West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 5

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Oct afff the Iml 180.00 00.00 >qr o f;iB loelc£^ i: I * .......... .. *'|V', "C'* and r iM .*ir 'xj' IX)TS "A*VI "ii" I'f niuck - j , ' .. .. ' V - and "I)« J Otfk >. lOTH "A*' and "B" ©f V ' • |.li; LOTS "A ", ; 'C" 'f nim-k 31; l i ) T S ;\r •. (•• of Hioc-k 33; LOT ';V ( l•lo.■k 31; IA)TS "A", .■I)*' (rf lllot'k .10, LOAS A t ........... (•'• and '*0 of Bluok £ ' i .o r s "A". "B", "C" and •'ll'" of iilai'k 38; , . „ U 1 ,.f ilio .subdivision of ; £ 'k.-isUt Iv dO acres t»f , o r K T I-OT 793. I'lol. V ' r 'dO: 111 Lots, each '■ ...... , " I Y). 0, 7 and 8 of '(.aif of the SoiiOi , ,,• „|' ti„. .South half of : £ i'|;|( T l o t 1000, Plan inVs; (I I»l.H i'«ch $30.00: 1;;!;" i:. ? a n d 's ' iv n iic 'w w ii'iir of till' south half o l tho af OISTIUOT LOT 'n,ou I'liiii d!»01: Lots 0, 7 and ■ ̂ $30,001 total ........... ' |"V: ••A" "H", "C" and HU-fiuvnce Plan No. 7B0) tin. Noi-th W est quarter , STIilCT LOT 1104; 4 ,„„Tols ouch $215.00 .. .. ........ 800.00 N„,ili Hast quarter of D IS- . TK irr l,.OT llOd .............V-;" 'SCM Tll Last quarter of DIb- 'I'K irr LOT 1104...;...... iio o .o o WKST half of the North , . . ■ K.'d (^i.artor of DISTRICT |,()T 1001 ..................................... .boo.uo so ld i'll ■ West Quarter of IMSTKK'T l o t 1001 1700.00 LOT.̂ 1 to 10 inclusive o f . 151,K.k I: LOTS 1 to ,,2 i in- . Jlusivc of Block 2; L O T S/1 . , Ho 1.5 "inclu.sive o f Block MLOCK ;i;.'LOTS L to 10 iiu-liisivo of Block 5; LOTS 1̂ to Y) uR'liisivc of Block 0; I.OT.S 1 lb "5' inclusive o f , Itloc'k 7; I.OTS 1 to 4 in - rlasivo of Block 8; of the Norlli Last Quarter of d is t r ic t LOT 1103, Elan No. -lOHB: -77 lots 'each,, . _$|.7.()0 .-...__1155.O0i I-: A S'l' ha 1 f of the' North W est QuaiUT of DISTRICT LOT l()l)2 oOO.OO WLS'r h a lf of the North W('.st Q iia l i e ..of „DI STRICT 1.̂ )'!' 1002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . \nOST half of the North Ea.st Quarloi' of DISTRICT LOT 1U!)2 . 800.00 ' SOUTH West Quarter o f D1.STKICT4.0T ,1092 ............. .1800.00 LO'rS 1-2, '13; 14, 15, 17, .18, 21, 22, 23 and 24, o f the E ast half of the Noeth E ast Quar- ler of DISTRICT LOT 1092, Rian No. ,31:28: each $20i0Q, , total - ...... 200.00 _ ^ R .l^ l.I_ h a 4 l^ f--the--Nor-th------- " \Vesf: Q i w t e i ^ f "DISTRICT--------- T LOT 1109 .........................:........... 180.00 NORTH half of - th e . N orth . - ■ West Quarter of DISTRICT . LO'rilOO ......................................... ,180,00 f NORTH" East Quarter of"̂ J)I,STRICT LOT HQ2 ............S 700.00 '800.00 No. 2SSS - SaU nce ................. Ix>ts 1 to 48 inclusive o f the South W est Quarter o f D IS­ TRICT LOT 102T;. Plan No. 48 parcels each $20.00 (except Lot 1, $25.00) ......... . DISTRICT IX)T 702 Balancb NORTH lu ilf . M fD IST R IC T 1X)T 805-- Balance ................ Balance DISTRICT U )T 701 THAT portion o f D lSTR U rr LOT 703 lyinu North of the South boundary of the North half of DISTRICT U )T 805 -- balance ................... ................. NORTH West Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1075 ............ NORTH E ast Quarter of DlSTRICrr LOT 1070 ............ LOTS 1 to 24 of the sub- division o f the North W est Quarter o f DISTRICT LOT 1070, Plan No. ,3985; 2-1 imr- ccIk each $30.00, total Quarter 1077 .... Quartet 1077 ..... Quarter 1079 .... Quarter 1080 ..... of of of of ■ WL.ST hair of Lot. "A " ' of Block 1 of the South E ast Quailer of^H ST R IC T LOT J102, Rian No. 4954 .................. 50.00 LAST half of Lot "A " of ■Block V o r the South E ast ' Qiiaiter of DISTRICT LOT. 1102, Rian No. 4954 .................. 50.00 " iDi"--ir'r^ c "~ana" TJ""bi-- ------ ^ Block 1- of the South E ast Quarlor of DISTRICT LOT 1102, Plan No. ,4954;' 3 lots • ' each $,50.OO, total ..................... LO'RS 2, 3 and 4 of the.'South Last Quarter of DISTRICT l̂ OT no2, Plan No. 4469: 3 lots each .$100.00, total.......... NORT'H East Quarter of d is t r ic t l o t 1093 ............. SOU'RH Ea.st Quarter of DJSTRlCT'LOT 1093 ....... NORTH We.st Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1101 "£9.RTH East Quarter of JHS'i'RlCT LOT 1101-(exeept '-Parcel --tAR, R ^ eren ce Plan -- ..................................... 320.00 150.00 300.00 800.t)0 T400.00 --360.00 ru ce l "A.", reference Plan .No: 1266)' ................'Z r W est (Quarter of DLSIRICT LOT 1094: except the easterly ■ 3 3 -feet~ th ereo f ' requii-od by the Corporation purposes............. Q,©after- of ,, LOT 1094-(except i"*r„VT^terly 33 fe e t thereof) '-H 1. to 12 inclusive, Lot nn'i r t o -29 inclusive 32 to 52 inclusive NORTH East DiSTlUCT LOT NORTH W est DISTRICT l.OT N O im i We.st DISTRICT LOT NORTH E ast DISTIUCT LOT IjOTS 1 to 0 inclusive of tho subdivision of the NorRh East Quarter of DISTIUCT LOT 1081, Plan Nb. 4B77; 6 par­ cels each $30.00, t o t a l ............. NORTH W est Qaurter of DISTRICT LOT 1081 ............. LOTS l^to 6 inclusive of the subdivision o f the North East Quarter o f DISTRICT LOT 1082, Plan No. 3902: 6 rlar- cels each $30.00, total ......... NORTH W est Quarter /of DISTRICT. LOT 1082 :........... NORTH "West Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1083 ............ EAST H alf o f the North East Quarter of DISTRIC'T, LOT 1087 .....;................... LOTS, 1, 2, 4 and 6 of the subdivision of the North East Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1089, Plan No. 4205, 4 par­ cels each $30.00, total ......... . LOT 10 o f Block 12, LOTS 10 and 11 of Block 13, Lots 10 and 11 of-B lock 14, and LOT iO o f Block 15," of the subdiv- -ision-of'the-East'half"of'D IS-' TRIiCT LOT 783, Plan No. 2020: ,(5 parcels each $20.00.... LOTS 7, 8 and 9 of the sub­ division of. the W est half o f DISTRICTXOT 783; Plan No." 1599, 3 parcels each $90O.OO, total :................... ......................... •LO'rS 2 and 3 of the North 7 acres of Block 4, (R efer-. ence Plan No. 4565) o f the subdivi.sion - of the E ast. 50 acres of DISTRICT LOT 815, Plan No. 2031, 2 parcels each $400.00, total .......... .............. LOT 3 lying' North of Parcel "V" as shown on' Reference Plan NoZ7Q5 of- Block -2.A" of-Z --: -DISTRICT--L O T -815-- Plan------------ - No. 202.2 ................ :...................... 1850.00 PARCEL "B" (Reference . Plan No. 68) of Lot 7 of Block "A " of DISTRICT L O T .815, . Plan No. 2 0 2 2 ......:........ 1150.00 NORTH W est Quarter of 400.00 965.00 HIUO.OO 600.00 2000.00 1700.00 1000.00 1000.00 720.00 720.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 180.00 . 800.00 18.0.00 870.00 800.00 750.00 120.00 120.00 2700.00 TOE WEST VAN..KEW a SOUTH half of the South East Quarter o f DISTHK'T LOT 1097 ................................... 3.MUH) NORTH hair o f the .Soulli ' ** East Quarter of DISTRUn* LOT. 1097 ...... . . . 200.00 NORTH W est Quarter of DISTHH'T LO'r 109? 38tk00 WE.ST half of the NurtJi East QuuVter of DISTRICT LOT 1097 ............................. 200,00 EAST half of (he Nortlt East Quarter of D lS T R ir r LOT 1097 .................................................. 200.00 LOT **A'i of the Nortli H a lf of tho North East Quarter «)f DISTRICT IX)T 1098 ............... 200.00 LOT 'H r of tho South Half of the North East: Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1098 ............... 200.00 BALANCE o f tho South East Quarter of DISTRICI' LOT 1008 ................................................ 700.00 SOUTH We.st Quitiler of DISTRICT 1X)T 1098 ............ O.SO.OO NORTH half bf tin* SouUt East Quarter o f 1)1 STRIC.T LOT 1099 ..................................... ,300.00 SOUTH East Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1100 ............... 520.00 LAND formerly shown as Highway lying we.st of DIS­ TRICT LOT 805, DISTRICT LOT 762. and the East plut of 'DISTRItyr LO'l' 1075, " DISTRICT l.OT 1097, DIS­ TRICT LOT 1098, and D IS­ TRICT LOT 1113 Malanee 186.00 LAND formerly .shown as Highway lyiiig South of DIS-- TRlCTLO'l'S j 098. 1099, 1100 and North of , DISTRICT LO'rS 1095, 1096 anti 1097......... 200.00 LAND formerly shown as H ighway lying South'of D lS- TRJCT- LOTS 1096 and 1097 and North of DISTR ICT" IA)TS 1075 to 1078 indu.siye '>200.00 LAND Formerly highwav lS'- ' ing Ea.st of D lSTRlC'l' LOTS 11,10, 1101., and-Noi'th East Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1094, and We.st of DISTRICT .LOTS 1111 and 1100, and ■ NORTH W est Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1095 ............. 200.00 LAND formerl.v highway ly­ ing South of D lSTR ItlT ' LOTS 1110.bo 1113 inclusive, and South Ea.st Quarter of DIS'FRICT LOT 1109 and ' ■~H70RTH ori)TSTRICT LOTS~' ~ 1098 to 1101 inclusive and North East Quarter of DIS- TRICT LOT 1102 ................... 200.00 THE HUHNINCJ HUSH Hy Subadur TOTAL FIXED ASSE.SS-' , MENT OF ALL PARCELS .$129,528.00 800.00 DIS'rRlCT LOT noO ............. 80.00 DISTRICT LOT 1107 (except ' the ' South W est ' Quarter thereof) ......................... 1....... . 360.00 DISTRICT LOT 1108 ............. 480.00 NORTH E ast Quarter and South half of DISTRICT LC 1109 360:00 500.00 800.00 1000.00 940.00 360.06 ....-y- and the N orth;E ast & M DISTRICT 'LQT ©f--th e - South- LOT lo S ^ district &0T U,V ?096Z.."' ZDrSTRTCTnCUT 1110 ............i 480.00 DISTRICT LOT 1111 .......... 400.00 DISTRICT LOT 1112 ........... 400.00, SO U T H . W est Quarter o f '.DISTRICT LOT 1113 .... . 100.00 ..SOUTH E ast -Quarter" and , ----- North H alf o f DISTRICT LOT 1113 ...................... 300.00 DISTRICT- LOT 1122 '........... 500.00 LOTS 1, 2, 4 ,-6 ,-1 0 ,-1 1 , 12- and 18 and the North H a lf o f Lot 14, of Block "A " ........ ........................ LOTS 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 ami 18 of BI'ockZB" LOTSTl, 3,'4, 5,"0r7, 9,. 10, 11, 13, 15 and 16 of Block "C" ' iH30-TS=l-7=4pf5Z-7^ZL3=and^8':^=^s o f BLOCK of- the- subdivision- o f .DIS- - . - 2486, $10.00 each ............. 360.00 -NO-RTH:---Ea"st-::^uaiteF-^o# TAKE NOTICE that the above is a, true copy of the pi'oposed B y-l.aw upon which the vote of the Municipal- it.v will "be taken at the Ambleside ^Hall, corner of 14th .Street and Mai'- ine Drive, Ambleside," We.^t Vancou-" ver, B.G., on Wednesday, the 3rd day of November-, 1937.,: between the hours zLo_fz8zH7m7=mitii:83pnii: (S igned) WM. H ERRIN. Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF TJJE DIS'I'RICT OF W EST VANCOUVEIt_____ _ Notice to E lectors La.st muntli Ualy*w Tlu.'uli3\ mo.st lumu* of inuaifni fonuuiy* D) Huv world,; doHuil. for )4:otHi. and a movio'will tako H.s |)laro. Many, i«uludi»)ir yinir hnmblo, hoard tin* iunv.'< with .sorrow, jis wo thought of "Tlu' Maid of tlu* Monntain.*<" and othor oomio opora.s that used to <h*lighyfW8.'Vtlf oourst*, brother, it was;pot t»nly tlu* pl;iys hut the ■girls wilt) u.so([to do the playing. Viowoii froth afar, th<*y wore very hoautiful, and at oh>.se range tlu*y were mostly even more .so. l.eave in town was not loavi* at :tll without one night at least at l)aly*s. I don't know wlietlier the (Jaiety, the other ehief attraetion, is still in the ring, hut I believe thtW'luards rather hogged that. "Oh, the good days of our youth!" hs the old man r<'marked wlien lu) i)ut his lieud in a nighleap and his feel in a bath of mustard and water. ■ .k i|< ' H< ' .Not so long ago somebody in Wttsl Vancouver criticised my Knglisli. No\y there is heart searching in - Eiigiaiul, where they don't e.\p('cl. a lu'.wspaper- man to write a la Addikoii, be­ cause the .ioiirnaie.se tliere i.s be- • comiiig... Auu'ricani'/.ed. Walt Whitman once: said.of the Aniei'- ' ican hmgiiage, "Our tongue is full of strong words, native or ' adoi)ted, to *exi)r<!ss the blood: born.passion of the race for rude­ ness and rejdaJUince as against, mere polishu 'Pheso' words aix* alive 'Shul sinewy; they walk, look, .step, with an' air of ^eonl- __mand." There's a big ditforeiiiee in American slang. "1 guess" i.s (lone to death like the Hall el u.j ah C^diorus, and it makes -nie f<ud weary. "()h ! Yeah which ctin only,be rendered i)roperly by a- person with nasal Oatarrh, reeks of^'thc baseball diamond or a gangster hang-out, and is enough to make a person fighting mad. But "she's a bear" is very toler­ able, ami somehow intensely cx- ̂ pressive, which the above othei* two phrases Ure not. Turning back to newspaper English amt zh a-vc-|;r(>H:r)-i*(qoem-- 4 }t • ){ .)( H 5? ;>c ■ Be u / , . IP A New Home t(P An Addition, or t||i Kepairs tej the old one Bring your problems to Astbury Lumber Co., Ltd. for Service and Satisfaction, Plmao WoHl 199 Niglil CuHm--If yV. KOLIY), Weal 672-R ber tha t the latteivwrote looking out on the lawn.s of Magdalene CoHegCj ̂ (Oxford, Which took a. thdus1riT(TyearyTb%nxn\^^ .and he ■eould tinker all year on a sent- I I I I Bll7 iiUI .J ,ll l* i | •.............. lJ - i * • ■»« ........... I PUBLIC 'NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the. E lectors qualify­ ing on property situate within the Municipality, wilJ. be taken a t ' th e A mbleside Hall, corner o'f 14th Street ~aa'd~Mui'im? Di'ive',' .WSfst'Zji^ancouver, B.C., on-. -Wedne.sdii.v,--th e -'3rd day of November. 19.37, between the' hour.s of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m, An "W est Van couver - B ritish*" ^ cific Propertie.s -Limited J3y-Law No. 724, 1937," apd .that Win. Heri'in lia.s been appointed Returning Officer to .ta k e the vote.s of such electors with the. u.sual power.s in that behalf. ' . (Signed) J. B. LEY LA ND , Rggvg. (Signed) WM. HERRIN, " . _ _ - ________ Clerk. 'oiVpe, if he wasn't saCisTu! '̂; A" newspaper writer does' his stiilf amid a clatter of t.vpewritei',s, and with the certain knovvk'llge that he. is hanging np the. whole . issue, of which he is-freiiiiojlly reminded l)y editors hall cniv..ŷ /with the rush. That doe.s not 'niake Tor., beautiful English, though it doe.'̂ teach ;t ihtsou punch,-if-he's got it hf-him. And if he.hasn't, he's no right to Ik* on,a new.spaper. . ' , A bargain I --telephone from Vaneonver to W * •innIpeg ! ' ■"•.'for ,$2.25 ____ (Slalion-'tO'Stadon). or , .. ,$a25. (p erso i/to -p er so n ) aTter 7. p.m. w eek days, or any - time Sundayt;, 'I'lu! above "riltea cover a tlireo-' inimite convemiition. (Jovern- inent tax extru. UL L A D I E S ' C O IJN T IIY D AN C L: S O U IE T Y - ^^/GTfJHREADjBRS ^DISTRICT LOT 1106 ............. 150.00 ■ SOUTHERLY Portion of . " DISTRICT LOT 1106 ............. 250.00 . SOUTH H alf o f DISTRICT ' LOT 8 0 . 5 ~ ....... ;........... 5000.00' SOUTH H alf of DISTRICT LOT 1075 Y:.:.............................. ■ 1980.00 LOT "A "-o f the-N orth ^East------------ Quarter o f DISTRICT LOT 1075 .......................:,"T........ .......... ' 500.00 NORTH E ast Quarter o f - DISTRICT LOT 1 0 7 5 -except Parcel "A " ................................. 500.00 SOUTH ■' E a st (Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1076 ............. 1080.00 SOUTH W est _ Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1076, except thp West .3.3 f e e t . ......1080.0O SOUTH E ast Quarter .of 520,00. DISTRICT LOT 1077 ....r....... 1080.00 SOUTH ' W est Quarter" of^ -DISTRICT LOT 1 0 7 7 ....... .1 0 8 0 .0 0 NORTH W est Q uarter' of 160Q.0p,| d i s t r i c t , LOT 1078 ............. 950.00 LOT "A " 'of .the North E ast Q uarter ,of DISTRICT LOT , 300.00 1078 .:.......................... ;................... - 500.00 SOUTH E ast Quarter o f : - DISTRICT LOT 1095 ............. lOOO.Ot) 520.00 NORTH E A ST "Quarter o f ' DISTRICT LOT 1095 .............' 800.00 1000.00 SOUTH E ast Quarter except P arcer "B y .o T DISTRICT ' 1200.00 LOT lT O l .............................500,00 PARtCEL "A " o f DISTRICT 400.00 LOT .761, R eference Plan 1424 ; 400.00 NORTH E ast Quarter o f ~ 500.00 DISTRICT-LOT 1096-...................460.00 SOUTH ' E a st "Quarter o f . ^ .,^ _ ^ IS T R IC T LOT 1096 ............. 550.00 a copy' of this paper on any and each--!Thur.sday_e-vening, is re­ quested to kindly, phone, us a t We.st 363, in.order thatHiie omis­ sion may be corrected. We shall esteem any such'phone a.s a fav- ' or, as i t is -our only way ofclieck- ing up orf our deliveries. Our The West Vancouver liadics' Branch of tlTe Scottish C()Uiitry -JDance--SoidiityL.J)eld fheir. l i^ ^ -practice of the sOYiH>inoiTrTTffliLfc afternoon at the (Jlachan Hotel.naesi|C333Cl̂ Synopsis of Land Ad PHE'KMPTIONS . Y/'AOANT, unreserved, surveyed Crown • lands may be pre-empted by »/ILIkIi subjects over 10 years of ago, and by aliens on declaring Intention to beeoMu- n.'-Uifih : subjects, condltlon'aT: upon reni- dence, occupation and Improvement. Pull Information concerning I'rc-emr)- tions la given In Bulletin No 1, I.uiid Scries, "How to Pre-empt Land," coides nl ■ which can be obtained free: iof clmrg'e by (iddreB.sln/f the Department of Lands, Vic­toria, n.C,: Uiir̂ eau of Provincial Iiifoimii- tloh Victoria,̂ or any' Oover'nmcnt Agent: Records wUJ be granted covering only •If d̂ sultfthle--for-r-ggr 1 ouitHf-a brjwi h (fiaei- boys haye strict instructions to place a paper on the verandah of every house-on their routes, ̂ " --Editor. PREPARING A PLACE A certain, mini.ster who had been a.sked by hi.s congi'egation to turn in Z^is^esfgnation--s©l©&t̂ -- for his farewell .sermon, the follow ing: "I go to prepare a placie for you, that- where l ' am, there ye "may. be also." ------A-,stranger,--ndt-ing- the disapproval with lyhich the text w as received hy members of the congregation, turned an enquiring eye.s on the man sittin g be.side him. He received ' back Tiis answe'rv'delive'red'in "a'hdarsie w hispers "He's going to be ch ap la in /a t the ^tate pfenitentiary." > / "Bo'v. v/hat you doin'?" . "V|"Writing a letter to my gal." rHow come you write so .slow? "Cause my gal can't read fast." year are: President; Mrs. l)eii-k niston; Secretary,' Miss Nairn Treasurer, Mrs, Lane; Member­ ship Convener, Mis,s ' Lawson, with Mi.ss Millard, assisting.-' Past President Mrs, A. (.1. Bag- ley, who is also an honoi'ary m'ember"of"th e~ cl u;b ,-wa.s-a-ni o s t - welcome visitor. . ' She has the unitiue distinction of having been honored by two British kings within two year.s. She received the Jubilee medal from His Majesty King Gebgc V in 1935, and in 1937 received the -:; . . . . . . r . . . . .._1 / • _ _ .. . . , 1 .1 1 / 3>% v t 4**1 V '\ v'% ' : YV*> I • I m _______ I 1 I Majesty King George VI. Acceding to many rcfiuests' Mrs.' Bagley brought the Coron­ ation medal with her. Conj^rabu- Jations "and 'sincen»"goofI wishes - were showered on the distin- -guished recipient as the mem­ bers examined the m'edal andThe. King's letter, with great inter­ est. - ' ̂ ' Next practice will be .held on Friday, October 29th," at 2:30 ,p.m. a t the Clachan and'm em ­ bers are asked to take note' Of, the date as owing To-the large increa.se in- the .membership it' is impossible to phone everyone. jvj_ilf1rrn'eTiB0irabI«"dUtAhebZfffrrsiiar Hti i uiii.. and marketing fa'cllltlca and which la liol - thnberlnnd, l.e., carrying over 6,000 board. feet'ne aero ~ egaf of: the Coar.t' Rati if t; -an d - ""Ooir'feeUFcr̂ ucra: we#T?EBi3EBÎ tr7?ajige. Applications for pro-cmptloo8-:are'::Vb be;-; adcTfenscd 'to tho' Land Commissioner ol : -thc-Land Rccordlng'.pivlslon In which the - land applied for, is situated, on' printed forms 'obtained ; from th« Commissioner, ' Pre-emptions must bo occupied for five - years.and Improvements/made to valnc of $10 pftr acre, Including clearing and culti­vating at least five acres, before a Crown Ornnt ebn be received. .Pre-emptions .eorrylng pwrt time condi­tions'of occupation are also granted: PURCIIABB OB U^ASB Applications ore received :lor purchase of vacant and , unreserved Crown lands; not being ttmnorland, for ogrlcultiiru) purposes. Minimum price of first-class (arable) land Is $8 per acre, and second- class (grazing) land, W.M per acre., Purther Information Is given In Bulletin No, 10, Land Series,' "Purchase and-Lease of Crown Lands." Aft 8° partial relief measure, reverted lands may be acquired by purchase In ten equal instalments,' with the first paymen(_̂--sitftpcn*rd̂ or=twô earsr=l>rov!dcd̂ axeft=; are paid when due and improvements are; made during the first two years of not less than 10% of the î ypralsed Talue: Min, factory or industrial sites , on lumber lond, not exceeding iO acres, may ; be' purchased or. leased, the oondltlons ; Including payment of stumpage. rjri6ur-veycd̂ ftreas,̂ ~lj»ot- -exceeding-.. 20.:acres, may be leased oa bomesltes, condi­tional. upon -a- dwelling-being erected In | the first year, title being obUlned after rOiildcnce and Improvement cofadltlons are fulfilled and land has' been surveyed. pior grazing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding. 640 acres may be -leased by one person or a company, - Dtidcr th'e_Oraslng Act the Province U - divided Into grazing districts and the range' admlnlstercjd under, grazing regula­tions amended- from- tlme-to-tlme to meet varying conditions. Annual grazing .. per-., mils are Issued based on certain monthly r,atc8 per head of »tock,-~PrlorUy In graz­ing privileges is gIven_.to resident stocl̂ ' ov/ners.' Btock-ownerx-'-- may form associa­tion s for range management. Free or partially free permite ayafloble lor settlers,.: campers and - irae ■ <