--------1 i BlllliliWHM gBlWllggM!W!g-*<!* THE WEST VAX NEWS SMITH'S MARKET RED AND WHITE PhonePhone ,t*i Wmt<A^ M e a ts ---P h o n e W est 370 l*:XTItA VAM-KS for FKU>AY & SA l'I UDAY, Jan. 28 and 20. IXnyNSWOMEKS (̂ ViyAi I T ANNUA!. HANfiUhl Red and W hite SOUP SAl^E Tornalo -- Ve«i*lal»lf .*{ liiiH 2r.r; n tin s 40c 12 linn 05c Vc«ctal)lt-lk'cr. AKparaKUH, Ccicrv. Clam Chowder, Cliicitcn and H ite, Cream of MtiSliroom, Cream of Oynler^ Your fhoii'C - . •*! tins J8c (i tioK ri5e; 12 liiis $1.05 Huy tliem hy the ease at IhcHC low priecH j ' |M!ri'I':n WniCAl' thmlar, |>ld. !»r Jv\I\l--Ntiholi I'Urt' 1 ' ■ . SIr<iwl)»'rr,y . I h». Iiii l!l<: MEATS HEi:!' 'rONUUKS, per Ih..... 18c VKAl. UOAST.S, per lb......... lOc LKCS I.AMH, per lb.......... 28c SIlOCf.UEHS LAMB, per lb. 17c P O 'r HOAS'I'S OF BEEF from per Ih. ................... 14c SMOKED FIMJill'S, per Ib. 17c SMOKED ALASKA COD, lb. 20c -- Fork ~ l/amb -- Veal ' Cooked Meats ' All C overnmenl Inspected arid the very Finest (lualily. FINK SAI.MON KOliKIIS syiMii*. FKANI T HU'ITKU IIimI k U'liilr 'I'KA 2 Tall Tinn 17c , 2 II). Tin 11c , 2 ll)H. 2.'|c .........II). r>1c A D D I r c OR ROME BEAUTY A i r L t* i> - - r o R cooking or eating per box $1.29 Mr.H. I*aul Smith. .M.L.A., Mi>. Dorothy SteevcK, '.MJ.-A., mat Alderman Helena OutleriUiJe have aceepled liivilaliotis to at tend the 2nd AiiriuJil Ban<iuet ol the We.Kt Vant'ouvor 'Jown.'<- women's (iiiild to l>e held in tlie Orange Hall Friday, January 28th, at G;80 p.m. • Another Hpecial will ne Mr.'<. 'IVrell Godmaii of Vidoria, an executive menihrr l'<»r 5 year."; and one of the oiT.mi/.er.s ol the 'J'owiiKWOmen's Guild in the Old Country. Mrs. Godman. whorls spending some tiin", in Seattle, will arrive hy air. Foint Grey Guild, and Hollyl.urn Junior To\vnHvvomen-'hav<' also been in vited to attend, Mr.s. Dorothy Sice vs, Frov- incial member for the North Shore, will, unveil the Charter Membership Roll, of the iir.sl Guild to be formed in Canada. The regular monthly meeting ,of the Guild,will l>e held in the Olaelnm, Diindarave, Fridj(iy, Ft^Kpary dth, at 7:h5 i).m. New mernbers will be reiV-iveii at tlii.s rneetingi JEFFERIES' SUPERIOR Meats Government Inspected Only B E E F ^ pork: VEALh a m s LAMB COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 store, at Hollyburn, next Theatre I'HONB WEST 3 Service l u m b e r Quality 8ASU & DOOJtS ,, SlllNCJUO.S . PLYWOODS LATH PAINT THERE IS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE ROOBTNG^ for QUALITY WALLBOARD TILE AgentH: CANADA PAINT COMl^ANY LTD... ^E ST VANCOUVER LUMBP CO-hTD 1 5 tli & Marine Drive 1 "Phone West 115 .SOCCER I - ' Mrs. Jtollman, 151fh and Fiil- ___ , - toil A venue, is eonvale.Hciug in W..«l Vi.riHMivcr M w d iiin ls tlu; Sc!,vi,.; îv NurHiriK Home, 18-15 Belleviic' Avenue. LEGION NOTES .1. ■wjna; dc.'b.'a'ted Saturday Iw Mac- <'ube(*.s on Fowell. |droii7Kis, I Ik* Hcdre .being !l to 1. iiy quic'kly ad.iuMtiiig .tliein'H«dve.s to tile hard groiiml, Maecabee.s nctjred Iwo goals (hiring tin' first half. AlUioiigli dilair Edwards coiMilered for W est Vancouver .shortly afterwards, Maccabees minified it with another goal, d'o protect their lead Maccabees played a defensivi* game,, which "wak~tlrrGaUTiwl~r)ir"srveral oc r, 1 i i t - i ' |K. lin R casion.s hy West , Vancouver. Blair Edwards, Ferjcy Master- man and Le.H Hunter were, un-. fortunate not l,o .score again for.d_ West Vancouver,. , This Saturday West Vauoou- yer Merchaids meet Kerri.sdale oil the lat ter'.s home groimd'. As the game conimoncos at 2:IiO. p.m., tlur^local ((uested to travel on the 1 o'clock ferry. FUEL SUPPLIES Wt-*.( :.H2 -- PHONE -- WoHt 582 ]-Ml ilellcvue Ave. Wood, Coal, Sawdust Du.sli Kir, InniiJu..,.- Mill l"ir, I|iKi(l(! ..... Fimiju i* nlocltH..... Fiinplucu F i r ..... . KiLriiirrH. Mill Run ' Parky ........ Dry Aklur ......$5,50 Cord .... 5.50' " .... -1.25 " ..... '1.̂ 5̂ " ..... 2.50 " ., ...' 2.75 _■....0,00 .SAW 1)1) St 100', I"ir Sawdust; Guaranieod ' .su|)|)!y; Furna(.'e ..$-1.50 ]jor. unit Dry KilcluMi Range*. .$5.00 per unit. COAL Alliorla' and R.C'. tJoals •-- Local Agents fa)' li'imthilks" -- Coal, Quantity and Quality Guai'a^itood ------- CilAlU,KS4lH()4URSON^!^___ .1111 Rdlcviie A. meeting of tin* joii.it (!xecu- live of Ihe'Legio'ii.ami tlie Legi- OM W.A. will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, January .'ilsl. CLASSIFIED ADS The rale for ClaHsiOed AdverUsementa is 2 cento per 25 cento. Except in the case of thoae having regular aceounto, all class!- '*.'̂ ^ l e m e E * 'c i a l V f S Van News get immediate results. I f' i . /.'■I k r CONCRETE CONTRACTORS ----- --tnrn rhekarft^^- -- Sole-Agents for ARMOR COAT VVATERFHOOP CEMENT PAINT TEAROE . & S()N /pi,^;r:Vsf 8̂ IF it is anything for a building you are assured of service and satisfaction by a phone or personal call to _^A&tJb_urjrJ^^ Co., Ltd. ~ PHONES: West 199 North 285 . Night Calls-^------ ROLLO, West 672-R LAND CITL\RING. (Jrading, otc. FsLiinatos free. Kush jobs wtinU'd. Kissick, West 252-L. ------ - WANT'ED" Housework, Floor, i'olish- ing, Window Clowning,_ Gardening, odd johs, 25c hour. W est'68j -L-L-. FLOOR SURFACING -- L Suther land, 21M Mahon Avonife, North M58-L. - MASON'S TAXI >r- Day and night; hoatod car; passengers fully insured West 512. ________ - EIwECTIMCIAN, New InstallatioiiB, Repairs, Appliances-- - anything electrical ;-rcnsonablc_prices--La.mr„ ont. West 722-L.______ ;______ _ GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic itor, 1447 Marine; appointment only. West 402; 510 Hastings, Seymour 4199: afternoons; ^ -------- ^ ^ --------- GOOD MODERN 4-Room Cottage, corner lot facing south, view, near • beach, park, ferry and shopping, $2,000. Phone West 141 or West ,598-L. .1. T. Watt, West Van. Realty ■plXl^ERTENCED' CTRL requires-light- housework, .cooking. Good with : children."E.xcellent referenees;-West 619-'R. - - _______ ^ ANOTHER Genuine Bargain for someone who can up" a house. n rooms; lare-e lot:'cood view.- Price TO GIVE AWAY ---i Morerof our famous kittens. West 161-X-l. WILL TRADE.-- Beautiful home on Marine Drive, S.W., for West Van couver home. No agents. Kerris- dale 2(384. „ ■ ________ FOR RENT -- 6 Roomedi house, gar age in basement, vacant February 1st. Apply 2104'Marine, West 405. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine Dr. -^Notions, Stationery, Toys, Books, Sheen Silk, etc. C. JORDAN first for Window Shades; Venetian Blinds;- and Awnings. West Van.'Blind'l& Awning Supply, '" P h o n e : WesTVIQrBes^^ LEGION HALL FOR RENT -- Meet ings, Parties, etc.; moderate, rates. Phone West 184-Y. F. W. Rivers. REST A WHILE Convalescent Hom e- Nurse Conquest, R.N. West 86-L-2, 136 27th Street. ' ._______ - CHIMNEY SWEm*ING -- Old Coun try \vay. Guaranteed. Brick ' and stone repairs. Palmer,- Capilano,' -- -North-8H-R-2-- -- --̂ ELECTRIC and Mechanical Toys, Juvenile AutgSj Wagons recondition ed.. West Vancouver Machine Shop," ̂ 1449 Marine._____ - _______ _ CHIMNEYv SWEEPING -- . Sawdust ! special Offer! Synopsis of Land Ad for i)nmediato sale ,to close, estate, $1,100 cash; $1,200 on terms.;. R. P, Blower & Co., West 21.___________ NOW is the time to list that property for sale with active olTico. Clients ' Waiting for all classes of property, improved and Junimproveti: G. J. ~̂ ^Ai'cher l7tIlT7-l'411)~MaTin'ê Dii'ver West 225. ijHTn'6YiS~' Intailed ; - f urnacer reparrs? ' Phone G; Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale ' North 822. , . INSTALLATIONS-rElectric Repairs, convenience outlets instolled. J. H. Paterson, West 108.^ _____ TYPEWRITING WANTED -- Envel- opes addressed; reasonable charges. - Phone West 133-L-2, nUS-EMPTlOKS |i ̂ M ^ h' ■ i UlSft i i i t e ' f ■A'.'t' Ml NEW WALL LAMP P I N S U P a n y w h e r e .'\ full-stxe reading lamp that pins up.wherever you nircd~FxfrF'liglR"TTV^ving"holh~dirccf'aWd~iriyifcc^[ iliiimination . . . it ncod.s no extra wiring. There is .1 model to suit j^ '̂ ry need . . three sm art styl'e^ and nine colors,' Contplctc with IQO-watt bulb, full cash price. jfd.T*?. Two for . . y threejfor $(13.25. 45c down 50c a month lOR YOUR DEALER 'VT'AOAl^. unreservctt-iurveycd Crown y lands may 1>« pre-empted by Brltisli subjects, over 18 yeilre age, and by aliens on declaring Intention to ' becAnlc ' ^ Urltlsh (ubjccts, conditional upon resi dence. occupation and Improvement. Piill Information concerning- Pre-'emp- tions U given In BuUctla No. ' 1, Loiui Scries, "How to Pre-empt l.and," copies ol whic)i can be obtained; free of charge by addressing the Department of Lands, Vic- . lorla, B C,: Bureau of Provincial Informa tion Victoria, or any Government Agent > ■ Records wUl be granted .covering only - • . land aulttyble. ifori agrloultural' purposes : i i j within reasonable distance of -road, ^school ____and .marketing faculties.. and.._whlch ls_noi,jf?' **^znrobefIinrd:?ri:e:;-T'«rryfeir®veir^|'to8-bO'̂ ^̂^ Icct- per acre east of the Const Range and--- 8,000 feet per acre west of .ttiat Range. "̂ '"Aiipiicatlqnî forr̂ î ral̂ ionr̂ are"̂̂ addressed, to the Imnd Commissioner o( iijc Land Recording Division in which the ..-^..land..LnppUed^lor_ls:-8ltuate<L--.on.^pr!nledZ (orms -obtalned-frora- the Commlssloner^-T^ IV A"CUUM __ iJLEANERS;. ^Vashing" Machines repaired and overhauled,. Phone We.st 577. Electric appliance department. Crawley & Bai*ker. W.ANT Best Family. Home I can get foi' $.20 a month on a two year lease. . Re-sponsible adult tenants. Box 32, West Van News. -FOR-- SALE------ W ardrobe--^ e a m ^ trunk, $15. Baby carriage $3.00. West .514-14._________________ _ EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants house work, 25c an hour. West 617, keep ringing-______________ _____ LOST-- Saturday night. Brown Bill- ' fold containing money and driver's Prc~emptlona_mu8t iM-.occupled :for five years and ImprovemenU made to value ol r \\O'"per :acre,' .Including ■ clearlng^and- cuUl-" cvliUng' a t least five aerea, before a Crown ^ran t. can_ b«,r*oelved. Pre-emptiotu carrying part time' condi tions^ of occupation are also granted. PDBCI1A8S OB UEASE Applicatlona are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Orown^ lands, not being \;tlmberland, to r agrlcxiltural purposes. i Mlnlmuin' ^ l e e of first-class .. (arable) land is 85 per aere. and second- class (^rasing) land. 88.50 per acre' i-^irthcr Information Is given In Bulletin No 10. Land 8crlea, *Turehase and Lease of Croxvn Landa** . FOR RENT Lovely throe room modern flat, brand license. Reward. Phone West 496-1,4. new. I'cnt only to refined middle . GARAGE FOR.RENT -- 1326 Duch- aged couple. $20' including light. ess Avenue. ' ' ■SEE WH1FFIN,E.TR.ST __ ̂ ^ ^ --' Attractive hew modern home „ .. , tt ^^tt5T^^bedrooms^tiled=-sinh,-TfPeiTi-== Beautilul Home, ] *acre....:....... ..$9,000 broke bath, fireplace, sawdust Go.()d 6 Room House ...............-- 35j00_ furnace, superb vjewjVgarden, cIosiJ ^ ,.44-650---^ irii-l-Barigaih-^ .^s a partial i«llel--nmasure.--tevarted- "' BPd.s may be acquired by porehase In ten- ctjual Instalments, with the first payment ; suspended for two yean; provided taxes .are paid w h ^ due and Improvements are --i)iirdir~aTJTtng--the~tlr«f~8wo--yean-nf-Tiet-- less than 10% of the appraised value. MU), factory or Industrial sites bn ' timber land, net exceeding 40^acres, may be purchased oc leiased. the conditions .jAttra c t i ye,_S m al LTlouse---Z l-)rgo W aterfront Lot and _ Small House ............................ 2500 -5-Acres Best View.......... . Z . 1250 -Lawson, Walker & -Pride 0pp., Holly hum Post Office. West 55 , North Vancouver AUCTION WEDNESDAY NEXT, Feb. 2nd, ------ IdJO--iMu--a-t--15tli--&--Lonsdoie------ WHIFFIN FIRST, 1520 Marine-Dr. STRAYED from 1067 "JeffersAn Ave. Friday; wire haired terrier, black patch above tail. "Holly." Great pet. West 640-L. _____ FOR SALE • --̂ 1 Drophead Singer Sewing Machine. West 257-L. BARGAIN -- Rogers 8 tube radio,, . beautiful, walnut console, perfect condition, $30. West 462-̂ Y. house ZSSI2 Including payment of stnmpage. . Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding' xo acres, may be leased a t homesltes, condi- lional upon a dwelling being erected in ' the first year, tlUe being. obtained after residence and Improvement eondltions are fulfilled and land haa been smreyed. For graslng and tnduatrlal purposes areas not -exceeding 0(0 acres may be leased by one p«Hreoo w a eompany. Under the Oraatng Act the ..Province ts- dtvlded Into . graxtog districts and the range administered under grazing regula tions amended from ^too.to time to .m eetl v-arylng conditions.'x'Aiuual tprazlng per- mils arc Lssued based oo certa in monthly rales per head of stock ' Priority in graz ing privileges Is given to resident stock owners. Stock-owner* may form associa- -tlona for range management. Free or partially tree pwnnita avnOaUe for setUera: from March 1st, R e l ia b le perman- Roll top and-fl-at top ofFice^esks- ^ n t t e n a n t s . Three a d u l t s . Apply swivel and ' other chairs, Emnirn Box 31, W est Van News. "typewriter, good collection nf. fnrm' * • ' " ture and utensils, 50 chick L c S e MOWERS SHARPENED - .brooder, i*oll of 72-in. wire nettiny- Special machine; repairs, parts^ :garden-4ieBts;-i^ing-ladder-tennis-nete-------Wes_tZVaneouver-JMachine_Shpp,Ji4^ and a host of other thing's. " . Marine. -_________. ' ' ' w . E. EKINS, " . Auctioneer •North 1338 , Residence North 1022 MARCEL SHOP -- TEwmique Steam Permanents; ■ only best materiaks used. Expert .operators. Phone West 304, Royal.Bank Building. e x p e r t RADIOJtlPAlRS i^e a s o n a b l e Years' Experience) Argyle Avenue, M Insurance ff -- ^ ( ^ 1 - E s t a t o P. C. GIBB3ENS & C O . LTD. 1473 Marine "Drive West 704 1--- -A-