West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Oct 1937, p. 4

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P h o n e West 46 Phone 'Weir46" r h ' ' ■ : : f ; r ■ , I ■ SPK CIALH RED AND WHITE M eats-- I'hone West 370 KHIDAY A N B BA 'I'I'U D A V. Oi IoIm t 8 lh & ttlli MEATS I 'OIt T H A N K 8 G I,V I .N a _ . ItAKINC; NKKDH MI.VrKMKAT «b. t5<* JM MrKIN--Nttbofi. No. 2 tin , 9r H«'d A Wliilt* Hl'irK.S, 2 No. .1 tiiiM I6r riiiitiimoti, ('lovfM, Nutmt'K:, All*. INd A 12 o/ hiif IIAKINt; I'OWDEK lOc I-.:,i. ^ A WhUt. KSTItACTH 2 «/. Iwtfllo ITir; I o/„ lioltU* 29c V'liitilhi, lA'inoii, Itol.liiMiirH ( iimiiHl IMCEI) KIMJITH AMHftJ, for I'Viilt t ake, I oat. laatf lOc OrmiK<*. I.CIOOII. t ifron, ( 'herm a, rifU'a|)|il<* iind Melon. , j** tJ.ACK < IIKUHIEH: ;< o/. t 'ello HitK ................' 10c mvhi iwdH m a v o n n a i .sk a 0/, Jar 20r; 10 o/. jar .'17c INd A Wliili. AHPAItAfiliH 10',/ o/ tin , ............ iKc .lA.M--(N'al»ol» I'un* UtiHph f̂ry I II). tin -17c ( AKK FI.Ol'K--SwaitHdown, pkl. ilHc HII()in'KNINf;™HwlfrM .Icwol ■' I-II), cartonH "^ 2.'ir FOWJ.. 2 1 :i t o . i l a JbK.JF). 2ac I'OWJ.. 1 lo 5 lliK., per ll> . . 25e jiOASTJNt; CHICKI:N» III. :12c ri KKKY, any vveiKhl; Local fre.sli killed, per III. ......... 12c rrenli FIhIi Hally S'*/, .IKI.I.V FOWniCKS--.Slrawhcrry-- lOi^phcrr) 0 :i-oz. pkta, 2,̂ )C M'I'I.KK--Wi'allh.v, per l>ox $1.2,') AIMM.IOS - .McIntosh ... per Im)X $I.1'J MRA.N--KellojfK'H kirKc pkt, 19c l or ilcalllifiil Bran MufTinK. I(c<l A U'JiKo I'KA--Ai? OruiiKo I'ekoc illciid . . '........?fc|b. i.'ic Sine Ilic t'oupotiM for Valuable I'rci/iiiiiiiH, Remile--Dent T h e niarriak't' took place at (?apilano U n ited ( 'tiu reh on He|i* tem fie r 2 7 th , Kev. nj.i A rch ibald ofr ic ia tin g , o f M argaret E ileen , j.dtfe.st, d u u g h tf i' o f , M r, .1 ̂ i --' W. J. D en t o f Cii))ilano, and Mr. KoU^rt M cA lli.ster R ennie, elde.st Hon o f Mr. and .Miv, U. M R ennie al.so o f C apilano. ( liv e n in m ar- riaj^e by h er fa tla r, Ihe bride wa.s a ttir ed In wdiite sa tin w ith lace y o k e and lon)^ net veil held in p lace w ith < <)r)>net o f orange bkw.soniB and carried a bou(|liet o f u.sfer« and can iation .s, her only a tten d a n t beinfr little B ev­ er ley R en n ie , ̂ ."i.sler o f the Kr^jom; w ea r in g ro.se ind -over sa tin . H er llowcr.s w ei'e .swtMd, pea.s. Mr. Kay R ennie, bi-other o f th e jfroom , wa.s best,, m an and •»Uie bridal niu.sic w as |)layed by Mr. C. S ilencer, Eollowinir llie reception w h ich was held in Wil- kiid.s hall, Capil.'uie, .Ml', anil .Mr.s. R ennie le f t for Sak'm , OreKoii, w h ere th e honcynroon will be sp en t. ' JEFFERIES' Government Inuspected Only VEAi; DEUCATESSENCOLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS 1 s to r e a t H o lly b u r n , next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 Service LUMBER QvaUty ,SA.SH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH PAII^T ' " ,4) ' BUILDERS' SiIp p LIES WALLBOARD " TILE AtfcntE; • CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. W • , - W . L . . - w i .. . , |,s . ... .H , 7 . - 11- a a I ' . 15ih & Marine Drive Phone West 115 B A R H A R IA N H RIKHJY C H O R A L SO C IE T Y ■ ' M rs. S h a v er of \hiiicOUver, bn 'ru esday en lerlaiiK 'd a iiarty at a Bridj^e Liinclienn a t 'I'he HiRli- land.s. S a tu rd a y , th e o p e n iiiK g a m e o f I la* .season .saw Barbarian.s m ix in g it, w itli J to w in g Cllub secontl.s, tli(' local boy.s w in d in g nil' on Uie lon g end o f a 'L 'L3 .score. ' . ■ ' R ow uig C l i ib fielded a v ery .strong tem n , and p u t up a v ery g am e. The(;y sh ou ld end upfine - I lie .se^ison w ith a. fine retvird if Ijaiy co n tin u e to play as on S a t­ urday, T he first h a lf o f th e gam e w as scoreless, w ith th e d L >we rs-l i a vi n g^t-111 tie -t h e-be t ter^ o f Ihe p lay , th e local boys h a v ­ ing trou iile in th a t th e .scrum could no t ..sett 1(1 dow n. A i th e opening o f th e s(H.'on<l h a lf, R ow ­ ing. (:inb d rew first blood, v/heh tiiey followed up fa s t on th e kick from c e n tre and w en t over fo l­ low ing a l in o u t'.scram ble; ' • Toni F ra s e r o f N o rth .Shore AH- Black fam e had to ugh luck w hen he mi.ssed h is . convert. PYom th en oh th e lo c a r boy.s rea lly p layed ru g b y anti M acA ulay -xirtiw _ fi i:s f*_blood -- w-b tn i_Jie.-Uven I-- over, ju .st b e a tin g h 'ra se r to the .Next M onday, OtHoIxfr l l t l i , b ring 'I 'h an k sg iv in g D ay, th e re will be no riKietlng (d' th e C horal .Society. On th e fo llow ing Mon- d.'ty a '.general m ee tin g of th e 'Soci<dy , will be held, w hen th e ( xrculiv ti h o p e 'th a t ev ery m em ­ ber and all fo rm er m em bers will be p resen t. U nless th e re is a m uch la rg e r a tte n d a n c e .'a t th e p rac lices th e ex ecu tiv e \vill feel (S)mp('lle() to tli.scontiniie w ork on lh(^ propo.sed p ro g ram fo r thi.s NOlirth Vaneouver AUCTION CLASSIFIED ADS TTic rulo for Classifieii AdvortiMments ie 2 cent« per word, minimuin 25 ceiitE. Except in ihe case of Utooe having regular accoiinta, all claHKi- fleds are . payable atrictly In advance. Remember ClaaaifiedB in ihe West Van News get immediate reaultH.. W(*diieH(lay; Oct. .l.'illi,. at 1 :;10 p.tn. Thf wc!l-.j)u}Jt .'Old view fomrnand- iiia: V(.*si(lenct! known ii.̂ l.'jl Ra.st 19lh Sli'tML't, toguthur with the liou-stdiold contents, inc'ludina furniture, ear|>ets, sterling ,silvc*r niul K. P. ware, cut glass, hrie-a-hrac .'ual' many other thi))gs, . , 'I'he |)ro|)('rty i.s subject to prior wile Further ' particulars from the aue- -tioneer--------^ ___ .:_________ NEW HOMES FOR SALE or RENT J, J. .lohnston & Son, 2:i71 Marine Ray, d.'l87-L. MONUMENTS -- For Monuments and Tablets phone evening for appoinf- ,ment. S. Fraser, North 1059-L-2. FOR RENT Attractive new home, fully modern, lovely view. Phone West 511-R, _ _ _ _ _ l e g io n HALL FOR RENT -- Meet; ihgs, Parties, etc.; moderate rates. Phone West 184-Y. F. W. Rivei s., SAVE MONEY on your land clearing. IJavt! experience and equipment. Rush .jobs-wanted. West 252-L. FREE DELIVERY, day or night. Phone West 323. Ambleside Pharm­ acy. , ■ ■■ , 'C, F U N F R A L S K R V IC E S .F O K C. H. JO H N ST O N North 13;i8 W. E. EKINS, I/onsdalc at 1.5th. N U - BON E-GGRSE1-S,-Su rgical-belt8,-^-IiAJ^S " ■ lies. North 1022 alterations. Mrs. MacAulay, 1618 Esquimalt, West 408-R. Tlu* funeral .servii.re.s ,wei;,e,held ' la,si S iiln rd ay for th e la te (J. H. " (I 'a t) Johri.ston, from Htirron Ib'o.s, L id, fu n eral parlors, N o rth \'u]icou,ver. "lYtr se r v ic e s w ere, ('oiu lucted undeT th e au.spices o f the Com m unisit P a rty o f C anada, o f w tiich C om rade J o h n sto n w a s an a ctiv e m em lier. 'In term en t- _lo.ol<^plaeeJjLi_Ciipjlano_Gemeteiiy__ ""BeaUrffnLf 1 ()rar~frtllures w ere re- ec iv ed from th e n iany friends D. V. A. will nieet on ̂ ■ TUESDAY', OCT. f2th in the Ferry Rooms.' FOR RENT-ttWcH built 4-room home at Cypress Park, fireplace, sawdust burner for kitchen range, furnished, $25.00. West 597-L, evenings. ■ You will" be shown~"some~healthy" plants. Afternoons pnly.. Geo. Gour- lay, West 2. -- ■ RANGE--Enterprise, high oven, hot . water jacket, $10.00. Phone West 506-L. 4, 5,WEST VAN. STATIONERS 0, Pick-Up-Sticks, 26c. Modern- Library; next Royal Bank. F'OR RENT --̂ 2215 Bellevue, new, modern, furnished house. Call J. T, Watt, West 141. - ball. Bud d'Easum converted from ;a difficult angle to make Comrade Johnston had in VVest the .score - 5-3. Shortly after- and North Vancouver as well as wards the bK'al bpjys were award- in Vancouver, who will long re­ ed ti penalty kick which Bud member him fo r 'h is'cheery (lis- __d 'Eftsum ' again .. nVade g(>o(l"̂ tTi^pP.s1.tip7l7mT(I'wi 11 ingness to. htdp - boost Ithe score to 8-3. VVith whenever called upon. abcHit ten niinutes to go, J/huck_____ ____ _ ------------------------ Miles picked up a loose ba 11, worlTt'd bi.s way past four or five (Jlub players and tlien pavssed out ---- l-b-- --^Roxboroitgdn-- Have your AUTO FENDER and =HO IX t̂n\'mkrd6nuZbi;ciT-::Body ̂ Mechanic. Expf'rt color-' match­ ing. Cars called-ff)r and deliver-' ed inWe.st Vancouvei*. HARRINGTON'S FENDER & BODY SHOI^ -----('Woodward'.s Garage) • Sey. 71.51 West 623-Y TIME NOW5bi-..For heaters, stove pipes, weather strips, etc.. See us before bpying. Crawley & Barker, Hardware. FOR RENT ■--^̂ 4-Room Suite, electric stove, hot water heater. W est 65,vR ~l"0R~SAT7El^=^Cot-and-mattress--$.3;- NORWEGIAN GIRL -- 26 years,- wants general .housework. Box 102, - West Van News. r-egular extension dining table (no b-AWN-'-MOWdERS ̂ ; leave.s) $4.00;-all-steel cot or couch, parts. _$3.00> enamelled gate-leg table, 1 ̂ Shop, $2.50. All in excellent condilion. 1449 Marine. Bayliss, West 522-R.' FOR'RENT-r-^3 Room furnished camp IZ-for seven Jnp:nth;sT^^ Street. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DEC- ORATING ̂ For ^economy. and satisfaction, West.-674-R^^ mad('a lu'nutiful run tq plant the ball dowij rigbl by tlu* posts. D'Easmn again added tlie extra -point.s, making a total -scoiv of ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next game is Saturday a! Douglas Park at "2:30 p.in. against Varsity Second.s. It is hoped to havi?;a good croAvd of XbVRD OF THANKS The Misac.s Ani.y .and Mnrgjixet- Rowley, 2386 King.'s Av(muc, and Mrs. Walter Sutheiland wish lo thank tlu-ir many friojads for sympathy e.xiended and beauti­ ful 41oral--tributos received 'dur-- JogYbedr JiticeJiLsad-hereiivemenl- Inside Fir,-.........,.$5.50 per cord SlJbs with Bark $4.00 per cord .Sla'b.s & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST -- PRI-TAM'S-FUEL - 5 TMipne North 620, WANTED -- Responsible- girlVas -moUreT's help, one child. West 430-Y-2. • . MARCEL SHOP --* Thermique Steam Permanents. Only best materials used.' 'E xpert operato^s.'̂ Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. FOR SALE -- Uhiderwood Typewriter 7 as'new.'West 375-X-3. ' ' . -- -- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- LO.TS CLEARED and Ploughed; con­ tract or day wo'rfe^\'(^est 420-R. try way. Guaranteed. Brick stone repairs.. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ^iLANTED--Tricycle-in gobd^-condi­ tion, West 211-Y. supporters out to 'help the team aloiig._^ Mrs. Hilda Lloyd and fa mil v Insurance & Real Estate PrC . GIBBENS & CO. Ltd. THE HIGHLANDS FOUND -- September ®29th, brown; cocker-spaniel. West 480-L. "GORDGN"RGBSON7'Barri8tef^Solic^P" -- tor, 1447" Marine," by appointment . only, West 403; 510 JEastings Street Seymour 4199 afternoons. 1 .'193 M a fine Drive SINGLE LADY -Wants partly furn­ ished housekeeping room with priv- al,e famjJy. West 47-L. HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 ^Marine, Op­ tometrist, Optician, Wednesdays'* 10:30 to 4; West 458-R for appoint- V ments. Thanksgiving ^QpsdPinnjfe WANTED IMMEDIATELY--Experi. enced girl for housework and plain cooking, sleep out. 2227 King's Ave. MASON'S 'YAXI -- Day and night. ~Passengers fully- insuredr^West 512 I'ALI, IS T llE TIME t o HAVE YOUR - Furniture Recovered Repaired and Polished 1516 Marine Drive ̂ Phone West 710 Chesterfield Suites - E<»sy ('hairs, - Cushiony - Ottomans - Stools' Draperies ̂ - Window Shade.< -_Curta in Rods - Repairing Mirrors Re-Siltered - Ne'edli'poihtI_Moun(<>d ' - IXM>se Covers" Prom - Five to -E igh t, ILM'.. One Dollar_______ __ H._̂ VASS. Chiropratjtor. Suite 4, ETLLBE W A l^.U T UABINET P ATiTA-iU^^iHl<3jyburhViHbc£.',::;j5^^ iff- l iIll M f P r o v i n c i a l , : m l i o n a L a n d J E h . y - s i e a l - E d i i c a t i o j i D e p , a r t m e i l t iIs . Cln>s'sc?( for-tnen -will ~re-op<*n for "thn season cn Wednesday I I F ^ S l ilE .. L-.' OcJ6b^' ,13th, at 6:30 p.in., and, will continue every Monday and Wediuistiay evening from 6:30 o'clock a t INGLEWOOD SCHOOL GYMNASIUM und(n';ih e diiWIion of Cordon D. Gillespie aird"aSvsistcnlH>>^ -- local eoachesv i'^ll" The healthiest recreation in. the world f i ^ of chai*ge. Turn ent and make a success of thi-s centre. ---- good-order,- snap,: $15.--West- 74-R-3 -- MENU-^ -- ....... ' . Sea,-Food-Cocktuil - ---- Fruit Cocktail' Clrcam of Mushroom Soup Celery Heart - Olives Roast '̂oung Tom Turkey > Cranberry .Saijce Giblet Gravy ' ("reamed Onion.s . Brussels Sprouts ("roamed Parsley Potatoes ■ ■ Pumpkin Pie ■ ' Spani.sh Cream ' Apple Pie Angel Food with Ice;Cream .Salted Nut.s Tea Coffee ' -"-Milk 'Small coal and wood heater. Good condition; reasonable "393 Fulton...Avenue.... .. -________! WATER PRESSURE RESTORED --̂NS"curCnoqp^^U(5caI'testMgnr^ West 188-X. FOR SALE - lined, $5.00. - Quebec Heater, brick Phone West 98^L-3, FOR SALE at 27th and Ottawa -- 1 single bed and mattress; 1 chest -drawers; 1 library table;- 1 dining Uibie and 4 chairs; 1 sideboard* 1 . Che^erfield; 1 -carpet; 1 FaVeett 4-hole range. WEST VAN. BLIND & AWNING SUPPLY -- Blinds .and Awnings made 'tq order. Have your old blinds cleaned and repaired. Free estimates Phone West 74-L-2. MAJESTIC. ELECTRIC HEATER ^ Electriq Products Ltd. ■ Especially suited for rooms, $7.50.' Phone West WANTED ---j'Furiiiture, staves, tools, ^and anything of value. . We buy, sell and exchange. City 2nd Hanif Store, 109,- 111 W. 1st St. Phone North 431. M. L. Duncan ' A. A. S. Milne RELIABLE GIRL --̂ Wanted to care .afternoons. Apply CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust ^L^aers intalled; furnace ' repairs. . Phone :G." Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. INSTA LL ATIONSt--Electric Repa i rs* --_c_onvenience:-outlets-ihstnlled.-^J.-H^ See Fofst's for their Ail9.^ances on Ranges, Coal. NA/oocI, Sawdust or OifBurners ' W." n: afORRIS, Age]^ 1476 Marine Dr. W ^ tW ll also at 66 Lons4ale Avenue « Nortli Vancouver North 525 Typewriter ^i)0 , A^tna oil burner for rane'e Paterson. West lOR $25. Phone West 375-X-3. FOR, SALE Large neW--8:-mr>ni r^ouse close in; easy:terms. Apply to Lawson and Pride. ^ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, and - acreage for sale. Lawson & Pride, _ ,1704 .Marine. Phone WesL 55. ' * * HQMESITE b a r g a in in beautiful Caulfeild; 1^4 acre,. unobstructed ROOMS TO, RENT -- 2 Rooms, furn- .Q̂ **̂ *̂ sale price only $1,500. isned or unfurnished, suitable for housekeeping, nth and Marine^ C. J. Archer Ltd.. West 225. -Phono-West-617 .:MUSIC_TE1ACHER_ requires use of "̂ PiTPPrPC pr(i> CJ * r T-. ---------- : for ^ o r t period each week as •«9 ®ALEI--P art Spitz, ®tudio. WH " »2.50 each. 2242 Marine. change. Reply to Box 100, West , Van News. ----------PRINTING -- For all l ^ d s of mmh printing phone W est Van 9ANDY An n s h o p , 2442 Marine -- News, -West 363. Fireworks, Stove Pipes, Hardware, . = Varnish, Puttyi etc. f l l i l 1.*