West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Feb 1938, p. 6

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T H E .W E ST VAN-NEWS ■•p-v'.i «.4M„ t , 'j^' ^JU»> l i t ̂ f« J.".4Kf..^,A» *> . . I- ^ A H -̂li r̂lff'ff-̂--' •• Ot Av , t«(«B!r»"*J-.- '̂'^ Jff If-î -, «ft«fe ̂ ,M li»« ^ f S B S K T T 1938. S O C C E K . ■ • . i » M eats---Phone West 370 l»ltrCES (i(K )I) for E H ID A V & HA I IJUDAY, lkb ru u ry i4 Hi 5. MEATS|{<ii & WhfU« PKAH™- „ 'MIt'Vo : i ....................... No. 2 fin 15c Hxtni Hiiiall Sieve 1 .................2 No. 2 Uhm 2.1c .MmIIuiii Mize. Sieve 5 No. 2 tin 10c Hl»( l>ul lender, lied A: Wiiite WIIITK COUN 2 No. 2 tiiiM ............................... 23c ked At While ( AkkOTH »rvd PEAS 2 H«|f. TImh ' . . . .. 2;ic . Diced ( iirrolM and lender Pena, ked & White AHPAkAOlJS lO'/i oz, tin ' 17c ked A White 'rOMA'I'O.EH 2 larfie No. 2'/i lirtK' ' 23c EX Til A VAI.IJE KODAS, in w large irenerouM 2 lli. carton for only 30c Ik'd Ai White PAHTkY KEOIJk 7 )h. HJich ' . . .................... 28c PINEAPlM.E^Hlnguime s Sllcwi or (.'uIh*h ...... 2 No. I tinw 15c' (illH K OATH--Quaktrr , Nun-Premium....... ... . ........Pkt. 23c HIIOkTENlNli--Hwift'H Jewel l*iirely Vegetahle ." . • . Il>. 13c COPl'KPr--Aunt iMary'a ... ..lb, 2.5c (•OkNED IIEEP . . tin I3c ked & IVhiU- COCOA..... '/^-|b. lln Me CuliforniH CkAPIOrkClT l.urgo Hize, SeedleMK ... I for 1.1c LOINS I-AMIL in the piece, per ih..................................... 2.'k T HONE KOASI'S..............II). 2.'k VEAL ROASTS, per II).... : K k IJOOS I.AMB, per lb 28c SnOOLDERS LAMB, per lb. 17c |*OT ROASTS OF B EEF from per lb.....................' I 'k SMOKED F IL L IP 'S , per lb. 17c SMOKED ALASKA COD, Ib. 20c |{et*f -- Fork -- Lamb -- Veal ('ooked M eats All (lovernm cnl Inspected, and the very F inest Quality., APIM.e s --korne-or Spitz, li Ihs. 25c ItakiiiK or Cooking, _• OkANClCS--Medium Hize, doz. IKc Purge Hize ..........................doz. 23c keal Navein, Swwt, SeedleHH. .SCMOST DEMONS . 0 fur 15c Very Juicy. I S T S tS r d a T 'f l i^ W e .s t 'V a iP - c'ouver Mcrehatils shut out Kcr- risdale 3 to « at hi'rn.sijale. T here was l egi^Uiicu in the first half, ullh*)UKh play wa.s fast, rang ing Inmi on e e n d J o the o ther. In the la tte r hall, th e Merchant.'; gained the euge of the pliiy,. which re.sulted in Tommy Donaldi^oii scorini?.. the first counter, .'flii'^ lead wii' ̂ 8n^ni inoreased thnm ph l^|'ajs by Lloyd H unter , and Flair Ed­ wards, A featu re attraction hu.s beiMi scheduled for Saturday at. Ambleside Park wlnni the West V ancouver ithrehant.s opptvsc Kadials, a Senioi- L<*aKne in the .second round of the Main- Jaml Cup. This coiniietitiou should produtv I'lMndar cup-tie football, which Kviierally means a fa.st e-xcitinp Marne, M'he irame commences a t 2:dt) p,ni. The W est Vancouver Club will be holding a dance on Mtirch 2nd a t the Hollyburn Pavilion. This wi 11. lie. a n _.PPPln'lli niiy for jday- ' ers anti sUpporLu'.s -io mi>el for. ih(? evening. Government Inspected Only ■ |2|' i| '*~w L A lUB "Wi* BEEF,+}«»?*, #■ V EAL" (W ALL KINDS kjEUCATESSENCOLD M E A T S (W a l l K I N D S -1 1 Store at Hollyburn, next. Theatre I'HONE WEST a Service LUMBER Q uality BUILDERS' SUPI'I.IEs SlIINOLLb 5UBSTITUTE ROOFING PLYWOODS WALLBOARD LATH . QUALIIY Agenta: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 151K & Marine Drive Phone West 115 LITERARY SOCIETY TABLE TENN IS LEAG U E, THE MENACE OF THE SKID l-j.! >r! iTF'-.-Vi__1' I' 'feaniH P" W L T, P ts VV. V, S iz/lers iO (5 1 8 15 Diide.s 9 r> 2 2 12 Maple Leafs 10 5 2 2 12 CaiiaditiiiH 10 •> 2 4 4 8 'i 'hi'ee i 9 0 8 1 1 J.astA veel^ Hcore.s: ' W. V. Siz/ler.s 9, t 'anadiens 9. --Mapli* I.eafs 13, ^fhree F s 5. . T h e B ig S ix Players c P*̂ W % F. Mast<*nnan (JiF.sJ 52 41 79 J. L idster (WVS) 48 87 77 H. Sm ith (WVS) 54 41 76 H. Aldred (D) 54 ' 36 67 B. Simpson (D) , 54 30 56 H, WelLs (WVS) - 48 27 56 IJ. C. Y ..P . ASSOC. itii Miss Jessie Robertson, well- known- to Vancouver literarv -and_dranmtic-ci4iclcB,_giLv.e-U-ta.IIC-. or TrxcepiionaL~interest ITr the Ju s t as a com peleni .swimmer may "pahic,^' w hen 'an unexpect­ ed wave slaps him in-the mouth, ,so a normally cool-headed motor­ ist nray ." freeze on the wheel" during ' those preeJoU^ split-.st'"c- oiids when a skid can become ('itliei- a ti'Ugedy or merely a dis- eoniliting 'incident in a day's ilrive.' BuLwhile any ex ik ri can tell you how to, pull out qf a skid hy steering into it, the really wi.se advi.ser is th e one who tells ydu" liow to recognize the two . cpminion types of skid,.and i'nore liariicularly, how to avoid them, 'riie slippery pavem ent skid can he prevented by cautious driv­ ing, by slow- turns, stops and .starts, and by the judicious u.se of .seeyd gear as a brake. The "brake-skid," when caused'" by -une(iua.liyxid-^otv.pQorJy??TOfetgid Owing to ilic change in the w eather, the meetings of the society to hear Mrs. Hamilton S m ith 's address on "The Bronte Fam ily," has been postponed till 'Phursday evening, 'February 1 7 th ,lit Ihe usual time and place.- Several additional^ Jtronte^ pic­ tu res will then be available for exhibition. CLASSIFIED A D S r..tA for ClasKified AdfirtiBcments is 2 cents per word, mjiiiinum | 25 cciitJ. Phfeept in the case of those having regular accounts, all clas,i4 "'̂ ^tem eK r*'cial^^ in th^^'west Van News get itnmedikte resuks. i WANT'RI) -- Wo pay the lughest prices for bottlos, rags, nn'tuls, etc. •('.oil Went VL Burrurd JujiK FU R N ISH ED 4-Uoom Buiigijow with ■ sun-room and fireplace. West fi-lT-L LAND CLEARING. Grading, etc. -Estim ates free. Rush j,obs wanted. Kissick, W est 252-L........... ... LEGION H A LL FOR. RENT -- MecU ings, P a rtie s , etc.; moderate rates, Phone Weist 184tY. F. \y . Rivers. WANTED--Housework, Floor Polish­ ing, Window Cleaning, Gardening, odd jobs, 25c hour. W est 585-L-1-. CHIMNEY SW EE PIN G -- Old Coun- try way. Q uaranteed. Brick and stone repa irs . Palm er, Capilano, N orth 811-R-2, The mill foreman came upon two darkies walking slowly up the road, single tile. "Say, you, w'hy a in 't you w orking?" t, • _ "W e's working, boss, sho' nutT. VVe's carry ing-th is plank up to th e ^ m ij l . '̂ ________ ' 'TVTiat plank? I don't see any plank." Weir, fo r' de Lawcl's sake, Abe of we a in 't gone an'-fo rgo t de» plank." FLOOR s u r f a c i n g -- J. S u ther­ land. 2144 Mahon Avenue, N orth 1458-L. ■ __ _ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and n ig h t; heated cai"; passengers fully insured , W est .512. _______ CHIM NEY SW EEPIN G -- Sawdust burners in ta lled ; furnace repairs, Phone G. M eldrum , 1103 Lonsdale N orth 822. INSTALLATIONS--l-EIectric Reliairs, convenience ou tle ts installed. J. H. Paterson , W est 108, . ______ ELECTRICIAN, New Installations, Repairs, Appliances --■ anything electrical; reasonable prices. Lam ­ ent, Wcst~723-L._____- _________ LAWN M OW ERS SHARPENED Special m achine; repairs, parts' "West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. GORDON ROBSON, B arrister, Solic­ itor, 1447 M arine; appointm ent only. W est 403; 510 H astings, Se'ymour 4199; afternoons. : : • MARCEL"S.H 0P -- Thermique Steam P erm anents; only ; best materials used. .E x p ert operators. Phone • W est 304, Royal B ank Building. h i V. YJl.: T)L:fhe_ UnReil Church on Monday. 1^'mphasizing the many helpful qualities obtaiped by the ■production of plays, the speaker creatcil j i new enthusiasm for woidt' ,n ( th is kin<l. Folkiwlngj.lie 'service brakes, has noly'onc cure ;--adju.stm ent by a m echanic..Its sym ptom , unm istakeablo even on "dry pavement, is a pull a t the steerihg-whcGl when the brake is. applied evoir gently." Badly ad- hr>" alm ost as- "Olcl i.,a(ly (ToTlirppei^-r-^S^lmme^ on you child, fo r .smoking in this res tau ran t! I would .I'ust.as soon get drunk as be caught smoking. 'F lapper; "Well, who wouldn't" NOW is the t ime to lis t t h a t jiroperty --for--sale--with-active-office.= l̂LknLts^ waiting fo r all classes ; of -property, improved and unimproved.. " G. J . Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine Drive, W est 225. - _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SA LE -- T hree good crosscut -- ^saws'-and--a--haby-ear-r-iage-T--Apply-- 1301, Bellevue. W est 184-L. . FOR SALE -- B ritish India Rug, size 9-3 X T0-10,t green background. --LEhQna.-W.Rst-.. 194-:.Y....J-:_________ 1 -- FOR SA LE -- Beuscher E Flat Alto - Sax; -perfect condition, $85; terms, West '4-37-R-3. FOR SA LE -- 1937 Ford V-8„ 60 h.p. Will , take cheaper car in part pay- US' ■I- ffif' biryine.s.s -meeting-. Mias Muriel Austin, convener of the L ilorary coinmitteo, took charge of the meeting. ttangero irs ' on w et payenien t' oi' a,t high speed as" no brakes at Till. ' < jg - i l ( t in g - i i--i le^w heu.se, eh? How are your-g<d- ling along'W ith il-?-- silo came into the policXLsllil ion Tvltli a p icture iir"her,:hahd. '•t • ̂- I ■' "Fine, I've got the roof and the m ortgage on it, tind 1 ex])ed to lia.ve the furnace and the sheriff in before fall." "My husband has"disappear- "ed7""""she"~.ST>bbed-:--^Here--is -ii is- picture. I w ant you to find him." The Inspector Jo()ked up from th e photograph. "W hy?" he asked. W ANTED -- Furniture, Brie a_ BFdc, Stoves, H eaters, etc., h ighest prices paid. Call W est 91. B urrard Junk Co. m e n t .v ^ S l'Belle.vue, Avenue. HANDY *ANN SH O P, 2442 Marine- Valentines, N otions, Stationery, Toys,. Books, Sheen Silk, etc. ROOM. BOARD or PART--In qifiet home, near bus, ferry,.business man FOR SA LE -- F resh new laid cgg.s rr--delivered^ daHyr--W^st-594-R-;-- -- or woman. Box 77, W est Van News NOTICE ■is i r "Sag it WitfjJFlowers ** r-':45.4, Funeral Designs, W edding Bouquets T O t F l a n l s Daily jdelivery to North Vancouver H ospital Applications Will bo received - before l2 nd.on, Thursday,. February 10th, f(U' the po.sition of School Boiu'd Secretary, at- a salai-y of .$480.00 . per annum, applicants to s ta te qual­ ifications fully. Address applications to H. G. 'Barker.- Chairman,, 3033 Marine Drive. .Hollyburn, Solicitation will disqualify applicants. / By order of the Board of School Trijstec^;.- CHOICE BUILDING L O T ^ Cleared. among new homes in nice location; good view; only $425. R. P. Blower & Co.j W est 21. . ROOM AND BOARD:-- -Available in : quiet locality, close to ferry; W est 028-L. FO R SA LE Large view Lot near B us...... ..2 3/8 Acres on B us Line..... ."|2500.00 Large W ate rfro n t Lot and ^ Good Home .......... ................ $7500.09;. Large Double L ot n ear P.O. $1100.09 Lawson, W alker. & Pride, West 55. . . ^ 0 . ft U I 1 C S I • c w VVEST VAN FLO R IST IS tirand Marine WEST 305 GOOD VIEW LOTS, $200.00 ' E ach ; JVLTAMONT SPECIAL, $975; 1 acre. Builders O ppoitunty, 2 1-Acre 'Blocks in the centre of municipal- it.v a t a very 1<5W price. J . T. W att,; W est 141;.. or -B. M. Buck, W est =̂ 9S=43=fevem-irgS7̂ FO R SA LE $200 full price, m agnificent high view lot, v e ry Jo w taxes. W ate rfro n t lo t, 60' k 265'~$1090 -- another -at $1000. •. H. A. Roberte, .L td .r W46 Marine Drive, W est 702. S n e e tiS ila F W o fiK Phone W est 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, • Saw dust B urners -- W:il .WITH SNOW FLURRIES - 1. 4 " . . . l i ' ; ■ > - • , . rioaso note tha t the woathc;r forecasts still include' the word "snow" ; the w inter is* not over yet; .it is still im p e ra tiv e 'th a t yo*u advise us what, your requiremc'nts are going to be so th a t we m ay protect y,ou .against disappointm ent and an ensuing cold house. , . Orders and Collections received a t-- KNILL*S FUI1.S- ^ SAW DUST " WOOD -- COAL -- ^ HOME OIL FU ELS ----- . W est Vancouver OlHco: .1528 M arine b r iy e . Phone W est 794. North VaFcbiivef 5f8 Lonsdale Avenue. Phone N orth U4 TH E HARDW ARE MAN SAYS: Tin? groundhog saw his shadow .tociay, but who cares--business is going on- ju s t the same "and we are selling Garden Tools,every daiy. Town prices, bu t W est Vancouver Quality and .Service. CRAWLEY & BARKER visiting colored preacher an­ nounced, 'T'se got a five-dollah .sernion, an ' a two-dollah sermon, a--one=dollah--sermion. „ D ^ deacons will now pass de plate so Fwill know which o'dem ser­ mons th is heah congregation w ants me to preach." , ; The News III lfc III ■sMk i' : SKIS To fully enjoy your skiing you must have good equipment. See our n ew stock o f Skis F R E D i J O N E S - 1 4 3 9 M i W i n e w e s t v a n m o t o r s ^ M - L - G R O O T - -f451--M aT ine~D rive Shell Pro.ducts Goodyear Products Chrysler Products Day or Night - Tow ing or W reck er I F it is any thing, fof I a build ing you ate assured of service and satisfaction fiy a phone or personal call Astbury Lumber Coo, Ltd* PH O N E S : W est 199 N orth 285 N ig h t Calls-- - HI .A. ROLLO. West 6 7 ^ COMPL£inS autom otive SERVICE i^ rv ice Phone W est 268- ~ R e a l^ s t a M P . C. G IBBEN S & CO. LTD. 1473 M arine Drive. West 704 *V S ; i h l . , ! . ! . . . : >1 ■ m .