West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jan 1938, p. 2

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1. ^ 1 'v rB S f Y A N i r i f r w a iH E C E BAI»T16T CHURCH Rov. HUlii WHf ht. Minister Miitlsier ... ""ggyfuy 'IkfIfIKii"' 11:15 a.t»., 7:16 p.m. . Sunday JBervleea " Sunday School and Bible O aas 10 'a.ni. ' . 1U:00 a.m.--Church School In- cludinf Adult Class Strangers 4k Visitors Walieoabia. Seinrlcii. ♦ A hearty welcome to all withI-..... V .... ......,. N ew Personalitg UNITED CHURCH 2Jat and Esquinialt Aye, Kev. IfilllH Wright, Minlater #|W. ift fi Mui t# ' Iluvc your hair i*ly|i*(J in .om,' of the iiuw .I!»;w coiffurt'H. They arc |ii(|uant uiiij ilaKhiiiM' iirui with It new Ihmit Ih'nimiU'iil (oihily Met In imuiy <Ji/r<>r(*rit HtylcH to Hult the occutiion. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe 'Xh<' ujinual G<*iic*m! Meeting of lh<' United Church will be held in lh<* church hall on Wed- nesdiiv, .hinuary 26th* at 8 p.m. • ■ ' U. C. Y. F. ' •' 'Hie West Vancouver'United -...Cliurch Y;I'. held their regular meeting on Monday at which five tneiribers of the executive gave sliort talks followed by dis- eussions, Th<? following took WB^T VANCOUVER Scieoce Society CHUBCB EDIFICE Thif Society io a Branch of Tho Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a,ni. Sunday, January 2.'lrd, Your Vote and Influence are i^pefctfuUy iolicttcd:^ _.-___,„tex-Couui^i!t^ Lance S. Garthorne for the fallowing reasons:-- 1. --Meinhur of Council diirhig six years of depression when sane bunh Subject: " T R U T H Sunday ^chool at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ̂ a t 8:16 p.m. l*h« public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services snd meetings. 2, OealorN of ExduHive PermaneiitN. 1646 Marine., Drive Weat 117 p a r i: Stella Hruce , talking on " l"atnilv Uife in the Church"; Hilli,s Vvrighl on "rersonality"; Boh Twyman on **Co-oix;ration' DN. G. I). II. SEALE D.D.8., L.D.S. ' ^ DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino i)r, Onico lioura 0 to 6 p.rn. EvsningH by appointment, i Phono W/BHt 72 Uiiix'rt Harrison on "The Story of Die English Language"; and Chillies Baldwin on "Deyotion." Miring the meeting Gertrude Thorn|)son sang a solo. Next M onday as usual the badminton ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglew(K>d Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay; O.Prem. Pastor Sunday Serviedh Low M ass'i-- 8:15 a .m ,.. High Mass and Sermon --• a.m. iu'K8 hud to bu udmiiiistui t'd A,K-.M'fit*'d jind was-RUCuerisful in carrying through Waterworks By. U w by^du? lab()Uit saving the Taxpayera thousands of dollars ami umidoving hxai labour, ki'uping them otf relief for two years. Above By-Law was the Tirst in history of the Municipality to be ciirried out by day labour in placo)of contract. Member of Council during negotiations with British Pacific Pro)), cities. , .1. --Pcfiiiilely opposed to Improvement Tax. - » .6.--k v o r .extension of Municipal Bu.s .Service. <1,--Influential in removing meter rents aiid sprinkling clinrges. 7 --liesldeiit and jiroperty owner for past twenty-five years and being in business in West Vancouver, is able to .see and hear requiromenlH of individuals to much better advantage than members whose busi. neks takes Uiom out of the Municipality. "IM'UXJUESSIVENESS" Is My Motto* Campaign meeting to be held in Orange Hall, Friday, January 21st, at 8 p.m. . and .social evtming will ho held Ronary and Benedictipn in the Church Hall. 10:15 7:45 2:00 rirrrt t' i 1 i t ' " Estahlijshed on North Shore '"■ •26 Years . " ' " (Lady Assistant) HARRON JIRPS. LTD. Juiiecal Sirectors Ilullyburii, Fuiiurul lloinc JHtirand Marine' West 134 North Vancouver , Parlors 122 West .Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver PurlurH __ 66 Tenth Avenue E ast__= ' Phohe Fair. 134 BAPTIST CHURCH Kev; Wilfrid L* McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. ,1... II nfi W WEST. VAN Messenger Service FUEKIHT. BAGGAGE, Etc. PICKED UP and DELIVERED Daily Ferry Service -Phone West 5, or . Residence West 245-L__ "Tlio Blo.ssings that '.co^e from following^ " the. Scriptural ,moUiod of giving" will ho the pu,'dor's subject, Sunday morn­ ing. A .story to tho mombors of tlm Young Worshippers' League will also he a feature of .the morning service.. The evening suliieci will he "The-Word of G()(i." The choir will lead in th e " worsliip of song. Strangers and. "visilors will receive a cordial ■ welc-ome. , ; 'rh(! church .school will meet iil 10 o'clock. There are classes for all ages, taught by faithful ■ and efficient teachers. ' _ . 'Hie Young Pcople'.s Society will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock. The devotional will be taken by ,_l*hil Basham. Mis.s Mary Martin vvlro i.yconncrted7\vii-lHd«rW-om^ on'.s' Evangel isljc Band, will p.m. Catechism and Bible Class '.p.m,; 7 .. • Week-day Services, M ass--'7:00 a.m. , ; - Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confe.ssioiis; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ' * ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey January 23rd-^Epiphany III. 8:00 a.m.--Holy.Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser­ mon.' ' • 'Tuesday, St. Paul's Day, 10:l&r- Holy Communion. 2:30 p.m.,--W.A.. Study Group. St, Francis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild Sunday, "9:45 a.m.--Holy Com- . munion. ?<i ; II I Ferguson's TRUCK LINE Lv. West Vani; 8 a.m. & 3 dati. IjV. . Vancouver IT aTiirr&T3 p.m. Lv. Van., Saturdays, 1 p.m. only West 85 - Doug. 420 Happy Bridget " 'Tt- t best cook-s." .speak of her work among the Bridget: "Oh,. -girls and women in Vancouver___ blarney no\\^\ The annual meeting will be ̂ _ I_ z :---------- held ■ on -Wednesday, January "The new- neighbors want to go on wid yer , - m h ^ -.sup3je^.wjj.l.T ■ cut the gi-assr^ arnffitmeed-MoHyr 6 :30 (o!clock. ti\kl|£ P . D . Q . C A F EBesirQuality Food used; ,'Silex ('ktfrou with H reputation Lor goodnesa. , , -Yoil :-̂ vi 1 l~cnji^y~t>uv 40";ecnt" Lunch and Dinner, W'o special- i/.e ill, Home Made Chicken Pie.M. 1512 Marine We'Ht 616 "and they want to know if you will lend them your lawn mow­ er," '̂ 7 id them the lawn mower "rnnTTa r̂ir. -11 I i • • 4- ^:rass on the Sab-TRUTH v̂v-i 11-be--U i e--subj eot-- --exelaimed~~Mrs;--:Primr" CHURCHES OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST tif- tho--Lesson-- Sermon-in--all- Churches of Clirist, Scientist, on Sunday^----- - - - --- r- - The Golden Text is; "Thou, O Lord, art a God full of com- --Gertainly-notrMolly-LTelKhem- we haven't one." 11̂1 . -'Ypu say you f'<̂ *ksing:Coins with your rival in front passion,., and graciou.K, longsuf- of her." if. Mi Mm. Harold A. Eagor & Son Builders \ Contractors Ilome.sof Distinction. A llorations___ foring, and plenteou.s in mercy and tru th ." (Psalms 86: 15). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For where envying and strife i.s, thero"is" confusion and every" "Yes, we tossed to see who'd be her permanent boy friend and I tossed a dime and he tossed a twenty- dollar gold piece!" JAHUARY CLEARANCE AT THE B. C. ELECTRIC STORE SCAN THESE ITEMS CAREFULLY FCJR HONEST-TO-GOODNESS BARGAINS Turnaslice Toasters with guaranteed element.....i..... Fortek Sandwich Toaster.;.,.,...:.....--................... ................... . 1.89 Beaver 6-ib. Iron, guaranteed............... ........................................ 1.79 Westclox Electric Kitchem Clocks.......... .......................... ......... 4.95 Royal De Luxe Vacuum Cleaner, compl'ete with attachments,' regular $67.00.for-- ............... .........v. 54.50 Lamp-Shades for- Flbor-or Triliter Lamp,^reg.-to.-$7.95,--.........^2.95- Pottery Table Lamps and Shades..........1.69 Trilite lamps vvrith finest quality shades, reg. $13.95.................. 9.95 Indirect-Bridge Lamps, reg. $17.95.1.......................................... 11.95 BeeCe^ Washer, $69.50, with Ironer..................................... ;......99.50 Gainaday (Washer, regular $124.50,..........:..--......:.'........':.;.„...,..,......99.50 Thor Foldaway,Ironer, regular $104.5Q...--..--...... .̂..'!..;...:..;--.....~.Û 69.95 ■^ro u pi o/ 8,i9_ â rid '10-1 u be. AI IXwa ve- Strom berg - Carl son v :.Sets, to clear aY ,5...I.i......:.....~!........,..L....$89.5P_to.$189.50_ Northern Electriq Console with no-stoop -tuning.:.--:---.::.;...;..;39.50 Famous Westinghouse Dual;Automatic refrigerator..':.«.......:..176.50 Semi-enamelled Moffat table top electric range, reg. $129.50..--.99.50 e a sy --ter-m s 4(Bi€Sl££tmc ! STORES "MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT^ Form 4, Section. 45. -82S--:22iTd_Strcet- a.s from aFovc is-{lrit~piU!e,J0ieiLncaaealile. g e i ^ . tihd oii^v loT)^ T r C E 11̂ «■ ii:; ¥\l; Hollyburn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive; PhONE WEST 583 MISS O. H. HORIE 1:1' % "Ls your brother about again after his accident?" "No,'"and won't be for some tinu'," , "Why? I thought ho had only minor injuries." ** "Ay, he' did have,, but compensa­ tions have set in." !S: i l i PISS THE West Van News Published Every Thursday Publisher F, ̂ tl.LOVEGRO VF> Ill Phone West 363 Bu.siiiess and Editorial Office; ,1704 Martne'Drive Phorfe West 55 - . - in treated, full of mercy liml good fruits,' without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace ■(>£ them that make peace." (James 8 : 16 to 18). The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Soience and Health with Key to the Scriptures"-by Mary Baker Eddy: "In Science, Ti'uth is divine, and the infinite-Gpd can have no unlikeness. Did Gd<|, Truth, create erro r? . No! "Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" God being everywhere and all-inclusive, how can He be fibsdnt or suggest the absence of omnipresence and omnipotence? How can there be more than TriPP"--------------------------- -̂----- -- Municipality .of the District of West Vanepuyer . TO WIT: . . PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors qf the Municipality aforesaid that a poll has become necessary at the Election now pending for^the same, and that 1 have g r a te d siich poll; aaid, further, ' that the persons duly nominated as candidates a t the said Election, and forv whom - only votes will be 1 received, are: * ' ^ H}b; North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. U ' .^$L00.a year.by_:cao';ier;._$2.00. a..year by mail ON iNY MAKE ^BROWN-&-MUNTGN -SURNAME" OTHER NAMES For Councillor, School Trustee or Policy Commissioner ABODE• BROWN, Thomas Jackson ELGAR, Gerald David GARTHORNE, Lancelot Strother GISBY, Sydney . McTAVISH, Donald Ewan Councillorii u (4 « 2478 Nelson Ave,, West Vancouver - •1566 Gordon West Vancouver 2203 -Marine Drive, West Vancouver 2392. Ottawa Ave., West Vancouver i^th SL Ottawa Ave., W est Van- \ couver . BARKER, Harold George BREA LEY, George, Edward - ̂ AIcDONALD. William Nish O'DONNELL, Elijfabelh Muir School Trustee44 - - ------- Drive, .West.Vancouver oftft5 Ave., West Vancouver rtpftft Drive, West Vancouver 2503 Haywood Ave.. West VancmivAr DORCHESTER, Prank Edwin READ, Christina' t SINCLAIR, John Muir Pol ice Com m issioner 2938 Mather's Ave., West Vancouver Horseshoe Bay, Whytecliff 1845 Bellevu^j^ve., West Vancouver Rank, Profession, ' Occupation---- Merchant ■ Accountant 'MefcHant Retired R e tire Accountant -Retired---- Accountant -Widow----- - Physician Widow - Building Contrador Of which'all persons are hereby required to take'notice and to frnvnm j* ' i ' , Given under my hand a t West VaneMVer.-aC.. t h i s T t t day i ' 1B4i MARIN6 ORIVC W C6T'360 H ollyburn,'R e. WM- HERRIN, i Returning Off i s i '3: ? I (j ■m : f a I H I I ®