West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 1

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n. I .......... . W ■ ̂ r . J 1 . -V. . ■■■,.■ . ■ ' ■ ■ ■ CiTCulMfig ift the District of West Vancouver'̂ Amblesidê Hollyburn ̂Westot/j Dundarave D ner v«Ar. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. ....................$1.00 per year. 6c per copy at newsatanda. Vol. XII H O L L Y B y R N P .O ., W E S T V A N C O U V E R , B.C., T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R .2 1 s t , 1937 N o. 29 THE BREAKING POINT PUBLIC MEET1N( COMING EVEN1V The recent crash in the American stock markets following 'I steady slump in prices, which had no w arrant from th e ' stamlpolnt of business conditions, can only mean one of two Ihiiigs. Either the American peM)ple have a t last realized their old policy of isolation has heoome a practical impossibil- iiv with all that the change implies,- or the present situation in Europe and the F ar E ast is far more critical'than has been made public, but which would, of course, be immediately known in higher financiarcircles. v , , Obviously aipoiilt has been reached or nearly reached whoi*e cither the democracies Or the dictators will have to " (rive ground. The former, each in their own way, have in­ formed Mussolini th a t"the time has come to "talk turkey." Tlu'v will nq longer tolerate his policy of diplomatic evasion, which is only a cloak for continued attem pts to establish an Italian empire by force of arms. And there is. reason to believe Unit this time they mean ju s t what they say, for the tide h is turned in their favor and England has re-armed. ' The foundation of. both Hitler's and Mussolini's policy of wdrld agression was a whirlwind campaign based on the efficacy of the' aeroplane and- the tank to achieve a quick victory such as they won in Ethiopia. , Fortunately for the world they have failed everywhere else. The new anti-tank guns have done th e ir work, wWle the light tank, on which such high hopes were .placed, has proved itself vulnerable, even to such slight weapons, comparatively speaking, as hand grenades. And the aeroplane opposed by the. improved anti­ aircraft-guns, has not' been able-to reduce-M adridm uch-less-- deal-effectiveIy_with--troops_in_the_field.. A public nieeilr/g will be held a t 8 p.m, next Thursday, Octob­ er 28th, in the Orange Mall, at which the Reeve and Council will explain the by-law on which the electors will vote on Wednes<lay, lird November. ' y ELIMINATING FEAR An unUsuiil method of over­ coming a common failing has ^Vedllesday, 10th Nov. Fall HOLLYBURN KIJNERAL HOME ' Harron Bros. l.td. anndanco tha t their~new West Vancouver parlors known as "The Holly- burn^Funeral Home" will be open for inspection on afternoons and evenings beginning Monday, Oc­ tober 25th. A hearty invitation is extended to the West Vancou­ ver public to call and look over this- new, and. up-to-date estab- lishmenj:. Full particulars of the fittings and arrangements ()f. (he new building will be given in a later issue. X!RAWLEY„iiJJARKER OPEN NEW [PREMISES Foiled in Spaing the dictators turned to Japan for a quick -victory in China, which would have kept the Russian armies -too-busy-toTinviade-Germany-or-Italy-in-lar-ge-numbers.^-Again, 11 ii .1 _; Vmn VirLon fVin af arfinnr nnnfViPnall that has been accomplished has been the startingJoLanpther, long campaign,"which was fhe lastl thing fhey had bargained for, and, under th6 circumstances, the very worst that could have happened short of defeat. . .. , . ' Today-they with their ally, the military .party in Japan, face the deluge. They have, starved their peoples for arma­ ments, they have exhausted both their moral"and .financial credit; they have used up a l l . their resources, and now they find themselves only a t the beginning of the road that pleads to world supremacy;-.They'must-w.in"'With-what they have,.or., else admit failure to__theii^ peoples' instead"* of the much. - Crawley & Barker announce the opening of their now premis­ es a t 16th and Marine Drive, 'which^wilktake place'tomorrbwr With the very large addition, their s to re . will 'be one of the finest in West Vancouver and is a practical tribute Mb the recent boon developed by George Gou- tiero who, after years of study in ditVerent niarts of the x̂ 'Otid and many vain attem pts to cure hivs, own inhibitions, came upon a key to the solution while he was a student of Constantin Btanislavski's system of play­ acting. Inspired by Stanislav­ ski's logic, Mr. Coutiero has painstakingly built u p .a inode (if sjudy which h(> has named, his Pscycho-Dramatic Method; . As the name suggests, thought and̂ action conihiiui to success­ fully ; overcome Self-conscious- Miess-and other fear complexes leadingMo sptHHdi defects and af­ fectations so seriously hamper­ ing to tho.se who inust speak or appear in public. ^Mr. Goutiere asserts that teclihical studies, such as elocution, although es­ sential, should be folhiwed after, and not" before, the groundwork ()f solfr;oonfideiKX> has Bteen laid. "YAs an illustration, the man who" -rushes -i n io--t h e - li ud i to r i u m - and shouts, "F ire !" does not have to be an elocutionist or a student of mass psychology to get Hi§ -message over to his audience.-In fact, .he is more effective vyith one word than some well-known,, politicians are with ninny. This is because, before he make.s his speech of one word he has know- llazaar of Naomi Chapter, O. E. S', in the Masonic Ifall. b V-l a w r e c e iv e s UNANIMOUS SUPPORT 'hi' by-law, of which the full text apne'ars in this issue, ra- neccived the unanimous support of a special nu'oting called on Mon­ day night ill the Council Cham-, Im'I' by till' JUh'Vc and Council. I'x'sides Reeve Le,viand and Coutieil there were jiresent Ex- Keeves, lOx-Councillqrs, mem- ' Ix'i's of tlie Board of School 'I'rusli'es, the Police Commission, • and 'J'owii Planning Comjniission, the Municipal Solicilbr, the Municipal Clerk and the Mlini- ci))al Engineer. After Reeve Leylmui hud lully explained the by-law, and . following a disoussion and ques­ tions a resoluthyff in support of same., received the unanimous ~a iipro va 1 ~ of--th e mcotingr" t he~ and fu ture growth of the muni­ cipality-.. In addition to a large ledge, conviction sorriething-to and up-to-date stock of hard- say, and a soul-stirring, inspira res() Ij i.t i.( ur_bo i ng_mo.ved_.by...Exr_^ Rl̂ ev(̂ George H.'iy and seconded' by Ex-Reeve David Morgan. A ■ resolutfion thanking the Reeve and Council for.their.good., work (luring the past few years was also moved by Ex-Councillor Peti'r Waite and seconded by Ex- Councillor Harry BrUndrett and passed uimnimously. A ])hdto'was then taken of the .gathering comprising as it did, the greatest number ever as-ware they ,wUl ieaiTy radios, MionJ i 4 .. » , washhig machines, M'rigidhjres, ' Limited group classes are'now electric-and-othen-ranges,--all^being_organj>.ed,_aiid-.s}ioul(l_be_.:^^ tal^n a n ^ t i ^ pm n n JliA kinds of' householcr appliances; ' of in terest to "a l l . iriteresteilMn «iiinjcipdMife ol WesC-Vancou- etc. public and social speaking, leacli- ing and ot'h(3r activities necessi- -̂---- tating contact \yith other-people. ^ NOTICE Thesc'classes will be held at Mr. ̂ ; Cbutiere's Studio a t 2192 MarliU' % Gons^:vatives a.m a to :promised" victory. ' . Unless all indications fail, they have been endeavoring for some time to irrita te the democracies into committing some act which might be interpreted as an act of war. That would-be an excuse for them to tell..their peopk^^ vx-. M M i-.atteM _jaii,d .tp ..Apd hes_t^ -- _-da-y-)^foom-7M3.0^3,m_toM.0-p,ra, danger "of- th o -b c^ o tt, • which, as we pointed out when .tne League of^Natidns was first formed, is tantam ount to declar­ ing war in this age of international trading. The time for a showdown has borne. The public are invited to in-; spect the new premises,_jvhich will also be open tomorrow (Fri- Drive, West 708-L. ' SYSTEMATIC SAVING The .^Yorkshire Savings and Loan Association announce the Sino.p going tn press, news has' come of Muss(Mini-s..xa,Ppaijr,2 Tentfy-baeking'tiownMn-Spain--Onlyythe-event-wilLprbv %-h ow-; ever, whetheF this is not another diplomatic evasion.--Editor, BAND CONCERT The concert to be given by 11 le appointment of J. A. Miller, 2670 West Vancouver-School Band on Be^ttevire^Avenu6~HgMlTgnN^pre--~~Fidday-of-ifrext-wee LAND CLEARING HOLLYBURN HALL An advertiser in th is issue has A Lantern Service for power equipment for clearing and girls will be held froni 7 :15 and grading streets, lanes, lots, to 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in,.Holly- etc. Rush jobs wanted. Esti- burn Hall, the speaker being. mates free. Interested parties Jack Anderson, whilqjrom 8:20 ing a personal reserve fund of pected that sentative for :the North Shore. The Yorkshire & Pacific Secur­ ities Ltd, with head office in thb Yorkshire Buifdiug, Vancouver, are.^he general managers of the Yorkshire Savings .& Loan AlS- sociation and have over 45 years investment experience in. B, C. The absolute necessity of creatr surpass anything yet attemiitod by the boys. Since their la.st appearancf', the bOys have taken part in the Vancouver Musical Festival, and the Canada Pacific Exhibition, winning every contest opeii to Junior Bands. „ With such a record,̂ -i t ds e-x- West Vahoorj.vei* the annual meeting will be held within the: month of Novemlber. See West Van News foi; further details. John T,. Fox,- secretary- treasurer, West Vancouver Con- aei:v.fltivp ̂ Assooiation. We.st 45-7-R-2-.----- ^ -- s ix t e e n :eh_a n n u a l MASONIC DANCE "iare asked' to phone West 262-L or oall at 1326 Haywood Ave­ nue. - to 9:20"p.m. there will be prayer Tealized by the citizens The sixteenth annual dapee of King David Lodge No. 93, A. F. and A. M., will be hold tomcirrow (Friday) night in the OniVige Hall,. Garden's Orchestra has been engaged for the. occasion,- -....... ... ........ ....... . ̂ _ ___ __ ___ . will again tu4m: o in hhd'Sibre study. Sunday Sch^ool general public to such an e'xtent large numbers to hear the Baml, .and there will be dancing from andi-Young Peqple's_Bible._Class_during_recent_years tha t systemr._._ and to show the boys t hat they__ Q P«ui. tO' I a.m, _ Refreshments at 10 a.m. next Sunday, and a t atio savings plan.s'are proving are interested in their success. will also be served,-Admission vice; Janies Lyon of Tbrbifforlo^ tmnkm a lsoM ^^arlK ing the speaker. Mr, Lyon will . An advertisement relatWe to Tickets may be secured fromConservatives of the North _ . . . . , , ...... _Shore will sponsor a dinner in also conduct special services each this appears m this issue, honor of Dr. Frank P. Patterson evening, Monday to Thursday> any member, of the Band.' West 133-L-2, ̂ West 141. .Avenue? tr the seefetary, and elected members on Friday, October 22nd, a t 7 .p.m. in the Olympic Club dining roomi,. 140 . East 2nd Street, North Vancou­ ver. For full information please •phone John T. Fox, secretary, /North Shore District Coh^rva- tive Association, West 457-R-2.♦♦♦ October 25th to 28th, a t 8 p.m. LEGION W. A. I. 0 . D. E. The usual monthly meeting of the Legion W. A. will be held at 2:30 p.m.?hext" Monday in the Le^on Hall; All members are asked to be present. ' V ■ BRITISH - ISRAEL :dfflnMriGardenjgaTAyfMigrthezzT=:Th6=reguIar3iw,eekl^ name chosen by members of the of the Dundarave Branch of the. Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. British-Israel World Federation D. E,, for their Tea and Sale in wilhlbe held on Monday next at Drange Hall on Wednesday aft- 25tfi and Marine Drive. A, W- ernoon and evening Bridge, Nov- Breireton will be the speaker. All -embey-^rd ............ . ^ A large committee under the genei-ai convenership of the -reg­ ent, Mrs. W. B. Small, is rapidly completing'details for the Fash arevyvelcoffier MYSTERY NIGHT mn QU " -r. ------ ------------- A^Mystery N fghf is being held n bhow, Booths and other a t- by the Canadian Legion and tractions. -I^^on W. A. a t 8 p.m. Saturday, ----- --------------^ . * ..October 23rd, in the Legion Hall. Mrs. Eber .Rothwell, 151i2 I t will be an enjoyable evening *^nne Drive, is ni^kihg a satis-" witH prizes for those who are lactory recovery a t the North lucky. Admission 25 cents and Vancouver rtonAfoi 1 ■ i~7 I*■ ■ 11 I IT'I i~h~> i~1 4*rt iCjGeneral Hospital fbl- refreshm ents by W. A, lowing an operation. cents. A road scene on the property, of the British Pacific PropertiSk. ~ • < tj-* -!< t.f'i 1-̂ ---