West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Feb 1938, p. 1

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. u „i,., •,.,u u »t, ■'I * ,t#v t- 4 •*■« '!j f f%.<-F"' *■> . V ?4 vv̂ - ^ 1» f . ■i'v.tf '-J V-, U > ̂ «?A( #i« /a4 frf f , ,, fi-liEV" -fii ■. S ̂ „fT̂ ?„ ■ ■ 4' ■'<?■«'> S-l "fi'- P* • s U A ^ »f '■' s**«-̂ -̂ /,-/> * ,t#v t- 4 •*»! '!j f f% .<-!'*' •> ̂ V ?4 vv̂ - ^ 1» f . -̂ 1 P>^ V-, u ̂ ^ a/<l fix al 5 J frf f , „ fi1|EV« f S < ,-fT- >:®A '>' .v *5̂ ^ c ■4- Weekly Girculating in the District of West Vancouver-A mh/eside, Hoi/yhurn, Weston, v Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cyptess Park% Cauifetid^ Whytecii^^ Ktc* O 5c per copy at newsstanda. V0I..XII HOLLYB'URN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24th. 1938 No. 47 A TIM E TO STAND TO W.A. CANADIAN I.EGION COMING E V E N l'S DOMINION HOUSING ACT The m ost sifmificant feature of th e crisis in th e M other ,Chf P arliam ents, a s it'seem s to us, is th e rejoicing which took place in th e official circles of Berlin and Rome over th e resig ­ nation of A n thony E den ._ I t would be h ard er to And a s tronger endorsem ent of th e la te Foreign S ecre tary 's stand, fo r therein in indisputable proof th a t In . th e proposed discussions w ith Ihe d ic ta to rs , to which Eden objected tb the point of resign­ ing, they a t least expect to reap some solid advantage a t our {'Xi^nse. 'A m ong our. friends .France im m ediately took steps which showed she had come tb regard us a weak sis te r, while Ihe gifowing friendsh ip between England "and th e United States, on w hich more than any single facto r th e peace o f ' the world rests,, has received a d is tin c t setback. ' Unless P rem ier Chamberlain is able to make a brillian t .success of th e negotiations to be undertaken -- and it .will have to be such a success ah to, be obvious to the m ost ignoran t --he will have sold us fo r a mess of po ttage and wrecked his own political ca ree r beyond redemption., A t th e p resen t m om ent the odds seem to be all aga in st him, and consequently us. It is a very long- tim e since th e personal honor of a P rem ier of G reat B rita in was publicly held in question on the- ffoor of .th e House. I t does not look well for his ab ility as a " leader th a t his Foreign Secretary .should have resigned a t a time and under such ciroumstance.s .'IS to give even the. appearance of i ts having been really forced by foreign d ic ta to rs . W hether tru e o r false it has given our prestige a te rrib le blow throughout th e world. Moreover, this does no t tend to give us- much confidence in th e lik e li- , hood of his negotiations w ith these men proving an y th ing bu t abortive if no t in jurious to our in te rests . He will be dealing . and endeavouring to reach a,greements w ith those who have consistently and y ea r a f te r year broken every trea ty o r agree­ ment, they have ever se t their hands' to, virho have said they would not dO' th is or th a t even while th ey were actually very busily engaged in doing these very th ings, and who a re f ra n k - , ly and avowedly oUft. to steal our em pire and liberties. One th in g is certain , and - P rem ier Cham berlain m ust take the blam e fo r it now, namely, -th a t he has given the dic­ tators a new lease of power. I t is only by such coiips as th is that they a re enabled to continue in office. T heir peoples feel th a t they, a re g e ttin g somewhere w hen th e m ighty B ritish J^mpire ap p aren tly or k c tu a ljy -^ v en now we do riot k n g w ' which is tru e --=bbws to th e demands o f theii^ despotic leaders. -----. .̂̂ The -mills of.-God wiU-neverr g ra n t ' ^ a c e ' to~any 'n a tio n -- which tries to pu rchase i t by acknowledging the. conquest by rape of a Helpiess-people~like th e ■Ethiopians. We "s h ^ P rib f " obtain it by hand ing over money to a b i t te r enemy fo r fu r th e r rearn iam ent ag a in s t u s .' N or need we expect th a t G erm any will be satisfied w ith thp retu rn o f her co lonW , Sn^h flAtion •The usual m onthly m eeting of the W. A. Canadian Legion will be held in the Legion Hall on Monday, 28th F eb ru a ry ,'a t 2:;U) p.m. T here is still a giHiat deal of im portan t business to be gone through and mombers are asked to keep up the ir good work and good attendance. Friday, 11th M arch-- Dance by. W est Vanequvor Schools Band Wedne.sdar» M arch l6 th -- s W g o - by, Duncan Lawson ChapU'r, I. O.D.E., a t the hom e of Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Thursday, March 17th-- C'anadi- , an. Legion Smoker. 1st W EST VAN. SCOUT TROOP (S i. S tephen's) " : MEN'S W EAR STORE OPENS The regu lar m onthly, m eeting of the M others' A uxiliary will bo held a t the home of Mrs. W. Dickinson, 780 14th S treetj on Thursday, March 3rd, a t 2:30 o'olc^k. All .riiothers in terested are invited to be present. WORLD'S DAY OF PR A Y ER The ladie.s of W est Vancouver , are rem inded of the W orld's Day of P rayer, which "will be Jield F riday, M arch 4th. The m eeting r. will be held in the United Church a t 3 p.m. and the B ap tist ladies- will be in charge. McLeod's Men'.s W ear, arc opening a store tom orrow (F ri­ day) a t 14.12 Marin. They will carry a full line of quality furn­ ishings ffor men a t c ity prices, also ,men's ,,and young m en's su its and topcoats hand-tailored to measure; They will show two large ranges of sam ples fo r this spring and sum m er. T h e ir cloth ing is tailored by Gordon Cam))- . boll Ltd. of Vancouver a,nd Pro- gi'ess Brand Clothes of Montivnl. This i r t^ o u r opportunity to ac(iuiro a home on a low contrib­ utory basis, w ith paym ents equal to rent. I ts policy is to provide better social and living condi­ tions, stim ulation of buBiiiess, employinontof those in the build­ ing aii.d kindred trades, and belter circulation of money. C. x.I. Archer L td . in v ite 'you to d is­ cuss your requirem ents in the p ia tte ro f arrang ing a home. TOWNSWOMEN'S G UI LI) The regu lar m eeting of the W est Vancouver Townswomen's Guild will be held a t 7:45 p.m. Friday, M arch 4th, a t ihe Clachaii. BAND NOTES^ On Wednesday a m eeting and military w hist drive Was hold in LEGION NOTES , A m eeting of the Executive Com m ittee will be held on Mon­ day, F ebruary 28th, a t 8 p.ni. the Legion Hall by tho parents* of the boy.s m the /s^oxfl The winning table a t eards wtw' PARK CLUBHOUSE TO OPEN FERGUSONS MOVE TO ~ LARGER PREM ISES Garley is opening the ^ r k Clubhouse on Tuesday, March Ipt, a t 1401 Belleyue Ave­ nue. T t 'is situated opposite AmblesiduHPark, and contains a new lunch counter and an up-to- date ice cream ' parlor, w here • lig h t lunches, teas and ice cream .will be. served4 al«>-a, full .stock of tobaccos and cigare ttes kept - .bn hand.- The Clubhouse-will also be available fo r p riva te parties. L-- NAOMI CH A PTER O.E.S., ANNU A L-D A N CE ' Ferguson 's Motor T ransport have moved in to large prem ises a t 1528 M arine Drive, w here ilie nqw location has am ple storage accommodation. S eparate lock­ ers fo r household goods-, have been built, and are now. ready. Rates, on sto rage and "freight ib any\pbrt b f theiworld \^ll :bq . £d§_dly_gjYen,_The_.above_company_ has been in business fo r eighteen _y_ears In W est Vancouver,_duringi which they have made "stejady progress until now they h av e five m odem trucks giving a daily winning table a t cards wtw made up of Mr. 'rind Mrs. mont, Mrs. ̂Odridon arid M rs. Escott. D uring the evening The lucky names were draw n for th e lamps being raffled by the boys, the winners being Mrs. J. P a rk ­ er, Mi\s. D. Dewar, and"'John Sharp of Vancouver. R efresh­ m ents were served in the town, hall and a sh o rt discussion took place regarding the form ation of, a parents' auxiliary. T n order to help raise funds for the annual E as te r tr ip a . dance will.be. held .in, th e Holly- burn Pavilion,on Tuesday, M ai^h- -Ifl-thr-- Roy^~Bari'ie's o rch es tra" will supply the music. LADIES' COUNTRY DANCE -seiwieeHbetweeri--here and--the ' .The IVest V ancouver--Ladie.s'1- .̂̂ . I I . .■ m M m m ^ ,m„m mm mm mm m ■ i» ■ ■ » i i * ii ^ a ^ I 11 iwill only increase h e r greed fo r m ore te rr ito ry elsewhere, and j t m igh t be j;his Canada of ours, upon w hich she has been casting longing eyes fo r some years. ' . There com es a timerin^ dealing w ith bullies when a stand has to be m ade, even a t th e risk of a fight. Eden evidently judged th a t tim e ,h a d come, and, unless th e jubilation of our -oiieniies-at-........................ . . . - . greatly feared th a t h isto ry will prove he w as right. I t is to be A rrangem ents are now com­ p le te fo r the A nnual Dance of Naomi C hapter No. 26, O.E.S., w h ich will be held tom orrow evening in the O range Hall. Dancing will s ta r t a t 9 p.m. and . ^/\yi/vwv/Xl . llCXti clJlU LXlC city. They also operate, an of­ fice and storage warehouse a t 154 A lexander St., Vancouver. ' In a g rade "school th e class in literature w as-very m uch in te r­ ested in th e 'poemj "The Village Blacksmith." In th e m idst of the discussion th e teach e r ask- dr "Why does th e b lacksm ith have such la rg e ' m uscles ? My arm isn't like th a t ." ^ -fte r^ -p ri§ se ,- one^bf?the'g ir ls ' BRIDGE, W HIST & DANCING continue tifi 1 a.m. w ith G arden 's O rchestra in ' a ttendance. In v i­ ta tions may be obtained from Mrs. J. W. Neill, W est 35-R. NORTH SHORE D ISI'RICT CONSERVATIVES Ef,Ef!T Teplied: A bridge and w hist to be con- ' eluded w ith dancing will be given ,̂ .by the Townswomen's Guilds a t ;8 :15 p.m. nex t Saturday , th e 26th in stan t, in the Legion Hall, ■ia in aid d:̂ th e hospital oxygen ^ t6^t. T here w ill be_prizes and 1: re ffe sh 'ra e n ts^ ^ _ BRITISH - ISR A EL N orth Vancouver D istrierC on- servative^ Association elected R. ,R. Rose president fo r 1938 a t th e an n ual-m eeting-M on d ay. branch of. the Scottish Country Dance Society wilt m eet .tohior- row (Friday), a t 2:30 p.m ' fo r practice. Firial a rrangem ents will then be made fo r tran sp o r­ tation; etc., fo r those who will -aif-end--th er^ rn ifx ^ v en r-b y t.hcr ■North 'Vancouver group. - M ERCHANl'S FOOTBALL CLUB DANCE The regular m eeting of Dun- darave Branch of th e B ritish - Israel World F ederation on Mon­ day, F ebruary 28th, a t 25th and M arine Drive. Bible s tu d y : "The House of David." The seconci ■"Day- ofrP ifayer^w inf O ther officers a re : Fir.st vice- president, Dr. F rank Doi'ch e s te r ; second vice-president, J. K irk­ land ; secretary , David B each; treasu re r. Miss "E. J. S_tevens; executive, Mrs. R. J. Johnson, Jack Shakespeare, W. J. Carson, A. McWilliams, Jack L outet, Zion Church,"M arch 2nd. "Watch - A j; c/--pjnr̂ "-ae-̂-T »r̂-i W hite, J . Gameroh, The 'W est -Vancouver M er­ chan ts ' Football Club are giving a dance on W ednesday, March 2nd, a t llollyburn Pavilion. Sine Shepherd's O rchestra will be in attendance and dancing will take place from 9 to l._ T ickets a t .J 5 ^ n ts can ^ p b t a i n e d from "€he"clu.b m em bei|i" '^ by p h o n in g -either WcsL334-R or W est 441-L ' arm, while you_do. yours w ith your m outh.' -thing as East, West or North.- matter which way you look iti^s Souito. details^ Everyone is made wel­ come. ***■ - -- - - jr f-ixixx; CriTCt~TT» N. W ood; au4itors, Frajik D or­ cheste r jr . and J. Scatterly . PAINTING, PAPERH A N G IN G , REPAIRS, Etc. Gaine.sand Balden advertise in th is'issue th a t th ey are prepared to. do painting, paperhanging, kalsomining, re-roofing, a lte ra ­ tions, repairs, etc. They do work under the Home Im provem ent P lan and will fu rn ish free e s ti­ m ates on request. Phone W est 530. BUSINESS M EN'S ASS'N Vancouver Business. M en's Association will m eet at" 8 ;30p.m . Wednesday, 2nd M arch, in the Ferry rooms. The que.s- tion of the holding of an exhibi- tion of m aterials, etc., u .^d in the hi^dm g4m ties-m -soim e4m H-here A scene, a t Eagle H arbor will come up fo r discussion, th is in connection wi-th^the Home Im ­ provem ent "P lam and theHBomin- ion Housing L o a n j f is hoped to have a speaker, present in com nection with th e above. A lso th e S ecre tary of S ta te 's reply as to th e neces.sary form alities to be. gone through in connection w ith th e changing of th e Association - in to the West Vancouver' Board o f- Trade is expected to be on hri'nd. T'