West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 7

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A..>rnlK̂V 21. THE WEST VAN NEWS f a l l ^IS t h e T I M E ;T 0 '"'H A V E y o u r Furniture Recorered Repaired and Polished jia rk s ly Cyhairn • Cushtor - Window ShadcH • (!urtnii\̂ HudH lU'pairinĝ ^ 1510 .Marine Drive i*hone Went 710 licsU rlield SuMea - I^sy Chairs - Cushiona • Ottomans - Stools Orapenes Mirrors Ke-Stlvered Needlepbint Mounted l̂ iNMe C'overs WEST VANCOUVEK KATp:i»AYERS' kSS*N EEHION NOTES HOUTIOUl.TURAL ASS'N Attention Imperial Ex*Service Men* ■ At the eiKhth eunferonco />f the Hintiah ' Empire " Service l^euRue held in London last sum- M y s t e r y S A T U R D A Y O c t o b e r - 2 3 r d at 8 p.m . C AN A DIA N LEGION HALL CuiiU' luul spoiul an enjoyable oveninj; -- You may witi a prize. /̂ (IlllissioU 2f)L*. Refreshm ents by W. A. at U)c, The reKular'monthly niw ling of the above Asaoeiation was held in Dundarave Hall at B p.m. Tuesday, October 12th, Interestiiiij neci^ssary business mer, the delegate from the Can was transiicted by the members adian lA'Kion presented a brief under the chairmansliip of K. A. coJicerning the condition of Im- Hay. ̂ perials iu>w domiciled in Uanada. The collection of garbage and The British Ix^gion were con- dissatisfaction with the present Winced of the nec'ossily of soine- .system or lack of system was thing more than correspondence done in West Vanwuver. ( lasses generally voiceti and a decision and are sending the organizer.to are as follows: was fmally made to interest • personally investigate conditions other organizations in this mat- in Canada. He is exiHH'led to a l­ ter with a view to securing a rive early in November and all more etficieht method in the int- brandies of the Canadian IjOgioii erest.s of .sanitation. have hwn reciuested to gather At the next meeting a rejiort information of (.xises of hardship is to be presented regarding th(» or injustice among imperials, Arrangements are rapidly Ik'* ing ciunpleTvti for the fortheom- ing Chrysanthemum I* a r 1 o r Sliow to he held in tlie High School Annex,on Novtlinher IHii. 'I'lu* .schednlo gives every amateur and ex|H'rienced gar­ dener a chance to show visitor.s ami new re/idents what can be G a m e s - G i f t s an d G r e e t i n g s 4 - 5 - (5 again In Stock-- Badminton Supplies -- N ew Stock of Copyright Books for sale and in Library-- A Full Stock o f all. OlTico an d , Home Stationery-- Modern Lending Library a t city prices. West Van Stationers and Library N ext to Royal Bank .Phone W est 087 TOU'NSWOMEN'S g u il d The Noedlecraft Club will meet Wednesday, October 27th, a t the home of Ml'S. Beaton, 2308 Ingle­ wood Avenue, for a demonstra­ tion of hooked rug making. SCOUT NEWS 1st West Vancouver (St. Stephen's) policing of the Municipality by the Provincial force. Uiscussioif bn a telephone Hal rate charge and cheaper lighting rates was' .of interest hut was loft over, for future aetion if ad­ visable. ' A discussion on i)ossiblo sale of the Miinicipah Fen-ies was the cause of heated intcivsl but any . action will await fuHei: infonmi- tion. ^ Certain desired ohanges in t lic Municipal Act woi'<' to bo I'or- ̂warded to Mrs. I). (1. Sleeves,. M.L.A., for action. A resolution was to bo for-' warded to the Municipal (k)iincil I'Gquesting that proper life-aviilg equipment be provided at the such infonnation to be forward­ ed to Imperial Division, Canadi­ an lAjgion, Ottawa, where an Im-. ]H?rial ICx-Service man is in chnrgi' of this special dejvari-. . nient. It is hoped that better re­ sults will he achieved by this ])ersonal visit of th<? British Ib'gion represi'iitativ'e than has obtained in tlu> past by long dis- .tatice.correspi)iuIence. Mueli in­ formation has alri'ady been given .so that the organizm* will haVe adva.nci' knowledge of ilu' condi­ tions he may I'xpecI to lind. The co-pjH'ration of all ImiK'rial Ex- Service, men is re(|ue.st;ed. For (hdijils plionq-West IB-l-Y.V SOCCER Last Saturday West Vancou- ver Merchants Football Club de­ feated Varsity, 6 to 3 in a 1st .Division V.-& D.,-match a t Mc­ Bride Park. After ■allowing Varsity to .score twice during the first The annual parents meeting Ferry Wharf. 'will be held next Monday at the Other m atters of interest parish halhat 8 p.m. This meet- rounded up a u.sefiil ev<;ning's ' ing is for'the purpose of receiv- work and the meeting adjourned ing the , report of the present at<:^:30 p.m. • . committee and to elect members ----------- --------- ^ -for-the- ensuing-year;--At-^least------ ^--BARBA-RIANS-RI-KtBAV---- MaiHliall--Childs one parent of each Cub or Scout is asked to attend. Come and It is lucky th a t the Cirls' Aux- gather round the oampfire, hear, iliary does not make a habit ,of d'Easum, ofi'icia'iiiig At SI. Stephen's (^liureh, on Saturday evening, October 16th, Olive Margaret, youngest daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. (leorgp -^Childs, was united in m a r r i a g e '^ 7-to-George--WatsoiiTiiOnly-sbn-of-- p.mv~nr(lu* Legi.on-Hall: Mr. and, Mrs. (leorge Marshall l'>>r further informali of Nortli Yancouver,. Canon Class 1.-- 1 Vase Mums, Bronze shades, tl. .stem.s. t'hfss 2.-- 1 Vase Mums, Pink shade.s, 3 stems. Clas.s 3.---I Va.s(» Mums, Yellow shades, 3 stems, 'Class ■t.~~rVn.se Mums, White shadesr-3 stems. " ; ' ( 'lass. f).- 1 Vase...Mum's, Red shadi's, Jl stems. Class 6." -l Vhise Miims, Single, ' any color, 3 stems. Class 7.:"-I Vase Mums, I'ompon, any color, 3 .stems. ( 'lass 8."--1; Vase Minus,' Bi'onze^ (ir yellow, (lisl)n(l(l<'d,-.',M)loom.s,'" . Cja.s.s ,Vas(' Mums, Pink or ri'd, dishndiU'd, 3' Idooms. (•lass 10.-- I Vase Mums, Wliitii- , oi' cream, disbudded, 3 blooms, Class 11. 1 Bowl Miim.s, for ('f- Ibct, no other foliage. (dass 12.-- I Basket Mums, for I'M't'ct, any foliage allowed. (.'lass 13.-'-lMauts in (uhs or pots, jiny color. Class Id.- -Ally other exldhii in- viU'd, classi's .will l)e made to"' ineel your needs. Member,s are remiiwhsi that they are invited to the Po|)|)y' 'I'ea,on Novembei"()tlr,'2;3() i.o ion call I lie seeretarv Mr. Parkinson, l.'iO.'l 20111 S jivd , West 286-U. I (|iifirl.er hour of play West Van- - scouting and the record of the ('Oliver; through t he scoring ef- . committee, forts of Alan MaeSween (2) and of Lloyd H unter. (1) ended the . fn'st half with a niargin of one goal. , . --- - A general improvement_in "play w as ' noticed in the^^lJOnd the yarns apd see some-new re- Friday night dances-where the cruits invested, then the busi- Rugby boys enjoy «>themselves ness meeting. Be a boy for one too well, because after last Fri- night and learn something .̂p.f day's dance, the team, lacking their usual pep, just stood a- round-miost- o l the-tl Saturday letting George do it, NOTICE with most of the GOoi'ges feeling unable. However, after the first Phe bride, who was given in marriage by her - fat'|iei', wore white satin with "lace top, her veil being held -in place by a wreath of orange blo,ssoms and she carried a boucjiiet of red I'o.ses and wliite carnarions. Her bridesmaids were her sister Doreen, who .w.ore yellow tail eta ^ CHORAI. SOCIETY At a special general' meeting of tlio West Vancouver Choral Society lie'ld on Monday, October iBth, it was regretfully decided, ill view of tlu' lack of support from jnViribe.rs, to suspend iii- elinitely thefju-tivities ofOrganizations and others are Twenty minutes, the local boys and carried yellow chrysanthe- (lelinitely the: aetixnties of the, rA.qpftpt.fnlly->rpmiTidefl-tha-t-the--gO-tgnmg_ancLwere-uressijigJiard ~ mums, aiKlr-U_orothy,.._.sistcj-,-j.dL-T8£^(T->^--Tht^ĉxĉ^̂ ̂ de^H ine for news and other a t the half, wi'fh, «core 3-0 the groom, who.so gown was.A'l^-pewei'ed to wind up the business Syciety. All members out are urged to IS early a d a te as. West Vaneouver tip; Royal West Vancouver Merchants meet copy remains the same, namely, Maccajjees in what- promises to noon on Wednesdays.--Editor. i)e a ^oocl game at Amble^ide __ . Kickoff a t 3 p.m. ■' xt (7)_________ _ groom,- Hank_vJJ. ••'j esjHfcihdly important o f - We H ave , \vhat does' m ultum IrT parvo" mean?"-- "Mullurn iniparvo, m y son, is L a tin ,' and nieans--qr--w ell, haven't you ever, .seen a fat woman in a bathing su it? " WEST VAN iS h eet-M eta lT V ork s- Phone West 39 , - Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners game 9-- 3. The first score wa.s Willmoiv niece' of the .. . - . . „ ■ made by Jimmie Collard, a corn- looked very sweet.in.pale green • all copies of The Baiiiiei parative newcomer to Llugby,, frilled organdiejuid carried de<'p 8aint Geoi-ge and 'Flie Pastoral who made a nice rush to go over' pink carnations. ' . ^ be-lnnied in pninqitly, jis' tliere near the corncfir. Johnrty Robson made the second .score when he The groom wa.s .supjiorted py his step-brother,. Mr. Hei'bert -R-oy--l:7(-wes-add-n7t- js some possibility ol of them. (|jS|)OSlllg The final scoi'e was made by.Lof- as usher.i-J- d.- - 1-̂ J d 1 2. A r ' 1 FERRTtENDING LIBRARY - at Fer/y Wharf Nevei: mind the rainy w eather, catch up ,on your reading for 50c am on th . .This week, ".THE WORLD O U T SID E " by Hans Fallada; "SAN D CASTLE" by Jan et Beith. _(je^nuine' Satsiuna anci old_ Chinese- Silk Panel fo t sale. Sale o f discarded library books and china. ting-who .managed to get a hand ».on. the.,.ball *aft(nT a scrum on the line had collapsed. Next game is a t Confedera­ tion Park, Saturday a t 2:30 p.m. against North Shore seconds.^ *The~ boys would certainly wel­ come.a few more rooters to help them along. -M aid_yThe furniture„man i.s_her_e.y M istress: "I'l] see him: in a minute, The choir assisted in the cm-e-* mony and a solo;iv^s very lieauti- fully rendered by Mrs. I'owell, ■ A fter the wedding a' I'ccjoption was' held at the Do-Drop Inn at Capilano. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall left l).v motor for a vvedding trip south, the bride wearing a grey coat with fur collax and a wine dress with. matchihg accessories. LEfHON NOTES A meeting qf the executive will be.held in the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. next Monday, Octolx-'r 25th. Allxx-members jiJ*e asked -"to please attend. •. "Do yVi.u thinkjitQckH will go. up or down ?" a m afwlsked a big indu.sl,rial m agnate in the hope of gettin g good tip. sfaiTwiflTTfienti^ o 'aridff'aclia?'" "Y es," was the m agnate'.s aiiswe)-, iTtrcher Ltd', is nYi'w with Jt.-P'V " sBR for '^Gry'^long-^and '̂lnry' ~EffbwWl:i£ Company'. 1Tevt?F?g?rsraGWiSe? N O T I C E ! Meeting W e held in the Orange Hall on at 8 p.m* at vvhicH the members of the Council will explain the By-Law * on which the Electors vvill vote on Wednesday,. the 3rd day November. - . Taylor Way with Lions' Gate and Stanley Park in Background T ' ̂ ........Y.............. ........... .......... i