West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 2

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I f f - ̂ ■ ' t III I ■ . !i .) ^ V ¥ ' ')»r ,,"A'" t - , -i 3;.f V J ^ ■-I ;.' . S' " I c i s'- '•ik '■K a i ' i ;,'K, ' 4: t' - '̂f ' ! a i i _ ll|i1i!>g!iHi)»i October 2h 1937. I iriwTfJUf liw im ic iiiJ ttc ii ' »ff;HlllliWtlj^t,lfaitlit«r" #itii4ir iiffk i* lliis »A» ftliS P.ttu 'iSliindif ■Sel»«M9l"«Jid 10 a.m. Stratig«rt A VliKwrt W«li^m«. 4.* Y o u r E y e s a r e y o u r m o a t i m p o r t a n t b e a u t y f e a t u r e 0 A m S T C0UU C H JMiaJbter l{«f. W. Li. McKay, aO- Bunday Bcrciee* jUiOO ■. a.m<^burcli. ■ School io« eluding AdtUt Class 11 «,m, & 7:30 p,m.--Preaching Services. A inorty welcome to all Knd ull worricH ubout liinvirig pulu'Unattruetive luflhcK or that iianl Vmu(l<'-u|»" look with our »n'W Kuff and iiermunent ImhH and brow tiiilK. For your next perm anent.try ibiuri. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive j 'erm anents, 1540 Marine Drive W est m DR, G. D, H, SEALR D.D.B.; D.D.B. AJr jba I'jm MiBp a Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Olllce Hours 9 to 0 p.m. ' Evenings by appointment, Phone W est 72 HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess FIHDAY, OftolH'r 22nd, from 7:15 to K; 15 p.m. CANTFKN SEKVICK for Hoya and Girla Speaker: MU. JACK ANDKIIHON FltlD AY , Octolrer 22nd, from H:2() to 9.20 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. HCNDAV, Oct. 2 n il, at 10 a.m. Suiulay School and ■young People's Bible (3u.4.s SUNDAY, al 7:30 p.m. COSPKI. SEKV1CI-: . Speaker: Mlil JAMES LYON of Toronto Mr. Jamea Uyon will uIho con­ duct Special Servicew eacli even-, ing, Monday to Thurwlay, Oc­ tober 25th t<i 2Kth, at K p.m. Come and liaten to the (loapel. WEST VANCOUVEH Christian Science ,.,.™ 9^..™ ,.Seciety... .........- CHURCH EDIFICE 20tb and Baiittiinslt. UoUyborn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Hirst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts' Sunday Servloli: Jl:30 a.m. Sunday, Odoher 21th, Subject: "l*K()BATIO.N Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testim ony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and m eetings. COKI^OHATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER" UikVf*,-'! V O T E R S ' L I S T , 1 9 3 8 i>orstjiis dcttirinK aud entitktl to have their names placed o„ t l . VoUT.flJ.st for H»:58,as Hou.seholdera, Licence or I>oll 'r-i\ HoidcrK mu.st nic a declaration (which may be made be- f/.ri. M N'olarv iniblic or the undersigned) in the form providtsl, on o, llol^re the end of October, 1937. ^ Forms may be oblaimui a t the Municipal Hall. ^ ii , ■ \ I »■ -, .t - Dated this 12th day of October, 1937. ; WM. HERRIN, ' Municipal Clerk.Ilollybuni, li. C. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOiAC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Millay, Pastor Phone West 54.0 S E L f = '- C O N S C I O U S N E S S . ' This c o m m o n Tailing in .spouker.s, and others who m ust express ji. tliemselve.s in public, is easily, but definitely (ivengrmc, and eoni;;"'̂ plete eonlideiiee established, by the fasc in a tin g PSCYCIIO DltAMATIC Method, developed by MK. GEORGE GOUTIEKK. Cla.sses are ikjw being orgahixed a t his Studio, 2192 Marine Drive, We.sit Vancouver. ■ ' « Estnlilished. on North Shore 25 Years' (I>ady Assistant)* ' IIAimON BROS. LTD. funeral iirectocs North Vancouver parlors 122 West Sixth Street - ------- Phone -N or th-134------- , Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East ' . -4"hone Fair. 134 UNITED CHURCH 2l.st and Esquimau Ave. itev. miliH Wright, Minwter Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8;15 a.m. ■ High Mas.s and Si'rjnon - ■ a.m. ^ ■ Rosary and Benediction 10:15 - 7:45 p.m. . ■ ' C-atechiam and Bible ('las.s--2:00 .Sunday Services: 11:15 a.m. ami 7:15. pap; ' | Sunday School and Bible Class a t 10 a.m, Explorers meet Monday at 7 p.m, „ Tux is Croup meet Tuesday'at „7_|).m . p.m. Week-day Service.s Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction --7:46 Saturdays -- Confessions.; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. . START to SAVE TO-DAY-TheSystemaitc Way We Compound Interest on Instulinent Savings CertificatcH -- There's a plan to lit ydur, purse, with 100'/ Security . VOKKSIIIUE SAVINGS Ai I.OAN ASSOC., Yorkshire Bldg, Vancouver , , ------------------------------ Mail .tills coupon today-- , . A. MUdd'3{, 2070 ItFId.KVlIE AVE:, HOLLYBURN, B.C. Without ol)ligaLion, 1 am interested in •roetdving information re , the York^liire Savings Flans. ... ■ , • i Name.............. :.................... - ........... . ' Address. Hollybiirn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive PhONE WEST 583 M I8 8 D . H. H O R IE F e r g u s i< > h * s T R U C K t l N E CTi.I.T. meet Wednesday a t 7 p.ni, -- -- r- •Praver meeting Wedne.sday a t 8 p.m. ' • ■ C h o ir practice Thursday at 8 p.m. , ' : ' T'he Choir will present the anthem "Remember Now Thy Crea.lor." Mrs, Howieson and MVs. Watt will sing a duet. * In the evening R. W.. Froud. will be the soloist. Come to Gotl's house next Sun­ day and worship with those who ■ke^p"hoi.VYlay.--------- 1'--------- -̂--- CHURCHES^ OFTHRTST,- SCIENTIST WHAT ,1S A BOY? Ho is a person who is going to carry " P R O B A T I O N AFTER ■DEATH'* will be (lie subject of the l-<e.s.son - Sermou In all Churches of Christ, .Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text i.s: 'Tie that on what you have started. He is to sit right where you are .sitting and attend, when you are gone, to , those things, you tliiiik are so im- jioi'tant. You m a y adopt all the policies you plfcase. ' but how.-they w ill'be carried out depends upon him. • . . Even if you make leagues and Have a nice Hot Drink of Chocolate, Ovaltine, or Malted Milk at the . \ • HOLLYBURN DAIRY* ,̂K.e-r West 617 "ri!l.702 M arine Drive ' shall endure unto the end, the . same shall be .saved." (Matthew treaties, he w ilt have to nianage them. 24: 13). > He is going to sit at your, desk in ■ A m o n g th e c ita tio n .s w h ic h the Seriate, and occupy yom- place on ' C om p rise th e I ,e s so n - S e r m o n is the Supreme Bench. fh e -fo llo w -in g -^ l-ro tn --t-lK*--B ib le-:- n^siTm ^control^of--yom^ Lv. W est V u d r ^ " ***i>.̂ ̂ l^m. Lv. Vuncouvpr p.m. Lv. Van.. S a tu r d a y ^ |n .m . onlv: West 85 Doug. 429 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey October 24th--'rrinity..XXIl. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Cx)mmunion ™H~tT*6Tmn7====dVlzti4hs~imd~StitTttorr: EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS IIEA.SONABI.R WALLY CRAIG (Over M Yoara' Experience) 2117 A rgyle Avenue .. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. ■ „ r Thursday, Oct. 28th--Si, Simon St. Jude, r0:15--Holy Gom- munion. -------SL-I<h*Jmcis*in-thc-Woods,------ Caulfeild "Many shall be pprilied, and cities, states; and i^ations. made white, and tried; h u t the He i.s go ing to move in and take wicked^ahull do wickedly: and over your prisons, churches; schools, none*T)f the wicked shall under- universities, and corporations. All stand/ but the wise shall under- your work is going to be judged and JitjPjll:-- (S,I:\,IVIII ■ j ? ,, ,,f.Q) ___ _____ pra'isud. or. condenmcd.-by-Jiim.___ ___i. _ 1 he Lessou'®- Sermon also in- ■ ■ Your reputation and - your future deludes the following passage are in iris band.s.' ' ' - from the Chri.stian Science text- All your work is for hiiK,"̂ and the book, Science and Health with. fa.te of the nation and of humanity Key to the Scriptures" by Mary is ^is hands. , ' Bakei Eddy . Every mortal at So it might'be well to/my him'̂ some .'>ome period, or hereaffeiv P . D . 0 . c a f e Best Q uality Food used; Silex Coffee w ith a reputation for goodness. You w ill enjoy our 40 cent Lunch'and D inner. W e special- jze^m.-Home-M^de.r'Ghieken-P-iesr 1512 Marine W est 616 T ^ t e - f ^ e n c l P B e a u t y S a l o n For Work'^of Glyality 1562 Marine Drive Phone W, 212' 9;45 a.nu--Holy Onimunion. FUEL SUPPLIES WOOD -- COAI. -- SAWDUST Bush Fir, Dry............. ,'̂ 5.50 cord Mill Fir, D ry............... $5-.50cord Heater, Furnace arid Fireplace Blocks _..,.$4.26"yo'rd Slabs and Edgings,..'..,$3.75 riord" 3 cords for........$11.00 cera^^ SAW DUST Place your order now for September and October delivery, while prices are low .-,' CHARLIE THOMPSON 1441 Ifidle vuiT A ve. West 582 Weest *582 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay' 1645 Duchess Ave. „ The thirteenth anniversary of the church will Ik: celebrated Sunday, October 24th, by special .services, both morning and even­ ing. The pastor will preach in the. .morning... on- the subject, "Going Forward," and Rev. A. =nGr=^iiflm>ytTOf-tho==Urand\^^ must grapple with and overoome the mortal belief in a power, op-, posed to God." . ' attention; Y. W. C. T. U. - The regular monthly meeting ■ of the "Y".j,took the form o,f' a social gathering at which gentle­ man friends . were > invited, on Tuesday,. October 12th, a t the home of Mrs. Skirton. Follow­ ing; the devotional "and a short period of business, a gay eveniiigL I n s u r a n c e & R e a l E s t a t e IVC; GIBBENS & CO. Ltd.; 1473 Marine Drive W est 70.4 S P E O A L Inside F ir ............... $5.50 per cord Slabs w ith Bark $4.00 per cord 'Slabs & E dgin gs $3.75 per cord SA W D U ST PRITAM 'S FU E L P h on e N orth 620. Timid Wife (to dtusband who has fallen asleep a t , the wheel " I don't mean to dictate to you, George; but i.sn't that billboard coming a t us, aw fully fa s t? " . preacher--in tho evening. The choir, under the leadership of -Miss Winifred Brealey, with El­ more Humphreys a t the organ, will lead, in the worship of song. B. S. Short will be the morning soloist, and Charles Watson in the evening. > _ The Church Scliool will meet at 10 o'clock. . The Young People's Society will be withdrawn on Mond«^y to enable the members to attend the city rally m Jackson Avenue Baptist Church a t 7 :30 p.m .. was spehl^^in -'gamesr^ At -the" B u r r a n h L a u n d r v 1 t H : clainty refreshments .served by the hostess. I ^ U W D R Y S i R J F H l L DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones -- West 691-L or North 1310 E2iid-WEST_,VA^COm^R l a THE West Van News Publiahed Every Thursday TROOP OF BOY SCOUTS MB PuUliahet- m F. F, LOVEGROVE - Phone West 363 Business and Editorial O'ffice: 1704 Marine Drive" Phone West 55: „ _ _ * -sThe weekly meeting of the 2nd West Vancouver Ti'oop of Hoy_ Scouts was _ held a t the -PauIincrJohnson-AimCxijn'^Tnes: 'day, October 12th, Tile' hike to the new bridge was again postponed due to weather. On Tuesday, 18th instant, Mr, f"'f „ - 'A ll'i 1 5 North VancotiYer Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. Hawkes gave the boys an inter- Jl $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year .by mail esting talk on the Royal Canadi­ an Mounted Police. ■ Five engin- eei's badges were issued and Douglas Hookham was welcomed into the troop. A roa^ scene on the property of the British PaciBc ProUrties. /• i A;":