West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Feb 1938, p. 5

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•-+>-•'► "■ m<.:: ..Kriiary 24, 10S8. m THE W EST VAH HEWS Opeii t i ig F r id a y , Feb. 25th W ith a fu ll lin e o f Quality F arnish ings for M ra AT CITY PRICES Local and Personal \ Men's and Young M en's Suits and Top Coats Hand-Tailored to Measure W e are now showing two large ranges of samples for / spring and surnmer, 1938. Cloiliing tailored by Gordon Campbell Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. and Progress Brand Clothes, Montreal P.Q. McLEOD'S M EN'S W EA R - 1412 Marine Dr.■*. ̂ ' . '■ * |k ■ t __ Collision D u c o P a in t in g <'H (i a piu't of our, regular service., There is no need to 1){» iiu;onvcnienced:by-having -to-, take this -.type. oi*. work... lo \̂ 'iiicouver. We are in a position to render a complete collision repair service IN OUR'OWN SHOP on.any- tliiiig from a dented fender to a complete wreck. We ro(|uc.st .an opportunity to give you^an estimate the., iitjxl time you require any service of 'this nature. 4 MOTOR SERVICE 1590 Murine D rive ' R . J . SEED S W est 614 EXTRA C A R E A T NO EX TR A C O S T ! GOLD MEDAL L A P N D E R IN G and ZORIC DRY CLEA N IN G NELSON'S-̂ LAUNJ)RIES LlMITEa UE LUXE All the laundry is returned fin­ ished ready for use. Each article . is-priced sepai'ately. NEAR READY (Minimum) 10 lbs. for........ 89c .' AiltfrtioTRTl~lIp. 9c"each" In this service'all. the flat things ' are returned finished; so are' the • soft collars and handkerchiefs. The wearing apparel is returned dry. ■ ghirfa finished, in .th isi sk-. '2300 Cambie St., Vancouver OUR SERVICES ARE: THRIFTY vice'for 12e..each. (Minimum) 10 lbs. for........ 69c Additional lbs. ...•........ 7c each In this service all the flat things'"' are finished and the wearing ap- , parel is returned damp, just nice* for ironing. Shirts finished in. 'th is service for 12c each. "13AMP"WASH , ^ ' (Minimum) 10 Ihs. for.."..".. 49c Additional lbs.............. 5c each In this service all the articles are^ thoroughly washed and re- ■ turned -damn. Shirts finished, in. this service for 12c' each. . CALL WEST 782 or WEST 62 i s The earthquake which occur­ red about 6 a.m. Saturday morn­ ing, disturbed the ■slumbers of ff number of West Vancouver resi­ dents. Although it was also felt in parts of Point Grey and South Vancouver, no explanation of the phenomenon has so far been advanced.«' ■ ■ . I* . * , i<i N. Mawso'n lias moved from' Vancouver into a house at 1420 Argyle Avenue., , ,. * n. Mr. aiul Mrs. H. Houghton of yancouver, have taken a liouse at 24ih and Bellevue Avenue, and will move in, on 1st March. <»l 4' i ; Mrs. J, Zemel has returned to her home in Cypress Park after undergoing an operation in St. Paul's Ilospital.4c * 4i Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dave "Anderson gave thprn a delight­ ful surprise party on the 9th, it being their, 21st-wedding anni­ versary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fiddes, Mr. and' Mrs. H. Tgylor, Mr. and Mrs. Dave And­ erson, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Steven­ son (North Vancouver), Mr. and Mi'S. Leslie Hughes, Mrs. W. Mason, Mr. and Mrs, W, Wadley ■ and Mrs. L. J. Wrisberg. Cards were played during the evening, afteT which dainty refreshments were served when, Mr. Richard­ son presented Mrs. Andersbn with a beautiful vase. A very enjoyable evening terminated with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." ' • . •4c i|< 4< . . Craig Fraser, 14th and Belle­ vue Avenue, has left for his --home*in-Kamlopps,-:where~he will convalesce from the effects of his recent illness, i ■ ■ . , ■ 4< 4« * Miss Drusilla; Dawson, 24,08 Bellevue Avenue, entertained a nurnber of • friends at her home last Thursday evening in honor \ of Miss G.wen Hodge, yvhosp wed­ ding took -'place-- on. Saturday.' Games of an original kind were --played*^dT)roYided"mucdT7ollity~ throughout; the evening, .which was closed, 'with the serving- of refreshments. The guests were • .Also afforded an opportunity of --mBeUn^tfae--groomT--Mr:..Jack~ Ross, who was present to partici­ pate in the night's enjoyment. 4f * - 4! __ Several clergy of the Diocese of New Westminster ar4̂ ex." West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 Friday and Saturday B u tte r FIRST-GRADE 3 lbs for $1.12 Pure Pork Sausage 18c per ib. Blade Roast * Rd.,,,Bdne Roast Minced Beef­ ie r PURE lA R D ------- or-------- l i e . per package Fletcher's No. r Bacon .2 pkts fdr_ Shoulders' Lamb Cross Ribs 1 C . Rolled , 1 « )C Pot Roast changing with the clergy df the Diocese pf Olympia next Sunday. The Rev. F. A. Ramsey of St. Stephen's Church, is going to OlympiaT-Was hTT^and^rhe-RevrE." B. Christie of Olympia, will be in West Vancouver.* * -4« Shower " A miscellaneous shower was held by co-hostesses Mrs. Farm­ er and Mrs. Clark on February 14th at .the home of the former, in honor of- Miss Gwen Hodge. ■llnd"1M1sa"Barbara Sparrow, M1̂ s" Edith Johnson, Miss Oline David­ son, -Miss Esther Clarke. • Miss Joan Clocleugh, ' Mi.sŝ Hsabel_JEIodS'On,IIMiss_Margai!qt, Curry, Miŝ s Doreen Kirley; Miss" Joan AjelTo, Miss Doris Tickell, Miss Eva, Mutch, Miss Argent and Miss May Ray, Miss -Janet Thirkell, Miss--Dianne Watts, Miss Berna Anderson, Miss Har­ riet- Magoon, Miss Dbrothy Mes- singer. Miss Joan Thompson, Miss Edna Davis, Mis.s Norah Evling, Miss ~Ruth~ Sims and "h^autifml^J^OTalecTln 'wEite, were brought in to the strains -o f ---Mendelssohn's-̂ -- Wedding March;, after which the bride's, m'othW, Mrs. F. K.. Hodge, was presented with a lovely bouquet of violets. -Mrs. Powell rendered . two_. delightful solos, follovijing which' games were played arid dainty refreshments served. The following were also present: Mesdames Miles, Gourlay, Dpuet, ; Parsons, Morris, Edwards, Mac- Lean, MaeVean,. H. Thompson, Burbridge and Powell. Rump Roast-Beef-OA^ Prim^RibsBeef Roiled Roast Beef lb. Shoulders Pork M eatty Butts LoiniPork _ 14c 18c 24c ON ANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1E42 MARINE DRIVE WEST 366 ' ,MH>il)Ors A.R.T. of B.C. DEATH OF HERBERT E. LAST The death- iOccurred ;on-TFue,s--- day in #he' North Vancouver General Hospital of Herbert Edward Last, aged 72" years. The deoeased had lived in_ _the._ municipality for the past twenty- . four years, rhost.of the-time at , 14th and Inglewood Avenue, but latterly at 1488 Fulton Avenue. Funeral services, were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from Hollyburn Hall, Mr. William Wood officiating, and committal was madeJn Capilano View Cem­ etery. Thei Jlollyburn Funeral Home of Harron-Bros. Ltd. were Jn_charge-of-th€-fun.eral-arr-ange-- "inent.'^ ' • 8 Sonic damage was done to the aut|3 of Miss Halo laat Monday wbehr it got on Tâ * in front of Appleton Court as the result of a backfire. Tlie fire brigade put the blaze out. . 4i 4i 4> ' ' Mrs. Harvey has moved fron\ Radcliffe Avenue into a house a t 2548 Lawson Avenue. Mrs. McCully of 1618 Fulton Avenue,, wa.s taken on Monday to the North Vancouver General Hospital. " , * 4» 4î Mi.ss Daisy Naughion of Van­ couver, was a week-end guest of • Mrs. H. M. Grady, • 24Ui and Waterfront. 4« , 4< 4* R. Dawson, 2408 Bellevue Avenue, is convalescing rapidly at his homo after a serious ill­ ness. ■ Ik ' 4« 4« At a meeting oT Sl. Stephen's Welcome n^l Rxtension • Gom-- mittoe, it was .wanged to hold a social evmuiigfnoxt Monday at 8 o'clock ill the Parish Hall. All will be welcoiiK;. , , . „ 4< ' 4< Hi ' , ' On Wednesday evening, Feb­ ruary IGth, the class of the St. John's Ambulance Association paid arsurprise visit to the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, 1897 Marine Drive. After spending an enjoyable evening of games,, refreshments were 'served. 4< 4< 4< Jack Martin of West Vanoou- ver, who has been making quite a name for. himself as a boxer, won a cup at Everett last Fri­ day evening for th e . quickest knockout of the night.- • ' . .,1k 4<___ Ik_ ■ _______ Miss Sylvia Dovaston enter­ tained on Saturday afternoon at the home: of her parents, .2174 Argyle Avenue, when she was a tea-hour , hostess. Mrs. Wells- Crawford and Mrs. W. G. Dudgeon presided at the tea cups, while Miss Margaret Bill, Miss _Joyce__Bo_wden',, Miss DOr- " othy Dovaston, Mis.s ""Winona' ---^Pu<feeom-J\l-isBJVlario]i--M6Neii--I 'and Miss Margaret White were serviteurs. • , The guests included Miss Mpl- lie Dovaston, Miss Moira Wal- .-laoer-M44s--Pa-t---Ma-x-we-ll-- Miss Joan Marentette, Miss Dale Eriksoh, Miss Jean Nairn, Miss Betty Woodbury, Miss Alice Lindsey, Miss Betty^ Blair, Mi.ss ' Joan"afid Miss Della* Allen, Miss S tra tto n ^ A K E R Y A Tilt* Ten vnrk'tiea lo auit every tuste Meat IdcN -- Cookint EccU'h Cuke.s -- PiiRtriPH Hui\h ami Kolia Note Address: 1 468 M arine Drive, Phone W est 27 -- --------- ;__________ ___ ___. . . . . J _____- Hollyburn Theatre T11U USiVa Y and F ill DAY ami SAT. MATINEK Fi'bi'uary 21th, 2fith and 2(Uh ItlLLlK IMAlien FIIANK ( KAVKN 'PENROD and SAM' alHo "FLYING HOS'rESS" SAT. EVKNINC; and MONDAY i'n'hniary 2(Uh and 2Kth ^ ' ̂ l i iE i i i f z Hiios. .iOAN DAVIS' **Life Begins in College • Now's, Cartoon, etc. f t TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY .March ls(; and 2mL " Make Way For Tom orrow " ' and "SUPER SLEUTH" ............. ',9̂ ... .̂......... • • ■ ■■ ■ 1 ] F it is anything for a building yon are assnred^pf-service and satisfaction by a phone or personal call * A stbury lu m b e r Co., Ltd. PHONES: Wc.st 199 North 285 Nelson's Fire Fuels COAL PRICES Ton Vi: ton,'A ton Nanaimo Dougla.s (Nut) ...............$9.00 $^.75 .$2.50 Tulamefen Valley (lump or egg) 30.00 .5.25 2.85 CNut) ....... - ...... 8.50 4^50 2..50 Nanainio .WeHingTon ' Midland Urumhell'er- ' . (Lump)........... 3-2.00 (5.25 3.<I0 "CEggt~:::. ." .^T.vrr-STTS ~.Tr5 McLeod River---- -- -- ' (lump or egg) 32.00 6.25 3,40 (N ut).............. ■'11.00 5.75 3.15 Free kindling-with any above orders ;_al.so by-the sack.---- -------- PHONE WEST 783 Your Local JDepcndable Dealer. THE HARDWARE MAN- SAYS: There is a . nice showing of English Bone China in our window this week a t prices tha t cannot be beat, all open ' stock, and good patterns. We call jt the Eden China because it will not bend and is hard to break. ,______ CRAWLEY & BARKER EGGS GRADE A LARGE dox. EXPERT W atch and Clock ̂ ' REPAIRING _ T. CHRISTENSON / (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) Drive Naomi Chapter No. 26, O.E.S. ANNUAL- DANCE m the Orange Hally on FRIDA Y, FEB. 25th'. JRejjieshmentsGarden's Orchestra . Dancing 9 tnii Admission by invitation only. Tickets can be obfained by phoning W est 35R or West 587L1 .■ jc -'-. ■-/i L