West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jan 1938, p. 3

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WEST VAN J i m W ^ ^ ^ M«xt to lloyxl Bonk--West <>87 * .AvM,®^"",?'?***!!!^ ______ u .-1""""""'l000'~"Se1ect53'**'l1O®3' '̂'̂ oo¥^^ ̂ ""Hew ¥»lfS'*'tt3® I month -- 50 New Books this month. Hates G5c Monthly, Spccisil S®l€ „f ^econt discards in g-ood condition from 20c to G0.c each. Kccc"̂ Copyrights always on sale -- Any l ôok obtained at shortest notice. All current Magazines -- Needlework -r- Knitting and Patterns. ' , cijitium'iy for all Oflflco and Homo uses. -- Cards -- Bingo -- Games. City Brices If you are not familiar with our line$ please look them over* HOLLYBURN DAIRY'S SPECIAL Genuine Par-Vay 3 c p e r Ceng , Saturday Only Ice Cream - -- ............. till 6 p.m. A. wilNDT--------Landscape Gardener "7- D e s i g n e r of gardens on Hudson's Bay - Co. 1930-37 Model Homes. li!ind.scape work hnd •Gî neral Gardening at Moderate Prices.' ■-•■>.:'■. .̂U ■ 'H' ' ■ ■ Fuirinont 6574-R ' : Bayview .̂ S? LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Formal and Informal Gardens planned and stocked to specifications Estimates and designs given. Experts in Alpine and Witter Gardens. BURGiSS & WALKER Phone West 560 After 6 p.m., West 98L1 The West Viuuiouver Uuiies* Branch of* the* Scottish Country* Dance Society will meet for practice on Friday, January 28th, at 2:30 p.m., in the Clach- an. Several flights of wild geeae passed over West Vancouver dur­ ing the week end on their way north, all flyingr very high. Blackbirds have also been seen in the municipality. This should' indicate th a t the .back of the winter is broken.> , iH ' ♦ A house built on the Amorican plan has been completod a t 11th and Clyde Avenue for« A. M. Sharpe ..of 26th and Haywood' Avenue.' It will be open for in- siiection on February 6tb. Mrs. M. Wallace of La Jolla, California, and Mrs. Arkloy Martin, are convalescing"at the Seaview Nursing Home, as also ""is-Mr.-PurchaseofLawsoirAve^-- nue, after hi.s recent serious ill­ ness. , ' .* * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hedge of Edmonton, are the guests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Lance S. Garihorne 22nd and Marine Drive. Mr. , Hedge is a, cousin of Mrs. Gar- thorne. Eide--Wall Violin, Pianoforte, Harmony and Form Is rosuming ; lessons as usual at her Studio. 1332 Duchess Avenue. Students are now busy preparing for the June Exams of the Royal Schools, England; Toronto Conservatory; London College of Music, England; 'Depaftment"6f 'Education and Eestiyal. FOR TERMS. ETC., KINDLY PHONE RESIDENCE AND STUDIO. Miss Margaret Wall, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. N. Wall,,Who has recently r-eturned to Vancou­ ver, was married to Hev.' F. W. Eide . in the First Lutheran Church, Nineteenth and St. Catherine's, yesterday evening, ianuQj-y 26th. , ■ - -For^the-pa«t-si x--years--M-iss- Mr. ami Mrs, Earwootl have moved fn>m Hori^eshw Bay into a hou.se a t 1374 Esquimalt Ave­ nue. 4> V 4> Craig •'Fraser, who has been a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital, has returned to bis home at 14Tli and Argyle Avenue.' Mn. and Mrs. Lennie have inovod into Major Penny's house - on' '1'i'aver.s Avenue. ' ' ; . ■. ( ■ '.■■■ ; , , « L. E. Kyle, who recently „ underwent an operation in North Vancouver General IlospHal, is now convalescing at his home on Pjirk Ijune.......... , i An enjoyahlo evening was spent recently at (he home of Mr.s. S. Dow when a number of friends paid a surprise visitj the , occasion being Mr.'.Dow's birth- , day. The,evening'Was .spent in ganies,™Yifiei" Vvb"ich"rda freshmonts wm'e .served. Tho.se present were: Mr. and Mrs, G. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fol- ster, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. May, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Fergiisson, Miss Joy Miller, Miss Margaret Folster, Mervin G. Millar,-Mr. ̂ and Mrs. S. Dow. He »k A (laughter, ,Eli/abeth May, was born last Thur.sday a t Port­ land, Oregon, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hichardson (nee Peggy Beavis), daughter of Captain L. '-iH. Wv Beavis. Both mother and child are doing well. Stratton's BAKERY l iO M E ^ A D E l i i L C i i m l # ' PRISSII "DAI | i Y ~ -- Ton varieties to suit every taste Meat I'les -- Cookitsi I'lcdes Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Holts Note Address: - 1168 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre TiniUSDAY ami FRIDAY ami SAT. MATINEE .lamiary 27th, 2Htli ami 29th WALLACE BEERY The Good Old Soak' ■> also "DICK 'rUACY" and other short auhjeets. SATUltDAY EVE. & MONDAY ------,1 (I iiua ry ,-29t h-amI-31 st-;... JACK BENNY IDA I.IIPINO KICIIARI) ARLEN 'Artists and Models' nhso .Seleeted - Short .Subjects- W.M.S. United Church TUESPAY & WEDNESDAY Fehruary 1st rOid 2nd J *M 'Romance in Paris' (Once oidy at 8:15) ' also , "W rm O U T ORDERS" Mrs.^M. L. Archibald, a (ife May we remind those with furnaces or range oil burniers that our oil is "tops"; our servicing- equipment;is modern, and we also solicit oil business as well as sawdust and; other fuels. WEST KN1LL*S FUELS NORTH 9 4 SAWDUST"-̂ " North 94 WOOD --: » COAL HOME OIL FtTELS" _____ J1513 Lonsdale Ave. - Wall has made her headquarters ̂" ip Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she "has served as educational and field secretary for the Inter. ̂ national Young People's League. Miss Wall is well-known, in educational circles here, too, having. Been a commercial teaoh- er in the Surrey High School, Cloverdale, B.C.,;West Vancou­ ver High'School for two years, and'Victoria., B.C. Rev. Eide is a graduate of St. p ia f College, Northfield,'Minne­ sota, and Luther ' TheologicaP Sem-marry-r-Str--!^uJ.r-M-innfisata.- rhember of long standing, was presented by Mrs. M. E. Rush in name of the Society, with a beautiful box of flowers on the occasion of her 86th birthday and Mrs. W. F. Merrick, Temper­ ance Secretary, was presented with a Life membership. A "synopsis of the year's Activities wae-i^ad-by--Mi^--A-JVI-.--0-Dom- TIIE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: Now that. olcctioMH arc. over wc will want to start with the gardoiv .soon, .so why not do that job of p.'iinting Hrst, and brighten the liome .up for St. Valentine's Day. Come in and see us about It.,̂ CRAWLEY & BARKER. fiqUL.«ecretary7 and Mrs, John McPherson gave a short'talk on "Stewardship,'.'__while_JVIrs.__Gco. Hay took- the lesson with ex­ tracts from the chapter in the Study Book. ON iNy-MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1542 MARINE Or IvE WEST 300^ -A. n / r . of n , ( '. t West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y ^ n R U V E lR Y JEIRSIfLGJRADE. Mbs for 99c. Bakeasy tiorteiiinj 1 lb. (BARTONS "2 lbs. 25c. 31ade_RoAS_t_ Rd.:Rone_RPist MinceJ Beef Slew Veal. He is now serving his first pas ti^'ate in Ostrander, Minnesota, th irty miles from Rochester, where the famous Mayo Broth­ ers' hospital is located. -A-t-her-weddingrMiss-Wall-was- attended by Miss Eline Kraabel, superintendent of Nurses in the ^Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, Washington; as maid-of-honor, ^nd by he'r " t'wd sisters, Mrs. Mabel Rempel 'and Mrs. Irene Lonneberg, as bridesmaids. Mr. Robert Wall of Victoria, brother - of - the-bride,--was--the-best -man- and ushers were Mr. H erbert Rempel and Mr. Wilfred Lonne- _berg, the bride's brother-in-law." The officiating clergymen weffe two former associates -of the ATTENTION 2nd WEST VAN­ COUVER SCOUTS Meeting night ha.s bex'n -chan gedYromilLuesd ay-to Thiiiu.^ day n ight of each week. Next meeting^ February 3rd, at 7-:-30- p.m. sharp; l^embers are asked to look ji)) '.their knots. Scout signs and signals for next meeting. All be present. This is important. SPECIAL Tn.side per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 'per cord' "131aB̂ &"7T5ngi'riĝ $3;75'lTeÔ SAWDUST PRiTAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 LEGIQN W. A. The W. Av-to the C/in.a_dian "Legion,- held a very .sirc'cessfiil W hist and Dance in 'the Legion Hall on Saturday, 22nd January, The French B eau ty Salon . .J, Fpr Work of Quality We .specialize in fine, grey and white hair. , 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ^^^e^'s -in: youtlg T̂lSgpIe'sî iwork.---■ .seventeen"tables^ bt4ng--lTFtjhtyr-- 'CT" Aasen- of ---Pnzes were -w dn^'ey'^F^ Shoulders Lamb Roast Veal 1 Cross Ribs Shoulder Steak Rump Roast Beef O A r PnmTRibs Bee! Rolled Roast Beef Seattle, , Washington, former -^pa«toi*^of--t-herr^First^-Lutheranrz: Church here, and Right .Rever- -end-H--L--Foss-of Seattle, Presi- : dent of the Paci^fjc~Distriot'"l5 r^ - the Norwegian Lutheran Church Of America. A fter the 8:30 p.mi wedding _ service, a reception, which was 'open to all friends and acquaint­ ances of the bride, and groom, was held in the church parlors. Smith, Mr.s. Levey, C. Smith and , rM-rizrLevey^RefreshmentHrw.ei-e--- served _and a danqe f.ollowtxl, -Much credit-is-due Mr.s.--E,-Car---- ^ey^t'heli'on Yenerrand"h e i^ i 1 i ing--- helpers'. - The usual monthly meeting of the W.A. will be held in the Legion' Hair on Monday, 3Lst January, a t 2:30 sharp. Keep up the good attendance and gdod*'̂ work. • ' STORE A-G.-SEA RLE-- Plioric -W eiit- 9̂ Fertilizers of AH Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, ikuilders' Supplies THE HlfiHMNDS-- 1393 Marine Drive "Where Good Food Is Served" ■■rf"you""are"p'larrhin^"̂ Dahce or' Party consu 11 us. about Refre.sh- .ments--Our rates are'*feasonable _ C A N A E > J A N L E G I O N HWILITAMHVHIST-^nd RAIiCE in the LEGION HALL at 8 pni., SATURDAY, JANUARY 29th. -Prizes--^ -- ^Ite-rrCHhnrcmtS'-^^^Good-MuHic-------S 7)ecial--Hi(](ien-Prizer Modern and Old Time Dances. Shoulders Pork 13c Meatty Butts 17c Loin Pork 24c EGGS ™ 2 5 c dox. .EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with, Birks Ltd., -Montreal)- 1522 Marine Drive SUZANNE BLACKWOOD Teacher of PIANO, THEORY & HARMONY Individual or Class Instruction Exams, Itecitals '• Club -Meetings STUDIOS; Res. Studio, 1591 Haywbod Avenuerand "The Gables^" University Hill Phone number in Telephone Book. . ____ m m