Oh WU# > , s f * - <»'> ■ « -TT-a- S irT* »â r.»n̂'.l--I A--Weekly Circulating in the District of West Vancouver -̂-Ambleside ̂ Holl^burn^ Weston ̂ Dunddrave $1.00 per year. CyprCSS P a r k ^ C a u l f e t l d ^ W h y t e c U f f ^ 'E t c . 5c pt*r copy aniewsstandB. / •>' Vol. X I> vHOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C.,' THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10th. IWH No. 8 .HITLER TAKES OVER The' base on which rests the whole unholy triangle,of (lidaUn'ships is getting ready to blaze into action. That is the Only reasonable construction which can be placed upon llillei's recent .'leizure of complete control in Germany. For -omc iime now two forces have succeeded in keeping him Joniiriratively quiet, firstly, the international bankers repre*- minted bySchacht, who realize that war must, regardless of wilt) wins, destroy,the whole financial {Structure together with .. iyilixiitioib and the German army headed by Von Hlomberg, who 'IS a result of the failure of the tank and aeroplane to live in It) i'.\pectations in the Spanish War, consider their forces . •. not yet ready, to fight. Hitler recently rid himself of cif.ivii'hl and now he has. assumed the control of the army ' vested in Von Blomberg. , - ̂ ' As we have stated in .a number of previous editorials, a flidatoi' must produce results in order to. remain in power, lest* his people turn and rend him, and he must do it in a mw'ftanilar mdnner to satisfy those races who will willingly submit to that form of government. Hence all the emblazoned </ooso-stepping and. the succession of coups which have kept the workl in a turmoil of fear ever-.since Hitler and jviussolini. rose to power. , ■ - ' " '1 , ^ In .spit" huge jockeying movement, .of which w e, û vc S])0ken before as having'been instituted by Italy in iViirope. and Africd, and Japan in Asia:, things have not gone I along as smoothly as expected.i Ethiopia is still far from • oomiuered, while Franco after a year and a half's fighting is faced with a stalemate now and certain, defeat later unless large forces are sent to him from Italy and Germany. Japan is fast bleeding to, death and the big fight yet to come. She has, it is true, seiCured control of a large slice of the richest part of China, but realizes she can hardly expect to keep it, for which reasofi she proposed a peace with China, which the leaders of that country were far tpo -wise do even consider. THE BURNING BUSU By Subadar 'HIS SBUENDII) FAMUA'.r** (T)MING EVENTS According to the prt's.s a ci'r- lain reverend stated the Duke of Windsor was hypnotized from Rome by "an international gang of Jesuits" seeking to underniine the British throne. 'I'liut's too much for, nie to digest witlumi a whole lot of medicine, though all my friends swear my belief in the prevalence of I'vil is nothing short (if .scaiidalous.' As a bach elor,' born so ugly that; my face alarms women at tlu) first glance, 1 can a'ĵ tsure the reverend gent.le- miui thflt his informant was all Wet. The lady wa.s very charm ing and clever ami witty with considerable experience in hand- Wliut would you do, if you l-'i-iilay. Feb. 25lh--Naomi Chap- hi|,d sti-nggh'd for years to bring up a large family of sons and daiigditers. without the help of a wife and mother in the home '--and you found your.self in need of a serious ■ operation ? 'Would you exj)eet ".vour family t-o help you in this crisis? See what the P(>tter family-(lid in the .face pf just siich an (MPetgenc.V.".Ypu may mc('t the I'oitei'̂.̂ Tit.,.the Hollyburn Th(»atr(', pn Monday ovi'iiiiig, I'V'bniary 21st, when the Dundarave Junior Dramatic Society, under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson (Tiapteri 1. O.D.E., will .present their new thre<'-aci play,' "His Splendid ter No. 20, O.E.S., Annual . Dance. Saturday, Feb. 2011i '-- To\yns- womvn's Guild Whist, Bridge and Danee in the Legion Hall. ling men, and she was introduced Family."-The West Vancouver to a very charming and clever Boys' Band, under'the leadership man, who was K'ipg of England., of Mr. Delamonfare pnee more We all know the result. The only combining wjtli the Society in possible connection l].le Jesuits this, evenhig's entertainment. A could have had with it was per-, splendid musical program is be- forming the. cereni(iny of intro- ing arranged, when some entire- ducing the lady/and some oiie ly new selections will be offered 'did that. „My observations by the Band. Tickets may be IMODEUN 0 ROOM HOME * Frank Ton roe has just com pleted ah artistic new lionie on Ibtli and Hay woo'd Avenue, which li(' is now offering for sal('. 'file house is well ihiill and repleli' with'all inodern eojiveni- cMces and stands on large view lot witli ereek. - , • i ' It will be open for imspoction on Saturday afternoon of this week and next Sunday. . LAUNDERING AND DRY CLEANING secured from any member of the cast. - ' ■ . ' NATURAL RESOURCES OF JAPAN Thus the time has come for Germany to strike, if the situation is to be saved. Dx)ubtless it has been piit up to Hitler squarely by both Mussolini and Japan, who must view with alarm .the daily strengthening of ihe armed forces Of those nations who are opposed tp theni^" The long purses and ■ unlimited natural resources^of the democracies are beginning to tell. The dictators realize that the issue must be joined ;vyithput.delay, o.r,.they veUDbe.se^g, as...did.,B^lshaz?ar.^the,._^^ mystic hanciwritihg- oh the .wan,!Sning--oLdefeat-aHdhIea^ have led me to deduce that any woman, can get any man, if she wants him badly enough and he does "not hate the sight of her. It may hot be" very flattering to -old~bachelors-Til«i-you-and--mOj-- --------------- ............. -̂----- ; brother,' to have to admit that At the present time, Japan is women size us. up as matri- - causmg a great deal of anxiety, monial washouts, but facts are ̂ especially to those who are re facts. I did propoto to a girl sponsible for our marketing of once, and she said she'd- as soon Canadian products. The average marry an alligator. I've always, citizen is more, concerned with taken, a sort of kindly interest ,̂ :the thought of conflict. So it 'Plu'N(dson Laundries Ijld. draw at'I.entioM in this issue (o Uu'ir gold medal laundeying and Zoric dry clea în ,̂ '̂ In their a ik y verUsement in this issue is al)|g included a listiof their various services. Any! interested- are asked to kint viie A.venue, at l)lTbn'e"WeHt~627 ly phone their driver, C. Finiriy of 1357 Belle- West 782 or else BEAUTIFUL HOME OPEN FQR INSPECTION Canadians, and especially- those of us who live"bn this ' Pacific coast and are, therefore, likely to be in the front seats, would do well to remember that time, tide a.nd the devil wait for no man, Wemeed ekpect ho help either by-land-or-sea-from-- the Americans! '"Not that.they would not, but forces within them iwill render them impotent to help us, and-it will take .. --^hmr '-fle-et""^ffMts"-'time-'-'to~protec-t^heir--o^--eoarst^--=-Greaf-- - Britain has annO'Unced that she will heed all the heavy units.' of her fleet in Europe and can spare none for the Pacific, Hence'it is strictly up to.us to look after ourselves, as in any case \ve agreed to do in common with the other Domin- _4onsLat_the-oonfer€nce-of_empireJLe_ader-s-̂ tollowing_the_GDJ!.Qii- ation: It is not a matter for fear. But it is certainly a matter for the concern which b e ^ ts action "and not silly talk about-- . Canada's hypothetical right or lack of right to make. war. For those who are going to make.war, when and if it comes, ,. •̂ are Germany and Italy and Japan, ni^^anada. They are going to make war on her, whether she likes it or riot, and they are going to erislave'^lier if they win. ; _ And whether th e y win or lose will depend chiefly on how much we prepare NOW for that which must sooner or later inevitably come-upon us. . ' - ^ ST. STEPHEN'iS CHOIR CONCERT Gome and se<̂ lhis home ta t 23rd Street and Inglewood Ave- iT 4. .V. 1 ...... .1 u • i j 4. uue, on Sunday, February 13th. Seven large large living --i'oom-w-iib-v-a-ulteil-eeilHig--dHi-ing- ^ n g at* " LSncI of the.RTsmg^Tm, . rciom Tviih domed ceijing, con- * \ * ^ J a p a n proper comprises the ' cealed lighting-instiled biith- The. Attorney General of On- , mainland, Shikoku, Kyusku, room, kitchen,^dining room, front -tarro-is-repforted-in-the press as--HT)kk'aMo7-~Chishima7--R>mlam7T'nmll7Tuir basement and built in haiving stated the West would and over 400 islands. In all the ^ g-arage, hardwood floors ihi'ough never pay its loans.^Now that s area is about j 148,000 .square --w-hole-maJn floor, two I'ooms up- , •ju^t-;too-'bmh--B - u - H - h e r e - i ^ s e - ^ o - - - t he populatioiTO-;.er-.69: ■stinY-s wit]r-lurge clothes 'elosetKT" remark that at the.present speed . -rnillion. Canada is about 25 ^uiltbyJ.i<obus,.325 We.st l5th ' ..of-borrowing nobotly is going_t(>__._^times-greater in area aiul ba.s Avenuo7 Vancouver. *** pay their loans either, so the only„one-sixth of the population. - --___4.-- --___ West is only in the fashion. If . Mountain ra.nges and volcanic ' LEGION MUNITARY . every body and _ev̂ t-y firi^and_ ^hamsLjtraverse the Janaiiese i.s-__________ WHIST AND DANCE country were suddenly called on i^nds, the rivers are' ̂ ^ to pay up,-there o he a .riot on being used mostly for gen- The Canadian Legion, We'M-- -tlie.part_m7.:̂ U_i}.M.ris to t̂ a The plains, Vancouver Branch, are giving a the tall timbers prom ^^d a in number, but fertile, ton-. Military Whist Drito arid Dance bigger scampering for- cover tribute much-to the-de-V-elopment._:^at 8- p.m,- sharp-on- Satui'day of- - of tod^stry. N u m e ro u s 'bay.s on . this week in the Legion Hall,w()rst air raid. Borrowing is :a very respectable habit; I have heard even the banks used to encourage it, although you can't prove it by me, but my friends' say that lately they have grown cagey.and want to know so much the Pacific Coast are good liar-- bors. The' climate in genernl is mild but humid. Only one-seventh of the area is fit for ploughing and more than half of it is rice or-iiaddy, fields. Intensive' culiivatioi.1 is- when there will be modern and old time dances, good prizes, .refreshments .and music, also a hidden prizes to the holder of the liicky--ticket.' This will ;be another of the .series of military whist drives and'dances, which fiptiiiig a ^ihiaryT^Tir^ncf i i iiiTTTmnext Wednesday 'and' Thursday, „ the Parish HalL* The;-assisting artist will be Mrs. Horam, who will give impersonations. 'Ilief program is as follows*:^^ 0 Canada - * • ^ 1. SONGS-^Gypsy. Chorus ......... ............ ......... -Senior Choir (from The Bohemian Girl) 2. SKIT--"J. Caesar" ..... l.-.-.-Christ Church Cathedral levers 3. IM-PERSONA TIONS~"T3rr:rrriVfrs7-Horamto-Gu^s1rArt1st) 4. SKIT--"Mr. Green" ...... -to.,-.................... Members of "Ye Oaken Bucket"'i:....7.,............. ....... Senior Choir - Intermission , 5. IMPERSONATIONS .......... !.......... ....... - - - ..... 6. CAMP FIRE/SONGS..:..:...r..i^........................Junmr Choir .1 ACT PLAY"--"Three"CockHe3toWidows".....Senior .Choir 7a. TRIO-- "3 Young Maids of Lee" ................. - Choir 8. SONGS--"I Live Not Where I Love"......... ,-Senior Choir.. ^ "Rolling Down to Rio" ______ ____ . -- -̂------------------- - Tffe King .j_____ ,_____ ' Adults 25c; Students 15c._____ 7_____ __ ttaViV* nff'o i V*c< f V>of. €1 rii^vdAn iltJiUfe. Xli tcllfei VtJ OUX tt VaLlVMd ir> ? *i **.ii/ vix j V cxJivi 1.4CXI JV.VO, vv II jy I I popular. Admis- te-kj<fhtoelf th a ty p . .^ r i ty f i - lah j-iL T ,,'--■ . ........................p l o ^ with .sf^E^im plm elTisr'^T^ although the ox and hor.se ai-e AND MUSfCALE u^d to :Some extent. 'ITu* . ________--.... .. ._i------------ riuhl agricultural production is A Valentino T€a and Musicale valued at , three billion yen or will he held/at 2:30'p.m. tomor- about 840 million .dollar.s. adian--agricultural ' . w.eallij--a=_itoftothekWoiritrii-'toSssba^^ business man once who used to say that the only way to get ahead was- to borrow; I think, though, that he meant' it was the only way of .getting ahead of the other fellow because he still -■ -bwes--m e -tJ ie --q-ua-rterH ieHtror=^ rowed from me two years ago. mounts to about six billjon dol- the We.st Vancouver United lars a year. The ..principal pro- Church in the Church Halt Mrs. ducts rai.sed in Japan ar<i (-(o'- eals,. including rice, wheat .̂ and ' barley, - . . WEST VANCOUVER vs. HOUSING ACT It is now time for anyone . . ^ planning to build this -year toact for the simple reason they . million acre.s or nearly 02 per will save $200 to $300; simply' becau.se the loan companies are -being swamped with. _applica tions. This means there will be a shortage of skilled labor, forc ing labor costs upward^Und^r cent of the total area of the country. Canadian forests oc cupy about- 14 times as much .space. ' " The principal mineral products Ostrom is convening the tea, and Mr.s. ITowieson and Mrs. Alexander are in charge, of the " musical program, the ' decora tions being in the capable hands . of Mto. A.. Crbmar Bruce, Ad mission, 25 cents. VAIJENTINETEA- BARBARIANS' DANCE . "MODEL WEST VAN. HOME' Don't forget the Annual Val- ' online Dance of the Barbarians Bugby Club and the J^rbarians Girls' Auxiliary tomorrow (Fri- Jjy) in the Hollybifrn Pavilion. L-^ore-wili be dancing frQ& 9 to With Sine Shepherd's Orches- tra in attendance. Refreshments nil also be served. Tickets, 50 cents. • . •fee public are mvited th i s ' Sunday to (̂ ome and ^ e the little home iustoeomploted at the cor- n T o t n th and Clyde Avenue, which wJH be open for inspection betweeri 2 and 5 o'olwk. 1 home- wastojuil-t ;amLpi?;Jnn^d.. C:'M. Shar^, aTocaLbuilder,-and is worth seeirig by anyone at all interested in modem buildmg. Bring your friends. incIude'i|olH7~silver,"coppef,-dron, -The-StT-StephenV-"fnglewood- the Domin'ioA 7.inc, tin, lead, well as coal W A are .starting th d r year'.s one can buy a house^pr some- petroleum,, sulphur,tosand-and__.aotivitie.s with a Valentine Tea, ilmAQ Ipqc 'than what l;hev are stone, and are valued at 271 miL to be held on Thursday, Febru- alreadv Sying in rent. Imagine - lion dollars!' Canada's mineral ary 17th,. in the Inglewood Sun- a bmnd^new hou.se on a rental production wa.s valued at 361 day School. Conveners for the basis More and more people-are million dollar.s last. year. - afternoon are: Home-cookmg, Getting wi.se to this. Why not The fishing industry brought Mrs. Littleford; candy Mrs. Geo. ffet in on-i±-too? Now is th e .J n _aboutcl40 million dollars in- Jackson; variety table, Mrs. 4.;__Hoinv ' hiif rlrAn dnwTi ' .lanan while the same industry Stokes. !Afternbbri;toeaAv time don't delay, but drop down ' Japan while the same industry to bur dffree^andwexan-give you" 1n~Cana4a during, the-.same year the particulars.^Diamond wa.s valued at 34 million dollars.,- from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, by.the Realty, 1395 Maririe;D/iye.-West- 719. i ^ -- From-- Canada." A Fact-a-Day-About _ committee jn charge of Mrs. Geo. Newman, ^