West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 3

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'tA'ttItobrfHTB^ THE WEST VAN NEWS 'L PEESCRIPTION DISPENSING Pr«8eri|rtio»» «thicaUy cotnpotmd^d. a s k yO Q R DOCTOR to phone your Medicine to W E S T 3 2 3 D ;S r M O N T A G U E r o i s P E N |s iN S * CHEMIST J 4 0 3 Matim AMBLESIDE PHARMACY K IN G D A V I D L O D G E N o . 93 . A . F . 6 - A . M . Sixteenth A n n u a l Dance In the Orange Hall, FRIDAY, OCT. 22nd. Dancing 9 to 1. OAKDHN'S OKCPIESTRA , ̂ RKPKESHMENTS . . Admission : $1.50 per couple, by invitation only, J^ V E Y & BURflELD 1588 Inglewood Avenue / ' . b u i l d u p c o n t r a c t o r s ('HMUNT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, SIDEWALKS, Etc. " Satisfaction Guaranteed M A D A M E R O SS J O R D A N VIOLIN PIANO ̂ THEORY 2 5 3 6 Bellevue A vg ^ fu fter 1 p .m . HOOD BROS.o . (I2() render Street . - Money to Loan ON FIRST MORTGAGES Should Equali/e Husband: "Have you ever wonder­ ed what you would do if you had ■ Rockefeller's income ?" ________ ____ W ife: "No, but I have often wond- ered w hat he > would do if J he had ■mine?" CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Land Clearing - Excavation Work Sole Agents for - - ARMOR COAT WATERPJROOF CEMENT PAINT TEAROE . & SON, wEgT' Jeftcrson Avenue, left lust Sun­ day via the United States to visit her parents in Upper Burlington, . Nrn'a Scotia. Mrs. A rthur George, 2508 ; Law.son Avenue, is making s a t i s ­ factory progress following an operation at North Vancouver 2<i:U) Heflevm* Avenue. General Hospital. , ^kr. n,bpe,'2Cth and Haywood Avenue,'* is building a lunise at lu l l and Fulton Avenue.. * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey of Glen- eagles, have moved to Vaneou- ver. James Lowdon, wlui lia.s been a resident of the immiclpaliiy for furteon years, left on 'Pues- have moved to Vancouver., day to join his wife and family in Scotland, where he o.xiiecls to reside in future. Mr. and Mrs. J. Haydn Young . and Mix and Mrs. Aihu de Uidder are among the sponsor.^ of an evening with Mendekssolin to be presented next Monday in the Horticultural Hall, North Van­ couver,. under, the auspices of the North Shore Choral Society. Miss Joan Durbin -will read a- paper on the compo.ser written' by J. P. Woodi who is the organ- at I9th and Ottawa Avenue, izer of the program, vVhile Miss * * * Hilda Wilson, A.T.C.M., will Miss Margaret Lamb of Van- render one of Mendelssohn's couver is the house gue.st of pianoi compositions. Mixs. James 'Keid, 15tli and * .Fsquimalt Avenue. ■ ■--Fr«Weiner-has"TTioved"'in1u~a----;------------- *""*--*-- ............... house at 2506 Marine Drive. Mrs. Chai'lcs Jlay^ 1421 Duch- * * ' * '̂ ■ / css . Avenue, left last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. G. Goiitiere have with her father for a trip south. moved from 2063.Marine Drive. * into a. house.,a.t 2192^ Marine " Golden Wedding Aliss- Doris lUvuley an d . MiiJS. * Muriel Hunlwell have arrived from Pasadena, California, and are occupying u house al 22nd ami Bellevue Avenue, Dr. and Mrs- L. E. Massey of Kamloops, spent the week end with Major and Mrs. F, Bayliss, « i|> 4> Mr. anil Mrs. Wraydwin Bal­ den have moved, from 20th ami Marine Drive into tlieir home at 25th and Ottawa Avenue.' ■ ̂ 1̂ 1(1 i(t . ------- 'rile iloat at'Dundarave Ider lias heen taken to h'islierman's (k)ve. ■ , * i|< ' Id ,I • . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ford BiH'cken- ridge and son, UadclilTd Avenue, ,1. Moon, 1313 Fui ton, A venue, has licen aiipoinled 4b iho statT ■' o f the local'branch of the Royal . Bank. ■ , «»■ , , td. ,i(i >d The WesI Vancouver Scotti.sh Countiy Dance Society are hold­ ing a (lance on Saturday night a t the Clachan. ' ' * . " >d Ik ♦ " ■ • fUake Wilson of Vancouver, is having the ground p'repareiLfor the construotlon of his new home. , Drive. H. A. Cowlin has moved- into a house a t 1719 Duchess Avenue., Mr. and Mrs. R. MacDonald have moved into a house a t 18th and Bellevue Avenue; 9% W h e n . K n i l l C r i e s » W o l f T h e r e i s a W o l f When we urge upon you the necessity .o f securing for yourselves ps miirh sfiwHiisi-. rs ynhi ean accommodate we are dqing you a real favour. Get in' touch a t once and le t us know you r requiremepts.. K N I L t t F U E L S W bO D -- COAL -T-" HOME OIL FU E L S _ ' " ,5t3 Lopsdale A ye. ; WEST : 3 9 SAWDUST - .... North 94 On Wedne.sday, the 13th inst., Mr. and Mrs. PYed Smith, 1262 Duchess Avenue, celebrated theeir goldep wedding. They had a very pleasant surprise from a large pumbei* of their friends • in the afternoon and Vwer^ the recipients of many " gi f ts--a n d--good--w i s^hesr--a-ls o-- ' Mr. andTVIrsTTl.^JL'GiThYigK^m^nur^ .spent the evening wilh of Sherman, have moved into ^^ >̂ them.. - inciiiding their .son of house at 3450 Marine Drive. p (Vancouver, a daughter of Wc.sl . ■* .^iVancouver, aiid two granihsoris. Shower and Smith have two Mrs. George Leer and Missw^.g^j^ddaughter.s. one in Victoria,. "Evelyne Black, were c o - h o s t e s s e s a n d one-in Sydney, N.S.-W., , at a shower on October 13th, atW Australia. They lost their oldest the former'.s home, 775 Victoria^ ' Drive, Vancouver, in honor of Mrs. W. E. J. Lefroy (nee Pris­ cilla Schnurle). ated .with white and yellow ...streamers; an artistic umbrella filled the corner of the room,;, while a wedding bell hung from the electro!ie>. The gifts were presented from a chest covered with autumn roses. -- After an enjoyable.evening of games, dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. W. E. -Jr Lefroy, Mrs. H-. -Schnurle, Mrs. T. Crickmay, Mrs. G. Leer, Mr':s>-FrMa^ airdLthe "Misses Evelyne Black, Isabella Blac_k,_ =Betty^IfeIdsworlh) ~J Crum and Connie Page. NIGHT CLASSES The West Vancouver Board of SohooLTrustec.s are endeavoring to arrange for a .start being made of the night classes as soon as possible. It i.s hoped to set .some date a t the beginning, of November. Meanwhile the Board are in touch with Victoria in reference to grants; Notice of the date on which the classes will begin will appear in next week's i.ssue. DICKENS^ CLUB The Dickens' Book Club comr menced their rehearsals in Sep- tem berr --The--- Sketches^^--ai from '̂Bleak- House--.-and--it--is hoped to pre.sent therhxearly in° December. " ' i.-̂ .spn in the World War. They I were married in Salisbury, Will- shire, England, which they Ibfl in 1908 for Australia, and- aftciv touring the South Seas and _ United State,s .settled in Vancou­ ver 26 years ago. They have r<'- sided in West Vancouver for leu . years. * H« ' Ik Mr. and.Mrs. D. Allan are mov_ ing back this week to tneii^iou.se " pn Radcliffe Avenue. •' ■■ ; 'ik ■'■'.■•"ik..."ik ■ ■ .Tohnson--Hadwin A pre'ity"we(liring took place "on. the evening" of October 8th at the home of ' Mr. and Mits. '^^reird!^^adw iir,= whinTrihiiu"- 1 daughter, Barbara Florenci;, was _ of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Jolin- son of Vancouver Heights, 'fhe bride. was„ dres.sed in white- Egyptian lace and had a liouqiiel of ro.ses an'd-carnations. She was attended by her si.ster Belly, who wore a dres.s of yellow priiil- ed georgette with matching bpu- - quet. Mr.'A. C. Rabbit acYed as . best" m an. The, wed ding m a rc ti was played by Mrs. Paul Tatman and.-Mi.ss Bes.sie Martin san^x "All Joy Be Thine" accompanied by Miss" Cameron. The ' cere­ mony was performed by Rev. Hillis Wright, in the presenc<> of . relatives and a few old friends of the bride and groom. Among- the out-of-town guest.s were Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. rr 3 . A D C O With your compost imikes valuable m a iiu re ---- VERNON ̂ FEED STORE A. C, SKAHÎ K 'Phofio Went » Stratton^AKERY H O M E - M A D E B R E A D FItKSIt DAILY Ton viiriolU'M io Huit uvory iatUo Moiil I'los -- Turnovi'i-H IOitIos <!alu'H --- I'liHtrluH Itiiim ami RoIIh Not(' Address: . 1 168 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre TIIHU'.SDAY...Ootohor HI.si. WILLIAM lUnVELI^ <'T H E G R E A T Z I E G F E L D " (OiuH' only I'i'oin li ii.iii.) FKIUA.V imd SAT. Ootolu'i' 2'Jii(l and 21 .lEI) IMtOUTY ' ' . " BIG BUSINESS" also BOSCOE'S EAS'nOlt EGG' -SAT. KVKNING & MONDAY ........ Oclobor 2.'li'd and 25Ui TYUONK rOW EIt LOKKTTA YOUNG "LOVE IS NEWS" ■ also,. •, ■ N() PLACE U K E ROME" TIJLISDAY iinlL WLDNK.SDAY .O'cTtolmr 2nth and 27Ui . .IRAN AUTHllH .(;EOIt(JK DllENT rt n ii A SECRETARY" nl.so "SECRET A (iEN T'L {Om:e only at H:20 p.m.) Harold A. Eager & Son B u i l d e r s & G o i i t r a c t o r S " Home.s of DiBlinction. : ; ■ AlteratioDH . Itepairn ' Ro-roofing 8 2 5 f^ 2 n d Street .' GENERAL Builders* Supplies Coal, W ood and Sawdust WEST VAN. BUILDERS' SUPPLY 21.').'l Marine Drive" " W eal .'»00 ANY MAKE BROWN &_MUNtON 1Ki12 MARINE DRIVE --WEST 300 .M.'ii.iln'r.. ,\,IJ.T. of a e. THEHIGHLANDS ■ L'i93 Marine Drive ---------- - "Where Gofni Food Is Served." '■ ' ■■■ . V ■ W est Vancouver's Sm artest iuace to hat. ^ - parentis of the groomr-The-yr?urtg" couple ar^ rhaking their horrie a( 4470 Norjanil. Avenue, Burnaby." L eft in Doubt-- Policem an (a fter the eoJli.sion): "You saw this Jady "dri.y.ing towynJ you. W hy didn't you give her the road ? " ' : ._________ ' _̂_____ --- Motormi-̂ -̂ I7"v̂ s ̂goirig-teT-aii /̂oon- '̂ as I could di.scovcr which half .she w anted," '"T --e x p e r t - ' DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER 1. 0 . D .E . W atch and Clock W IN T E R g a r d e n P A R T Y ~ -R E P A IR IN G T . CHRISTENSON W EDNESDAY AFTERNOON A N D EVENING , NOVEMTfEli .'Jrd, (form erly ■with Birks Ltd., in the Orange Hall , , Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive BRIDGE - TEA AND SALE - FA SH IO N SHOW, ETC,