17,1938. Mli JL W E S T E R N W O O D W O R K E R S CAKPKNTERS - JOINERS * UOILDBUS '7iVfKK'AT10NS'~ " '̂"EKFAlRS^'̂ "'"""'lClTCHKN"'CABlilE:Tr""^"̂ STOIU-: FIXTURES, SPECIAL FURNITURE. STAIRCASES shop J'hoiu* West 740 GLASS and GLAZING Res, Phone West 443«R MH8 Ulyde Avenue (next to West Van. Lulrnl>i*f Co.) - l a n d sc a pe d e s ig n in g and Contracting A GOtlPLETE GARDEN SERVICE jf you «re considerinK the improving of your Krounds this year, we ' ii,-,. , omi)i'teiit to care for every detail'from the submitting of a dosijfn to su it tliV architecture of the homo to the construction and llnal-plantinK of 111*' cfniplctcd jrurden. Our prices are modci^ute and wo j?ive origrin- jility It) the Hnished job. . UV cun build any typo of garden you jnuy desire in'cludinir Entrlish, oil. Italian or Japanese. Consult us rojcurdinp: Pools, FlUjrWalks, Ill II 1' hiPT I *itio For youi' ffarden problems cajl BURGESS & WALKER W E ST 3 4 5 The n IW . W o o d w o rk ers Mr«. J. U.;.;HolLimd,daughlor Coriî lie .of...yern^ ii,, «ro visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Murine Drive..10 * * Captain Erne.st has moved from 3281 Marine Drive into n house a t 1860 Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Nel son, B.C., have moved into a house a t 2587 BelloVu^ Avenue. Band Saw ing, W ood T u rn in g ,. Shaping F u rn itu re M ade to O rder 7 4 3 M arine D rive Doniild Gillies, son of Mr. ant Mrs. J. N. Gillies, 14th am Clyde Avenue, left on Sunday for Esquimalt, B.C., where he will join the Iloyal Canadian Navy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Yelinski,, 1425 Inglewood Avenue, have nioVed to Vancouver.>¥ * ♦ Mrs. Cox, 1048 King's Avenub, has left for a holiday in Alberta. ■ X« .'i|« ■■■ ■ He is J iis t An A verage Fellow" f. I . Knill as a sawdust merchant maintains a sane, averaj^e price all season. He never has attem pted to "stock you" in a difficult season for vou nor does he have to bribe in a difficult season for him. Saw dust' is liIcnHful. This'situation is reflected fairly in Knill's price today -- ' .fl per unit sacked, $3 per unit in bulk for 100//r fir, fufl measure, alj i'en'al wafic.s, and licenses paid. .. S " KNILL'S FUELS ' ™ SAW)UST -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 794.: IMioiic: North 94; Warehouse North 523; 513 Lonsdale Avenue Corporation of the D istrict of West Vancouver N O T IC E Notice-is-hereby- given that the-lcav ing -o f wood-piles,--building, materials, disused cars, or. rubbish o f any kind on any boulevard, lane, or public property is absolutely prohibited. Anyone guilty o f an infraction o f these regulations after this w a rn ing~wiil be prose.- A Test Recital was held a t the studio of Mfs. F. Knight-Hodge, 1332 Duchess. Avenue on Friday last, for the Elementary Piano and Violin students. Those tak ing part were Kathleen Collin- son, M arguerite Powell, Bernice Flynn, Doreen Kearns, Evelyn Cook, Claire"McDonald, Marjorie McTavish, Beverley Ellis, Nonie Barbour, Charmaine Cruchy and Blanche Babcock. A Test Re'ci- tal is something new. The students are asked to prepare a solo within their grade, entirely ... by themselves without help', and perform to their teacher; after which the pieces are played by the teacher correcting any er rors and an adjudication given. A prize is awarded the student perform ing most correctly. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara of , Vancouver, m*e,jnoving.to, ll,47 Duchess Avenue., ,m * « Mrs. E. A. Robinsoii, 2897 Bellevue Avenue, sailed on Sat urday from Glasgow on her re turn from an extended trip to Scotland and England. • III It) ifi Mr. and Mrs. W atts, 24th and Bellevue Avenue, have moved into a house a t 24th and M athers Avenue. 4> 4> >l< Mrs. Grant Morden of London, England,' daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henshaw of Caulfeild, arrived last week from Eastern Canada, and will be a guest of the Georgia Hotel - until the end of April. . . His Grace the .Archbishop of New Westminster will confirm a large class of candidates in St. ..Stephen's Church on Sunday evening a t 7:15 and the special Lenten preacher on Thursday will be the Very Rqv. H. R. Ragg, M.A., of Calgary. StrattoB's BAKERY iS K IS iim U P FRESH DAILY............. IVn varicUvs to suit every tasti* Meat PieB Cookleti I'kclett CakeH -- PuHtrlea UunN and Rolls ^Noto Address; 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 NOTICE The Municipal Council give notice in this issue tha t the leav ing of wood piles, building material, disused cars, or rub bish of any kind on any boule vard, lane or public property is absolutely prohibited. A fter this warning anyone guilty of an infraction of these regulations will be prosecuted. - W. H; CLARKE PASSES SUDDENLY Hollyhurn Theatre THURSDAY, MARCH I7th I'AUL MUNI " The Good E arth" (Onco only at 8) FRIDAY & SAT. MATINEE March IHth and 19th GEORGE miENT 'THE GO-GETTER' uIho Ncwh, Cartoon, Etc. SAT. EVENING & MONDAY, March 19th and 21 at ' RICHARD TAURER, STEFFI DUN A *Pagliacci' (The ffroat opera in color) Also Short Subjocta. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Mai'ch 22nd and 2lJrd HETTE DAVIS "The Harked Woman" (Once only at 8:15) ' also "WE HAVE OUR MOMENTS" ^J. Lee has resigned as West " Vancouver ~manager~"fo r~ P r"C.~ Gibbens &.Co. Ltd., real estate. insm ahbe,; of 1473 Marine Drive, and has been succeeded by Joseph SheasgreCn and G. B. Hughes. Mr. Sheasgreen , has been--a--resident--of--t-he-munici- W. H. Clarke, a resident of Pypress^^; Park for the past 20 years, collapsed' about 10 a.m. yesterday,_ dying before a doctor could be tsummoned. The sea- -Walls--onjz:hi's-_. property._ were^ overwhelmed by- the heavy The French Beauty Salon For W ork of Quality --W-O-spccialize J,n ._fine,_ g.rey_.and_ r white hair. • 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 pality for nearly twenty years, where h e js well known. waves raised by the storm, and according to reports he had been out endeavoring to fight the -flood-since-5v30'-aTm---HeiR-Riir- * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buckley who have been visiting .their , daughter, Mrs. W. C. Jones7'26th vived^ by his wife, a brother, :T. P. Clarke, resident in-S.an F ran cisco, and two sisters, Mrs. George ,_E. Buchanan and. Alice Clarke in Ontario. Funeral ar- and M athers Avenue,' left for their ■ home in ' Gleichen, Alta., yesterday after spending the ̂ w inter on Vancouver Island; Mr. Buckley is an ex-M.L.A. fo r ' Gleichen.______________________ 1 rangem ents .had not..been an - -Dou^ced a t the tim e of going to press. ' . . DEATH OF MRS.M.BOXHALL The death eccurrf^d an T nes- FUEL SUPPLIES :WoHl-r»82-.::^-PHONE-- Wcst^582 144i BcllevUe Ave. Wood, Coal, Sawdust TOPSdlUv-- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside...,.........$5.50 Cord -M-H4-4®h'r-I-nside x50- Friday, and Saturday FREE, SPECIALS D E L I V E R Y Blade-Roas FIRST-GRADE 3 lbs for $1.12 Smoked Picnic Hams , y. ;Rd̂ Bbiie Roast ffliffiiedBeef Scott--Tayler The wedding 'took place' Sat urday evening a t Christ Church' CathedraTof Miss Elsie Janice Tayler and Mr. Robert S. Scott, with Rev. Dean Ramsay Armi- tage officiating. The .bride, who is the only daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tayler, Burnaby, wAs given in r/iarriage by , her fa ther and attended b y 'Miss Josephine Coldicutt The groom, the onlyi Id ay in her 66th .year of Mrs. M ary . BoxhAll, wife of Ernest 'Boxhall of 1517 .Bellevue Ave nue. She is survived by her hus- -bandv^hree daughters, Mrs. C. L. Campbell, Mrs. J. Ferguson and Rosie a t home; four grand children ; one sister, Mrs. G. Ashthorpe, Vancouver; also one sister and two brothers in Eng land, Funeral services were held a t lr30 p.m. today, in the city, .Purnaefe Blocks ' 4.25 " Fireplace Fir 4.25 " Dry Alder .................-- 5.50 " Green Alder 5.00 " SPECIAIj-f ̂ ' No. 1 Fir- Edgings....... 3.50. Cord 3 C o r d s .................. .$10.00 6 Cords (5 Loads) $10.50 Slabs & Edgings." .3 Cords $11.00- <I!Q Privrl ,-Slabs, Barky .... .-$3.75.--Cord SAWDUST SPECIALS, No. 1 Qld-Gro.Wth Fir-- ■ 50 Sacks, per un it,......... .^ .̂.$3,25^ 3 Units ...... '.......... ........ 9.50 '■ I V2 Units--Bulk ..................... 4.00 Tppsoil, 2 yards....... ....,...$2.50 Loud ChickJin Manure, .--.3 barrels $1.00 CHARLES THOMPSON 1441 Bellevue-.--' " Scottr West Vanco'Uver,-was sup- ' p ')^ea" by"~ t̂K^ ̂ ^Frother, Mr. Harley Tayler. ! The News Forest Lawn-MembriaT~Park= M U k Fed VEAL ¥ VEALTHOPS, ............lb. 20c ROLLED ROASTS:.......lb. 18c MEATY ROASTS, ----lb. 15c STEW V E A L ................ lb. 10c lb. BAKEASY PURE LARD lib-prin ts--l l C i A 'sm art grey , taiHeur" was worn by the bride,, the coat open ing over a turquoise blue blouse, her ha t and accessories being of British tanl Talisman roses were worn en corsage. A poudre blue tailored frock was worn by Miss Co'ldicutt, whose hat and acces sories were navy. Pink carna tions and violets were in her The N ew Cwt-Away Suits for Easter Parade HOLLYBURN DRESSMAKER 1890 Marine, Driver MISS D. H. HORIE Phote West 583 WEST'. VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOLS J Rump Roast Beef Prime Ribs Beet Rolled Roast Beef lb. SHAMROCK BACON 18c per *|2lb. pkg. corsage. A quiet reception Was held la ter,-M rs. Tayler wearing a Tnarijne"blu'e" ensem blew itlr navy,' and the groom-s m other in navy with grey accessories. Both wore 'pink carnations and violets. L ater TV IrT 'and^^rsrScottJqft; by motor for Califoraia, and. on -their^retum-in--April--will-niake- iheir home in the city. - - THEATRE n Ig h y ---- FRIDAY M ARCH -lSth , presenting "THE SILVER-THREAD" 'TWICE IS TOO MUCH" " CAMPBELL- OF-K-ILMO HR" A fantasy A Comedy A Tragedy in the INGLI5WOOD AUDITORIUM a t 8:15 p.m. ̂ ' -Reserved~S^tS-35T--------- '------------- GeneralHAdTnission--2&e: Proceeds to assist Schcool Library and Student Activities. u. Y. P . dhurch Young People's meeting in the Church hall on_ Monday- lantern lecture will be given-- evening a t 8 p.m. ..All young^°ntern lecture will be given-- evening a t o p.i ames Porter a t the United j^ople welcome. EXPERT-^' W atch and Clock -REPAIRING (formerly with Birks Ltd. , ' Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive McLEOD'S MEN'S WEAR - 1412 Marine Dr. ___QU-ALIT-Y-FURNISKlNGS-AT-GIT-Y-j^IHGES------------------ , u. Men(s and Young Men's Suits Hand Tailored to Measure--Price-$25.00 and-up.--We-have.two7large ranges of 1938 Spring and Summer samples^-- to choose from. ,____________ •....... --lL.