for THURSDAY & SATUliDAY, April 14th & 16lh M E A T S UNION COTTAGE ROLLS Ver lb. ........ ...̂ 1-.,............. 27c 5 POINT TENDERIZED HAM Half or whole, per lb___ 38c LEGS OF LAMB, lb. ..;........ 32c GRADE "A" BOILING FOWL " Per Jb............ :.......... 23c & 25c GEESE -- Grade "A" ..... lb. 23c DUCKS -- Grade "A" ..... lb. 25c SMOKED ALASKA COD, lb. 20c SMOKED KIPPERED SALMON Per lb. . . 22c Cod -- Halibut -- Cod Fillets Fresh Dally Ui'd A WhH« TOMATOES a .No. ZVt Tliih (I *4**».<l'**f t u Kiid & Whitf f'EACIlES, Miuitt tin 16e Fiiil flavoured halvea. * i*INEAI^I*LB -- Hlnaat>ore Sliced or CulM'd............... 2 tlrw 17i SAltDlNKS. Canadian...... H tina 14c I'fNK SALMON j . . J:alley. Quality,„v„.w;a2 .Tall Tina 23« - Itcd & Wliite iirond TOMA'I'O JUICE d lU oa. (iiiM .'12c; H 25 oz. ti|ia 31c Red & White TEA Ornnse I'ekoe...................pound 48c Save the Coupona for Valuable PremiuniN. ; HKST FOODS SALAD DRESSING 4 oz. jar,. lOe; 8 oz. jar..... I9c Id oz. Jar...................................... 34c CRLSCO ............................ 1 lb. tin 23c CAKE FLOUR--Swunadown, pkt 33c Red & White MARMALADE I II). fin ......................;/.............. .39c FK'KLES--Swe4*l or Sour 28 ounce jar ............................... 2.3c AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR WHYTECLIFF * An automatic telephone syW tern to give te le p h o n e service to the arm b e tw e e n Caulfeild and liorseshbe Bay , in We.3t Vancou­ ver, will be jiiHtalled shortly by the B. C. T e le p h o n e Company. A amall b u ih l in g to house the equipment w ill l>ê e r e c te d on property w h ic h ha.n. l>een pur­ chased by the C o m p an y on the east side of M arin e D rW e, op­ posite the G leneag le .s Golf Lmk»* The new c e n t r a l office w ill be known as Whytedlfr a n d is ex- -pected*',to" serve "cibout 50 sub-, .scribers a t lir.st. It will probably go into service som e tim e during th e summer. * SubHcribers served by the Service .SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS '.......... ' LATH THERE 1$ PAINT.....................:■ 'BHILDI!RS»: SUPPLIEDH0 5U8SBTUTE ...... ^ ■ :'.TILB".r ' Ageataj CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15lh & Marine Drive T Phone West 115 . . „ : . v . ^ G i . A . S S I F - I E - D ^ A - . D S . . ... The rate for Classified AdTwrUsainenta is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the case of those haWng regular accounts, all dassl. fieds are payable strictly in adyanee. Remember Classifieds In the West Van News get immediate results. ouum;i r>v,*»vv. ---- v ------ -------------- .... ." -- --.--> W hytecIiflF o ffice w ill h 'ivo t r e e ,„ , , , ,j5n d ABLE YOUNG GIRL wishes TW EN TY Y E A R S " GARDENlNGi c a l l in g to a n d f ro m the W e s t children evenings. W est E X P E R IE N C E -- Old lawns ro- Vancouver office. Up to the present time the area ha.s had newed; ,new law ns and gardens made ; R ustic carp en try . W est TOll-L. A ll .Meats the very finest quality no local te le p h o n e s e rv ic e , o n ly ............ ...................................... lo n g -d is ta n o e nei'vice b e in g a v a il FOR SALE - . , West 468yL. Baby's buggy, $I0.00. EAH'i'ER JELLY BEANS, pound 18c III HHHorted coIoch with the true fruit flavor. . able. JAMES' SEEDS - B.C. GROWN MAJOR GRAHAM A. WATSON BARBARIANS GIRI^» VICTIM OF FATAL . AUXILIARY ACCIDENT Owing to rukby football hav- ( Major Graham A. Watoon of for the season, 'atilfeild, wim killed at 3:30 p.m. will be no more meetings . on Monday afternoon when the Auxiliary to the Lriiok in which he was riding Ihirbarian.s VRugby Club until left the rojid at the west ehd of, lime* as play,is resumed. Deniche bridge and rolled over , ---------- -̂--------- Heveral times, pinning him be­ neath it. ■ . ' M He is survived by his wife and (laughter, M argaret; twosi.sters, JMrs. Alice Redpath, Caulfeild, and Mrs. M, Allen, Montreal, arid two brothers,' Jack and MERCHANTS FOOTBALL '■̂ :::;TEAM;;4:;::':: The membiers and officials of the West Vancouver Merchants' Footbal 1 team wi.sh to t ake this oppfirtunlty' of expressing sin-r Hugh (jere apjireciation for the support Vyatson, Montreal. Funera-l serr . amj aid received from the follow- vieoH were held at 2 p.m. today ing merchants: in St. Paul's Church, Vancouver, l.X.L. LaundrylLtd. Lieut.-Coloiiel C. C. Owen offici- - -^ Thomson's Transfer ating, and interment was made _ Seed's Motor Service Station in the Itoturned Soldiers' Plot,]. ' K. A, Ray Mountain View Cemetery. ' Greenwood's Grocery / ;----- R. P. Blower & Coi A MODEL HOME West Van. Motors EIGHTH ANNUAL DAFFODIL SHOW < OPEN. NOW ^ . 300 Distinct Varieties, including new and rare blcolns, not yet_̂ available in conimcrco. .... A SPECIAL DISPLAY UNDER No admission charge. Open all day and on Sundays. The Visitor Is as Welcome as the Customer -- H.C. H y l ^ Barnes LANDSCAPE SERVICE^-- 6436 Blenheim . Kd.. Kerrisdale to 702-L. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE, $7.50 "̂"":--WcitTBi;iP2:................... .. GAUDENER-^Experienck all branch­ es Pruning, Walls, Rockeries, Hardy Shrubs and Plants Supplied, Refer­ ences. West 151-L-2. ' . . ---------- ------- FOR RENT -- Vacuum Cleaner.' Ap- ply Jacks, 1516 Marine. West 710. WANTED ■-- Furniture, Brie a Brae, { S^!aP, $300 -- 1931 Chev. Sedan. Stoves, Heaters, etc., highest prices Recently overhauled, 1st class con- paid. Call West 91. Burrard Junk dition. Phone'West Ig8-Y. FOR'SALE --r Settings of very well eggs, $1.00 West 558-R-l. ' EXPERT GARDENER -- l.awns, Rockeries, Walls and Pools; dnv or ' contract. West 151-L-2; • • SHINGLER ---"Expert Shingling,TU'. shingling. Phone West 530. C o n n o r Q u a l i t u Washers ■SlfJCF paid. Co. , . NU-BONE CORSErrS, Surgical Belts, alterations. Mrs. Mac./^Ulay, 1618 ■ Esquimalt, West 408-R.__________ . C. JORDAN, first for Window Shades, Venetian Blind/s, 40c and-,50c pejr sqaure foot. Awnings at reasonable - prices. West Van. Blind & Awning Supply, Phon ̂ West 719; Res. West . "74-L-2, . ̂ . ' WE MODERNIZE YOUR HOME bv hour or contract; nothing too small. Estimates free. Phone West 481-R-l evenings. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 81LR-2. ~ . ____ ' LAND'̂ EA R IN G and BLASTING-- PowelL and Matjieson, West 334-R or West 746-L'. '• CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust EXPERIENCED GIRL wants house-, work; sleep in. Call West 752-L and leave phone number. WELFARE in need of small kitchen range and baby buggy. West 690. RESTAWHILE, Convalescent Ilome- 136 27th Street. Phone West 8C-L-2 J. EDWARD SEARS -- Barrister, Solicitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West .21 or West 553-R-l. ̂ ' REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS -- fry Western Woodworkers. West 740. Res. West 443-R. WE HAVE Several A^0cants for high class rents, walking di.stance of ferry. West 55. Lawson, Walker & Pride. 7(CoTitinwd"ffom page -Bi-itiah-Indian-Rug-itrplain-ruat-- ~Tlie drapes are home-spun, lat­ tice pattern. ' Master Bedroom Furnished in the newest Wat­ erfall fashion. The suite is roomy set that jias been sho-wn hi Van­ couver for a"long time. The in­ lay s 'a re of walnut combination, of ButL Oriental and Crotch Walnut in pleasing effect. The bench is covered" in gixien car- Tearoe & Son iWestiVmiTiTumbeEiiGo: ,J..T :W att. Anibleside Meat Market Ferguson's Transfer Stratton's Bakery Ambleside Drug Store -BiCr^ErieirtilcrCu^^ . Ganadian Window Bakeries Safeway •& Piggly Wiggly Stores West Van. Imperial Service Station The West Van News rim k^D j!iipes_Ju:e-J^ -- 1 AstburjLLumber-Co,^Ltd '■damask._and the floor is covered by a smarf rug Hn green rever­ sible, wool, The bedspread'is bf tho _ new ̂ chenille-m aterial in green. : Extra Iledroom Bexall Drug Store Associated Dairies Ltd. C. J. Archer Ltd^____ Hollyburh Pavilion West Van. Jewellers .. Smith's Grocery ̂ As a contrast the spare bed- . Hollyburn Barber Shop room IS furnished in a boautiful ' Vernon Feed Co blonde maple suite with blue This co-operative a^ssistance (irawer-pulls,~blue silk damask has been a benefit to the furth . i'ose_____..ance of soccer in West Vchenille bed sprea^l. Kitchen Entoj:iDas.edEQmi(ri;z:Qil: ver.^ MOWEI& SHARPENED North S22 ' W eT vanru T C r'^ acS fh op I'l̂ ^̂North bJJ. Marine. FIXTURES FOR THE HOME _ r ^ 5!̂ V ^ firh^WoodwQrkei^==Westf-"749r Resr-W est- 4̂3=R-:------------------- ------- F.OR SALE -- Cornet,-dandy i^tru- ment, complete with case, reason- abje. Phone West 437-R-3. ° FOR SALE -- Alder $2.50 per cord, ; on Marine Drive.v West -746-L. ^ EXPERIENCED GIRL 23,-wants work day or̂ monthly, West Vancouver. Phone not before ISth. West ll-R-3 MADAM ROSS JORDAN, 2536 Belle, vue Avenue. West 56-R-2. _- . lown» places a f i w W a s h ^ ■ in y o u r hoime! 'Salance on easy t^^s. -EXCBLANGE--rrlong--rrhandl^ ..grass shears for small hall table. West - 549-x.__________;______ - 7T- .CARPENTER WORK Building - -.. alterations and repairs. Phone West711.__________ •_ IF YOU HAVE a good, four or five room cottage and need $1800 cash moi'e than yoii do the cottage, write Box 14, West Van News. ;M-AKGEL^HOBa^rhermique-Sl3ai; ^er-manents^^-only--best-̂ ^̂ niaterials-] used. Expert operators. Phone . West 304, Royal Bank Building. ^GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic­ itor, 1447 Maripe; appointment only. ---- West 403;. 5ld Hastings. Seymour 74199; afternoons. ^ 7 ^ ENGLISHSMAN wants o ^ jobs- gardening, window-cleaning, floor polishing; 25c hour. West 585-L-l. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, ==4=iHollyburii--BIoekT-«*------------ ^ ^ ^^ARGE LUTS -- Close to Taylor Way 99, x lip', cleared; $350 each, terms. €. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. . » PUH Rj^'T -- On^Waterfront, lovely: ,WANTED'-- We pay the highest . prices for bottles, rags, metals, etc. Call West 91. Burrard Junk Co. ------ ^ LAND CLEARING, Grading, etc. Estimates free. Rush jobs wanted. . Kissick, West 252-L, ■_______ _ FLOOR SUliPACING -- J. Suther- land,'̂ 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. ' ' . ____ _ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; . heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. rrfKV Cbftiokl IroiiritiL JTomiiw Goffield 'Washer.; " ' Kelvinator R'efrigf>ratfq\ ̂ mt le worô jWMJCw -lAjnior; "A widow 1/^ woman thar"' 15̂ 42 MAfil.NE'"DRIVE- ■ rWEST?366 * Jived so long with her husband that A8soclStedBa(ilol?eoiigiolan8 of B.cf - ho died." month for onetyear. -H. a ! - Roberts Ltck,* Branch Office. 1446 Phones, West 702,- West 75-L-2. F r e e F r e e F r e e l i i i ■?s« L Take a W rite a W in a or one o f seven- Teen Cash Prizes Ride Slogan C a r i-r . L. Call today ^ u M cM illan M otors Ltd. -SrdiStrwffrand Lonsdale Ate. Phone North 454 N orth Vancouver SPECIAL OFFER To WEST VANCOUVER SAWDUST USERS' by SUPREME SAWDUST SALES CO. 4872- Windsor SL, Vancouver Phone Fairmont 4416 Refund on all-phone calls will-be given at time of delivery No. 1 Pfesh Cut Fir Sawdiist^ • 100% Guaranteed all fir and - full measure, 56 sacks to the unit-- " ~ • $3.00" -per unit sacked $5.00 f or 2 nnits. bulk -Take===advanfage-- of~ th € se^ • special prices by an established--̂ Vancouver firm who is now ent­ ering W'est Vancouver for the first time. iUl customers wishing to fill theiiVsawdust bins will be given ' pporopt and " courteous, service and will"be"ldoked after the year round,' as we intend to remain in West Vancouver if we'tecrive^ your support., -- NEW RANGES AT CITY PRICES Cash or Terms Now is the time to buy your New Enterprise Range; Coal, Wood, Oil and Sawdust Burners; liberal allow­ ance on your old range. Support your where _you _g6t._iaily__ serviw. Call Mr̂ fWT Morris. Bargains in Used Furniture . = ^"ffe with Saw -• condition, snap, $55.00, Northern Range, new . savv- dust burner, snap, $25.00; Beach Oil condition, studio lounge, $15;00' . Restmore day bed, cost $32, $15.00 • Bathroom wicker seat and_box $3*50- Beach,~10:15- untiFrl2;15;' m6rnij)g-| -- sunshine; free 'activities; healthful occupations;'the elixir of life. West 277-X. Prom Ambleside 10 o'clock; I ■; bus. ______ _̂____ ■ FOR SALE -- Dining toom's'uite aud dressing table.. 2186 Marine. Fo r SALE -- Nine-piece Walnut dining" suite, blue leather seats, ex- cellent condition. West 299-L. FOR SALE-- Moffat ElecTric R aii^ good condition, - cheap. 1983 29th Avenue. West 587-Y-3.________ ^ COW MANURE. $3.00 1 Yardr $5-50 2 yards; $7.06, 3 yards; also top soil. Kerrisdale 685-L. _̂____ " f o r SALE -- Baby's buggy, high- chair, dressing table, crib, $10. 2 5 o8 Mathersi irUrti,.. clean mattress, ® $7.50-- " irt S7 m . table 44 ft. Restmore-walnut- mattress, $12, ®^^h.YBURN PURNITURE Phone West 711 Teacher: "Johnny, you"were not' at- tpdm g just now. What is the-chief river in Egypt5̂ *̂ ------------- Johnny: "The Nile, Miss." -t ' f o r SALE - plete with __„ -Phone-West-^76-LT Brown steel bed corn- spring. and mattress. _--Tea(a.er^^'tes and what are 7^ributanes7 its Johnny: Er, the juveniles. Miss." .' BUNGALOW REDUCED from S3500 SEMI-WATBRFONT PROPERTY Acting ott-instructions from owner oi 3855 Marine ' Drive--now vacant. - Extra large lot, I61i:xa72'; offered a t $2756.. Terms to responsible . purchaser. ----- ^EXGLUSIVE"1YGENTS- A. K AUSTIN & CO. » 833 West Hastings St. .32 Years' Vanebuyer. Real Estate Ex­ perience , at* your service Seyinour 9131 Phone Mr. Hill, We^t 597-L, evenings.