West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Mar 1938, p. 1

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Circulatwg in the District o f West Vancouver^Ambleside^ Ho/Ivhur^, Westoti, Dundarave Clfpress Park, Caul/eiid,WhyteclW, Etc,$1.00 per year, 6c per copy at newaatands. v̂ oi. x n HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 10th; 1938 No. 49 Tin: DOMINION HOUSING ACT AND HOME IMPROVE- MENT PLAN 'riie great problem in all civilized countries today is the lai'K'o proportion of th^ population out of employment. T^hey cannot be allowed to starve not only, from humanitarian loasons but because hunger breeds violence. For the average civilized human being, faced with starvation, will take by force only a little leas quickly than his savage brother, par­ ticularly on behalf of his wife and, children, providing that tiierc be food for, the taking. And oertainly there is today throughout the world a plethora of the necessities of life. ft is to help solve -this problem' of unemployment that -national housing schemes fostered by governments have been iiiaugiH'atM in many 'Countries, 'since i t ,has been discovered that the major portion of the proceeds of all such work goes into wages. The choice in every instance has been between such schemes and soirie system like the, ̂dole, which in tim e , wrecks the m'Orale of a people and destroys their happiness, it being inherent in human nature that jieaCe Of mind can only be purchased by effort of some kind. ■ , • ■ Here in Canada we have the Dominion Housing Act and the Home Improvement Plan, both of them sponsored by the Dominion Government. .They are designed in ,the first place to relieve unemployment, and secondly, to make it possible foi' Canadians, more particularly those of average means, to own their honies o r , make more liveable the homes they al­ ready own, • ' ♦ It has been found th a t in larger construction, work 80 per cent of the tot?,! cost is spent in wages, the ra tio being even higher in the case of small houses.. Of this 40 per cent to 50 per cent is paid to those workers, who are employed on . the job. The remaining 30 per cent or thereabouts represerkts . wages paid indirectly. " ' Into practicallyTCvery-kind-of-building erected tliere- go lumber, bricks, cement, metals of various kinds, plaster,, etc. Indirect wages a re those paid to , the producers o f th e above, without which no construction work would be possible. It is .,̂ also relevant to say, here th a t most of these m aterials used in British Columbia a re the products of our own province, so that in building we are keeping busy our own lumber camps, our own mines,.and our own,factories. „ , ' , „ ,, Moreover, there is practicallytino^ine of bumhess which -is-not-helned-by-the-operation-of-the-Dominion-Housing-A ct-- "and"the"H^Di^Improvemenfr"Planr:~Th«-more~nroney-paicFhr 2nd WEST VANCOUVER BOY SCOUT GROUP ^ ST. PATRICK DANCE CONDUCTS COOKING CLASiS TOMORROW COMING EVENTS The 2nd West'Vancouver Boy Scout Group are holding a St. Patrick Dance in the Orange Hall on Friday. 18th March. It is requested th a t the attending members of the group wear their uniforms. Mrs. J. W. B arnett ja the gen­ eral convener^ assisted by Mes- dames P. R. Mayer, G. Gillespie,, "W. Thompson, W R* ' Mitchell, J.. Parker and Stokes. This is. the fit^st Scout Dance to be held , in West Vancouver and, promises toi'.be a great , suc­ cess. Dancing 9, to 12. Tickets 50 cents each ; students 35 cents, including refreshm ents. ^Tartan Mountaineer Orchestra. . The following have ' kindly consented to a c t as patrons and patronesses; Mrl and Mrs. A. J. T; Taylor, Major and Mrs. H. 'Brown, Reeve .and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Small, Mr. and l^rs,. H. B. Stev­ ens, Captain and Mrs. Love- Friday, March 25th -- Theatre . Night, West Vancouver Iligh Schools, in the Inglewood Auditorium a t 8:15 p.m. CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB TO BE FORMED HERE (Mrs. E. McLean) . Good nows to all am ateur gardeners in West Vantjouvor is contained in the anhouncemont made last night' by George Brealey, president of the Horti- c111turill "Associatibri^ fegiirdiiig the long-anticipated distribution of chrysanthemum cuttings to members. Arrangements have been completed with the Point "Grey Mum Club, he stated, whereby the West Vancouver Association has obtained a first choice option on more than 500 selected plants embracing 37 distinct varieties. To supervise the distribution of plants and to organize a separate Chrysanthe­ mum Club under the auspices of the H orticultural" Association, the president has appointed Rob­ ert Holden, 2125 Argyle Street, An opportunity is offered .housewives of this d istrict to irrove^M r'and Mrs Batch ' outstand- chairman until perm- V ■ authorities on domestic prob- anent officerq are elected Re-elor, Mr. and Mrs. ( J to ia r Bruce;' lem's; tomorrow, when the B. C '̂ uuii. orricers fire eiectca. ne Mr, and Mrs. J. .E .m d o n , Mr! Itecirio R^ilTay membersh.p in the local _E. L. Gray,. Mr.^W._ Solway, Mr. cooperation with -Mdifats- Lim- and.M 'S. Percy Kawtin,,,Mr. and ited, presents a free cooking Mrs. y . Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. D. class in the Orange Hall, under Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. the direction of Mrs. E. McLeap,' senior home eporioniist of theSharman, Mr. and Mrs. P. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. J. >B'Qioth, Mr. and Mrs. P. Parks, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Tc -Watt, Mr. and^Mrs. T. Sewell, Mum Cliib,'-and-the opportunity "to"share"1n' these' (Sittings; will be confined to the members of the West Vancouver Horticul­ tural Association, M r. Brealey «___ „ urges all interested residents to famous Toronto range-fum^ apply for affiliation'without de- An outstanding p ro ^ a m h a s ' As a friendly and helpful ^®well, been arranged for the occasion, coi&ession the Point GreV Clnh Mr. and-M rs.-W alter Gourlay, including ' lectUi'es"Mr Mra c MovviVL- * luuiuumg , pi^acw^ ";has Offered these pHze Specimens Mr. and Mrs. C. Merrick, Mr. a^d cooking demonstrations and _Jto-the-proposedHocaLc]ub-at-the.Mrs;zJ-Ru-s-sell:=:Mr7:aTrdrMrs^T-=:7^P^i^^«i7^^^:z-^^ ana me ±i'0me improvement n a n .- ine-inoreTnoney paia m W.,Keenlevside. Mr. and Mrs. ■ wTig®-in-a«ywom^ A. H. Parsons. Mr. and Mr.s,.M. f do'spen'd, and the greater the improvement in general business conditions in th a t locality. Ever since the postwar depression, all sorts ,of schemes have been suggested or promulgated for the cure of unemploy- ment, most of them too idealistic to be-worthy serious con- .sideration. • The Dominion-Housing Act and the Home Im­ provement Plan seem to offer two practical solutions-'for at least the alleviation, if not more,'of the present distress among Canadian "Workers, and, therefore,: it is to be hoped th a t all benefit and th a t of others not so fortunately placed. ' Mr. and Mrs. .M. suggestions, or discuss individual. E, Richardson, Miss Beryl Gray, cooking experiences. ----------- --;------ - As well as learning the newest ' BRITISH - ^ISRAEL and cleverest ideas in successful: -electi1e-oooker-y^ousewiv-es--wi-l-l---: Regular Monday night meet- be ^ble to take' home a fund of ing as usual, 25th a n d ' Marine Drive. Bible s tu d y .. Annual 'meeting with reports. A full a t­ tendance is requested. New be present. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, -- SCIENTIST :si dreh." (Matthew 4 4 : ^ , 21). - ~ 7 The L es^ h - Sermon "also in- cludes the^'Tollowing. passage • from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Sonptures" by Mary Baker Eddy;, * "In the scientific THE MILLIONTH UNIT the latest r^ ip es . Valuable a t­ tendance prizes w ill' be drawn for, arfd in addition, several of the dishes cooked" during, the 17--will--b ^ g iv e n -- away. The session commences at 2 :15 p.m. LEGION SMOKER "SUBSTANCE'̂ w ill. be the subject of the Lesson -"Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scient­ ist, on Sunday. , , jjo-xvci ___________ The Golden Text i s : ^ ^ y God - relation of God to man, we find shall, supply all your" ffeed ac- th a t whatever blesses one blesses cording to His riches in Glory all, as Jesus showed' 'with the by Christ Jesus.** (Phil. 4: 1-9). loaves and the fishes,---Spirit, ^Among^fre=^tSIfcs-'-wyhich-^=^t'-^tt^rrl5eimg5tIre"=soimce-o^^ comprise the Lesson - Sermon is- su ' " -Prodtrctton~of~fhe m illi^ tli unit a t the Oshawa plant of General .Motorl^of Canada'Lim ­ ited was being officially .observed ^em bers:-- The--plants^--which" will be available early in Aprils are each properly rooted in 2 ^̂ - inch pots and wjll cost 25 cents /fo r two cuttings. * i\fenrbers of7L'lTe"HorticurCuFalT Assobiatidn, and all others Inter­ ested in joining, are cordially in­ vited to attend an open meeting to be held-1n Inglewood "School - Annex on Tuesday- evening, "March 15th; at 8 -o'clock, when when ; the Mum Club' will be formally organized and the selec­ tion of plants made'. Complete .list_of7Y:afi"etie's4indIdetaiJ^a^"t colors,' types, etc.,, will be an­ nounced a t the meeting. No ad­ vance orders will be accepted prior toi the meeting a n ^ each ' member will be requested to make a full deposit for all cut- SCHOOL BAND DANCE - •'i' . . V .* * V / T f * A X & ■ i ii i ■ " ■ . . "And they did all eat, and were j^ .̂. and Mrs. Houghton' of baskets full. And4 hey th a t had dence in the form er moma oi eaten were aboutuW = thousand Stephen Garnham a t 2426 Belle- beside women and chil-__vnelAvenue, ,. ____^ ^ West VancouTer Municipal Ferries T em p o rary Change inS chedw le^ y - N o . ^ F e r r y ^ off th e ru n from nooin F rid ay , M arch 1 1 th to A p r i l l s t . c ia lfJ io u r^ ^ fe r iy -a n d -b M S -se i3 d jc e _ w iiL b ® - naintained during this^period. A Smoking Concert will be given a t 8 p.m. on St. Patrick'ŝ Day, Thursday,. March 17th7 irr the Legion Hall. Admission 25c. by the company as an opportum' including refreshments. , ___ _ ity to look forward to increased A "Trip to Vimy" picture will tVngs reserved activity. While.the wheels of in- be shown and. other entertain-, dustry continued to revolve, ment provided. All ex-,service î=̂ Qahawâ au&ed^.^o^y^^mentarV- --men-ah^ r i lv tb re.dprd another 1red"Î ^̂ ̂ , ->p; ---- ~ - 4.- the 'c ity , which has parallelled ^ th e W e s t Vanc0uvef~Schoor. ■ Band was held on Wednesday afternoon, March 2nd, in the Pauline Johnson School' Lunch. . Room, Mrs. Green, the President, in the chair. The auxiliary is -present! ttg-4o--the--band--before-^ they leave on their Ea.ster trip, a banner on a carrying staff in the band colors of blue back­ ground and green wording of West Vancouver School Band. They are looking forward to, a large attendance a t the dance, -in-aid- of-the -Band.7Cravel-Eu nd,-- tomorrow evening, F r i d a y , motor car production over th irty ̂ A Young Peoples' Service il- years.. -Qshawa-had 5,000 people' lustrated with lantern .views will when the first car was produced be held a t 7:15 p.m. tomorriow , th e r^ Now there 'are 25,000. (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall, As an ~officiaI gesture to lend when th e speaker will be William significance to an event which is There will be ^ n d a y ""df ' some- m b m e n ritd r"only^ to School arid Young People's Bible Oshawa but to the whole indus- Class.-at 10 a.m. next Sunday, • trial life of Canada,, the com- March 13th. A t the 7 :30 p.m. " pany gave a' dinner to factory service next Sunday C..O. Bowen foremen and Executive heads, will give a Gospel address. Tues- The dinner , was held in - the day a t 8 p.m., prayer and Bible . Auditorium,' within a few h'un- study. " dredyards "of-the-site-of-a-reom^ bination store and factory build- ing in which Robert McLaughlin I.O.D.E. BRIDGE The Dunoan Lawson' Chapter, J.O.D.E..-_are-^giving--a--bridge March 11th, a t the Hollybjarn " Pavilion: ^ -The_following -_hav.e-l-kin.dly_ Ah ' I established the carriage business roni-^wMchi4Qday!s;igreatMQcai industry sprang. . ' next Wednesday, March l 6th, a t consented to act as patrons and The fir.st-car-w as!built near the home of Mrs. J . B. Leyland, patronesses: Reeve, and Mrs. this same spot in 1907. H arry starting a t 2:30 o'clock in the. .Leyland, Councillor and Mrs. J. Carmichael* vice-president and afternoon and. 8 o'clock in the Fiddes, Councillor and Mrs, general manager of General- evening. Mrs. J. W. Lang is the Edgar, Councillor and, Mrs, Motors of Canada Limited, esti- general convener, and a musical - Dickini^n, and Councillor and "mated at the dinner th a t the out-' program has been arranged. Re- . .Mrs. Gisby, Trustee M rsrO'Don- LputlsiTic:e_that_ first car has a- freshments will a lso be served, nell, Trustee and Mrs. Barker, mounted to a value of $587,000,- Those wishing for reservations Trustee, and Mrs. M e ^ v i^ , 000. The__f^tory payroll from are asked to kindly phone Mrs. Trustee y and Mrs. Richardson, I9'07~until the production of Unit W. B. Small, W est 638; Mrs. and Trustee-and Mrs7~Brealey, Number . "One Million" - -was "China, West 686-R ; Mrs. Me- School Inspector and. Mrs. Grey, $126,000,000, Mr; Carmichael Taggart, West 509-L; Mrs. Bay- Principal krid Mrs. Mitchell, said. Jiss, West 522-R. Principal Davidson.