iMl* W e e k l y ^ ■t. Circulating in the District of West Vancouver^Ambleside ̂ Hollyburni Weston, Dundarave ti.oo per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstands. , , .......... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................... .............. ..............................L-- -- ....................................... .................................' ............................................ \ ............................................................................... ................................... Vol. XII HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., tHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1938 No. 7 THE FALSE PROPHETS Tliey have always been with us, the false prophets. But, wlR'ft ns previous^generations knew them for what they were * and lieu ted them accordingly, we have taken them to our hearts and bowed the knee before their pitiful and picayune liltk' shrinet^^ Being something less than men, these false Diupliels laughed at and laugh today at everything manly, bocuusu their minds are incapable of grasping the simple ajid llie great things of life and death. Religion is so fa r above ill j. ii. 1̂-. K v« 4-Vk ■̂"Urki'k* vnr\4'{/trk rim IrktyiT̂ r\T #n.r\iiinrir*tv •ut "crude." In a word, they are the fungi produced by the idul vapours, which ever arise out of the roots of civilizations. In the Middle Ages they grovelled ahd shrank into dark - corn ers'all their lives,' for-the men and women of that day •dike (iospised them. The Victorians,, who were very busy in llic development of an empire left them, by their forefathers, called them "worms," and treated them acoordinglyr. They , were ligurativeljc-and sometimes oven literally ducked. But, since every dog must have his, day, the time was to come in these la tter days when they were to sit in the seats of the mighty. They have done Iso to some purpose in the post-war years, during which we have followed them faith- fiiilv along the neurotic alleys -of life^and thought in which ̂ their i)uerile souls delight. They have filled our libraries with books in which was examined to the nth degree the mental and sexual reactions ef characters so ordinary and character less as iiot to be worth examination. They have taught us in effect that the greatest thing in life was to be "up to date," to despise the past, to apologize 'for happening to own an empire, and to live Tor thrills, so long as those -thrills did not lead to physical danger. They rejoiced in internationalism, because it seemed to offer safety. And, because the mainten- (X)MING EVENl'S l-'riday, Feb. ISth-r-Naomi Cliap- lor No. 2(>, Odil.S., Amiiuil Dance, Monday, Feb. 21 si--"His Splen did Family," presonte<l by Dundarave Junior Dramatic Sociidy under the auspices of the Dunc-an Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.F., at Hollyburii Thea tre. LAND CLEAUINd. ETC. . -A nderson--M cM illan ,.. |ocaF_ laiid I clearing contractors, are '. prciiared to do any such work. They are eciuipped with a, diesel donkey-und will gladly give esti mates on any property. Phones ̂ West 557-L or West 487-Y-l. An adveriisemont relative to this I appears .in this issue. EDUCATION WEEK Education week will be held from February;.6tl)T jja^ebruary 12th, in which x p tl^ c tio n the. following s;^odhf'^^vcnts have been arranged.'. T^rosday, the 8th Winter on the Mountains ance of an em pire , sometimes involves one in unpleasantness - and eyen-direcL action,-they-started-the-dri-veTor_pacifism~and- 1* . J. wk'iirt'U Vi/-klv /̂\/4 ivi Vitr TYiian ivi LAWN BOWLING CLUB LEGION NOTES disarmament, being much helped in their men in . high places who should have been wiser, and carefully cloaked ' enemy agents, who were only too wise. . "By their works ye shall know them ." We certainly do today, and some of them are still quite prominent in various fields of endeavour within the Empire. As to the ooist, .only the future can show ju s t how great th,at may be. But, if the deluge ebmek and finds us unread'y^^e can a t least driveThem to the forefront of The battle to share' its risks ^yith the better men who have gone there of their oy^.accord.______ _ instant, iit ^M>.m. ^jParenta' Forum, s p e a k ^ W. H. Morrow, P rincipal, of Lord Byng ' H igh School, ' whose topic will be: "Changing Objectives h}_th<^ The Annuar Meeting of the West Vancouver'Lawn Bowling Club has been set for Thursday, February 10th. By courtesy of- the Municipal Council it will be; held in the- Council Chamber, beginning-at.8j j .m . , Officers for 1938 season will be elected aiid other important business transr . a c t e d -------------------------------- FURNACES AND SHEET METAL WORK Laurie. Speck, 24th and Otta The Canadian Legion Military Whist and Dance last Saturday was a great success with eigh- "teen tables in play. Refresh ments were served and the even ing was concluded with modern and old time dances.. Th«* pri;/*̂ dimers were; Ladies,- Miss avis and Miss Kerrison; Geatle- menr- F. --Fance- and - Miss - La-- • mont (playing gentleman). Mrs. Tite was the holder (|f .th'e lucky number--39--and won' the hid den prize. The Legion members of the ~New Program,"- W^l'nesday, the 9th instant -- Visitors' Day ^1 Tea'^in the Library by the Home EGonomics--Department from 3 p.m. on; Friday, 11th instant, 7 :30 to 9:30 p.m.--Deiponstra- iion of Physical Education activ- , itie's.... . ■ -. , All these events take place a t the Inglewood High School, and ithe public are-invited-to-attend. . I. O. D. E. The annual meeting of the Duncan' Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. - wa Avenue, annomfreeB^iirthis-is^-- Soriirl" oommit-tee-wiah-'To ■■vt)ibe~j3- Ji'illTinB'hWlTt-aM sue that he will completely instal furnaces and repair them, also do all classes of sheet metal work and air conditioning. He OUUlcU vvioi* 1.1/ V w ill UU m l̂U ClL X 4JV̂./VU their appreciation to the public Monday, February 7th, at the /• . .... ̂J ^ _ "i-k V* /•\-W / \ • 4*/A 1 X* Tl /T- .T: 1.) T- >1 r\ /■!for their patronage and hoiie to see thern again on Saturday, February 12th, a t 8 p.m. See home of Mrs. J. B. Leyland, 2848 Bellevue Avenue. guarantees first class workman- local paper Tor details -■ship,--and--jyill-S-UPply._estimâ ̂ Thp next, general rnceling of promptly. Phone West- 5 l8-X .' W. A. CANADIAN LEGION the legion will be held on Friday, ..February 4th. , Several .import ant items are to be.brought up and every member is requested VALENTINE TEA AND MUSICALE DEATH O r H. McGOWAN . The W. A. to The Canadian - to make an effort to attend. Legion will -give a Military Whist and Dance in the Legion HalLgh Saturday. 5th February, a t 8 p.m. sharp. Good prizes will be provided. This series of whist drives has proved v e ry popular, L _The-regular_m_e_eljng_o_f_the_. Women's Association of the United Church was held in The Church Hall on Tuesday after noon, the President, Mrs. O'Don nell, in the chair. • A fter the reading of the regu lar reports arrangements wereGeneral regret wilk be felt - .. _ . throughout the municipality a t discussgd. for future activities arives na» the. sudden passing of Henry which include --B. C. Products Admission 25 cents, including McGowan, which took place last'*' Luncheon in Spencers on April ■ ............................' TB76^ "EsqmThaTF-Avenue. -He -. Girls' C Mrs. Colin- _______ Vqrir»nnvpr from. MacLean to be held a t the end the city eighteen years njm, and of'""* ---- - • --̂ D.V.A.NOTES. b a r b a r ia n s ̂ DANGB . The nomination of officers for- 1938 will take place a t the next meeting to^be held a t the Com mittee Rooms, in the .HigJilS'nds Cafe, 14th and Marine D r^e, on Tuesday, February 8th. ,'A full attendance is requested. STATUTORY MEETING The Statutory Meeting of the Council took place a t 7 p.m. last i-Thumday-in-the-MunicipalJH_alL_ The chairmen of committees re- -maiirthe same. " _1 • The- Barbarians' Rugby- Club_ and the Barbarians' Girls' Aux iliary'.are giving their Annunl Valentine Dance on Friday, Feb ruary. H t h , in the Hollyburn Pavilion. Sine Shepherd^s popu lar orchestra will provide the music, - and -dancipg will take place'from 9 to 1. 'Refreshments also will be served. Those on the com m ittee^in-eharge --------- ̂ tiie city tjigiitccii yvicii-n -- --r-.-v' " ■--J -----^ine Joa,. Frank Tearpe h as ju s t com- a s-p ro n rie to r of the Amble-jiide of which a notice appears on an- plefed^^^^Ttistic n e w ^ l^ ^ Rooms fo r approxim ately o ther page, to-be-held next-'week, 16th and Haywood Avenue, seventeen of those yearsT ic m et F riday , F eb ru a ry 11th. which he i r n W offering fo r s a le : - m o s t oTTWse" residenTy^ u se d .- - M rs-O strom -kindly ^frered-to The house is well built and re- the ferries, with whom hcv was convene the tea, the musicaliiro- plete with all modern conveni- very popular. Only about a year will be arranged by Mrs. ences and stands on large view ago he sold out to Smith Smoke Howieson and Mrs. Alexander, lot with creek. It will be open Tor inspection ences and stands on a large view day next. ' *** ■ Shops retiring from a very , while the decorations of the hall active'-, business life to a well were left in the capable .hands earned rest. He was 64 years of Mrs. Cromar Bruce. •old and is survived by ' hisTvifc> dance a re : Doreen Bernard, Ruth 'Blair, Eileen Hollingworth, Jack 'Atwood BRITISH . ISRAEL one brother in England and a / 'BLEAK-HOUSE" TO BE. ■ • • • ■ ■' . T - ... • i .... . ■ ¥̂ ikTrHT '̂¥X . ¥*fcTn/T\T.nephew in Port PRESENTED BY REQUESTniece and Moody. Funeral services will be heldT h e regular weekly meeting ----- ^ hf the Dundarave: Branch of the a t 3 p.m. on Saturday from, the ~B r@ gsrSerW grfd-Federation-- H o]lybum _E^M ^^̂ ■ ^ r < . ; Tr, i rri.1.. T I o vtv./'kn T l v r v a T . t / l t V l P P i A ; A repeat perform^ince of sketches from "Bleak Housed is being given by request- by the twood. , ' u 4-̂ A M ondav'February 7th, Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. f '. A. West Yancouver^Dfokens--Book- The Tollowing h§.ve confu ted , Marine Drive Ramsev officiating, and inter- Cliib a t 8 p.m. tomorrow (Fri- ------------- ./r.. and M arin^u^^^ ment-will be, made in (Japilano day), in ^ " Ste^hen^ ParishSANTA CLAUS FUND Previously acknowledged $632.71 Milk Bottle Collection by Hi:Y ..... ,.......... .116.47 1938 HOMES to act-as, patronesses': R: Norminton, Mrs. I* ford,' Mrs. J. (E. Qondon, Mrs. Duncan Frasfei*, Mrs. Clerk, Mrs. J. Hammett, Mrs. Jas. McIntyre. . Tickets, 50 cents. ■ "View Cemetery.-. VALENTINE TEA The St. Stephen's - Inglewood W. A; are^iolding a Valentine , W.A. CANADIAN LEGION Owing to the bad weather the ^€w-house~at" llthT "and" Clyde Avenue, which was to be thrown open for inspection on 6th Feb- will hot be ready until Wife: "'That oouple-next-;door- -s^m -v ery -d ev o ted .-H ^^ k ^ s _ I3th February. ♦♦♦ seem vexj her every time they meet. Why don't you do th a t?" . ■ . Husband:' "I don't know her well enough yet." w A are « v .. .Owing to the inclement weath- Teaon T hurad^ . F e te ^ r y IK h, ® T m T « S '^ a 's*^POstponed until tioiTof these'sketches in West Hall. A musical program has also been arranged and the pro ceeds will go towards the ad dition to the Rectory. Admis- s'ion 25 cents. _ ThejClubV previous p resen ta-;.cr '-x! ___ sxT,.r,4- ' -:p.m^sharp,:._whe.n if is hoped-:^ed,-as-was also-a;perform ance and there win aiso pe a j ^ r ^ ^ nf of thp samA trivan m Vancouverf ' ? J ' '® F S e V p a r t^ ^ be a full attendance of of the same given in Vancouver n p p t r fn « ! ? n c r t " ^ f S meinhers as there is important by the Cluh during the Christ- ;;paper. • ; business to be discussed. mas season. 1 8