/ STOCK REDUCING SALE i û hU>tt«* - J'<wt SUk>Is » Ott4>nmnM - Easy Chairs - Ch«sterfl«lds I5lfi Marine Drive , ,„ ,* r | | | » l i - J*liOttC West T10. ('furn iture REPAIRED, RE COVERED AND POLISHED Nc.'dli* I'oint Mounted; Window Shades; Curtain Rods, Loose Covers Spring and other mattresses renovated. -..A r / ̂ ' V L o ca l and P erso n a l J. Sisson is having a new Miss Mary h>ame of Alta- home built a t 11th and Fulton * mont, is a patient in the Seaviow CANDIDATES' MEETING TOMORROW (Friday) in the Orange Hall, at 8 p.m. The public are cordially invited Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Stark of 13th and Clyde Avenue, was struck on Thursday evening a t lU h and Marine Drive by the fender of a car driven by W. J. Lindsay of Horseshoe Bdy. She was taken Nursing home. * 4* Mr, and Mrs. Vesey have moved into a suite a t "The Cable.s," We.st Hay.♦ * » , M m C. M. ShariK\ 14th and Marinf'Drive* is a patient in the to the North Vancouver Ceneral North \ Vancouver General Ilo.s- Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE r BREAD ' i'HKBH DAILY Ten vurietie-s to suit every (ante Meat 1'h'H -- Cm>kle« ICccles CnkcH -- Pasiriea Huns and Rolls Note Address: 14(*8 Murine Drive, Phone West 27 -V - -x G, D. EtGAR Solicits your Vote for a further term of office School Trustee.1926 to 1929 Counchloi;^1930 to 1937 " I Ho.spital. Miss Mary Eadie of the local statT of the ILC. Telephone Com pany,, spent last week end with her parents in Kelowna, H.C. Mr. Shannon of 25lh Street, left last week for Usk, H.C. ' GriiTiths Meat Market at 22ml pitui. a - • 4i Waugh Wyllie is sailing on Sjiturday on the Etnpix's.s of Canada for an extended trip to the Orient. ) A daughter was born in the ■General Ilospital on the 18th " January, to Dr. and Mr.s. C. E. MeUae (nee Jessie McFudyon), and Marine Drive, was broken of WilliahisTitke. Vote fdr GISBY 2 years Reeve 7 years-Councillor Past-President Union of B.C. Municipalities A ir L £ Means continued pro-V o te l o r U lSD y gress on sotmd-prrinci- ' • • ' ' ' " ple'sv-' . , M RS. A . M. O 'D O N N E L L Asks for your continued support for RE-ELECTION as into .last Friday between the hours of 8:30 and 11 p.m. during the absence of .Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths ami family. The thieves who used, a .passkey, to gain entrance through the front,door, ransacked the suite at the back, ■ ' getting 'aw ay with money and jewellery. They left by the back door which was found open by the family oh their return. Peter B arr of Horseshoe Bay, last Sunday' made the sixth hole in one a t Gleneagles,' 115 yards across Larson Creek. His part ner was Fred Brown. A West . Vancouver player thus has the . distinction of being the first to make a hole in one in 1988. •A number of prominent Van-. [' couver business rhefi were the guests of the British Pacific Properties Ltd. at. the "offices of th a t company in .Vancouver on Tuesday last, when am^address was given on the vast develop ment projects in- West Vancou v er comprising the Capilano Es tates and the F irst Narrows Bridge. Thb m ost informative - 4< 4< tin BRITISH - ISRAEL The D.iindarave Brafich of the British-Lsrael World Federation , a.s usual on, Monday evening, Marine y )rive at 25th. Bible* study. All are invited. ,4i it< IN SALMON SI'AWN ONCE AND DIE? "Sigmon spawn only once and then they die," .said one man. "Oh, no, th a t's not right," said the other, "they spawn sev eral times." ̂ ' "Well,, that is not what. I've read," replied the first. It was a chance conversation which an official of the Domin ion Department of Fisheries happened to overhear in a rail way car the other day. Bo^f^ men were right -- and both were wrong. Which m ay" seeni impossible at first glance, but is true, just the same. The two men were talking of Hollyburn Theatre TiniUSDAY ami FRIDAY and SAT. MATIN MIC •liimiary 'JOtln 2 |s t ami li'Jml ' WARN ICR OI.ANI) "Cbarlie Cban at tbe Opera " alHo "THE LHTLEST PIONEER" "DICK TRACY," No. 9 SATURDAY ICVIC. & MONDAY .lammi'y 22mt alTd 2*iUi SON.IA HKNIK , »THIN ICE" al«o "TREES" "BAD HOUSEKEEPING" "SWEET SIOUX" TUICSDAY & WICDNMSDAY .lanuary 25th and 2UUi ROl.AND YOUNO "The Man who Coujd Work Miracles" alsourn iE R E GOES MY GIRL" outline of the enormous progress different kmds of salmon, though made and contemplated, impres- they didn't know" It. The first sed all present with the immense ' had* reference to the salmon of possibilities of this distric t and t he Pacific and the second to the fh ^ TDK HARDWARE MAN SAYS; Don't JoraeJ; to do your duty next Saturday at the jioIIh, and do your duty for West Vancouver by si)end- iiiR' your money at home, wlim e it keeps circulating:. , . . CRAWLEY & BARKER!. School Trustee 1934- 1937 whib^ may b® e x is te d in the Pacific salmon spawn only immediate future. This success- once, upon their return from, tho ful ^th^ing^^ sea a t m aturity, and then die in R. P.. Blower of--Pem l^rtoii their cousins of ^r-atH U L-and-R . THE-HKHtANDS Marine Drive "Where . Good Food-Is Sefyed" Ifc you are plam^ing- a Jlancfc or Marjorie R. Me Gilliv ray Associate^Teache^ o f J,-D-.-A.^-Trjpp_. p ^ y Kindergarten and Piano School ' ' • F o r Pre-School Age Children • ' Rhythm Band \^€lasses - .Individual - Theory Classes Resident Studio:--2667 ̂ Haywood Avenue; West 585-R-l; Sey._ 3053 Blower & Company.* * , ♦ ihion spUwri two or w times, ̂ A X , always assuming, of course, that Th^ house of Mrs. A. Jordan lucky enough to escape a t 2347 Marine Drive has l^en natural, perils and dodge the nets purchased by A. Lannan, of Cal- of the fishermen, too. The fish of the two Canadian coasfsT^bng toThe same fam ily^ men'ts--Our rates uro reusonable SOCCER but to different branches of,it. As no league game was sbhed- Atlantic salmon is a m.em- ruled for last Saturday, the local ' be^ of the genuf Salmo, as the A. JVENDT - Landscape Gardener Icsmner of gardens on HudSoh's Bay Co. 1936-37 Model Homes. Bay view: 587. team played an exhibition game against the 2nd Division C.C.F. team ' a t ' Ambleside Park. The score ended 3 to 0 for the Mer chants'; Tommy^ Donaldson scorr ing 2..and Percy Masterman 1. - This Saturday the W est Van- scientists would 'say, and its re l^ ives ori , t̂he other side of the continent belong ̂ to the genus Oncorhynchus.- On the Atlantic side there is only one species of salmon, Salmo Salar, but* five, species inhabit Pacilie - couver -Merchants meet Macca- _w.aters.._.._FQrgett.ing for__fhe: m bees a t Powell Street grounds, their mdre lengthy scien Li.sten to the S G O E D E N - E K D Y ' SERIAL in 13 wGcdcly epiHodufl WEDNESDAY, 5 :15 P.M. G.B.R. (1100 k .) presented, by Junior League's - Children's Theatre oOKe_Air_ to .. ..Spring- Sockeycj-- --Better ChiIdreii"H lintejriiiinmeiir Dr. Frank Dorchester WeiH<nown W est Vancouver citizen who is seeking election as Police Commissioner next Saturday/ January 22nd. Dr. Dorchester, has had wide experience in police matters and is a Grea.t W ar veteran,. ' Just what are the advantages of air-conditioning? F-iPst of all, body comfort and health benefit b'y-Iiving-jand_wjorkinglin._cleam the Pink. im, jitid and uniformly humid air. You can understand why uniform humidity is essential to comfort when you recall how uncomfort able you are on some warm, humid days -in summer.- You perspire but because the air is already so Ikden with moisture, the perspiration will not evapor ate and you remain moist 'and uncomfortable. On a dry, hot day when you perspire the air being dry quickly takes up the perspiration and in th e 'drying off process you ,qxperiehce" .a , cooling effect. But,'Tf the air ton dry your-skin and th roat CANADIAN LEGION W.A. a n d D A ^C E " At 8 'p.m. Sharp, SATURDAY, January 22nd -- ------- -̂------------- in ihe-Legion_Hal_L_______ ___________ Good Prizes Admi.ssion 25 cents . BefreHhments Men and "women of We.st Vancouver-are invited, to attend the meeting ' of the ' ' become dry and parched; Liberal-Conservative Assn. ̂ t(j-be-heldHn-the------------ ------------- EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING . T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with ] Birks Ltd., Montreal) "1522"Marine-PriTe- Legion Hall, MONDAY, Jan. 24th,~at~8 p.m. fo? the purpose of accepting new ihembers; organizing a Women's Aux iliary and. ^o\npletin.g unfinished business from the AnnuaL_Meeting_ held Friday. The Annual Dues are 50c, All Conservatives welcome. R.<>frp,shments will be served. m M