West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jan 1938, p. 5

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/ STOCK REDUCING SALE i û hU>tt«* - J'<wt SUk>Is » Ott4>nmnM - Easy Chairs - Ch«sterfl«lds I5lfi Marine Drive , ,„ ,* r | | | » l i - J*liOttC West T10. ('furn iture REPAIRED, RE COVERED AND POLISHED Nc.'dli* I'oint Mounted; Window Shades; Curtain Rods, Loose Covers Spring and other mattresses renovated. -..A r / ̂ ' V L o ca l and P erso n a l J. Sisson is having a new Miss Mary h>ame of Alta- home built a t 11th and Fulton * mont, is a patient in the Seaviow CANDIDATES' MEETING TOMORROW (Friday) in the Orange Hall, at 8 p.m. The public are cordially invited Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Stark of 13th and Clyde Avenue, was struck on Thursday evening a t lU h and Marine Drive by the fender of a car driven by W. J. Lindsay of Horseshoe Bdy. She was taken Nursing home. * 4* Mr, and Mrs. Vesey have moved into a suite a t "The Cable.s," We.st Hay.♦ * » , M m C. M. ShariK\ 14th and Marinf'Drive* is a patient in the to the North Vancouver Ceneral North \ Vancouver General Ilo.s- Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE r BREAD ' i'HKBH DAILY Ten vurietie-s to suit every (ante Meat 1'h'H -- Cm>kle« ICccles CnkcH -- Pasiriea Huns and Rolls Note Address: 14(*8 Murine Drive, Phone West 27 -V - -x G, D. EtGAR Solicits your Vote for a further term of office School Trustee.1926 to 1929 Counchloi;^1930 to 1937 " I Ho.spital. Miss Mary Eadie of the local statT of the ILC. Telephone Com­ pany,, spent last week end with her parents in Kelowna, H.C. Mr. Shannon of 25lh Street, left last week for Usk, H.C. ' GriiTiths Meat Market at 22ml pitui. a - • 4i Waugh Wyllie is sailing on Sjiturday on the Etnpix's.s of Canada for an extended trip to the Orient. ) A daughter was born in the ■General Ilospital on the 18th " January, to Dr. and Mr.s. C. E. MeUae (nee Jessie McFudyon), and Marine Drive, was broken of WilliahisTitke. Vote fdr GISBY 2 years Reeve 7 years-Councillor Past-President Union of B.C. Municipalities A ir L £ Means continued pro-V o te l o r U lSD y gress on sotmd-prrinci- ' • • ' ' ' " ple'sv-' . , M RS. A . M. O 'D O N N E L L Asks for your continued support for RE-ELECTION as into .last Friday between the hours of 8:30 and 11 p.m. during the absence of .Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths ami family. The thieves who used, a .passkey, to gain entrance through the front,door, ransacked the suite at the back, ■ ' getting 'aw ay with money and jewellery. They left by the back door which was found open by the family oh their return. Peter B arr of Horseshoe Bay, last Sunday' made the sixth hole in one a t Gleneagles,' 115 yards across Larson Creek. His part­ ner was Fred Brown. A West . Vancouver player thus has the . distinction of being the first to make a hole in one in 1988. •A number of prominent Van-. [' couver business rhefi were the guests of the British Pacific Properties Ltd. at. the "offices of th a t company in .Vancouver on Tuesday last, when am^address was given on the vast develop­ ment projects in- West Vancou­ v er comprising the Capilano Es­ tates and the F irst Narrows Bridge. Thb m ost informative - 4< 4< tin BRITISH - ISRAEL The D.iindarave Brafich of the British-Lsrael World Federation , a.s usual on, Monday evening, Marine y )rive at 25th. Bible* study. All are invited. ,4i it< IN SALMON SI'AWN ONCE AND DIE? "Sigmon spawn only once and then they die," .said one man. "Oh, no, th a t's not right," said the other, "they spawn sev­ eral times." ̂ ' "Well,, that is not what. I've read," replied the first. It was a chance conversation which an official of the Domin­ ion Department of Fisheries happened to overhear in a rail­ way car the other day. Bo^f^ men were right -- and both were wrong. Which m ay" seeni impossible at first glance, but is true, just the same. The two men were talking of Hollyburn Theatre TiniUSDAY ami FRIDAY and SAT. MATIN MIC •liimiary 'JOtln 2 |s t ami li'Jml ' WARN ICR OI.ANI) "Cbarlie Cban at tbe Opera " alHo "THE LHTLEST PIONEER" "DICK TRACY," No. 9 SATURDAY ICVIC. & MONDAY .lammi'y 22mt alTd 2*iUi SON.IA HKNIK , »THIN ICE" al«o "TREES" "BAD HOUSEKEEPING" "SWEET SIOUX" TUICSDAY & WICDNMSDAY .lanuary 25th and 2UUi ROl.AND YOUNO "The Man who Coujd Work Miracles" alsourn iE R E GOES MY GIRL" outline of the enormous progress different kmds of salmon, though made and contemplated, impres- they didn't know" It. The first sed all present with the immense ' had* reference to the salmon of possibilities of this distric t and t he Pacific and the second to the fh ^ TDK HARDWARE MAN SAYS; Don't JoraeJ; to do your duty next Saturday at the jioIIh, and do your duty for West Vancouver by si)end- iiiR' your money at home, wlim e it keeps circulating:. , . . CRAWLEY & BARKER!. School Trustee 1934- 1937 whib^ may b® e x is te d in the Pacific salmon spawn only immediate future. This success- once, upon their return from, tho ful ^th^ing^^ sea a t m aturity, and then die in R. P.. Blower of--Pem l^rtoii their cousins of ^r-atH U L-and-R . THE-HKHtANDS Marine Drive "Where . Good Food-Is Sefyed" Ifc you are plam^ing- a Jlancfc or Marjorie R. Me Gilliv ray Associate^Teache^ o f J,-D-.-A.^-Trjpp_. p ^ y Kindergarten and Piano School ' ' • F o r Pre-School Age Children • ' Rhythm Band \^€lasses - .Individual - Theory Classes Resident Studio:--2667 ̂ Haywood Avenue; West 585-R-l; Sey._ 3053 Blower & Company.* * , ♦ ihion spUwri two or w times, ̂ A X , always assuming, of course, that Th^ house of Mrs. A. Jordan lucky enough to escape a t 2347 Marine Drive has l^en natural, perils and dodge the nets purchased by A. Lannan, of Cal- of the fishermen, too. The fish of the two Canadian coasfsT^bng toThe same fam ily^ men'ts--Our rates uro reusonable SOCCER but to different branches of,it. As no league game was sbhed- Atlantic salmon is a m.em- ruled for last Saturday, the local ' be^ of the genuf Salmo, as the A. JVENDT - Landscape Gardener Icsmner of gardens on HudSoh's Bay Co. 1936-37 Model Homes. Bay view: 587. team played an exhibition game against the 2nd Division C.C.F. team ' a t ' Ambleside Park. The score ended 3 to 0 for the Mer­ chants'; Tommy^ Donaldson scorr ing 2..and Percy Masterman 1. - This Saturday the W est Van- scientists would 'say, and its re l^ ives ori , t̂he other side of the continent belong ̂ to the genus Oncorhynchus.- On the Atlantic side there is only one species of salmon, Salmo Salar, but* five, species inhabit Pacilie - couver -Merchants meet Macca- _w.aters.._.._FQrgett.ing for__fhe: m bees a t Powell Street grounds, their mdre lengthy scien Li.sten to the S G O E D E N - E K D Y ' SERIAL in 13 wGcdcly epiHodufl WEDNESDAY, 5 :15 P.M. G.B.R. (1100 k .) presented, by Junior League's - Children's Theatre oOKe_Air_ to .. ..Spring- Sockeycj-- --Better ChiIdreii"H lintejriiiinmeiir Dr. Frank Dorchester WeiH<nown W est Vancouver citizen who is seeking election as Police Commissioner next Saturday/ January 22nd. Dr. Dorchester, has had wide experience in police matters and is a Grea.t W ar veteran,. ' Just what are the advantages of air-conditioning? F-iPst of all, body comfort and health benefit b'y-Iiving-jand_wjorkinglin._cleam the Pink. im, jitid and uniformly humid air. You can understand why uniform humidity is essential to comfort when you recall how uncomfort­ able you are on some warm, humid days -in summer.- You perspire but because the air is already so Ikden with moisture, the perspiration will not evapor­ ate and you remain moist 'and uncomfortable. On a dry, hot day when you perspire the air being dry quickly takes up the perspiration and in th e 'drying off process you ,qxperiehce" .a , cooling effect. But,'Tf the air ton dry your-skin and th roat CANADIAN LEGION W.A. a n d D A ^C E " At 8 'p.m. Sharp, SATURDAY, January 22nd -- ------- -̂------------- in ihe-Legion_Hal_L_______ ___________ Good Prizes Admi.ssion 25 cents . BefreHhments Men and "women of We.st Vancouver-are invited, to attend the meeting ' of the ' ' become dry and parched; Liberal-Conservative Assn. ̂ t(j-be-heldHn-the------------ ------------- EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING . T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with ] Birks Ltd., Montreal) "1522"Marine-PriTe- Legion Hall, MONDAY, Jan. 24th,~at~8 p.m. fo? the purpose of accepting new ihembers; organizing a Women's Aux­ iliary and. ^o\npletin.g unfinished business from the AnnuaL_Meeting_ held Friday. The Annual Dues are 50c, All Conservatives welcome. R.<>frp,shments will be served. m M