West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Oct 1937, p. 8

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ffippippi mmm. THE WEST VAN NEWS October 21; I9S7. i f i SM IT H 'S m a r k e t C0EEE8P0NDENCE Phone West 46 RED-AND WHITE T - ^lione. West 46 Hf'ECtALH Meats--'Phone West 370 FIIIDAY AND SATUIU)AV. Oct. 22nd & 23rd W' ' NVw I'M̂k TOMATO JUICE 2'fiit. iiuM On I Ur; 3 tinN 29e Itid Ji Wliitf Hrtttid KOUI»H Ti>mu(o, VcifHalih', (ri«in Chowder 2 iiiiH J7e; 3 tina ...... 29c & WliHe UEA8~ Hicie n 12r; 3 thiM 34c HU'Vi* 1 13c; 3 tiria 37c Sieve 3 Hie; 3 Una 45c Red ik WliHe TOMA'rOKH tiiiM 3 for 27c Red White OKKEN CUT HEANH tin I2t'; 3 thiM 34c )ted K While UOHK Hi BEANS 3 tiiiM . .̂............... 25c lied Hi While COEFEK, ll>. tin ... 31c Have the CouponH for Viilunlile UreniiutitH. ■ IIONEV. Miiiiilol»ii No. I White '2 Ih. 3 oz. Tin..........................25c OA'I'S -- (|iiuker, non>t>rettii> ' ,iim, 'More ilinii 30 (cenerouN werv* in|{H in II parhutfe .litr;;e |>kf(. 22c Bed Hi White SilBIMBS, wet or dry On . - ............. 24c iV llS / \ 1 StrU.OIN ItOAKTS from Prime Steer Beef, per II), ..... . 25c SntCOIN TIP rtOAS'l'S from Prime Steer Beef, per lb. 24c MILK FBI) BOILINO FOWL per lb. ........ 24c W* . ,«> k«v,vn V/I Iu:>r i.wv/ SIIOLLDFU llOAS'rs of VEAL iirticle.s of UHcd clolliing, 52 pairH per lb. ̂ .............................'l6c;""of nhooH repairetl, 63 Hack.s of FINNAN IIADDJE, per lb. 17c coal and ,42 loads of wood among SMOKED FILLE3>}, per Ib. 18c 25 farnilies; 700 ijoutuls of pota- KlUPEItS ........... 2 IbH'. for 25c tiMjs among 15 fantilios; 7 jKir- On Thurttday evening, October I4tb, a number of cltizenH met .. w ith . the^ trustecH of Aha Weat Vancouver Welfare Assix'iuiion in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m. "J'he preHident, Mr. (L Cemmill, pre.sided and gave tt report of the year's activitle.'i of the Associ­ ation. He Htatnl that during the "year 3032 quarts of milk had been dislributeil to sonie twenty families; 83 orders of medicine and cod liver oil to 22 families; 63 parcels of grocerie.s and 32 orders of meat to 22 families; 214 articles of new clothing, 800 ̂ Govermnent Jnapected Only, LAMB BEEF P O ipHAMS LAMB BEEF P O ip VEAL COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DEUCATESSEN 1 Store at H o llyb u rn , next Theatrcr|> PHONE WEST 3 MCSIIBOOMS, per Ih. . ' . 35c Beef, Pork, liiiml), Veal *< ̂ FiiicKl (Quality 39f Bid Hi WhiU* MABMALADE i - l h . t i n '................ ......... ........... ............ Bid Hi Whili* fiOr.DEN COBN .Efiili 13; 3 tiivH........ 37c Nahoh I.ABtiE OY.STEBS . tin l!)c McIntosh APPLES-6 lbs. 25c. per box $1.39 ii ' - V t r BUY A POPPY Novtfinber l l t b Is fast ap- proaeliing. It is to be Itopt'd that the resi I i« > • « r 1 « r • » DEA'ni OF W. J. WILSON .sons were lilted with glasses; 3"' individuals wen* assisted to retioh their f<;icnds or work. Seed potatoes wc?re supplied to .some 25 families. Tn liddition to the.se numerous home.s werti supplied vyith stove.s, beds and bedding and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. 'The ehairman pointed out that the, cla.s.se.s which the Welfare sought to help tuul with whom they ,are concerned are chiefly , Service LUMBER Quality SASH & DOOBS sh in g i.es PLYWOODS LATH . , THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. P A IN T BUILDERS* SU PPL IE S ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 I L ir> cvj »7\: j|«/j/L:L4 lijcal \/i>v i voi"* «iVvc«i/ii^/t t ? * • ? t i jo \ / j i v/i i dents o f West Vancouver will 'rinwlfiy ih the Holy Cro.ss Hos- ■ ' . W B . ' ' , 1 / 1 1 1 ' J * t 1 l « • Word has ju st been' received the.se; .small pensioners, .such as of I lie death of W, J, Wilson on war. pensioners, mothers' pen- C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rttt4»,ror Classifled AdrertiBementB is 2 cenUi per word, minimaiit 25 centa. Except In the case of tliooe having regular accounta, all ciMai* Beds are payable strictly In adrance. .... Remember ClaasifijMla in the West Van Newa get immediate reaulta. . show that tiiey Inive not forgot­ ten tlie great sacidflce that was pimie, a Haci'iiice that Uie world might have democracy and peace Any buying a poppy will prove that liiey liavc not forgotten. 'Huise poppies are all made by pilal,, (Jidgary. The decea.sed, wlTo'liad been in indifl'erent licidlli, is very well knowiv in West Vancouver, having form­ erly ht.'en a partner in tiie iirm of Wilson and Moore at Dundar- av(*. I*'oi' the last few years he lias (T7iTdTiBTrd»rnTirsmess in LakTT(li.sabletl veterans and every cent ....................... -............ . olitaineiF from tlie proceed.s ,of Loin,sc in the summer,'siiending sale is used only for theiivbene- sioMers, old age pensioners and . elderly people of small, income. Also all tho.se ' ' for one oi pensions, hut because of .some technicality or another are de­ nied the small amount that would mean so much to them in SAVE MONEY on your land clearing* Have experience and equipment. Rush jobs wanted. West 252-L. o.se who nearly qualify NU-I^pNE CORSE^TS,,Surgical belts, :• othei- of the above alterutions. Mrs.- ^ 1018 ln,f .l.Mi.nMo.. Esquimalt, We.st 408-R., M ONUM ENTS -- For Monuments and Tablets phone evening for appoiiit- ment. S. Fraser, North 1059-L-2. LEGION HALL FOR R i^ T -- M eet- lags, Pai'ties, etc.; moderate rates. Phone W est 184-Y. F. W. Rivers. EXPEUIENliEl) GIRL wants house- . work; ĵlecp out. Phone West 381-Y. lit. .f|! • < i f ' ,' f t, 'I'he work o f selling the pop­ pies in West Vtincoiiver is com­ mencing Ndvemher 1st, and is being hahdlod by the Canadian Legion VVornen'.s Auxiliary, com. billed with nuMhher.s of the LO., DIE. and 'rown.swoinen's Cuild.-. 'riiOY' earnestly ask the public to giye them tlieir whole-hearted support as in the pa.st. Fumls 31 eed cd ^ m ru 'e ^ h r - (he .winter here. At the lime of going liT press no information w as a V; t i I a hie a s - to tlie fii i le ra I arraMgement.s,' ' their declining years. The meeting after very care­ ful earnest thought and study of AVAN-T-ED--,-- C leaning-and-w ashing, experienced. W est 658-L. • MARCEL SHOP -- Therinique Steam Perm anents. Only best m aterials used. E xpert operators. Phone -WesrSQdrRoyaldBaWBuildin^ How Much 1)(h;.s lie O w e? pixels A runner went into a general store in ITik towp ami bought a broom for 50 l• •̂rlls, hut before paying for it he got to talking with a neighbor. Pros- enfly lie said to thi*_ cIerk: "Wou 1 d "1 I ' than hefore-^a Poppy 'Pea will be held in the Legion Hall on Saturday, Novemlier iSth, detaiTs of Vvhich will be announcetl lateiv Also there williw* wreatlus for all. In format ion /regardin -yirti-mi nd--I !Xr ha rrg'1 ng" t h i .s~bi7TaTn-rfor the whole situation and with a personal knowledge of-the fami­ lies and their needs, while gladly recognizing that the depression for some is passing or^has passed yet recognize that there are still - those remaining who will require ourTooTitinued help during the winter.^ - Rocoft'nizing the existence of thi.y need the Association esti- h 1 ate--HnrtxLtkezisiiTn-^ FLOUR SURFACING -- J. Suther-, land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. ' . ' ' CHIM NEY SW EEPIN G -- Old Coun­ try w ay. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palm er, Capilano, North 811-R.r2. ■ L o s t -- Purse conUiining gold W al­ tham., watch with in.scription. Re­ ward. W est 82. FOR RENT -- 2 Garages $2.50 and $3.00. Apply .Mr, MeVeen, 1420 A rgyle. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, S o lid - tor, 1447 Marine, by appointm ent only. W est 403; 510 H astin gs S treet Seym our 4199 afternoons. FO U N D -- Black kitten, part Persian, between 23rd and 24th on Marine., - W est 589-R. . i*f T">1 ? V-yi' > can be obtained'from the con­ vener of Poppy Comniittet'j Mrs, T., Turner, VV'es1-245-1... 50 c<mt.s Wurlh of l,ol)ac<*o ?" I'he clerk made the oxcliaii^cf .iind th'o fiirnmr .slipped tile tol)acco into his pbekeL, wliilo he contiinied to talk, . He wa.s reminded that his (ehee needed fixing, --nn-htr-ndeed the' ck-rk to ('X̂-'hfmgc 'the ' (three thousand and fifty dol­ lars) will be required to enable them, to carry, on for the next lit teenmontlfs when they expect that the task will be: taken, over Jxv ....Lh.e -:,V a n'cau-v-ei W A NTED -- A-TnetrommreTfZBetond: hand. W est 150-R-2. GOTTAGE FU R N ISH IN G S FOR S A L E -- Kitchen cooking table with drawers $2.50; Idtfchen table $1.00; 2 dressing tables w ith draw- ■ ers and mirrors $1.50, $2.50; 2 leather seated oak rocking chairs, --^STOO-'̂ chT l̂Lzh'oiciii^atefla^gnm,; FOR SALE -- Automatic Oil Burner. for iurnace. Practically new. H alf price. North 256. ' ; ~ pl.ete $2.00; kitchen stove $5.00. W est 630-y. . W ANTED IM M EDIATELY-- Expert- EXPER IENC ED WOMAN W ANTS housework by day. Phone W est _260=R^_______ ! ■ r- tobacco for, frnci.* .slaple.s. When he got the stapie.s, he started" to walk out7------ --------------- " " ------------- •:5' .< NORTH .SHORE - LOC'AL COUNCIL 4 / / The North Shore Local (iouncil of Women met at the home of "B eg your pardon, but you did not pay me for the Btai)les," said- the clerk. _____ ' *•! r' 5-/ I 'C-t ' Mrs. E, lI. Jupp, 2Q(h and Ingle ww)d AvHinne, Monday afternoon with the iiresident, MIs.s E. ,J. Stevens, in the chair. Housing aiirr 'i'own Planning Cominittee wlUnieet at tlie home of the convener, Mrs. L. Rankine, 23rd nn<| Haywood A.veiiue, Sat­ urday atternoon for th<i purpfise of consi(lering resolufioir The next meeting will be.hokl -Oh, ye.s, 1 did; I gave you the to­ bacco for them." .. "But you didn't pay for the lobac- .sociation. Your .A.ssociation would take this roppbrtiiiiity to thalik all those who have by their gifts to this fund made it passible to cari'v on. They come to ynn nnyy - cooking; sleep out. Avenue. W est 201-X. FOR SA L E -- S inger drophead fiffw- ing machine, seven draiwersy in good condition; West" 408-R. FOR RENT -- New furnished house, four bedrooms. W est 664-Y. CO.' "I gave you, the broom for the to­ bacco," said the farmer a.s iio climber into his car. _ "But you didn't pay for the broom," prote.«itcd tJic dork, ; 'IL didn't take the broom, did 1?" answered the 'farnrer as he ilrove off. Abe and Jake were fishing iji _tlie. in berry Wharf Building, N o r d r buy in separate bont.s, Abe caught a garage. Rentals-rr • • *iM4<rk1lM ____ 1' _ • _• with confidence for-this their last Jippeal as an Association to ask lor your continued generous sup­ port. - . Your A ssf^ tT oir are asking tor volunLoors, men who would be willing, to devote two or three evenings to canva.ss for this ob­ ject. _ .A .speoialmeeting for such is -called to-nieel-in "the" 'ObuYicil Cdiamber on 'Puesday evening, ()ctober 26tli, at- the hour of 8. PRACTICAL N U R SE desires day dr night nur3ing_Qi:__wouId-m î -̂Tor- infaht. W est 81-L. LOST ■-- A lady's ' gold w rist watch between 17th and 25th on*: Marine > Drive. Reward W est 53-L -l. - 1--Mechanical^-Toysr FOR SALE --- Household Furniture. 2061 Esquimalt. W est 365. Juyenile Autos, W agons recondition^ ed. W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449-Marine. .FOR SA LE -- "Canada Pride" range cheap, 1270 Haywood Avenue. - MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night. .P a ssen gers fu lly insured. W est 512 H O USEK EEPER -- 'Good references, wishes position. W est 662-X, W. H. VA^S, Chiropractor, Suite 4,. HoIIybum Block. FOB SA L E - and pipes,- -- 585̂ L̂ 2.---- - Round upright heater good condition. W est W ATER PR E SSU R E RESTORED -- No'eure, no pay. Local-testim onials. ■ \ W est 188-X. SN A P A T -$2250 -- ̂ Lovely location 4. j tt - and .open, view;' close in;..5_rooms,_____ Jyade to order. H ave your old blinds tnorfenr; garage. R entals-r3 rooms • yeaned and repaired. Free estim ates Phone W est 74-L-2 W EST VAN. BLIN D & AW NING SU PPL Y -- Blinds and A w nings inade to order. H ave you r old blinds is ; : iIyyi ' <* H fT " • f t ' |,|w53a»S^ The Lst B. C. Sea Rangcr.s will welcome toTheir rank.s any girls of .̂ i.xtoen and oyer who are keen to join tiiem. Any such are a.sk-?- 0(1 to phoiU' West 646-X any Monday night. -dock- Im m edlately A ve called to .Take in , the other boat: "Oi, .lake; I have a haddock," - - "Veil," said .lake, "if you have-a haddock, vy don't you Udui an as-' pirin ?" --YEoiL-ji-s-niuvh as ye have~doni2" i t u n to o n e o f t h e s e hTlTe ones" Kindness Well Learned y o u have d on e i t u n to me." _ ^ teacher trying to impress upon Signed: REV. IIILLIS WRIGHT ^ilclreji-theJmportance-of-kind- ........ L IT* .. . ^ /-| ̂ ^ I . -X. ... --'I ' J 1 . ' - . ... a -- . bipners - intalled; furnace--repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. G. M. (lEMMILL, President West Van. Welfare Assn. t -< A 'Y - li- r, .Y... ' . I ̂•J" '1 ! ' ?! '* L nes.s to animals,-took them for a walk in order to bring the lesson home to them. H e a r in g a scream Trom little John­ ny, she asked: "W hat's the m atter,- Johnny?" ' "I've been sitting on a wasp," was- the tearful response, "and I 've hurt the poor thing." JN ST A L L A IIO N S-- E lectrie-R epairsr convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson. W est 108. FU R N ISH E D A N D U N F U R N ISH E D Houses to Rent--• H ouses, Lots, and Lawson & Pride, 1704 Marine, Phone W est 55. H ANDY A N N SHOP, 2442 Marine -- h ireworks. Stove P ipes, Hardware, _ Paint, Varnish. P u ttv . etc. "Is Mike Clancy here?" asked the visitor .at_the_quarry, ju st a fte r . the premature" explosion: 'No, sor," replied Costigah; "he's gone." "For good ? PRINTING --. For all IcjwHp of printing phone West Van News, West 363. iN EW HOMES GO V E R N M BYTf" „ „ LOANS , . ^n?all '^sh Payment, balance as rent, l̂?m.ding_.^payjment,--̂ taxes, - -water "Well-, sor, he wint. in that-direc- ^ t̂es. Constructed under expert tion." -Supervision. - Inquiries invited.-C. Jr- ..-- •- ------ .....;------------------------ Areher-LtdTrWe5t~225rSevr5954r-- A Golf Course Golfer Dream of WEST VAN MESSENGER SERVICE JIM TORN ER, Propri.tor Small Large F reightrSaSgag^ Picked up and Delivered ̂ d a i l y f e r r y s e r v i c e P H O N E W E S T S Residence Phone W est 245L before 10 a.m . and after 6 p.m . .̂ -L - ............ ........... -..^ & • ______ Ifi® ",r'V ' *' |:SVS .