West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Oct 1937, p. 1

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P ii i ' t ' i o v i r * * ; a L L IB B A I^ V 5- "4̂ Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver^*-Amh/eside ̂ HollyburnyWeston^ . Dundarave $1.00 p er y e a r . . CyPrCSS Park^ Caulfeild^WhytCcHff^ Etc. 5c per copy a t newaatanda. Vol. XII H pL L Y B U R N P.O .. W EST VANCOUVER, B.C., TH U RSD A Y . OCTOBER 14th, 1937 No. 28 COMMUNITY SPIR IT DANCINC PAUL TEA AND SALI COMINt; EVENTS The m easure of th e progress.m ade or th^it will be made bv ajiy m unicipality, tow n or city is th e s tren g th of its corii- niunily sp irit. I t is th e unifying force th a t creates in the lioai'ls of residen ts th e will to place th e w elfare of the ir locality lirst and th e ir owii individual concerns second. Like a ruolball team tra in ed to com bined play, they are then able to win against individually s tro n g er opponents not so closely kn it together, in exactly the samie way as a small b u t highly dis­ ciplined force is ev er a m atch fo r a mob. W est Vanoopver has alw ays been known for its commun­ ity spirit. I t isy» indeed, considered to have the s trongest in flreater Vancouver. And we probably- owe the possession of it to the figh t we have had to p u t u p 'fo r a place in th e sun. Blessed w ith one of th e m ost beautiful locations and the finest climate in Canada, we y e t lacked the one th ing necessary to our progress, nameV» adequate^ transporta tion . T hat we a re now well on the way to a tta in , as th e con­ struction of th e F irs t N arrow s Bridge progresses to its com­ pletion. B ut th a t is no reason nor has th e time, arrived when wo CJin afford to re s t on our bars. Yet indications point to th is v,ery thing. T here a re certa in organizations as old or alm ost as old as the m unicipality itse lf-- it is unnecessary to mention names,-- which a re ap p aren tly finding it difficult to carry on M ' lac lro f support. In sp ite of the fac t th a t W est Vancouver if"adm ittedly overorganized, it is to be hoped th a t our resi­ dents will rally, round and help them to. continue th e good work they have been doing th roughou t th e years. Once again, also, we appeal for g rea te r support being accorded ourlocal-m erch^s-and^business-m enj-in-^^w hich. con- Grace Goddard will hold clas­ ses a t the Legion Hall, commenc­ ing Tue.sday, October 10th. Small children p.m. Ball­ room class for High School A very successful gatherii»g was the "Fall Tea and Sale of Home C(X)king" held last Friday by the m em bers of th e W omen's Association in the United ChurclB^ l"ri(lay, October 2 0 th .-- Grand _ Foncert by W est Vancouver School Band in InglcwotHl A uditorium . . .students, 5 p.m. 50c per lesson, hall. The president, Mrs. O'Don- Knquifc We.st 480-R, ̂ nell, introduced the speaker, Mrs. Paul Sm ith, M.L.A:, who OIL DELIVEHY UP-TO-DATE THE b u r n i n g b u s h By feulmdur According to a cu tting from an English newspaper handed talk on "The C h a llen g e . of a Changing AVorld-" The solos VA B irthday ," "My L(.)vely Celia," "Cherry Ripe," me by the editor, some modern and *.lLife'.s E piphany," were churchmen over .there don't like beautifully rendered by Mrs. the.w ay m any business women Colin MaclAum. Tea, which had are hanging on to the ir job,s in- been convened by . Miss Philip, ... stead of on to a pro.spective hus- vvas served by M esdanies Addy, N. 11. Reid, N orth Shore agimt gave an , intensely int.ere.sting. for the Shell Oil Compuny, has ju s t liad eoustructed a specially (le.signed tru ck for the delivery 6f oil, it bding the only one Pf its kind on the N orth Shore, I t is ,fitted w ith 150 i'eot of hose, enabling oil to be pinniped d ir­ ectly from the truck into the nection we address our rem arks especially t a .the naany new families, who havP taken up residence , in the m unicipality. We ask the la tte r to a t least go into the looal stores and busi­ ness houses firs t before buying in th e city. They will find there the sam e quality goods a t th e sam e prices as in Vancou-' ver, and in ad d itio n , m erchan ts who a re solely dependent Oil local custom ers fo r th e ir livelihood. F rom them , therefore', better service can be.obtairied th an from the ir c ity b ro thers with all Vancouver to d raw upon. " _ "West V ancouver is a suburb and as such a m uch more difficult place in which to cohduot any business Successfully than*in a small tow n isolated by distance Jfrom the larger city* stores. The g re a t tendency" in every suburb is to do m ost of-tffeTfamily;;huyin:gdn:th'ercity:iwhileaasingithedocalim^^ iiy (iruivi in }l^custom er',s cellar. OtluM* fea tu res are a govern- band. The $5,000 a year women Ajello, l^.s.seU,, MacVean, Scatt, meut inspected and guaranteed have esi^ecially got the ir goats. Shirlaw, Rankin, 0 ,strom,. Thi' n ie li 'r aiid p rin ting counter in- There may ' be some men and homo cooking table presided ovei' dioa jing the volume of oil i)ump- women here, who are m aking th is by Mrs. ',Ru.,sh, did a brisk trade, od into the cusiom er'.s conlainor, huge sum, bu t with all these dn- and the decorations which had Ihu.sdoii'ig away with, spillage, come taxes to mess up the n ig h t's been arranged by Miss Dewar d a m a g e 'to property, and danger re s t none'of them will adh iit it: and Mrs. partridge ,, made the* of lu'e fi'om oil fum es; al.so two Anyway any man having jthe gall hall a scene of autum n beauty. filters, which guariiiilee an ex tra to ask any such woman Carnegie ! ' ------------------- --̂ clean quality of oil. , . . , for her hand ,ought to. have a t . LANDSCAPE GARDENING For fu rth e r particu jurs kindly least -$10,000-.ia-,year,.,.and,-.even_____ ______ ___________ ............. ..........axrfmTZtirdlTeiindvciffisoment^^ in this issue. LEGION NOTES general m eeting of the merely,as a standby in an em ergency. This, of course, in the Jast analysis is n e ith e r fa ir to the m erchant nor wise from " the standpoint of th e purchaser. The form er under such con­ ditions: cannot keep a sufficiently large stock to m eet every .....- 'demand, nor can th e re s id en t *expect his home to re ta in its ing the s tra in of m adern life, give estim ates fo r th e m aking of Hall. I t is Im portant tlu it all You know th e way a person has any kind of garden desired and members be present a t th is to snort around now in o r d e r ^ . will execute the work. Any in- . meeting. . make three squares and a hole .te re s ted are asked to kindly get The following le tte r ha.s been in the wall to sleep in is sim ply in touch w ith him a t 1275 Gor- received from the Provincial 6f- disastrous. It^g ives me a .dis- don Avenue, or phone himi.,at flee: ̂ tin c t pain wheffe'Ver I th in k of West'520-Tt'.'"'All To All Ex-Service Men ■ ^.t^E venT anrantT and-thev^areral^"-- i-ciativ e - tn -th is -ap p ears-in-(:his^---------- ^of-West-Vaiicoiiver---------- issue.ways on. th e jum p a f te r some­ th ing , couldn't take it. . --,|t . :|t. T he- L atte r Day , Sain ts or Mormons, have been w arned in _TDANKSGIVING SUPPER run nfeah^a rundow n suburb, since the absence of well stocked up-to-date sto res keeps the newcomer away. And, w hen the newcomer ceases to come in, th e old resident begins to move out,' providing he can obtain a" reasonable price for his prop­ erty, which is th en seldom th e case. Vifl,neonvpr has m ade g rea t progress during th e p a s t pression to come, which is 'to be Worse th an the la s t one. Now ■ few years. L e t us do every th ing in our power to forw ard this progress b y supporting to th e full local businesses and Its social and cu ltu ra l organizations, th u s keeping strong th a t community sp ir it w hich has been the .envy, of G reater Van- A ® ahksg-iving S upper is' l>er Mield-% ;v̂ feh e - ^ ^ United Church a t .6:80 p.nu..to­ m orrow (F rid ay ), in th e Church . w hat do you know about th a t ? Hall under the auspices of the - cess goc.s to the side which is A re we to infer th a t they have' W omen's A ssociation. The speed- rriiost highly organized. .Our am^ had prosperity in U tah recently , al speaker will be thePTlev. "bition, albeit a ppacc-ful one, because, if so, t hey are luckier George Pringle, and a musical m ust from its very character than in this city, w here i t is a program will be given under the app<-al to yoii as strongly us the case of still instead of again, so . direction o fJA . J. Addy. The first call you answercd,.„WeJ^isJi_ • fa r as- any of us know. Like th e charge per p late will; be 35 cents, to m a k ^ th e Legion 100/,^ coil ver. WEST VANCOUVER ' BUSINESS M EN'S ASS'N There was a good attendance at: the, regular fo rtn ig h tly meet:;^ ing'of the W est V ancouver B|usi- nesday evening -o f-las t week- im sibility o f , converting the old 'P.G.E. right-of-w ay between .13 th and -25th S tree ts intp ^ prom enade fo r pedestrians only, a second to interview Principal ~ J rE . C o m Jo n n r^ rd in g ^ a n o th e r concert Jby the_W est_V aricouy^ Sohool Barid'to^ be-sponiored-by- io eW m erch an ts , and th ird -tb poor the depression seem s to have been always w ith us, the only difference being th a t we get used to the poor, which is you and me and the o ther fellow, -bro ther, while th e . depression doesn't sit any b e tte r w ith tim e. I t 's all very well to say th a t eels g e t used to sk inning, biit we have beerT'-skinned so often th a t BRITISH ISRAEL A t' the reg u la r Monday even­ ing m eeting of the Dundarave Branch of the B ritish . Israel World Federation the s])eaker will be George Crux and his topic, "C urren t E vents -- The March-^of-Time." -Mr^Gi-ux is.anr strong. We ask you to think back to those years of m ud.am i death. I t mattered^ not .whether your buddy was a law yer or a lab o re r-- he was a man. You. shared each o th e r's hardships and w hat p leasures you had, apd now we ask., you to renew tha t, g rea t com radeship which ' was ^ ta b ish e c l^ over there. The' ----- W V * A W - •JAM ' • ^ at 1512 M arine D rive. The num ­ ber of new m em bers who had joined," several- o f who-m "were present, showed th a t th e Associ­ ation was m aking good progress, which should enable i t to be turned into a Board of T rade very shortly. Three com m ittees - w ere ap ­ pointed, th e firs t to w ait upon the Council reg ard in g th e pos­ ing the delivery of perishable goods to consignees a f te r 5:30 p.'m., when the fe rry fre igh t shed closes4 or the day. The nex t regu lar m eeting will be ' held in th e rooms, over the P.D.Q. Cafe, 1512 M arine Drive, n ex t W ednesday, October 20th, a t 8 :30 p.m.. I t is hoped th a t th e re will be a full attendance of m em bers and prospective mem­ bers. ______ CHURCHES OP CHRIST, s c r i r ^ f i s T ^ , , orfv,-- I^ocd^feheHjegiorTTThHrtlm^^e^^ene .;vil.Lbe .m^dA.wo.!a)mi;..,j5.th_,„ : "DOCTRINE "O F A TONE­ M ENT" will be th e sub ject of "the Lesson - Serm on in all SIX TEEN TH ANNUAL MASONIC DANCE Churches of Christ, Scientist, on A. M., a re giving their-Six- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF V i^EST-W ^N CO U V El VOTERS' LIST, 1938 Persbns desiring and en titled to have the ir nam es placed on, the V o ters' L is t fo r 1938 a s Householders, Licence or Poll ?Iax Holders, m u st file 4 declaration (which may be made be­ fore a N o tary Public o r th e undersigned) in the form provided, on or before th e end of October, 1937. Form s m ay be obtained a t the-M unicipal Hall. - . Dated th is 12th day of O c to b ^ , 1937. " ' • WM. HERRIN, ; . Municipal (^lerk.Hollybum, B. C. Sunday .T he Golden Text is : "God is faith fu l, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord." (I Cor. 1 : 9 ) . • . - Among the . c ita tions which comprise the Lesson - Serm on is th e following from th e B ib le: -Creatie in me a clean heart, O teen th A nnual Dance on FViday, October 22nd, in the,. .Orange Hall. D ancing will take phice from . 9 :30 to 1 a.m., and the m usic will b e provided by Gar­ den's O rchestra. Refre.shmehts will' also be -served, ^ m is s io n is; by inv itation onIy.\A ji^ly J. McGowan, 2612 Bellevue Ave­ nue, W est 133-L-2, or the secre- Comrade who is w andering hopc- lessl.y in the economic~"no m an's land" of today. He was a good soldier- in the fa r off days arid he'd be a good man now if we can only g e t him back into camp and draw ra tio n s for him. It w on't be long before he's J it, to. go on p "working, p a rty ." And now C o m rad e-it-isn 't-m uch we .a sk : J u s t to join up' with your n earest b ranch . You don 't have to go personally, .ju s t-se n d iri your cheque fo r the y ea r's mem­ bership, .$3.00. " 'Tis not in mor- ta ls to com m and-success bu t a t within me." (Psalm s 51: 10) The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following- passage ^ easl we may desej've.lt.' HARVEST MOON_ DANCE All arrangem en ts have been Well we' a re try in g toj^lcserve jt, but you can enable us to com- from the Chri.4fian Science text-" Moon . , 1 .feeek-r^4enc-e-and-Healfh--wlt-h H arvc.st Moon Every ex-^rviice m an ..should Dance to be given tomorrow be a m em ber o f the Legion. „K ey to th e S c r i p t s " by M ary (F riday)- evening, in the Holly- B aker Ecldy. The scienUfic burn Pavilion bw the (Jirls' Aux- unity;.which ex ists betw reri' God nFa'ry'to' t h e 'BarbaHahs' Rugb^ I-O.B.A. WHIST & BRIDGE and man must be w rought out in Club. Roy B arry and .his Opti- The L .O .B .A ' ha^c' arranged Me-practioe, and God s will m ust _ m ists-w ill supply th e mask^^ ̂ to hold a W hist and Bridge Drive ./dancing will take place from 9 J n th e O range Hall tomorrow^ till 1. A fea tu re of the evening will be a ra f f le f o r an Irish te r­ r ie r pup> th e sale of tickets for* w hich | is in k h arg ^ of Mrs^-J?'t be universally done. Hostess: '"Now, Tommy, why don't you go and play w ith your little friends?" Tommy: , "I've only go t one ■ Lofting. T ickets fo r the dance little friend, and I h a te him ." 50 cents, . . -- - (F rid ay ), s ta rtin g ^ a t 8:30 p.m. Refre.shm ents will be .served and th e adm ission is 25 cents. A h ea rty inv itaU onj's extended to all to come and bring th e ir friends. a t th a t th e re 's a doubt w hether j . M acAndrews, a young land- the worfian would be justified in scape gardener who received his tak ing the risk. I wouldn't any- tra in in g in Scotland, is desirous how ,'the.w ay men are dropping of obtaining con tracts fo r land- dead these days from the.,o ld scaping. Quaified in all depart- bi'anch willibo held a t 8 j l5 p.m. h ea rt being incapable of stand- m ents. he will fu rn ish plans and tomorrow (F riday) in tlie Legion ...J -- ___ J.-,. - ___ l . i IT .. 11 T4 II. f i l l ! i U . l f Ikll "Dear CkfmrmTes: * Once before you answered the call and now we, your C om -' rades, are th k tim e .sounding the "Fall in." The pre.sent happen- - ing.s of..:thc,'-..day,--vvbdth<hi-.Mi.li':.-. fari'stic "o r ' Eochidmjc.'-yikcm to ' proye beyond doubl' th a t sue- ..___ou ts tan d ing s peaker ami many th k l. v o itjiiav not _