West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Mar 1938, p. 5

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J!^8rchl£»^£22ill I irs H O M E LA U N D R Y W E E K Let us help you take the drudgery out of wash^day with a Ncvy Washer. W e stock several famous makes. Terms as low as $5.00 down, and $5.00 per month.. BROWN & MUNTON l5fS ftlarino Oriv 0 Went aeo Meniberi Assoclfttod Httdlo Teobnlolans of ll.O. .landscape designing and Contracting A COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE lî you are considei'inir the improvinif of your grounds tills yeur. wc iiiv idinpotcnt to care for every detail from the submitting of li design lo suit the architecture of the homo to the construction and linal planting ol' the completed garden. Our prices .are moderate and we give origin­ al ily to the finished job. v ' Wo can build any type of garden you may desire including English, Jjutcli. Italian or Japanese. Consult us regarding Pools, Flag Walks, 0) a Flag Patii^ For your garden problems call , ' BURGESS & W ALKER W E ST 3 4 5 Captain Hieland, who has boon. Mrs. P at Morris, 2495 Lawson Uyin«.aL14th.aiid, MadueJDrivfi„_ Avonue, who reoently underwent for the past two years, is con- an operation at tho North Van-, nected with the Physio-Therapy couvor General Hospital, is now Institute a t 401 Dominion Bank convalosdinr at tho home of Building, Soy. 3077. Mi% and Mrs. Alan Parson, 2523 * * * Kings Avenue. Major and Mrs. Harold Brown left here this week, having dis- G. 0. Byrnell, who has been posed of their re.sidence a t 2976 recuperating a t Rpstawhile C,on- Park Lane. They expect to spend valoscont Homo, returned ^to Bowen Island Stratton^AKERY ^ O M E :M A D E BREA D -FH by-- Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookies • l^cdes Cukes -- Ibistries Ituns and Holla Note Address; 1168 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 the summer at and Vicim-ia. ' Mrs. Dicik Mobley .of PortUind, Oregon, is visiting her 'hiotber, Mrs. G. D. Reid, 11th Street, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Mclx^od The N. W - W oodw orker^ Band Saw ing, W ood T u rn in g , Shaping . E u rn ita re M ade to O rder 7 4 3 M arine D rive McLEOD'S MEN'S WEAR - 1412 Marine Dr. QUALITY FURNISHINGS AT CITY PRICEi; Mi'ii'.s and Young Men's Suits and Top Coats, Hand'Tailored to Measure. Wo are now showing two large range.s of samples for Spring and Summer 1938 ' ' ■ . . ̂ ' ' Warning-vrSpring is ------ He-prepared-ior-the-better-driving-days-ahead. Do your share of the Bi'ighten-up"Campaign. Analyse the appearance of YOUR car--others do. Does it look-shabby on account of v,scratched and dented fenders, etc. ? If iWdoes bring it in to us. We can take out the dents, paint the • fenders, etc., and touch upi the ru st _spots for a ver.y reasonable figure. Have the satisfaction of knowing that your car looks its .best- and tha t the work was done locally. - , ^ MOTOR SERVICE R .J . S E E D S 15th and Marine West 614 hi,s home a t 14th and Bellevue Avenue, on Saturday last. M,rs.. M. Weller of 25th and Bellevue, ' had a bad fall on Th u rsday ' 1 aat, al i pping off tK e back steps of her house. She cut and bruised her eye and fatn? and family, Oxley Avenue, West badly. Although not serious, she ^'Bay, have moved into a house is sulVering from shock and will * a t 2677 Murine Drive. ■ not be able to go out for 'awhile. ♦ ̂ * * 4> 41 Id James Cornish,,* 1713 Gordon West Vancouver Brgnch Avenue, has been transferred of-the Scottish Country Dance .from the Mount Plcasuni Branch Society are holding their usual of the .Royal Bank to their dance on Saturday, March 12th, branch at Courtney, B.C. in the Clachan." , ' ♦ ♦ H« ♦ ♦ * Mrs. Cross has moved from Mr. A, J. T. Taylor motored to Vancouver and is occupying a Seattle on Monday to meet Mr. house a t 14th ami Argyle Ave- ̂ F ;.y . Morley of London. They , n u e ., ' ' returned to the city on Tues- , ; day, Mr.. Morley, who is a dir- Fragm ents from a burning ector of the publishing company heap of garden refuse set fire of Faber-Faber of London, is a Tuesday afternoon to the roof brother of Mr. Christopher Mor-. of T. MoCfilloch's house a t 1245 ley, the well-known author. Gordon Avenue. The .fire bri- While in the city Mr. Morley will gade put the bla/.e put, some be the guest o f , M r.. and Mrs. damage being done to the roof. Taylor a t "Kew House." ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grady of ' The Council was honored by Calgary, who ' have taken up an informal visit from Aldermen residence in the city, werevthe H. DeGraves' and H. D. Wilson guests over the week end of of the Vancouver City Council. Mrs. B. M." Grady, 24th and The Reeve welcomed the visitors W aterfront; ̂ . - and asked them to remain for , „ * a w hile' as observers of ̂ the Mr. and Mrs'. C. P. McQueen Counoil's deliberations. The in- have moved into a house a t 2976 vitation was accepted on behalf Park Lane. • of visitors, who stayed, to the . , * ' * ̂ end of the meeting. . ' • Mr; ahd^ M * * * moved from 11th and Duchess Hollyburn Theatre TIUmsDAY and FlUDAY . and SAT. MATINFK March Kith, 11th and llHh « T u n d r a " n'lu ' record of a 100-milc muali tbroiigli AlaBka, Tlic moKt: int- crO.sUng picture of iUs kind avor made.) , •alHo. " S L IM " - SAT. FVF.NING and MONDAY March" I2lh and l-lth \- RONALD COLEMAN ----- M A DELTNFrCAR ROU: " The Prisoner of Zenda" also "SPEAKING OF . WEATHER' THE TUKS.. WED. and THURSDA'V March-1.5tli, Kith and I7tb PAUL MUNI " The Good Earth" (One of the beat ten picturort of the year) (Once only at 8 p.ni.) Avenue, .into; a house a t 1126 Esquimalt A venue., ■ W ESTERN W OO DW O RK ERS CARPENTERS ALTERATIONS STORE. FIXTURES,' .- JOINERS BUILDERS REPAIRS . KITCHEN CABINETS SPECIAL FURNITURE, STAIRCASES Shop Phone West 740 ' .GLASS ,arid GLAZING' Res. Phone'W est 4*43«R 1488 Clyde Avenue'(next to W est Van. Lumljer Co.) 2M rs;--E .--J3ay4ia^and^M r& .^M Mr. and Mrs. V. Davies, 17th. and Hay weed . Avienue,^---have ̂ moved in to a house, a t 1040 'K eith R6ad._. --- -- --------- P h y s i o - T h e r a p y IN ST IT U T E ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS including Ultra Short Wave . 401 DominionTJank B,ldg.~' --207--Hastings'W est Plume Se^^auii_3077 McTaggart attended the meeting Specif preacher at Lenten of the North Vancouver Hospital . Service in St. Stephen's Church Senior Auxiliary Tuesday after- 8. p.m. tonight i s 'the Very noon Jis the representatives of ' Rev. C. E. McAllister, D.D., the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. "Litt.D., of Spokane, Wash. Next TOXET"""-------- ------------ T~----------weeferthe' ' preacher.'wiiri>e" t'Re ' ■Jack Stratton, who has-been, 'visiting'^his parents, Mr. and Mrs\' J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive, has • left fp return ' to / .... Rt. Rev. B. Dagwell, D.D., Bishop o f Oregon. A'.cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these' .special servicesT * ♦ ♦ Messrs. Foster, Griffiths and W est 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 Friday and Satuirday B utter FIRST-.GRADE 3lbs for $1.12 Sm oked Picnic ■ J * •) -a . _ H a m s 15c per lb. BAKEASY -- Tim 1 ■■rTi.n, Blade Roast: Rd. Bone Roast l i e Minced Beef lb. M ilk F e d V EA L VEAL CHOPS, ...... . . .lb, 20c ROLLED ROASTS . . ...Ib. 18c 1 MEATY ROASTS........lb. 15c 1 STEW V E A L ..... . N u tt came' before the Counci 1 as . Mrs. 'Blair . Clerk, 17th and ^ delegation from the . Weston., Mathers* Avenue, is a patient in Tennis Club to request that the ■ the North'. Vancouver ^^neral Council take\Over the following Hospital. ' property as a 'p a rk ^ rea : Lots 13 . ------------- -̂-------. to 16 inclusive, Block 5, D.L-,775 LADIES COUNTRY DANCE , W. ^100-. ac. They stated ;the . Weston-Tenijis Courts Ltd! were The West Vancojiver Ladies prepared t o , give title to the Branch ofiThe' Scottish Country property with a proviso that the Dance. Society will meet fo r 'Tennis Club be allowed to lease practice tomorrow Friday, a t the lots on the .same basis as the the Clachan. ̂ bowling green is leased. They TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD following committee being ap- --------- ' pointed to investigate the pro- The r'egular monthly meeting posal: Councillors Dickinson, of'-the-West-Vaneouver-Towns^ Fiddes and Elgar. Rump Roast Beef O A ;; Prime Riits Beef Rolled R oastB eef--^--- Shoulders Pork 14c Meatty Butts 18c Loin Pork 24c women's Guild was held last F ri­ day evening" in the . Clachan. I__!^s.-E.JLJlalsi£>n,-guest-speaker,y gave a very interesting talk on the Rowell Commission.. . - The Singing Group will meet' a t the home of Mrs. J. H.' Smith; 992 20th Street, on the 15th of March, • a t 2 p.m. Any Guild member interested in th is group is, asked to attend. All members of the Executive and-CounciLwill-please.attend a .meeting a t the home of Mrs. A. ' j Cromar Bruce on̂ Friday, March -1-1 thr^at-2 -p.-m?=̂ -- ------------- - -- -- 'Monday--March-l^tlv.theTBook"̂ Cluk:_wiil. meet a t the! home of I . Mrs. Therrieh a t "2 p.m. CANADIAN LECION WEST VANCOUVER. THURSDAY. MARCH 17th (SC. Patrick's Day) in_,th(>_LEGION HALL, . a t 8 'P.- M. MOVIES, ETC, Admission 25 cents REFRESHMENTS DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I. O. D. E. B R I D G E a t the home of Mrs. Leyland on the vAFTERNOON-and-EVENING-of-WEDNESDAYT-MAReH-16th7 Musical Program Itefreshments EGGS _GRADE A LARGE - 2 5 c doz EXPERT - ' W atch an d Clock REPAIRING ^ T. CHRISTENSON . , (f"rmerly -with Birks .Ltd,, ' - Montreal) - . --------- 1522 Marine DFive A TTEN TIO N HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION SPECIAL MEETING _ --of^members tp-organize-a- CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB TOBSI^AY-EVENING,-MARCH 16th, a t 8 o'clock in Inglewood School Annex. 1'. \ TT