Oct afff the Iml 180.00 00.00 >qr o f;iB loelc£^ i: I * .......... .. *'|V', "C'* and r iM .*ir 'xj' IX)TS "A*VI "ii" I'f niuck - j , ' .. .. ' V - and "I)« J Otfk >. lOTH "A*' and "B" ©f V ' • |.li; LOTS "A ", ; 'C" 'f nim-k 31; l i ) T S ;\r •. (•• of Hioc-k 33; LOT ';V ( l•lo.■k 31; IA)TS "A", .■I)*' (rf lllot'k .10, LOAS A t ........... (•'• and '*0 of Bluok £ ' i .o r s "A". "B", "C" and •'ll'" of iilai'k 38; , . „ U 1 ,.f ilio .subdivision of ; £ 'k.-isUt Iv dO acres t»f , o r K T I-OT 793. I'lol. V ' r 'dO: 111 Lots, each '■ ...... , " I Y). 0, 7 and 8 of '(.aif of the SoiiOi , ,,• „|' ti„. .South half of : £ i'|;|( T l o t 1000, Plan inVs; (I I»l.H i'«ch $30.00: 1;;!;" i:. ? a n d 's ' iv n iic 'w w ii'iir of till' south half o l tho af OISTIUOT LOT 'n,ou I'liiii d!»01: Lots 0, 7 and ■ ̂ $30,001 total ........... ' |"V: ••A" "H", "C" and HU-fiuvnce Plan No. 7B0) tin. Noi-th W est quarter , STIilCT LOT 1104; 4 ,„„Tols ouch $215.00 .. .. ........ 800.00 N„,ili Hast quarter of D IS- . TK irr l,.OT llOd .............V-;" 'SCM Tll Last quarter of DIb- 'I'K irr LOT 1104...;...... iio o .o o WKST half of the North , . . ■ K.'d (^i.artor of DISTRICT |,()T 1001 ..................................... .boo.uo so ld i'll ■ West Quarter of IMSTKK'T l o t 1001 1700.00 LOT.̂ 1 to 10 inclusive o f . 151,K.k I: LOTS 1 to ,,2 i in- . Jlusivc of Block 2; L O T S/1 . , Ho 1.5 "inclu.sive o f Block MLOCK ;i;.'LOTS L to 10 iiu-liisivo of Block 5; LOTS 1̂ to Y) uR'liisivc of Block 0; I.OT.S 1 lb "5' inclusive o f , Itloc'k 7; I.OTS 1 to 4 in - rlasivo of Block 8; of the Norlli Last Quarter of d is t r ic t LOT 1103, Elan No. -lOHB: -77 lots 'each,, . _$|.7.()0 .-...__1155.O0i I-: A S'l' ha 1 f of the' North W est QuaiUT of DISTRICT LOT l()l)2 oOO.OO WLS'r h a lf of the North W('.st Q iia l i e ..of „DI STRICT 1.̂ )'!' 1002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . \nOST half of the North Ea.st Quarloi' of DISTRICT LOT 1U!)2 . 800.00 ' SOUTH West Quarter o f D1.STKICT4.0T ,1092 ............. .1800.00 LO'rS 1-2, '13; 14, 15, 17, .18, 21, 22, 23 and 24, o f the E ast half of the Noeth E ast Quar- ler of DISTRICT LOT 1092, Rian No. ,31:28: each $20i0Q, , total - ...... 200.00 _ ^ R .l^ l.I_ h a 4 l^ f--the--Nor-th------- " \Vesf: Q i w t e i ^ f "DISTRICT--------- T LOT 1109 .........................:........... 180.00 NORTH half of - th e . N orth . - ■ West Quarter of DISTRICT . LO'rilOO ......................................... ,180,00 f NORTH" East Quarter of"̂ J)I,STRICT LOT HQ2 ............S 700.00 '800.00 No. 2SSS - SaU nce ................. Ix>ts 1 to 48 inclusive o f the South W est Quarter o f D IS TRICT LOT 102T;. Plan No. 48 parcels each $20.00 (except Lot 1, $25.00) ......... . DISTRICT IX)T 702 Balancb NORTH lu ilf . M fD IST R IC T 1X)T 805-- Balance ................ Balance DISTRICT U )T 701 THAT portion o f D lSTR U rr LOT 703 lyinu North of the South boundary of the North half of DISTRICT U )T 805 -- balance ................... ................. NORTH West Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1075 ............ NORTH E ast Quarter of DlSTRICrr LOT 1070 ............ LOTS 1 to 24 of the sub- division o f the North W est Quarter o f DISTRICT LOT 1070, Plan No. ,3985; 2-1 imr- ccIk each $30.00, total Quarter 1077 .... Quartet 1077 ..... Quarter 1079 .... Quarter 1080 ..... of of of of ■ WL.ST hair of Lot. "A " ' of Block 1 of the South E ast Quailer of^H ST R IC T LOT J102, Rian No. 4954 .................. 50.00 LAST half of Lot "A " of ■Block V o r the South E ast ' Qiiaiter of DISTRICT LOT. 1102, Rian No. 4954 .................. 50.00 " iDi"--ir'r^ c "~ana" TJ""bi-- ------ ^ Block 1- of the South E ast Quarlor of DISTRICT LOT 1102, Plan No. ,4954;' 3 lots • ' each $,50.OO, total ..................... LO'RS 2, 3 and 4 of the.'South Last Quarter of DISTRICT l̂ OT no2, Plan No. 4469: 3 lots each .$100.00, total.......... NORT'H East Quarter of d is t r ic t l o t 1093 ............. SOU'RH Ea.st Quarter of DJSTRlCT'LOT 1093 ....... NORTH We.st Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1101 "£9.RTH East Quarter of JHS'i'RlCT LOT 1101-(exeept '-Parcel --tAR, R ^ eren ce Plan -- ..................................... 320.00 150.00 300.00 800.t)0 T400.00 --360.00 ru ce l "A.", reference Plan .No: 1266)' ................'Z r W est (Quarter of DLSIRICT LOT 1094: except the easterly ■ 3 3 -feet~ th ereo f ' requii-od by the Corporation purposes............. Q,©after- of ,, LOT 1094-(except i"*r„VT^terly 33 fe e t thereof) '-H 1. to 12 inclusive, Lot nn'i r t o -29 inclusive 32 to 52 inclusive NORTH East DiSTlUCT LOT NORTH W est DISTRICT l.OT N O im i We.st DISTRICT LOT NORTH E ast DISTIUCT LOT IjOTS 1 to 0 inclusive of tho subdivision of the NorRh East Quarter of DISTIUCT LOT 1081, Plan Nb. 4B77; 6 par cels each $30.00, t o t a l ............. NORTH W est Qaurter of DISTRICT LOT 1081 ............. LOTS l^to 6 inclusive of the subdivision o f the North East Quarter o f DISTRICT LOT 1082, Plan No. 3902: 6 rlar- cels each $30.00, total ......... NORTH W est Quarter /of DISTRICT. LOT 1082 :........... NORTH "West Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1083 ............ EAST H alf o f the North East Quarter of DISTRIC'T, LOT 1087 .....;................... LOTS, 1, 2, 4 and 6 of the subdivision of the North East Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1089, Plan No. 4205, 4 par cels each $30.00, total ......... . LOT 10 o f Block 12, LOTS 10 and 11 of Block 13, Lots 10 and 11 of-B lock 14, and LOT iO o f Block 15," of the subdiv- -ision-of'the-East'half"of'D IS-' TRIiCT LOT 783, Plan No. 2020: ,(5 parcels each $20.00.... LOTS 7, 8 and 9 of the sub division of. the W est half o f DISTRICTXOT 783; Plan No." 1599, 3 parcels each $90O.OO, total :................... ......................... •LO'rS 2 and 3 of the North 7 acres of Block 4, (R efer-. ence Plan No. 4565) o f the subdivi.sion - of the E ast. 50 acres of DISTRICT LOT 815, Plan No. 2031, 2 parcels each $400.00, total .......... .............. LOT 3 lying' North of Parcel "V" as shown on' Reference Plan NoZ7Q5 of- Block -2.A" of-Z --: -DISTRICT--L O T -815-- Plan------------ - No. 202.2 ................ :...................... 1850.00 PARCEL "B" (Reference . Plan No. 68) of Lot 7 of Block "A " of DISTRICT L O T .815, . Plan No. 2 0 2 2 ......:........ 1150.00 NORTH W est Quarter of 400.00 965.00 HIUO.OO 600.00 2000.00 1700.00 1000.00 1000.00 720.00 720.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 180.00 . 800.00 18.0.00 870.00 800.00 750.00 120.00 120.00 2700.00 TOE WEST VAN..KEW a SOUTH half of the South East Quarter o f DISTHK'T LOT 1097 ................................... 3.MUH) NORTH hair o f the .Soulli ' ** East Quarter of DISTRUn* LOT. 1097 ...... . . . 200.00 NORTH W est Quarter of DISTHH'T LO'r 109? 38tk00 WE.ST half of the NurtJi East QuuVter of DISTRICT LOT 1097 ............................. 200,00 EAST half of (he Nortlt East Quarter of D lS T R ir r LOT 1097 .................................................. 200.00 LOT **A'i of the Nortli H a lf of tho North East Quarter «)f DISTRICT IX)T 1098 ............... 200.00 LOT 'H r of tho South Half of the North East: Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1098 ............... 200.00 BALANCE o f tho South East Quarter of DISTRICI' LOT 1008 ................................................ 700.00 SOUTH We.st Quitiler of DISTRICT 1X)T 1098 ............ O.SO.OO NORTH half bf tin* SouUt East Quarter o f 1)1 STRIC.T LOT 1099 ..................................... ,300.00 SOUTH East Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1100 ............... 520.00 LAND formerly shown as Highway lying we.st of DIS TRICT LOT 805, DISTRICT LOT 762. and the East plut of 'DISTRItyr LO'l' 1075, " DISTRICT l.OT 1097, DIS TRICT LOT 1098, and D IS TRICT LOT 1113 Malanee 186.00 LAND formerly .shown as Highway lyiiig South of DIS-- TRlCTLO'l'S j 098. 1099, 1100 and North of , DISTRICT LO'rS 1095, 1096 anti 1097......... 200.00 LAND formerly shown as H ighway lying South'of D lS- TRJCT- LOTS 1096 and 1097 and North of DISTR ICT" IA)TS 1075 to 1078 indu.siye '>200.00 LAND Formerly highwav lS'- ' ing Ea.st of D lSTRlC'l' LOTS 11,10, 1101., and-Noi'th East Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1094, and We.st of DISTRICT .LOTS 1111 and 1100, and ■ NORTH W est Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1095 ............. 200.00 LAND formerl.v highway ly ing South of D lSTR ItlT ' LOTS 1110.bo 1113 inclusive, and South Ea.st Quarter of DIS'FRICT LOT 1109 and ' ■~H70RTH ori)TSTRICT LOTS~' ~ 1098 to 1101 inclusive and North East Quarter of DIS- TRICT LOT 1102 ................... 200.00 THE HUHNINCJ HUSH Hy Subadur TOTAL FIXED ASSE.SS-' , MENT OF ALL PARCELS .$129,528.00 800.00 DIS'rRlCT LOT noO ............. 80.00 DISTRICT LOT 1107 (except ' the ' South W est ' Quarter thereof) ......................... 1....... . 360.00 DISTRICT LOT 1108 ............. 480.00 NORTH E ast Quarter and South half of DISTRICT LC 1109 360:00 500.00 800.00 1000.00 940.00 360.06 ....-y- and the N orth;E ast & M DISTRICT 'LQT ©f--th e - South- LOT lo S ^ district &0T U,V ?096Z.."' ZDrSTRTCTnCUT 1110 ............i 480.00 DISTRICT LOT 1111 .......... 400.00 DISTRICT LOT 1112 ........... 400.00, SO U T H . W est Quarter o f '.DISTRICT LOT 1113 .... . 100.00 ..SOUTH E ast -Quarter" and , ----- North H alf o f DISTRICT LOT 1113 ...................... 300.00 DISTRICT- LOT 1122 '........... 500.00 LOTS 1, 2, 4 ,-6 ,-1 0 ,-1 1 , 12- and 18 and the North H a lf o f Lot 14, of Block "A " ........ ........................ LOTS 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 ami 18 of BI'ockZB" LOTSTl, 3,'4, 5,"0r7, 9,. 10, 11, 13, 15 and 16 of Block "C" ' iH30-TS=l-7=4pf5Z-7^ZL3=and^8':^=^s o f BLOCK of- the- subdivision- o f .DIS- - . - 2486, $10.00 each ............. 360.00 -NO-RTH:---Ea"st-::^uaiteF-^o# TAKE NOTICE that the above is a, true copy of the pi'oposed B y-l.aw upon which the vote of the Municipal- it.v will "be taken at the Ambleside ^Hall, corner of 14th .Street and Mai'- ine Drive, Ambleside," We.^t Vancou-" ver, B.G., on Wednesday, the 3rd day of November-, 1937.,: between the hours zLo_fz8zH7m7=mitii:83pnii: (S igned) WM. H ERRIN. Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF TJJE DIS'I'RICT OF W EST VANCOUVEIt_____ _ Notice to E lectors La.st muntli Ualy*w Tlu.'uli3\ mo.st lumu* of inuaifni fonuuiy* D) Huv world,; doHuil. for )4:otHi. and a movio'will tako H.s |)laro. Many, i«uludi»)ir yinir hnmblo, hoard tin* iunv.'< with .sorrow, jis wo thought of "Tlu' Maid of tlu* Monntain.*<" and othor oomio opora.s that used to <h*lighyfW8.'Vtlf oourst*, brother, it was;pot t»nly tlu* pl;iys hut the ■girls wilt) u.so([to do the playing. Viowoii froth afar, th<*y wore very hoautiful, and at oh>.se range tlu*y were mostly even more .so. l.eave in town was not loavi* at :tll without one night at least at l)aly*s. I don't know wlietlier the (Jaiety, the other ehief attraetion, is still in the ring, hut I believe thtW'luards rather hogged that. "Oh, the good days of our youth!" hs the old man r<'marked wlien lu) i)ut his lieud in a nighleap and his feel in a bath of mustard and water. ■ .k i|< ' H< ' .Not so long ago somebody in Wttsl Vancouver criticised my Knglisli. No\y there is heart searching in - Eiigiaiul, where they don't e.\p('cl. a lu'.wspaper- man to write a la Addikoii, be cause the .ioiirnaie.se tliere i.s be- • comiiig... Auu'ricani'/.ed. Walt Whitman once: said.of the Aniei'- ' ican hmgiiage, "Our tongue is full of strong words, native or ' adoi)ted, to *exi)r<!ss the blood: born.passion of the race for rude ness and rejdaJUince as against, mere polishu 'Pheso' words aix* alive 'Shul sinewy; they walk, look, .step, with an' air of ^eonl- __mand." There's a big ditforeiiiee in American slang. "1 guess" i.s (lone to death like the Hall el u.j ah C^diorus, and it makes -nie f<ud weary. "()h ! Yeah which ctin only,be rendered i)roperly by a- person with nasal Oatarrh, reeks of^'thc baseball diamond or a gangster hang-out, and is enough to make a person fighting mad. But "she's a bear" is very toler able, ami somehow intensely cx- ̂ pressive, which the above othei* two phrases Ure not. Turning back to newspaper English amt zh a-vc-|;r(>H:r)-i*(qoem-- 4 }t • ){ .)( H 5? ;>c ■ Be u / , . IP A New Home t(P An Addition, or t||i Kepairs tej the old one Bring your problems to Astbury Lumber Co., Ltd. for Service and Satisfaction, Plmao WoHl 199 Niglil CuHm--If yV. KOLIY), Weal 672-R ber tha t the latteivwrote looking out on the lawn.s of Magdalene CoHegCj ̂ (Oxford, Which took a. thdus1riT(TyearyTb%nxn\^^ .and he ■eould tinker all year on a sent- I I I I Bll7 iiUI .J ,ll l* i | •.............. lJ - i * • ■»« ........... I PUBLIC 'NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the. E lectors qualify ing on property situate within the Municipality, wilJ. be taken a t ' th e A mbleside Hall, corner o'f 14th Street ~aa'd~Mui'im? Di'ive',' .WSfst'Zji^ancouver, B.C., on-. -Wedne.sdii.v,--th e -'3rd day of November. 19.37, between the' hour.s of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m, An "W est Van couver - B ritish*" ^ cific Propertie.s -Limited J3y-Law No. 724, 1937," apd .that Win. Heri'in lia.s been appointed Returning Officer to .ta k e the vote.s of such electors with the. u.sual power.s in that behalf. ' . (Signed) J. B. LEY LA ND , Rggvg. (Signed) WM. HERRIN, " . _ _ - ________ Clerk. 'oiVpe, if he wasn't saCisTu! '̂; A" newspaper writer does' his stiilf amid a clatter of t.vpewritei',s, and with the certain knovvk'llge that he. is hanging np the. whole . issue, of which he is-freiiiiojlly reminded l)y editors hall cniv..ŷ /with the rush. That doe.s not 'niake Tor., beautiful English, though it doe.'̂ teach ;t ihtsou punch,-if-he's got it hf-him. And if he.hasn't, he's no right to Ik* on,a new.spaper. . ' , A bargain I --telephone from Vaneonver to W * •innIpeg ! ' ■"•.'for ,$2.25 ____ (Slalion-'tO'Stadon). or , .. ,$a25. (p erso i/to -p er so n ) aTter 7. p.m. w eek days, or any - time Sundayt;, 'I'lu! above "riltea cover a tlireo-' inimite convemiition. (Jovern- inent tax extru. UL L A D I E S ' C O IJN T IIY D AN C L: S O U IE T Y - ^^/GTfJHREADjBRS ^DISTRICT LOT 1106 ............. 150.00 ■ SOUTHERLY Portion of . " DISTRICT LOT 1106 ............. 250.00 . SOUTH H alf o f DISTRICT ' LOT 8 0 . 5 ~ ....... ;........... 5000.00' SOUTH H alf of DISTRICT LOT 1075 Y:.:.............................. ■ 1980.00 LOT "A "-o f the-N orth ^East------------ Quarter o f DISTRICT LOT 1075 .......................:,"T........ .......... ' 500.00 NORTH E ast Quarter o f - DISTRICT LOT 1 0 7 5 -except Parcel "A " ................................. 500.00 SOUTH ■' E a st (Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1076 ............. 1080.00 SOUTH W est _ Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1076, except thp West .3.3 f e e t . ......1080.0O SOUTH E ast Quarter .of 520,00. DISTRICT LOT 1077 ....r....... 1080.00 SOUTH ' W est Quarter" of^ -DISTRICT LOT 1 0 7 7 ....... .1 0 8 0 .0 0 NORTH W est Q uarter' of 160Q.0p,| d i s t r i c t , LOT 1078 ............. 950.00 LOT "A " 'of .the North E ast Q uarter ,of DISTRICT LOT , 300.00 1078 .:.......................... ;................... - 500.00 SOUTH E ast Quarter o f : - DISTRICT LOT 1095 ............. lOOO.Ot) 520.00 NORTH E A ST "Quarter o f ' DISTRICT LOT 1095 .............' 800.00 1000.00 SOUTH E ast Quarter except P arcer "B y .o T DISTRICT ' 1200.00 LOT lT O l .............................500,00 PARtCEL "A " o f DISTRICT 400.00 LOT .761, R eference Plan 1424 ; 400.00 NORTH E ast Quarter o f ~ 500.00 DISTRICT-LOT 1096-...................460.00 SOUTH ' E a st "Quarter o f . ^ .,^ _ ^ IS T R IC T LOT 1096 ............. 550.00 a copy' of this paper on any and each--!Thur.sday_e-vening, is re quested to kindly, phone, us a t We.st 363, in.order thatHiie omis sion may be corrected. We shall esteem any such'phone a.s a fav- ' or, as i t is -our only way ofclieck- ing up orf our deliveries. Our The West Vancouver liadics' Branch of tlTe Scottish C()Uiitry -JDance--SoidiityL.J)eld fheir. l i^ ^ -practice of the sOYiH>inoiTrTTffliLfc afternoon at the (Jlachan Hotel.naesi|C333Cl̂ Synopsis of Land Ad PHE'KMPTIONS . Y/'AOANT, unreserved, surveyed Crown • lands may be pre-empted by »/ILIkIi subjects over 10 years of ago, and by aliens on declaring Intention to beeoMu- n.'-Uifih : subjects, condltlon'aT: upon reni- dence, occupation and Improvement. Pull Information concerning I'rc-emr)- tions la given In Bulletin No 1, I.uiid Scries, "How to Pre-empt Land," coides nl ■ which can be obtained free: iof clmrg'e by (iddreB.sln/f the Department of Lands, Victoria, n.C,: Uiir̂ eau of Provincial Iiifoimii- tloh Victoria,̂ or any' Oover'nmcnt Agent: Records wUJ be granted covering only •If d̂ sultfthle--for-r-ggr 1 ouitHf-a brjwi h (fiaei- boys haye strict instructions to place a paper on the verandah of every house-on their routes, ̂ " --Editor. PREPARING A PLACE A certain, mini.ster who had been a.sked by hi.s congi'egation to turn in Z^is^esfgnation--s©l©&t̂ -- for his farewell .sermon, the follow ing: "I go to prepare a placie for you, that- where l ' am, there ye "may. be also." ------A-,stranger,--ndt-ing- the disapproval with lyhich the text w as received hy members of the congregation, turned an enquiring eye.s on the man sittin g be.side him. He received ' back Tiis answe'rv'delive'red'in "a'hdarsie w hispers "He's going to be ch ap la in /a t the ^tate pfenitentiary." > / "Bo'v. v/hat you doin'?" . "V|"Writing a letter to my gal." rHow come you write so .slow? "Cause my gal can't read fast." year are: President; Mrs. l)eii-k niston; Secretary,' Miss Nairn Treasurer, Mrs, Lane; Member ship Convener, Mis,s ' Lawson, with Mi.ss Millard, assisting.-' Past President Mrs, A. (.1. Bag- ley, who is also an honoi'ary m'ember"of"th e~ cl u;b ,-wa.s-a-ni o s t - welcome visitor. . ' She has the unitiue distinction of having been honored by two British kings within two year.s. She received the Jubilee medal from His Majesty King Gebgc V in 1935, and in 1937 received the -:; . . . . . . r . . . . .._1 / • _ _ .. . . , 1 .1 1 / 3>% v t 4**1 V '\ v'% ' : YV*> I • I m _______ I 1 I Majesty King George VI. Acceding to many rcfiuests' Mrs.' Bagley brought the Coron ation medal with her. Conj^rabu- Jations "and 'sincen»"goofI wishes - were showered on the distin- -guished recipient as the mem bers examined the m'edal andThe. King's letter, with great inter est. - ' ̂ ' Next practice will be .held on Friday, October 29th," at 2:30 ,p.m. a t the Clachan and'm em bers are asked to take note' Of, the date as owing To-the large increa.se in- the .membership it' is impossible to phone everyone. jvj_ilf1rrn'eTiB0irabI«"dUtAhebZfffrrsiiar Hti i uiii.. and marketing fa'cllltlca and which la liol - thnberlnnd, l.e., carrying over 6,000 board. feet'ne aero ~ egaf of: the Coar.t' Rati if t; -an d - ""Ooir'feeUFcr̂ ucra: we#T?EBi3EBÎ tr7?ajige. Applications for pro-cmptloo8-:are'::Vb be;-; adcTfenscd 'to tho' Land Commissioner ol : -thc-Land Rccordlng'.pivlslon In which the - land applied for, is situated, on' printed forms 'obtained ; from th« Commissioner, ' Pre-emptions must bo occupied for five - years.and Improvements/made to valnc of $10 pftr acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Ornnt ebn be received. .Pre-emptions .eorrylng pwrt time conditions'of occupation are also granted: PURCIIABB OB U^ASB Applications ore received :lor purchase of vacant and , unreserved Crown lands; not being ttmnorland, for ogrlcultiiru) purposes. Minimum price of first-class (arable) land Is $8 per acre, and second- class (grazing) land, W.M per acre., Purther Information Is given In Bulletin No, 10, Land Series,' "Purchase and-Lease of Crown Lands." Aft 8° partial relief measure, reverted lands may be acquired by purchase In ten equal instalments,' with the first paymen(_̂--sitftpcn*rd̂ or=twô earsr=l>rov!dcd̂ axeft=; are paid when due and improvements are; made during the first two years of not less than 10% of the î ypralsed Talue: Min, factory or industrial sites , on lumber lond, not exceeding iO acres, may ; be' purchased or. leased, the oondltlons ; Including payment of stumpage. rjri6ur-veycd̂ ftreas,̂ ~lj»ot- -exceeding-.. 20.:acres, may be leased oa bomesltes, conditional. upon -a- dwelling-being erected In | the first year, title being obUlned after rOiildcnce and Improvement cofadltlons are fulfilled and land has' been surveyed. pior grazing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding. 640 acres may be -leased by one person or a company, - Dtidcr th'e_Oraslng Act the Province U - divided Into grazing districts and the range' admlnlstercjd under, grazing regulations amended- from- tlme-to-tlme to meet varying conditions. Annual grazing .. per-., mils are Issued based on certain monthly r,atc8 per head of »tock,-~PrlorUy In grazing privileges is gIven_.to resident stocl̂ ' ov/ners.' Btock-ownerx-'-- may form association s for range management. Free or partially free permite ayafloble lor settlers,.: campers and - irae ■ <