West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 4

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i p s ' " ' 'I p istte i' ' It, "v'j ;4#»̂ •i!̂;pfi,!k|'5; • !̂>' -f1 ' N ' UTKItAriY' HfKIiBTV' jft)Wiif|î »*ii«Y»« I ;:•. r % <' l i ' i * f' ; r Th<* ojK'iiing in<M'iiiij< will be iiel<i ill the lower hiill of the IJuitecl ( 'hurch o n Thurnday <<veiiiif)Kj! Oeb>lM*r 2 Htl», at . 8 o'doik, when the jiremident, Eev. IliJIiH Wright, will give an a<l- dreHH on "Harly Lit<*rature/' Till' jHtjhjeel in an unuHual one, and will he all the more interest­ ing on that aeeoiint. All friends are cordially invited to he pres- ■ <m h; .. ̂ ^ 'rile editor of the society, J. J'orter, will h<? glad to discusK Huhje<*lH for future essays with any who wish to exercise the pow<*i' of writing which they IJOSsesH in a gathering which has l)i'eii a useful Iryiiig-out place in pas I years, even in s^nne cases for.('ssayists from the city. (OUPOHATKIN THK IJiHTKICi' WKHT VANt orV K H WKST VANCOtVKII -- BHITISIl PA< tI K PItOPKKTIKH MMITKIJ, . PV-hAW No. 721, i»:t7. T I k ' f V M i t i r i l o f l h < * < ' « r r > o r « t i o n o ! t i n - j n . - ^ l r i i l o f W e s t V i i i i t o u v e p i n opoM piooting MHKPinIjhsi K NAr/rS AS I 'OU/UW S: 1. rilC JlCOH'CHU'flt atllK'lu'<J luTClo n t i d d o t e d l I s ' I 2 t h d a y o f O c t o b e r , r.» : !7 , a n d i i i a d < * l a - l w e e n r o r p o r a l i o n i d ' t ) ii< i l i s t r i c l nf W i ' K t V u i K ' O i J V e r o f HAKHAmAN,S' A U X I I J A R Y DANCE 'I'Im; HaTvest Atodii/' Dance giv<m last Fritlay evening in the I lolly hum i'avilion hy the Cirls' Auxilijiry, to „lhe llarharians itiighy TniirrvV'as a most enjoy- ahle and successful airair. The I'ayilion itseljlJjacl l>een Very heaiitifiilly, decorated for the occasiou ' vylth... sheaves, mitiimn llowers, h scarecrow, and other things asswiated with harvest, also with pappr figures of Riigby . players. Kveryhody was in gopd spirits, and th(] poi)- iilurily of, Koy Harry and his orcliestra of Optimists' was shown hy the many damHjrs who llirPMg<*(l' tile flooi* for every number' . itefreshments were served (luring the interval. Mrs, F. Lofting drew the lucky -tickets - for i he~rafrierth(r~wiii- ners being: 1st, It. A. Farldn, ti('l((*t No. 21(), Irish tc'rrior pup; 2nd, Oaplaiii F. I'\ Ijovegrove, ticket No. 10(1, elcctricv table lamp. ' v' V - (lie our itart and liritiHh PticHio Prop TMK OHDINATION OF A' NHOKO PPKACHKIt I ' l l i t ;; I d t i i i O ' d o f_ U u ' . . o u M * r j m r t u i n l i l t * S t ' f i i ' d u l i i I I k t o I o J i r t * I n o e b y d e ( h i l l ' d t o b e a p a r t o f t b i a b y - I u w a n d m e h e r e a f t e r r e f e r r e d t o ftH t h e " a u i d a p i e e i n e n t / ' h'. 'Die annual a.sf,ertHtnentK for tin pin portc of imink'ipal tuxution payabli for each of ibo. years, Ili.'lH to.. iltl7 both imduKive on the landa more par tiriiinriy deacribed in tho "said agree nient" Jiii' hereby fixed at the umountH re.ipeclively setMiji'poHite the individual pai(el,-i ami aggregating The Mini id' I? 12!l,r>2S.flO. I'liOVIDKI) that till- raid (ixed aw.scKsment is, .alibjeet to I lie jiroviaos aet forth in tin; para- giaph iiumher('d One (1) of tlie "auid Jigreenuuit." ;j, 'J'he "said agreennoit" is hereliy approved and the Kc(*ve and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized and dir­ ected 'to (execute the, sam e on behalf of the Corporation and the .Municipal Clerk is autliordzed to ■ affix the Coriiorate seal thereto and deliver an exi'coh'ii copy, thereof to Hriti.sh • Pai'ifie J'roperties l<imited I. 'Diis by-law may be.cited for till purposes as " West V ancouver.... Hrit- isii f'aeific I'koperties Idmited, Hy-law No. 72I. i:i;f7." , ft, 'f'bis !>y-law shall coim* into force and elfeet when the same shall liave been sultiniUd to the^KIectors-vof' t,lie' Cor|)oration o f the D istrict of West again*tt thdiiTpiircek « f lumi sH in Schedule **A" heret*.» whu h ^ha^ i fro m tim e to tim e thereafter remain j in the ownership of * he* Company tr) During the period of the lixed | UH.ses8tnent the ( 'unipariy covenants and agrees with the Corputatiutt that iL-wiJL U» - aaUhfaction „of,. thg Municipal Kngineer of the Corporation make alt n w easaiy repairs to and maimain in goial v\orknian)ike condi* tion all roads, lane.-, Iiridges. eulverls, boulevards, sidewalks, )»Hrk.s, paths and open spaces «mistrui (ed by <>f for the O im pany wdbirt (be .Munieii paifty of W est \';uaou\er wlietber* such roads, Ituie.'s luidges, culvert . boulevards, .sidejyalks, jmrks, [latbs and open sfmeeH be pulflie or privat'c, orfiow are or,are lii'ieafter ron.strucl- ed; and . inter alia vvillioul lim iting .the generality of tiie foregoing the Cimipany agrees to keep all gras.s, lawns and shrubs (hereon <':m'fuily and properly cut itiid trimmed. (dj During tire periu,d of the lixed assessm ent the Cumpmiy herelry igr'ees to indemrjify alrid save Irarni** less the Corporation from any and all claim s against tli<' cbrpoiaiion for iilamages or compensation arising out of or by reason of the construction, (tperatlon, majntenance or user of any road, lane, bridge, lu lvcit, boulevard, sidewalk, park, path or opr.'ii space referred to in the preceding paragi Jiidi lettered "e." , (e) That if any of thd said parcels arc KulKlivided th<* AsKessm- of the Corporhtion -shall place such assess­ ment on each new parcel created pro- portiohately to its ,area so that the total of such as.sfs.sment.s on the ta x ­ able portions of the parcel so sub- <livided shall-ecjual the asse.s.snient lu'reby fixed for such parcel; ( f) That any and all of the said parcels or any portion thereof sold leased or otherwise di.spo.sed of or built upon or occupied except .such agreement shall enure the IwnefU o f and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective and a l ig n s , IN WlTNi:S-S WHKKKOF the p.'irtie- hereto have hereunto afiixed their i'oriKirate seals atte.'-ted by the pruja;r otriccra in,.,that beiiipf on the dav and in ibe year tinned. •' UTTNKS.s k D: ■IfiOO.OO first aboVe m£*n- A LL th at part o f DISTRICT LOT S88 ly in g E ast o f Block "B" and **C*' a s shown on Plan NORTH E ast Quarter of the North third o f the subdivi.sion o f a portion being dU acres ( Refureuce Pl ttn,^No. . . of..... .. DISTRICT LOT 888; ....... i o„, NORTH W est portion 2:Di. ' ■ acres more or less (Reference Plan No. ) of DISTRlCrr Î OT 888: ............ .............. r.OO.oo Ht UlvDKLK "A' This is Schedule and forming part Agreement "A" annexed to i of That .certain dated October 12. A.D. i!D7 , jnatle between ( 'or|)oration of the District o f We.st V'ancouver o f tlie one p.'irt and British Pacific Prop, erlies Limited of the other, part, being ft ile.seriptiun of tlir)se parcels of lumi ami pi'cmises eovered by said Agree-? meat with the. fixed a.s.sessment se t I o|)posil<' each parcel ins provided in paiagrapli ! of said agreement. EASTERLY - Portion, acre.s more? or le.ss of TKICT LOT 12r).'i: .............. AVEST 10 acre.s of IHSTRK LOT 1252; .............................. ■ . -.......... : . ■ 24-i 1)1 S- T Dllkoo 10(1.00 1JI,0CKS 1. 2, 8, 8 , and SI, of Hubdivisibn of DISTUICyr LOT 81(3 and W EST HO acres of DISTRICT LOT 798, Plan No. L598; Blocks l iind 2 eacii $ 120.0 0 ; Block 8 $200.00; " Blocks 8 and 9 each $80.00:.... DiO.OO parcel or. parcels, as may be occupied Ir '■ . ______ Varicouver an([ ,̂ lms received tlicir ;is,s(Mit us re(|Uired by the Muiii cipnl Act and liiis been , reconsidered a/iil, linally adopted by the Council d the Corporation. I'A .SSK D .U y THE , COUNCIL on the IHtlf day of October, 1987, Kl'lCKIN'KD the Tis.seni, of the Klec- toi>i on the day of ■ . 1987, In o n e of tho .southern states a n eg ro -fe lt that he had been called upon to preach the gospel, sti he aj)- plied for admission to the m inistry, Huhmitting-himsLdf to-exam ination-l)v Tfie" niim.sters, TT)o examiimlion preceded as fol­ lows; JtKCONSlDKRKD jiiid finally ADOP TKD hy theC ouneil, SICNKD by the Jteeye anil" Clerk and .seaĵ ed with the ( 'orpornte Seal of The said Corpora­ tion, all on the day of A.I). 1987. rteeve. TV the Comptniy for the pUrj)oses of' •the development cOntem|)lated by thin agreem ent shall notwithstanding any­ thing to the contrary be assessed by the assessor o f th(? Corporation in the usual inanner provided by The "Muni­ cipal A ct" bbing Chapter ,199 of the Revised .Statutes o f British Columbia 198(3 and amending Acts; and the Company hereby' agrees to forthwith give noTice to The'Corporation of any sueh alienation or u.se (other than by the Cornpuny) a.s afore.said, which sanl notice shall in every' instance contain the full name, address and oc­ cupation of ■ the iiarty ' entitled to' ownershii), use or om iiiation together with a legal description of the parcel of land affectcjd and the consideration paid or payable,therefdi;; . (g ) That the Comj)any shall not prior to December ;MSt, A.D. 19.]J, reciuest or consent to any local im- _ ))rovement affecting the said lands or sn y part thereof, and shall procure every per.son to whom any of the said funds inuy be sold or disposed of to enter into a sim ilar .c'ovfMinnt •_______ ^ (If)-- 'The ALL AND .SINGULAR tho.se cer­ tain parcels or tracts of laiid situate, lying and being in the Municipality (if West Vancouver, Group one ( l ) i .New W»!stminster District, and more particLilarly known and decribed as: , 'k IXKI) A.S.Sl-'l.S.SMENT , Land DLSTRICT LOT M 9i; (ex ­ cept Barcej. "A ",' reference IMan No. 1881, and excej't. Pacific Great Kastern Railway ■ right-of-way and except that portion lying We.st of the Pa- ,eifie Great Eastern dlailway)- and subject to an easement Agreement over Parcer"B" in favor of Vancouver Power Company Limited registered as ,ciiarge No. 90G02-H and ' except 28'J.(3 acres reserved by the Corporation for cor­ porate purposes; ..................... $81 WKST HALF of East Half of Block 8 , DISTRICT' IX)T 817, Plan No. 1598: ..... ..................... KAST (juurter of Block B, DISTRICT LOT 817, Map No. 1598: ............................................. BLOCKS 9 ,to 19 inclusive and Blocks 21 to 24 inclusive of subdivision o f DISTRICT LOT 817, Plan No. 1598^. Block.s 9, 10 and 11 each $100.00; , Block' 12 .$40.00; Block 18 $40.00; Block J4 and 15,, each $40.00;' Block 1(5. $40.00; Block 17 .$80.(f0; Block 18 $100.00; Blocks 19 and 21, each $120.00; Blocks 22, 28 each $.'300.00; and IBlock 24, $(500.00 ................ ......................... 2ri.( 2120.00 170.00 Dl.STRICT LOT 1490: (ex­ cept portion of 25 acres re- uuired by Corporation for Corporate luirposes) ................ Ivot ,"A " (R eference Plan No. 1141) of Blocks 10 and ' 11, subdivision of DISTRKJf LOT ?31G and the W est 80 acres of DISTRICT LOT 798, Plan No. 1598; ................... , .... * liOT 11 (except portion in- elmled in Parfiel "A" Refm'*- no.on 750.00 BLOCKS 1. 2 , (5, 10, 11, 18,. atS(lDT,"T?tihTlivi.siorrori)iHtfict Lot 881, Mm), No. 2518: 7 parcels each ..$800.00 .... ....... 2100.00 DLSTRICT I.OT 778: (E x­ cept- Parcel "A ",'■'referenec Plan.No-. 1881, Right-of-W ay Reference IMari No. 1125 and except portion W est of the said right-of-w ay) ................... 4200.00 KAST HALF OF DISTRICT LOT 919: .............................. XlbrnpaiYy "Can you read Sam?-" " ■ 'y;iiiyywy-p . - . "'Npi Huh." - - j v - . - "Can ymi w rit'cl" ■ ' "No suh, 1 can't, w rite sub, Tiiil '-.•'.•.'•V ".'j' ■ ma wife is a pretty good writer i«uh.'.' " Do you know the B ib le?" a suh, iso pretty good in tlie Hihle suh, ise know ma. Bible from 'Wliai:' T3 the New New 'IV.slament . l \ 'J part ol the Bible do voii b est? " " Well, s'uh, I'likt m eat the best sub." "What books of Du do you like b est? " "The hook of (he jiarahle ,suh." Which of the pafahles d o you ]ikv b est? " " Why law.si.e; 1 like d( the Good -.Sumaritan." ̂ "Well, loll nu. the parable of Du (lood Sam aritan." . _ " Well .sub, 1 will sub." 'r illS INDKNTURK entered into this 12th day of OtvrORKR, in Uie year o f our Lord one thousand nine CORPORA'ITON OF T H Ji IHS- 1'RICT OF WEST VANCOUVER, a M unicipality ()f the Pixjvinee of British - Columbia, hereinafter culled- "the "Corporation" OF THE ONK PART AND , .............J- agrees that notwith.standmg the provisions of any statute or by-law to the^contrary the Comjiany shall not complete or luake ap))lication to register any subdivision ■plan or plans of any part or parts ol tha said lands unle.ss and until the ■CTTnTnTmyr-- --------------------------------- -O new -upon - f T ^ iu r \ \ y s yI f * »■ inaiv went from ,feru.salem-to--.lerieho aiul Tl'II TUtmtig-- ~-fr und ehokexl that man and he went an' diiln't have^uiy immey, and he mot the Queen o f Sheba ami she gavi that man, yt.s suh, she gave that BRITISH PACIFIC PROPER­ TIES. LIMPFED, a joint stocks company incorporated umlei- the "Comfianies A ct" of the Province o f British Columbia with reg ister­ ed Office a t the City of Vancouver in .said Province, hereinafter called 'The Campanv" - OF THK OTHER PART W UKRKAS the (.Ibmpmiy is the owner or the pprtdiaser umlor Agreed ment for Sale with the Corporation of all and .singular tho.se certain cols o f land situate within the Corpor­ ation oJlDio-District uf-West- Vancou- vor, more particularly .set forth' and l_ (iescr ib ed in... S almduRi-- annexed amt ■ nnulc , , lihaji, lia-ve caused to be opeded up, cleared, graded, and hard suiTacecralt-jiub'lic road.s, streets and • lanes whether already in existence oi not whereon propQsed lo ts 'or blocks lace and shall have ̂ installed an ade- (juate water, and fii'e pi'o'tection and ay.'̂ Ccm to serve .such strbd m dcsHandsral i-of-wliiclri uTprdve:: ments shall he comjjlotod free from liens and encunibrnnces to the .satis- DISTRICTLOT 948: ............ HALF o f ' the 700.00. 'I. . 1400.00 WKST iHaJf_of East :__ 8O(LO0- LOT "C" (Reference Plan . No. M55) o f the East half of East Half of DISTRICT - 'LOT 1241: ........... ̂ 30().00 ■,^EAST HALF o fth eE a stH a lf '. (except Parcel "G". Refer- " " - ence Plan No. 4455) o f DIS- - ' eluded in Parcel "A " Refer ence Plan No. 1141) of sub-, division o f DISTRICT LOT 810 and the W est 80 Acres of DISTRICT LOT 793, Map ■i598:~............... ................ LOTS 12, 13 and 14, subdiv­ ision of DISTRICT TOT 81(5, and ■ the? W est 80 acres of DISTRICT LOT 793, Plan 'No. 1598: L o t '12 .$80.00: Lot 3 $100.00; Lot 14 $120.00; total Sub'divi.sions "A", "B " and "C" of Lots 1.5 and 16 of the subdivision o f DISTRICT LQT 816, and, the 'West 80; acres of DISTRICT LOT 793, Plan -No. 4828; subdivision "A " $64.00; subdivision "B " $140.00; and subdivision "C" . $76.00, total ' --Lot--17-(except--Wester! ynOTir: acre and except Parcel A'" Reference Plan- No. 530 of 50.00 •300.( 280.00 xr-rrt:___ 'luM'eof, factum of the Municipal Engineer .of uie Corporation as ev-idence'd by His (•ertiheate in writing, such certificate PR tlV IiriJn vvithhgldv1 K UyJDLp always jthat, subject to •lie general bylaws of the CoKporation le.speoting (he subdivision of land, the liUh.s \o (e of Die Council relieve the nar I or anypar - | , of the ro(|uiiaunenls and conditions of C )m,on of ffHi. Ol 1 i - inay warr-anf such as shall Be; vesfed' ina part _____ , . A N D VyilKRE.'Xis the saidComjrany the asse.s.sment on the-said 'lands for the determination orth e"a fn re' j)gi;md_jM'. ten (̂-1 oj _5>ears,--J________|_siyiUfixed-^s,'i^i^ssinent--by ^ ^ -- other than tw crow n ■̂ )3o7poi'irtm ^ TRICT LOT 12-11; ................. l.O TS 1, 3, -4; G, 7, and 8, of BLOCK "A" of the W est Half of DISTRICT LOT 1241: Plan 26 9 2 ;............. . (Lot i; '$f20.'00;, " Lot $100,00; Lots 4, (5, 7, and 8 , --ea eh--̂ l-GOjOB)----̂ ----r--------- LOl S 1 to 8 inclu.sive of LOT "B" of th e'W est H alf 500.00 the subdivision o f DISTRICT LOT 816 'and the westerly. 80 acres of DISTRICT LO'T;- 7-93. Plan No. 1598 ............... AV̂ stei4y--onê <H»e-̂ >f-Htot-~̂ ^̂ of subdivision 40. 620.00 of DlSTRK^r LOT 12-11, Plan 2692; 8 lots each $100.00........ 800.00 (Reference I ()T 886 DISTRICT 2600.00 J'/' f̂tC^EL "B " (Reference ! o o ' DISTRICT-- .......-....................... . 2600.00 ^^4R.CEL "A " (Reference (except Par cel ^^niFST'RItH'X(7rYSS7Tr.7" niaij site 1 * 1 m a thousand talents of gold and a hun- died changes o f raiment and ho got -- . drove furiously, and while ho was driving uiider a big dvc ht.s hair caught among the limbs ami him g there many days and nights and-Du-ravenLs brought him food to eat and, water trv^jrink am ljh a t night m wlule he was hangen there asleep his w ife come along and cut olf lits hair . .. and ht i i f ,11, -1 ; fell on stony groAind and it raimsl forty days and fort and-ht l̂vIdXirnwlf p i i y .nights, in a c a r e .: • > • "And ho mot a mnn who said come m and have supper wRli me. and he aaid I have married a w ife aiuLcan't. No the man.we^it out in the h & iw n v. miTl-Bi-ways ^nd comirelltHl hini to A N D W HKR.E.AS the .sums of the fixed n.s.se.ssment stR ojipositti-the re- spocUve parcels in Schedule "A" hereto are in no case le.ss than the amount o f the assessm ent of the land a s shown 'in the last revised assess inont-ix)ll-of-tho Corpoi-ation NOW THEREFORE W ITNESSflTH t hut jn .consi(lc.ration of tho ■ inutuaJ covenants on the part o f the Corpora Don and the Company hereinafter contained it is hereby n ^ eed between the parties hereto as follows; 1. The Corporation covenants ami ..agix'os with-thrrConipany that it will lix and does hereby fix the annual assessm ent for the purpose o f Muni-' i'lPaLthx.ation payable for each nf- Hie 938 tiY 1947 both inclii^ii^te efTluxion come m and have supper with him And he wont on to Jerusalem and saw the Queen J izzib lt-sjttin g high up' in a window and when .she .saw him she aughtxi and; they throw her down, ami he said throw her down 'seventy and s e \u y times, and of the fragm ents thoy picked up twelve baskets. Now whose w ife do you Uiink slie will be the day o f judm ent?" t h e ^ d ^ more particu larly set^forth a n d W s"'®--*-"-' ■ ' ' * ....... -...sct*rl^e'd m Schedule "A " (hereto annexed and made a part hereof) at the amounts^ respectively set opposite to the mdividual. parcels and aggro- ^ t t n g total sum of $129,528.()0. th e said fixed a.ssessment is subiect to the fo llow ing provisos: - - .. (a ) T h at the Company will keep observe and perform all the covenants' term s and conditions upon its part to |)c kept, observed and performed hoi-eunder. . j (b ) The (Company hereby coven- ft?** J^'rces w ith the Cofporation that the Company shall promptly a n d on the due date pay and discharge nil taxes and rates w hich-from the date hereof m ay be rated or -charged , --- reason* of - con*.. Ol' from any other ( ) !"'""'?>ons o f this section ( 11) .shall-i-cMnam in full force and offect a;ul be binding on the further- period of PARCEL "B " (Reference ■̂ b̂in No .89Q-AJ of - THR' - - ' Reference Plan No. itsrfl:-ami except portion .61 - o f ! DISTRICT LOT 816 andi the W esterly 80 acres of DISTRICT LOT 793 , Plan No. 1598 ............ Lots '21 , 22 , 23, 24, 26, 27 and thp w est half o f Lot 25, of .subdivision ,o f DISTRICT LOT 816 and the W esterly 80 40.00 320.00 800.00. acres of DISTRICT LOT 793, Plan 1598; Lots- 21,- 22, 23, 24, 26 and 27 each $50'.00; We.st half of Lot 25 $26,00, total .......... :...................... We.st (g a r te r o f the east half of the W est * half of D IS­ TRICT LOT 7 9 3 ..... ....... .......... Easterly three-quartei's of .> the East , half o f the W est half of DISTRICT LOT 793 2500.00 W est H alf o f the E ast H alf of the W est half of the E ast half of DISTRICT LOT 793 (Reference Plqn No. li84-).. Parcel 2 of Block "A " o f the *W^kbaIXcrHrhg'--East^haIf-of---- 800. h a lf o f ̂ DISTRICT EOT 793 (R eference Plan I^o. for a years, (i) Company twenty (20 ) acres .required by the Corpof- ation for corporate pui-pose.s) 1000.00 Ain., -ttmt portion o f m e:. the_ event o.f th e.sa id fa'nhg^tb-bbser\?e, perfonli Efihl or comply with' a n y - o f the East of Piircel Parcels "B ", "C"-and "D " of -the--West--h a lf o f the'̂ ^TJasT" 3000.00 herSn performed f) be-observed or c r e S hereby i Corporation a f t e ? g iv ! ' ' noD ce^ Company ninety (90) dni-c* DISTRICT LOT 583 (except acres required by the Corporation for corpor­ ate purposes) .............. *................. 2000.0() DISTRICT LOT 889: ............. 2600,00 23M1> acres h âlf of the E ast h a lf o f D IS­ TRICT LOT 793 (R eference Map No. 473) e a c h .$800:00 iotal,................. :............... 2-100.00 East half 6f the W e st'Quar- ter ^ t h e E ast half of DIS- TRK3T LOT 793 . "LOTS 8OO7GO- "A ", "B ", "C" and fSn , ? 1 ■ - ■v^uiicu.isnaii. h^ oln 'e £ v 4 n c r o ? ih t considered the T T i- agreement, . ■forehand" cO Snelnty been ihcdi^omtedT^S^ A ®said Corponiifm? , a byi^^ o f ^^e n'l th e r e S in j' P \th e electors of been submitted ah'd has received C o r p o r a t io n I Hluired bv fh l -̂ *7 assent a s re- been ' recons& rivi bj* the Council o f finally adopted the 0 ,rp„ratfon coran'S ' ^ S r f '? ' ' " ""With the Coninsnv i this agreem ent cause j ^lectora M to the delay. ' esaid without undue j except Pai^cel "A " reference Tlan-Nn-l465:^n8-lp-».r..n ..3,®^ekyk^,k .- l465^nd-Parcel "B " Kefei-ence Plan No i s q i \ DISTRK̂ .T -T.nm 1; LOTS "A ", and."D" o f Block 2; LOTS "A ", "B ", "Ĉ ' aird ̂ D of Block 3; LOTS "A ", B , "C" and "D " o f Block 4; BJock 5; LOTS "B " oT Block 6; EOTS "A^ ̂ "B ", "C" and ^ ^ f ^ l o c k - 7 ; LOTS "A " 480.00 400.00 d i s t r i c t l o t 888: .......... Plan N^o^l773Tof ' ra!h . ?25.00 ea?h^..^" lo ts'$25.00 each $25.00 -and*D i*of-Bloc-k-8; ,400.00 400.00 "B"; "C" and . 0 ̂ o f Block 9; LOTS "A " . o f Block 9-A; "B ". '.'C" and 10; LOTS "A ", T and "D " o f Block-1-1;-:- "A ", »B", "C" .and D of-B lock 12; LOTS "A " "B " of Block 13; LOTS T ^ ^ a n d "D " o f Block 18; J^OTS "A ", "B ". "C" and 20; LOTS "A ", T Block 21; "A^ \ "B ", »C" and of ,?Jock 22; Lots- "A ", A , and -"D "- o f Block - 23; LOTS "B " and "C" o f 24; LOTS , "A " "B", , C" and "D " o f Blocl^ 25; 350.00 ' t m r»o « A X51v)CK *^t>j on o f Block 26; LOTS "B " and "C" o f Rlock 27; LOTS "A ", "B ", • <