Ilf ' - vt > 1 t'}' ■>' V*' il' 'I'|h,,A- Hi j j I' ? „ h ^ tk± IT <■ I IINITKI) a il 'U C H W.M^. The reHuhr monthly meeting of tho W.M.S. of the United ffinm-h wiiH iielfi on TueHciay, ir)th inKtant, when there was a good alteinlunce. 'I he secretary was instructed to write a letter f,r sympathy to Mrs. Held, the Presid<;nt. on the death of her husband. Decision was niade re- gardiiig the donors of materials for two <pjjlt.s. Mrs. McPherson read a h lle r concernirig alloca- tiojiH. ' . Ari'angements for ttie Kaster, 'riiank-oUVring rn<;eting were re viewed. Mrs. Wright read a re port of the Presbyterial KxecU: tiye nu'eting whicfi sin* attended in place cf Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Mc Pherson and Mrs.'liolxhjn each reported on tfu« I'reHyierial meet ings. after which Mrs. Oliver took the lesH(Si' ffoin the Study Hook ' t CONCRETE CONTRACl'OKS Lain! Clearing - . Excavation Work Sole Agents for* , A m iQ tt QQAT \yATERrHOOF^CEMENT RAINj;, TEAKOE & SO N, . i MARTIN^SEWOUR THEATRE NFCHT AT THE HIGH SCHOOE Mrs. N. McNeil and J. 0 '»wn- ing of West A' âncoiivei*. wei*< d'o give .lACK MARTIN WINS . TWO CHAMPIONSHIPS ~ At the North; Sinme Amuteur- 'Ho-xiirg 'Championslups h(*ld last I'^riday evening at ilie North. Vaiuioiiver Olympic Cluhi Jack Martin. sLudeiit "at Inglewood High Sohool. was the ' only double winiK'r, leading the light wM'ight aml ' Huj juniorr welter- weight (dass('s, and securing the championship in both for the Norih Shore. Tluv, beautiful sil- 'vab' cups uwarded_.,may be seen at the Inglewood High School, '.lack Martin" has been prominent in anialmir boxing for some time and has made "an excellent repu tation for him'seir in thi.s branch ' ' of sport. ' * " Hob VVb'lliamson, the other West Vancouver representative, was entered in th(' 00 lb. class, -bill.-lost.--to a."North .Vancouver... .Japanese. a fantasy, a comedyr and a tragedy all in one evening is <iuite a task for even grown ups, but the Vancouver High .School students essayed to do this last Friday evening in the lngIewo<)d'Auditorium, and were v<'ry successful in each presentation. 'J'liere was little., hosilation in spite of the amount which many of the young actors had lo meniorixe, no nervousnessj ami .'ill threw their hearts into thep' parts in a way that kept the aclion at pilch as well as the interest of the audience from Jirst to last- One- must, agaiii . mention Hue very artistic scen ery,' wlilcli, as in the case of "The (,'lii'istmas CarolsV la s t December, Was' so instrum.ental in making"Hk* scenes reali.stic. This was particularly true in the case of "'I'lie Silver Thread," whei'e I lie "underground caverns of the goblins were so faithfully depicted. Hrevious to each j51ay JL. D. (I. Hrooks gave a synopsis of the story behind eacJi offering, while an (trcliestra of students played enjoyable musical .selec tions between the acts. the winners of the recent Nhn'tli Vancouver American Hadminlon Tournament for mixed doubles. Make Easter plans by long distance' If you intend to visit out-of.- town friends or relatives for the EasfeFweek-ehd, call them first' by long-distance telephone. A. pleasant telephone chat in advance will add to the joys of the reunion to follow, and it is a quick easy way to make ar rangements. Tell, them by telephone, if , you are going away for Easter, SALE APRIL l.t to APRIL 16th Multi-Use Enamel S„ iiumod for it.-* " '""y uses- .A fast-drying, high grade, high ghw.s eiifmiel. « M E P R I C E - T h . ' '/■ Pt-.SAI.E PKIL.E -- $1.35 $2.50 $175 TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE THE HIGHLANDS l.'ttl.'t Marine Drive ••WluTe Good Food Is Served" IIKEAKFAST LUNCHEON TEAS DINNER Try Our Special Sunday.Evening Dinner b : c . t e l e p h o n e CO. Neu-Glos> A scmi-gloss interior enamel •-- A quick drying product f t nmlls. wooclwork^and fu m ^ ^ SALE I'RIUIO__ ' 1/2 Pint Pint Quart Gal. Gallon "aOc 55c ,95c $1.70 .$3.30 Varnoleum . ■ A iiuick-drying varnish specially prepared for be^utify- ... " ing and-preserving linoleum........... . ...... SALE PRICE 1/. Pt. . 40c Pint Quart V2 Gal. Gallon 65c .$1.15 ,$2.15 ,$4.15 Will Marble'Ite, < A floor finish that dries to a flint-like hardness stand the severest punishing w ear./ ^ •SALE. I'KICE -- 1/2 Pt.. Pint Q uart 1/3 Gal. Gallon .' I 40c ' 65c . $1.15 $2,15 $4.15 CRAWLEY & BARKER Hardwaire, Etc. 1 6 4 4 M arine Dir. Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFOR-DEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, -West Vancouver Representative Phones -- West 691-L or North 1310 Despib; a game rally on t̂ he part of the Maple I-xiufs that fell ju st short of sneaking the semi finals away from the Dudes, the yellow shirlo(Lmen were victori- -o u s-i 11 "ovo rt muT"Th'i s-'week-they meet the W, V. Sizzlers in the fimiis in a three game series for the Ixnigue Championship. De tails of the .senii-finals arc as follows: Two matches, . total' ■score to count,. -- Lst match: </■ The News Dude.*̂ J4, Maple Loafs 4; 2nd niatcl iMaple Leafs 14, Dudes 4. ,Ov<n*time: Dudes 2, Maple Loafs I. ' ■ ' JEngitgemiml- Mrs. E' M. Hoard, 2425 Ottawa -/VveimcT^rannotmce.s -the^^igafffe: meht of her- only, daughter, EJi'zabeth - Tlora .(B etty),-, to Jlenry Mieluud Hniton, only son of .the late Sir .lames and Lady Ih 'utp'n, Gluuecsler, England, The wedding will take place at nim^ o'clock on Hie morning of Easter Monday, April 18th, al St. Stephim'.s Chiirclv. ■' Lr T E E D STOTTE *A.-G^SEARLK I'hono ^ 'ost 9 -- Ecrt ilmM S of AlH iHnds,~ ADCO Wood. Coal, . Builders"Supplies ..u'.;'-;/-;.-.--;__T T C-T y.lT. H O L L tY B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1S90 Marino Drive FHONE WEST : ( S - AllSS D.-JI. HOU1E j|:L i ihi <■ ~ h' W^EST-¥AISL-- -- / '■ t--: " - - . •6 N lesseiigeF ; S e rv ice ■FREIGHT. BAGGAGE, Etc.. PICKED UP and DEUVEUED Daily Kerry' Service Phone M'est '5, or Residence • West 245-L <1̂ Synopsis of Land Ad niB-BMPTlONS ■i^ACAmf, nnreserv lurveyed Crown y lands may b« pre-emnted hp TtriLiah subjects over 18 years oi age, and bj aliens .on declaring Intention to become • Oritlsb subjects, conditional upon resi dence, occupation and Improvement. ■Puir" '-Informatlon-nnonceming' Pre^emp- is given in Bulletin No. 1, Landtions Series: "How to PT^-empt-Land," - copies oi whicb' can be obtained "free ofTcharge by addressing the Department ot Lands, Vic tor i a, B. C.; Bureau; of' Provincial In forma tion Victoria or any Government Agent = Records will be granted covering only land suitable ' for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing faculties and which is not clmberland, 1.6.; carrying;: over ■ 5,000 board . feet per acre east of the: Coast Range and 8.000 feet per acre west of that Range. , Applications for, pre-emptions are to be addressed- to the Land ^Commissioner-'of the. .Land Recording Dlvlsloni in which- the land" applied : for.- is situated, on -printed forms o l ^ jped from the Commissioner. _ ~?re|em ptiaiis - must~:issrdccupjedrfpraivc: 4Lê Ŝ®*=lmpK>vementŝ înade=to=-salulL0.jE£5,.,.acsbĴ udlQgJdeiHtlng_And.,c.uItJi vating a t least flvO acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part tim e condi tions of Qccupatloo ar* also granted. PDBGHA8B OK UBASB Applications are received for purchase ol vacant . and,:unreserved • Grown lands. - not being ,tlmberlsQd. for agricultural purposes.' Minimum f arable) land: is $S per - acre. : and second- class (grazing) la n ^ $9.50 per acre Purtherr*lnformatlon';"li";given:- ln"'Bulletin No. 10, Xand Series, **Parehase and 'Lease of. Crown Lands.** As a partial rd lef measure, reverted lands may be. acquired by purchase in ten equal instalments, with the first payment suspended for tvra years,^' p taxes are paid when due and Improvements are ipade durlng'j the first' two years of not less than 109t of tlM npiiralsed value. : Mill, factory or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased;:; er leased,- eondltlons including p.ayment ^ etcunpage, -- Cnsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be leased - as'bom esltea <̂ tiorial-upon a dweHlng*behig;; erected in. the first year, tttto- being obtained after residence. and : improvement - conditions are fulfilled and land hae been surveyed. r; ?vSl«S "A B. C. Lodging Scene" . F or. grazing and Industrial purposes areas' not excelling 640 aerea,. may be leased by $(pxe p « so n or a company. Under the Orasihg Act the Province Js divided Xito :: grazing- ' dlstrlcts^: and- the , range administered under- grazing - regula tions "amended: from t t o ♦<> n*®®* varying conditions. Annual grazing mits are Issued based ; on certain monthly rates per head of stoefc; Priority In .graz ing privileges fi given to resident st<Kk pwnersi Stock-owneri m ay : loim associa^ tions for range management. „ partially, free permits. avallaMe IoT; eampjeri and V mi 9 ... ................ i l l ™ '