West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Oct 1937, p. 3

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> m '* V ■ I V OMober 7, 1937, yOU.WBUL BE^HEABKfB.OE, Pasmore's 2 Minute Bronchial Mixture The ntiweet and most effective formula to date fur all c»!?es of stubborn cough.^ W and 60c. A M B LE S ID E PHARM ACY lllll^D. S. Montague, Dispensing Chemist Speedy Free Delvery West 323 ̂ JENVB¥ m BUBFIELl) . ' 1588 Inglewood Avenue B U IL iiN G CONTRACTORS ( KMENT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, SIDEWALKS, Etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed The ferries will maintain a Mrs. Harold Ostrom, 1707 half-hourly service throughout Esuuimult Avenue, will be at next Monday, Thanksgiving Day, home next Wednoesday after- The first boiit will leave Amble- noon, October KUh, from 3 to 0 side Dock a t 6 u.m, and the last o'clock. - at Il:30 p.m. The first boat • a. , from the city dock will be 6:30 Mr. and Mrs. Uudlet have a.m., the last boat leaving there moved from H tlr and Bellevue at midnight. West Bay buses Avenue into their now home at meet all boats. The Sunday ser- H03 Clyde Avenue. •4 h o o d BROS. (>2(I Pender Street M oney to Loan ON I'lHST MOUTfiAGES Mrs. W'. R. Hope has moved into a house on Radcliffe Avenue. WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone" WcBt 89^„ Furhneo and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners. TiR R A b a r g a in ! --te le p h o n e fro m V a n c o u v e r I K a m lo o p s fo r 60c. (Station-ta^station) or $1.05 (person'tO"person) ̂, : -afte"r-7-p.;m7-week--daysr or any^ n'me Sundays. • The above rates coyer a three- minute conversation. Govern­ ment tax extra. ' Be it # ' A N ew Home 411 An Addition, or Repairs to the old one Bring your problems to , Astbury Lumber p Co., Ltd. for Service and Satisfaction, ------Phone West 199 -- " Night Calls-- ^ A.-^ROLLO, Wesf,()72-R vice will be maintained by the upi>er level bus. ' 0 '. J. Murray .of .Jhe Royaj Bank staff in Vancouver, luis been transferred to the branch of the bank here. ' L. Reid of VVMinletown, H. 0., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid of 19th Street.* *' tii , Mi\ aikl Mrs. Clnirlie Thomp- i?on have moved from 1267,Clyde Avenue to 1441 Bellevue Avenue Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Seeds,. 1192 Keith Road, Have moved into a house at 1433 Bellevue Avenue. * ♦ H< Godfrey Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Walker, 25th and . <iii * Dr. G. D. H. Seale has now A H W r l l b - J M i l k U i b O likCtf/m JLf FRESH DAILY Tt'ii vjirlcties to suit every tiiHto Meat PloN -- Apple TurnovCrM EcdeH Cukeii -- PuHtrleii Huns and RoIIh Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 had inslullod in his office ib the Hay Bltx'k a t 14th and Marine Drive, oiio of the latest gas machines fbr the elimination of pain during the filling of teeth. The macliine is controlled solely by the patient, Mrs. Gordon Grant has return­ ed from the Vancouver General Ilo.spital, and is now convalesc­ ing at hef Homo in West Bay; i)< , :.i(< A Salmon Fishing Marathon is'being held from October 3rd to November 11th in an area , bounded by a .straiglit line diawn from" Gower Point to Point Grey, this taking in Horseshoe Bay, Fisherman's Cove and Englisli Hollyburn Theatre TlUmSDAV, FRIDAY AND .SATURDAY MATINEE Ol'tolKM' 7tli, K(h HIUl mil sir (Vrdic lliirdwicko 'Nine Days a Queen' iiIko "POETS OF THE ORGAN 99 SAT. EVENIHG & MONDAY .Ootoboi* llth niul 11th CLARKE GABLE FRANCUIOT t o n e "Love on the Run" Mathers Avenue who is a OT<lot gay. The first iirizc is a row- on the new Donaldson line! ' "Salacia," recently arrived in Viinoouver on her maiden voy­ age, left on her l\iesday for Glasgow, Scotland, by way.of the Panama Canal. • H<' ■' iH Mr. land Mrs. F. Stedman have '"mWcli'Trbm~"Vanc(Hivei^^ btxiRwith motor valued a t $263,, and there are a number of oth<'r valuable prizes. Full particulars can be obtained by phoning Trin­ ity 4420. Dan Sewell a t Horse­ shoe-Bay and IT. Kolthammer a( Fisherman's Cove are the offici.'il scalers in W est Vancouver._____ HIE,SI)AY & WEDNESDAY Ortober 12th and Kith GEORGE ARLISH hou.se at 2337-Bellevue Avenue. ♦ ♦ TENNIS Cr.UB DANCE M an H .'E . Paradice of Vancouver has moved into a house a t .1420 Argyle Avenue. B. C. TELEPHONE CO. FRIDAY and SATURDAY at BARRADELL'S £LEARAMCE-SALE 1528 Marine Drive 12/4 FLANNELETTE s h e e t s ; first quality $2.29 pr H^STITGftKD-&HEETS K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 -7̂ 3v!gniii^;:7We8t7t 43^ double bed size, - Reg. $1.39...... ......95c each PURPLE HEATHER and CROCHET WOOL. -- Reg. 2 oz. 35c........... 2 oz. 25c The annual dart,ce given by the West Vancouver Tennis Club last Friday night attracted a large ^ number of- the members and „ S. Thorapson has moved friends, who filled 1,he from tl^ city into a house a t Orange Hall, and a m o s t enjdy- Wing s Point. , ̂ ̂ able evening was spent by all who attended. .A spirit of cani- Mr, and Mrs. E. K^Partridge araderie was very evident Sherman to throughout the evening, qiul 1488 Inglewood Ayenue. ^ th a t together with the. music * * '" " ^supplied--by-M arie-Abraras Or--- ot A ffairs (Onco only ul. 8:15) also - "MEET NERO WOLF" T w o m o r e sQOcesSful-- card e h e s t iV k e p r t h e floor filled 'w ith p a r tie s in a id 6 f C anadian b o y s d a n cers fo r e v e r y n u m b er, th e in S p a in ,^ w ere held d u r in g th e m a n y n o v e ltie s -in troduced a d d -. la s t tw o w e e k s a t th e h o m e o f ' in g m a te r ia lly t o th e e n jo y m e n t M r. and Mr& B a rc la y . T h e p rizes: o f th e g u e s ts . D a in ty r o l ic s h - . ---fo i--whist---W tm el--wortJi-h^ -- m e n ts --w ere--serv ed --du in'iig--th e R ey n old s and -M rs ~ Harold A. Eager & Son Builders & C ontracto rs . '0 ■ ; , . ■ . •. ■ .Ilornea of Diatincvtiori. , ' . 'AltunitionH _^J{opairs-. Re-roofing 825 - 22mJ Street In terv a ] iri th e J o w e r hall_._ As fe a tu r e o f th e e v e n in g w as Scribner, while the bridge w inners were Mrs. D. W arrener of Calgary and presentation of tournament .Mr. Gleed. It is hoped to call an pid^es by F. D. Nicholson i just afternoon meeting of women to previous " to" the . _suppbr dance. discuss the possibility of ^ o p t- The winners were ffs follows: -boysT--Those-- --- -- ------- ------------------ ------ - interested will be notified of this -Club-Open T.ournamcMit CENEkAL Coal, W ood and Saw^dust W ESr VAN. BUILDERS' SUPPI.Y -2-lfg}-M*r-iiuMDr-iA'-ô ---West LADIES' BEACON CLOTH BATHROBES - - Reg. $3.75 ,...... ............ $2.79 MEN'S FANCY SOCKS Reg. 2 5 c .................... 19c pair LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES New styles, reg. $1.95 ^Clearing-ai .j;:̂ ::rrrr---'r-i-̂ ^ Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Fall weight........................ 39c -Bloomers........................'45c and also-of the;next whist drive. n George NuU.M en H' Do.qbles--7 G. Heinlei'.son & Lloyd Thomas 1075 Esquimalt Rirgk;-_M rs. MacNdl. ' Arvenue, was tolly burnt about Ladies' Doubles--Mrs. MacNeil the face and ohest and arms on ^ jyrjgg Clifford W ednesday'ot last, week when ' Mixed'Doubles--M rs., J'arkus &' R C A V IC T O R an explosion occurred on the tug boat on which he was working in North Vancouver. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital. ■ ' D. Dempsey. ^ North Shore Open̂ '̂ ^̂ Men's Singles:--J. Butt. ' Men's Doubles--J.,& T; Butt. . Mixed DQUbl€s>--Mrs.-MacNe^ ' 7George"Nuth' -^is=p5yi-ng"a n i^ X te iM e a -y } s i t^ tb ^ |f® P ^ Mr-s.-J/-C...Barr-on-of-Calgar..v.- Meh's Singles---J. Amiersom XADIES' RAYON PANTIES, S.M.L., reg. 49c................-29c %OYS' FALL WEIGHT COMBS, all sizes. Reg to $1.25 :............89c LOTS OF OTHBR REAL BARGAINS LT^Storrier & T," PAULINE JOHNSON P. - T. A. Men's Doubles Britton. Stngles==Mis.s Dm'ches^ 3 D A IfX D Vd tra iio n $ JSAlkEKi I . . alHo ■ "DONALD THE DUCK' 'BORED OF EDUCATION' : ter. ^ , ~ , Ladies' Doubles--Miss Dorches- , Owing to the meagre attend- ^ Lennbx. ance at the m e tin g held ^ the Mixed Doubles-^Miss Hampson hom e'of the President C. F. & L. Stonier. BROWN & MUNTON Powell last Monday, it was decid- Cup--North Vancouver T'ennis 1542 MARINE driv e ed to abandon activities for the . Club, time being.^ I t has been sharply WEST 3 6 6 Meinber«-As8dclated-Kadfo,Technicians.oMi^C. C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S • Land Clearing 'Excavatibh Work '* Sole Agents for, ' ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT 1427 MARINE PRIVgR O E & S O N r PH ON & " W E S T - 8 ^ indicated tha t both the staff and the parents of the pupils of the Pauline Johnson School are in­ different to the obvious benefits the Parent-Teaehers organiza- tion bestows. ~hi BROWNIES T he first meeting of the West 4^ancou-ver-Brow4ii€-Pa©k-wilI4)e- €O A i^ W O O D ^ fid FUEL OIL Just' because we seem~ toTiave harped on the subject of sawdust don't overlook the fact th a t we sell the better brands of coal,,, various varieties of stove wood, and furnace and range oil. The oil is prepared to our specifications by the Home Oil Oompanyv Because we can supply ̂ v eyeiry type of heating-we call ourselves.' ■ j W 7 lw iL L YUELS . T 7 SAWDUST -- W O O D __ COAL -- HOME OIL. FUELS North 94 ' - ° . 5^3 Lonsdale held in the United Church Hall on Thursday, October 14th, a t 4 p.m.' For information coficerfi'-" ing new mfimbcrs_ phone Miss_ Beryl Gray, West 92-R-^ T H E A T T I C P L A Y E R S - T H E D U N D A R A V E P L A Y E R S PRESENT ■ ■ \ ------- IN THE INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM ADMISSION: R e se r v e d 3 5 c . - ^ - - EXPERT W atch and-C lock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with .Birks Ltd., . " Montreal).., ' 1522 Marine Drird .WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF THE WEgrr, VANCOUVER UNITED GHURCn FALL TEA and SALE OF HOME COOKING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th, a t 2:30 p.m. in the Church Guest Speaker; MRS. PAUL SMITH , ^ SqloiBt; .MRS, COLIN MacLEAN ,' Admission, 25 cents.