West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Oct 1937, p. 4

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> . > - , I . «• ' J M f y„-*?)«><.t̂ ; • ■ ! ,. >11̂ ^ l,rfiiSvi{,.«l-Wr)l SH yrjMW 1«*«"-!̂ Ŝ«=T-1J •■< October 14. iq^ ' ^ ¥ s" I '! ■"'f r If?r p f f ■ - r « ' / J I L f. > ̂I" : iP f 'n 1* ■■; ■: W' 4 - TH E WEST- VA N N EW S HOU^YUUHN HALL Phone West 46 S P E C IA L S ( <IJ »-KF^-Aunt Mary'w . II). ZHt KWKFri' j'iUJNES, L«rir« «»U« lit I ** It. 11" .' ' jf SAIK DATKH ' 2 liw. I Ik ( AMfOKNiA OltIKII Al'KICOTS ,- J'ouihI . .,., jyr I'AHIUY FM)l)lt~*~Wlld Hokc 10 (I), Surk ' ..... 45f Sllli Sirud -- Packed lit It. C, C io s ro I ll>, (ill 22e j JIKIU. H K A l/ni S()A i\ . rak<> Sc AI*PI,KH-Melnt4»Mli « Ibii, 2ft« .SVI{l.'l'~-(,'rown Itrund. 2 Ih. lin lSr ( OUN I'l.AKHH--KeniMfK'H, with u Cen al Howl Free ,'( |)uekeln 27e CANNKI/OOODH I'INK .SAI.MON, I h (In 9r Hed A While PHAH, Hleve 1 RED AND WHITE »Phone .*,.«..^..rT-Trr,... ,uxn,u,.:vi............. :...... '...... " .', Meat8-*-Plione West 370 FlUOAY AND SATCHOAV, October 15 & 16 M EATS SIR L O IN K O A S l'S fro m P rim e St(*cr Het*C p e r Ib. ; 25c SIR I.O IN T IP R O A STS from P rim e S te e r B eef, p e r Ibi 24c MIIJC F E D B O IL IN G FOW]^ p e r lb. ......■........ '24c SI ro t 11J ) E R RO A STS o f V E A L per lb. ........... .'̂ ^w..vff?V„.̂ ,i';.'.>'40c-' F IN N A N IIA D D IE , p e r lb. 17c SM O K ED FIL L E R 'S, p e r lb. 18c K IP P E R S .......... .2 IbH. fo r 2.5c 'T h e second L an te rn lec tu re fo r boya an d g irla com lucted by Jack A n d e rE o n w ill be iield from 7 :15 to , S t l^ . io m o r ro w , (F r id a y ) in H o lly b u rn H all, to lx* follow-ed by p ra y e r and Bible .study from . 8 :2 0 U) 9 :2 0 p.m. S unday Sohool an d YoiJng Pcoplefs Bible Gbiss a t 10 u .m ., n ex t Sunday , O ctober J7 lh . A t th e 7:.'i0 p .m . at*rvice n e x t S u n d ay E v an g e lis t Jam e.s L yon f ro m T oronto , will preach th e Gospel. lOveiyone i.s h ea rtily ivnitecl. J E F F E R I K - Government Inspected Only ■ H M ̂ X A M B"" • W H I C " ^ COLD MEATS OF ALL iONDS DKLICATiBSSSEN 1 s t o r e a t H o l l y b u r n , n e x t T h e a t r e PHONE WEST i 2 No. 2. liiiH P(.<1 A While PORK fit HFANH .T IS-o/. I ins .............................. 27e Pul ii|t wiih l.etoi Pork imd ToiitAlo Hi'iuct*. ■ ' COIINKI) IIKIOF 2 (itiN 2ric PirK't.FH- Iln|i|»>'vale 2fi.oz. jar 2>'lc Sweet Mixwl -- 8weel, f.'liow. j.M tlS IlR O O M S, per Ih............ ;i.5c Beef. P o rk , In m li, Veal <' FincHt Q ua lity . lA P IU r K ............ .. .............................Ih. He TAflO('A,_W'hite .lava.......2 Ihn. l.'lo WMIT F HKANS. ...... \ 2 lbs. I.'lr SCO U T N E W S Ih( W est V ancouver SI. S tc |»hen'.s T roop BH'ore a la rg e ĝ 'lU)orinK o f ■ Seouls, Cuh.s, th e ir , relailve.s, frieiid.Tmfd'ofricial.s, th e eabiii o f th e i.sf WcHt V ancouver (S t. Sti*phcn'.s) G roup , w as fnrnm lly (l(*tli('ul<'d on M onday, 'rhankH~ giving/ Day, at 1 p.m . A fte r luiieh licit] Jiround th e cam p-lirc the S cou ts and Cubs w ere d raw n up in f ro n t of "The ~n iT m sT "" GrAV5tnTCT)1slnTrC(m^^^^^ ̂ iniHsioner from V ancouver, gave a sh o r t ad d ress follow ed by dodi- ca lo ry p ray e rs from tig. padre, Rev. F, A. K ainsey. T hen colors w ere run up, and the p rom ise re ­ peated h y h o th pack and troop. S. M artin , th e .secre tary o f the g roup co m m ittee , spoke a few w onis and th re e ro u sin g cheers w ere given fo r th is body, who by th e ir u n tir in g e ffo rts had m ade th is cam p po.ssible, The gervice ended w iih th e singing o f tile N a tio n a l A n th em . A ....................................... --m-........- -m tm gsf:--those--p resen t-- besides-- \vork --o f- Un^-au -xih'ar-y--in - c oi ̂ th e above m en tioned w e re : G. A, "iiC^Tion w ith th e hosi)ital. The M^mton, A .D .C .-frum Vinicouvio-, c h a p te r h as u n d e rta k en to m ake M rs. W. D ickinson and M iss M. p illow cases as th e ir c o n trib u tio n . D ic k e n so n , Mr.s. (3. -E ̂ Bnyhcld. T h e N ovem ber m ee tin g will be M r;-and M rs. J . T hom pam i. M r." heU L at th e hoimVof th e R eg en t,' -itrid-M rs; - Dr ATiderson r~'M^i-*'^~Wr47r-B^nit^ ------= I I .-B ib b s ( fo rm e r .A. S. M. of ------- -̂---------------- tT()op), Mi.ss B. G.ourlay, Miss i*. A Il)in,~M iss M. C ross, Fred P ark es , cu b -m aste r, Ted Sewell, .Seoutnuvstt'r. i I. O. D. E. 'Pile regu l(ir m o n th ly m ee tin g of th e D uncan L aw son C hap ter,, I.O.D.E., w a s ,h e ld a t th e hom e of M rs. P, ('. Chapriiiin on" M on­ day, O c tober 4 th , A m otion th a t ■tile c h a p te r a.ssist th e C anad ian Legion W .A, w ith poppy day was c a rr ie d and Mr.s. F rond w as appo in ted the, c h a p te r re p re se n ­ ta tiv e . Mr.s-,*'* Ililb o rp rep o rted . severa l C o rona tion A lbum s had Ims'Ii eiitm 'ed and a re now in th e ' hands of th e ju d g es . T he com- -m i I te<'~ i n - -c h a rg e - -o f - - th e ~ ire e ~ 11 Ian H ng~ at~ M erhoria l ~ATch~re-" port a m e e tin g will be held in the n e a r fu tu re to w hich all o rg an iza tio n s interestcd.-^vvill be invited to a t t e n d . " (,)\ving to poppy day fa llin g on .November Gth, th e w in te r g a r- (k*n p a rty will be held N ovem ber :!rd, M rs. Sm all in lro d u ced .M iss ' Lee, m a tro n of th e N orth-V an-* ('Oliver llo sp itjil and M rs. T hom ­ as, obnvener of th e sew in g .co m -. m ittee_^(ifj.he WomeiT.s H osp ita l A u x ilia ry , who expla ined th e A T O C PL A V E R S AN D D U N D A R A V E JU N IO R D RA M A TIC SO C IETY PL A Y H E R E T h e A ttic Playei's of V ancou­ v e r and th e D iindai'aye Ju n io r D ra m a tic Sis-Iety gave a' very in te re s t in g ev i'idng o f p lays las t F H day n igh t in the Inglewood A u d ito riu m under th e ausp ices ' ;of th e H igh School A ssociation , a lth o u g h th e re was no t as large an .a tte n d a n c e a.s th e pre.senta- tion.s\ deserved . Th<; th re e one- a c t p lays p res('nted by th e fo rm ­ e r w ere fo r th e m ost p a r t full of h u m o r and th e ac to rs well drilled in th e ir jia rls , th a t o f th e p rim a donna in ih c h e av ie r of th e th re e being p a rtic u la rly w'cll (lone. T he o ffering of thci Dun- (larave J u n io r Dramatic* ScK'iety , !'School fo r Sniall .Talk," by Mi.ss B eryl G ray , was a b r ig h t little com edy of school life wit h p len ty of hum or. F a ith fu lly , p o r tra y - . ing c e r ta in e ro ss scad ions of th e social end of high .scIhjoI life,- it w as p a rtic u la rly ad ap ted to th e age df th e -y o u n g a c to rs in th e - c a s t .-- Ad l"n j f~ t h e ni^U T're'ngu i te" "Tiatin\n l~ in ~t'hTTh'7T^aitoils i f a and m ade a good show ing w hich w i t h th e lack of h e s ita tio n ; Te- ' su ited in '.tlui---p la y - '- ru n n in g -- sm o o th ly from s ta r t l() fini.sh. In th e in te rv a ls betw een ac ts B a rb a ra S parrow and Jo y ce Bui'- b rid g e played a well ren d ered p ian o duet* and two in s t r u m e n ta l . tiiDs" ih ad e up , of h ig h school s tu d e n ts gave several v e ry ac­ cep tab le num bers , th is p a r t o f th e -program -be.ing u n d e r th e d irec tio n o f M r. K ershaw . Service LUMBER QnaUty • SASH & BOOKS SHINGLES " PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS* SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD «TILE ~ " CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. - , WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER C O . LTD. 15th & M a rin e 'D riv e P h o n e W e st 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S T'hc rat« for Classifli^ AdrcirtlMmentE is 2 cenUi per word, minihium 25 cents. Except in Uie cause of tlio«e having regular accounta. all cUsai. fieds are payable strictly in advaiiee. Kememt^r Classifieds in the West Van News get immediate results. NEW HOMES FOR SALE or RlBNT "J.'J . Johnston & Son, 2:37] Marine • , Ba.v. -I387-L.________ ^ SAVE MONEY on your land clearing. Ilave experience .and equipment? Itush jobs wanted. West 252tL. NU-BONE CORSET'S, Surgical belts, .alterations. Mrs. MucAulay, 1618 Esquimfilt, We.gt 408-R. 2 1937 Ford DcLux Sedans, IJemon- strators; new car guarantee, at big reduction,-some trade; I 1935 Ford Y8 Pick-up Truck, paint- , ed and overhauled, a t newly reduced price; a bargain. Buster's Super Service, North Van- couver, Phone North 171. WANTED -- Girl or Woman experi*. enced with babies.^ W e s t __ FOR KENT--Well built 4-room home p /Sr q a iw w u n . -- trt"Cypress Park~flreplace," sawdust burner for kitchen range; furnished, pohir*hea^te*'^^'^T2^"Y^ ^ $25i00. West 597-L, evenings.. TI ME" n o w : -- F o r h e ^ s , stove pipes, weather strips, before buying. GrawleyNSn-^ggrlSfer,' ■ Hardware. i ' LOTS CLEARED and Ploughed; con­ tract or day -work. West* 420-R.- FOR SALE--German Roller Canaries, gqod singers, price $2.60. 1618' Ful- ton. =- - .f, PUPPIES FOR SALE P art Spitz, $2.50 each. 2442 Marine. V " T h a t '-nTearis figh t "ivhere T com e f r om, s tra n g e r ." -COOK---h o u s e k e e p e r opeir fw engagement' by the day, week, or month, also teas and Inches. Good references. West 289-R. ' FOR RENT..--- Two garages suitable for workshop. 1420 Argyle, . ■ FOR COAL. WOOD and BARK, Top­ soil and Manure, Phone Bob Black. West 527. ^ VyANTED.r*--Warm bed sitting.room, furnished or unfurnished, , with -*■- breakfast-and-evening"dinnerTT]\^~ .^E. J. Pearce, Box 54, Hollyburn. rhone West 500. " W ^ l, w hy d o n 't -you -figh t?" " 'Cau.se 1 a in 't w h e re T com e fro m ." FOR RENT -- 4 room unfurnished suite, electric stove, hot water heated. West 655-R. ' ------------------------------ ------------------------------- I \ w a n t e d Small heated suite or I SPECIAL OpPER -*-- Personal'Greet- house f with furnace, : by reliable ing Cards. Connie Page, West ' tenant; must be reasonable. Box 3,7 -QB2=L. "B5y, w h a t you do in' " W rit in g a le t te r to 'm y ga l." "H ow com e you w rito so slow ? 'C ause m y gal c an 't read fa s t ." FALL IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR Furniture Recovered Repaired and Polished 15tCi Murine Drive l a c k s I'hone West 710 Chesterfield Suites - biasy Chairs Cushions - Ottomans - Stools Draperies - Window S l u u b s C u r ta in Rods - Repairing. Mirrors Re-Silvered - Needlepoint Mounted - Ikmse Covers Synopsis of-Land Aef EXPERIENCED GIRL wants Kousei; work; sleep out.- Phone West 381-Y. WANTED -- Cleaning and washing, experienced. West 658-L;_______ _FOR SALE -- Child's -Crib, complete. JK estJVaii-N^a^ $3.50. Phon_e^Wes,t_695-T.. AIDNUMENTS -- For Monuments and Tablets phone evening for appoint- - ment. S. Fraser. North 1059-L-2: LEGION HALL FOR RENT -- Meet- jngs, Earties, etc.; moderate rates. -- Phone-Wegt-iB~4ry:-Frw: Pivprs V*V .1 m m . V it; m m DAYS ARE OVEft! 'M ay wc in tm iu c o lo vou T H E M O D E R N M ETH O D O F B U R N E K /O IL D ELIV ERY , W ith th e inem using dem and fo r Shell Bui;ue<:^*l i t ha:s m ade i t 'n e c e s s a ry L) co n stru c t th is u ltra modorn t ru c k fo r y o u r convenience. 8 •» T in s 'n ew tru ck lias tlie fo llow ing f e a tu re s : • L 150 feet; o f hose, which w ill en ab le u s to V^ach y o u r d rum from th e road or lane , th u s e lim in a tin g '.a n y ,v iH)ssible daim ige lo yoiir p ro p e r ty . Pow er pum p, whicli m akes d i tn c u lt d e liv eries easy . tJovornm ent inspcijccl an d ap p ro v ed m e te r , whiclv g u a ra n te e s -y o u fuil mo.'n.snre. - ___________~ ' <) S. 4. P rin ting, co u n te r, winch s ta m p s on y o u r invoice th e num ber o f gjilUhis delivered. 5. l \y o f i lte rs . 'lh rp u g h which th e "Oil m u s t p a ssT ib fd re ' being pum ped in to your d ru m , th u s a s s u r in g you th e , m axitm im of cleanlinesii. ' n u c - B M n io N s ACANT, an re M rre d ,' ta rveyed Crowjj land* m^y b« pc«-em pted by B ritish su b jccu - over la : yemrs ot »ge. and by aliens on declaring Intention to - become 01'itisb subjects,- conditional upon resii dcnce, occupation an d im provem ent. ■ InformatUw eoQoemlng P re-em t^ lions U given to . BnHettn No. ' l, Land faeries. "H ov to P re-em pt Land>'̂ copies of which can be obtained free o t charge by addressing the D epartm en t of Lands. Vic* ,?■ C.: Bu reau o f ,Pro vlncI al In fo rm a * lion, Victoria, or an y O overnm ent A gent ; - -Records--win , be; gr~anted covering' only i.'ind suitable for ag ricu ltu ra l pu rposes" *■ iin tn reasonable d la tanee of road, school faeUltlea and w hich is not (imberIaniL_l,e,, ca rry ing over 5,000 board .!>«*■ *cre east o f th e Coast R ange and 8 opo fect per ■ acre waet of th a t R ange. ; • p * ^ P P^tt** jit;on»^o^pre^^ptlgns^fe-* to '-'-b f^ th e .L a n d Recoi-ding DivUion to. w hich the land applied for It situated , on p rin ted - form s obtained from Um 'Com m issioner. Pre-em ptions m ust be occupied for five years and Improvementa m ade to value of - n o per acre. Including clearing and cu lti­ vating a t least -nve aerea, before a Crown G ran t can be received. Pre-em ptions ca rry in g p a r t tim e condi­ tions of oecupathm a ro amo gran ted . " PCBCHASK O R XJBA8B ^Applications a re teoalved for purchase of v acan t and nnreoerved Crown lands - not being tlm berland . fo r ag ricu ltu ra l purpo!!ca M inimum prtoe of firs t-c lass (arable) - land Is 18 p e r acre, an d second- class (grazing) land, $S.W per acre. I-'iirther in form ation 1a given to B ulletin >NO. 10, Land Sexiea, **Pnrdias« smd Lease of Crown to n ia ." As * p a rtia l re llsf m easure, reverted lands m ay be aegntred by ipurcbese to ten equal Instalm ents, v t tb th e f i r s t paym ent suspended for tw e years, provided taxes are paid when due a n d Im provem ents are made during th e f ir s t two y ears o f , no t - re s s r ih a B - l0 « ~ o r U w 'T « p r m M ~ yO o (ip ^ '~ Mill, factory or ta d u s tr la l s ite s ' on t lmt>er la a d .- o o t- a xneodtng iO a cres.--m ay----- be purchased or leased, ttw tMxidttlona tnrtuding paym ent oC stom paga. Dnsurveyed araae. n o t _ « eo o d to g _ 3 0 .___ acres, m ay be leased a s bom esttea, condi- ( tonal upon a d w ^ in g being erected ih BULB8 FOR SALE--TuUps, Narcis­ sus, Hyacinths, named varieties. Mrs. Allen. West 695-L, _____ FOR SALE--AicClary Kitchen Heater .with copper coils. Perfect condition.- West-201-X.- , -___________ LOST -- Blue-pocketbook containing about* $14 in Hollyburn Theatre Wednesday. West 454-L.____. FOR SALE -- Sawdust Burner fo r furnace. Good condition, $20. Phone West 617. FLOOR SURFACING land, 2144 J. Suther- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts. Machine Shop, l449%Marine. s h o p -- Thermiqne St^m Permanents. Only best materials used. Ebepert operators. Phone' - 304, Royal B^ CHIMNEY SWEEPING --• Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. Brick an(] stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. _______ -GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solici-- tor, 1447 Marine, by.-appointment pl3EnJSSeat=4Q3j=£a^^tings-Street. LOST ON MARINE DRIVE between West Bay and.. 22nd Street, four dolIai\s. Phone West 449-R,= ' SMALL. FURNISHED HOUSE Want­ ed for winter months by refined gentleman and wife, no children. Reply Box 2,.' West Van News. N EW HOMES G O V E R N M E N T ^ LOANS Small C^sh Payment, balance as rent including payment, taxes, water rates. Constructed under, expert •supervision. Inquiries invited. C J Archer Ltd., West 225, Sey. 5954. ' See Forst's For their HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Op­ tometrist, Optician. Wednesdays 4P-30 to. 47 W est 468-R fbr appoint­ m ents,; & m II W e guarantee to g iv e y o u up to 2 0 per eent. m ore heat. -V--=r- H R I T I Y I - A gent Shell Oil Co. o f B ritish C olum bia Phone North 2 5 6 the f irs t year, t t t te bo lag ob to tead a f te r rf&idence and Im provem ent eood ttlona a re i fulfilled and hm d nag lM BB~raxv*q^ . '■'"v ,l*or .g ra z in g an d ladQ ctifal purpose*/ areas n o t excesdtog M l ao rta m ay bs, ieeised' by ons p tr aoB a r a com pa ny. : Under the O raxtng A ct tb a Provinco is divided Into graxlng d is tric ts an d th e .ra n e e adm inistered u n d e r g raa tog reg u la ­ tions am ended from ttm a to tim e to m eet varying condttlona. A nnual graxlng p e r­ m its a re Issued b a se d -o n -e a rta to m onthly ra te s per head of atodk. IT lo rtty to g ras- tng prlvUegea Is g iven to re s id e n t etoek owners. Stoe|c-owiie(a m ay fo rm associa­ tions for range maaagem eilit. F ree or p artia lly free perm lla ava ilab le fo r ae ttle ra . cam pers aa d teaedBiBA a p t a Ia n h ead . - Cciober Special Trade-in M low anc^^n Ranges, Coal.; -Wood, Sawdust or Qit Burners FORStS LTR. MASON'S T -- Day and night . Passengers fully insured. West 612 W. H VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block.______ WATER PRESSURE RESTORED -r No cure, no pay. Local testimonials. West 188-X. ___________. WEST VAN. BUND & AWNIn'g SUPPLY Blinds and Awni^s wade to order. Have your old blinds deaned and repaired. Free estimates ^-J^hone^West-7dJ-i>------------------- VV. N. MORRIS, Agent 1476 Marine Dr. West 711 also at 66 Lonsdale Avenue North "Vancouver ~North.626 " Timid Wife (to husband who has fallen asleep at. the^wheel: "I don't mean to dictate to you, George, but isn t that billboard' coming a t 'us awfully fa s t? " , ® _CHMNEY^SWiBEPING------ SawJ.us ^urners intalled; furnace repairs. ' Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale NortE 8 2 2 . __________________ INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience^nttets~installedr~Jr'H" Paterson, West 108. -________ _ F ^ N I S H ^ a n d UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent--- Houses, Lots; and acreage for-sale. Lawson"&~Pride,- 1704 Marine, Phone West 65. ®4NDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - hire works. Stove Pipes,-Hardware, - ■ Paint, Varnish, -ftitty, etc. PI^INTING -V- For all kinidfl of printinfiT phone West Van News, West 363.