West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Oct 1937, p. 1

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■pipp a«" .,,̂ ,.A-̂ -„v«-.,*»■**,» Circulating in the District o f West VancoUver*-i^mhIeside^ Holly burn ̂ Weston̂ Dundarave $1.00 per year. ̂ CyPrCSS Pdt*k^ Caulfetld^ W^hytecHff^ Etc^ Oc per copy at newMtanda. A'ol HOLLYBURN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY^ pC T O B E R ' 7th, P)37 No. 27 •in. RE-UNION RATEPAYERS* MEETiNG TABLE TENNIS LEA(3UE One of the moat amazing things in this world of jarring ' (li.'̂ coril.s, botli between nations and classes, is the growing I'eeliiig of friendliness between the peoples of Great Britain 1111(1 the United. States. We say "peoples'* advisedly, bccau.se (here, has never been anything but friendship based on, a imitiml understanding between the more educidted and the ' linancial interests of both race.s. And, since it is a thing of sniiiment, which cannot be traced to any pai'tioular event or i-vents, it is the more likely to bo permanent. Possibly also it .- is largely responsible for the recent volte face in the tradi- , (ional Anierican».policy as announced by/President Roosevelt. ............'rhere-have^been, i t . isi-true, ..certain..cQntributingLcauses,..„. hut they do not fully explain the phenomenon, which seems Io have sprung-up from nowhere. The real aAid widespread sympathy, for instance, extended hy the American people as a \yholo to tho.se of,Great Britain jti (he time Of the passing of the late King George, really' • imiched the heart;of the Britisher. .He felt that "the Yankee," . whom he had formerly regarded as a noisy boaster, could not Ik; such a bad fellow afte r all, In a/Word, he had discovered ' ,llu* essential kindliness of heart of the average. American. '^)n ,the other hand the American, brought up to regard all kings and princes as useless exoressetices, which he had been fortunate enough to get rid .of as a result of the War of Inde­ pendence, sensed that King George had been different, that ■ in some way he seemed to have been in spite of his rank "real human" and a man who did a day's work and looked after his home and family. Again? th e ' real history of the events leading up to the • --Boston-Tea-Party-isTbeing-taught;-The~American-people~are bcjcuming acquainted with, the fact that that, war was really between the American Colonists and the King, not the people : of England, who .heartily sympathised with them.__. _ . _ _ There will be those who will say that this grbwing friend- , iiness Is the call of the blood. However, much as that might be desired by some, it does not happen to be true. There is a language common to both races, and, taking it by and large, common laws; bu t Americans are' ho longer a people predomin- pintly of British"Stock, although this may be true of certain parts of the South and the New England States. Probably the mostTmportant oi'.,the contributing causes . has been the steady struggle for peace waged by England - and the U nited 'States in these post-war years. The latter - has never- joined-the League of -Nations,-but-her^influence- has----- nn^^'j^nbeeh'direcfed'agiih^ and now she, together with" England have been and are rearming as the only possible course left by^which the world may be' saved from the hole- caust that, regardless of who wins, must destroy civilization. , However, no rnatter what th e cause or causes, the grow- A meeting of the West Van­ couver. Ratepayers' Association will be held j(it 8 p.m. next Tuo.s- day, October l^ h . in Dundarave Hall. A lumriy welconie is ex­ tended tOl all ratepayers to a t­ tend. ' ATTIC PLAYERS ANIL DUNDARAVE .JUNIOR DRAMATIC SOCIETY The 1937-118 season of th<' We.st Vancouver Table Tetinls lAjagiic wdll commence in the course of a few weeks. Any teams wishing to sign uj) for the .sea.son, plea.st; get in touch with Jimmy Baxter at West 15G-'Y. Entries close on October 14th, and play will start a week later. COMINtJ EVEN'rS TO PLAY HERE .THANKSGIVING SERVICE I'Vhtay, Oct, 15th -- Whist and Bridge Drive hy the L.O.B.A. in tlie Orange Hall, h'riday, Oct. 122iui ■;-- SixtiH'ntli Annual Dailce bv King David Lodge, A. F. k A. M., in the Orange Mall. I'Viday, pet. 291 li--Grand (*on- c<'i't by West Vancouver Scliool Baud iu Inglewood Auditorium The Attic Playei's of Vancou­ ver and the Duiularave Jimior, Dramatic Society vvill pro.sent' several pj^ys at 8 :15 p.m. tomor­ row, (Friday), in the Inglewood Auditorium under the au.spiees of the High School Association. The former will give three one- act plays, while the latter will put on a short comedy by Miss Beryl Gray entitled ."School for Small Talk." Particulars are' as follows: School for Small Talk , By Beryl Gray Characters: „ " Mamte"Drake.... Barffa ra Sparrow Archie Tapps........... Bob Climie Daffodil Woods....Eileen Hodgson Vicky Drake......Joyce Burbridge. Pearlie, Pye^.../7 Margaret Allen Olympia Jenkins...Pat Hodgson Dulcie Trotter....Marian Prebble Jerry Creelman..Harold Johnson Bill MeSturge....Kenneth McNair A rt Copping....Donald McKenzie Stella Manners.........Betty Glray Nelson Creelman.Bob McCartney George Hazleton .Jack Dorches- .7 - - [ter --̂ Sce.ne-l-^Lu nch room _of Maple; Talley High School. Tim e: After school ' __ Scene H ^ H a l l of Creelman Home. Same Evening: " Scene III --- Hall of^School.' A Thanksgiving .service will he held in all (3iufches of Christ, Scientist, on Mondiiy morning, October 11th, that in the Chri.s- tian Science (3iiircli here s ta rt­ ing at 11:30 o'clock. The Golden Text is ; "The Lord is my ,'^m g th and my shield; my heart trusteth in Him,.and 1 am helped: theixd'ore my heart greatly rejoicet.h: and with-my song will I prai.se Mini." (Psalms 28: 7). Among the citations which comprise the Le.s.son - Sermon is the following- from 'th e Bible: "The Lord thy God in the midst NIGHT c l a s s e s Beginning next week, ' the . W('st Vancouver Scliool Board liav(\ arranged for night cla.sses in typewriting from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on. Tue.sday.s witli W, 1)." Kirk as instructor, also in slioVt- luind and book-keeping on Thurs­ days from 7:30 t() 9:30 pan., Mrs. W. Reid being in charge. U)) to the time of going to i)i'e.s.s an in.snlficient nuniberjuf,appli­ cations had been leceiyiul to ̂ justify the , establishment of classes by the BotmT in tjKi other subjects proposet' M ofHhee is mighty-; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love. He will joy^pyer thee with_.singing (Zephaniah 3: 17). . The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science Text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; "God is not moved by-:5the breath of praise to do more than He has already , done, nor can the infinite do less thail _bestow-all-good, rsince-JLa=is-Tfn- changing wisdom and Love." HORTICULTURAL ASS'N i tig friendliness remains. AndTfTs, sorhething 'to be profoundly „ „;Evenifrg~of Dance FALL TEA AND SALE OF HOME COOKING A Fall Tea and Sale of Home A large, and enthusiastic audi- I'liPb Tditliei-ed~iir th'(r.riigle^^^^ ̂ School annex Tuesday evening, the first speaker of the evening being S. Trust, We.st Vancou­ ver's juost successful ro.sarian, who gave a sl)ort talk oil ro.se culture from his own- vast experi­ ence. Andrew Leitch, the popu­ lar Parks Board gardener, fob' lowed with a. highly, infprmative leeturo--on --"Beau ti fu 1--iFlpwen Gardens," including in his topics instructive advice on - lawns? walks,- foundation jilanting, win-- dow boxes and- trees. ; IVesident Mrs,- JL P, .Allen Goakfrrg;wrll-be^ held thankful for.,-because, if there is a possibility at'a ll of escap­ ing an'other world war, it rests wholly on the" certainty that those who s ta rt it will find^hemselves-up against the combined forces of the British Empire and the United States. Tickets 25c.; Reserved 35cT from any member e f cast or phone West 92-R-2. Musical program under the direction of Mr. Kershaw.- .SCOUT^JEWS^ SOCGER-- - Formal dedication of the new ̂ cabin recently completed for the " 1st West Vancouver (St. Steph-" en's) troop will be hpld next Monday, Thanksgiving Day, a t - aboil t-̂ noon. The final touches are being made to this projeect' and, while the "Roost" will not have all the comforts of home rigiit away, it's going to before long. The dedication and inspec-. 22nd V I€TQA■ - o 10 street between :30 and .eRmb.-- Any_ The West Van." Merchants' Football Club have entered their team-in the Vancouver ^nd Dis­ tric t ' F irst Division, and "will open the - season a t 3 p.m. on" Saturday of this week, October 9th, at Ambleside Park, when theV will play the Vikings -of Vancouver. Reeve Leyland will" kick off to start-the season. It is hoped tha t a large number of West Vancouver residents, will =turn=iout-:to:^upport--t-her^team.-- _ TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD tomorrow, (Friday) in ih(3 Church Hall under the auspiec.s of the Women's Association of the West Vancouver United Church. The guest .speaker will be Mrs. Paul Smith-; wlr<~\vill Jjanice Bayliss spoke on dress' a topic dear to the beai't of wom­ en, a t the regular meeting'of "the" West Vancouver Townswomen's Guild. The Book Club will meet on the fourth Monday of each, month, the next being a t the home of Mrs. White, 14th and Lawson, on October "25th. The Needlework Club meet October 13th at the home of Mrs. Har- take as her subject The Clial- lenge of a Changing World." Ad­ mission, 25 cents. propo.sed "ArboiT'uni or Hotaii- ical Garden" for the Little Moun­ tain area, Scvei'al horticultur- i.st.s .spoke favorably of the pro­ ject, pointing out our ciiniato -i.s suited to many thou.sands of Thants; aTul Lfttle Mountaiii Jbu;k, BAND NOTES Top==24th--and--© ttawa=^wenuev=^ visitors are most cordially invit- ScoTlts--be sure y p u ;a ft^^ 7 iu full uniform. ' ' " U, T ^he-next-m eeting-of-tha-Y .-W . _G_lb-U:-will-be-held-nt-th^h:ome The convener will give a demom stratiqn-en-Singercraft rug mak- ing^ arid Mrs. Rankin Jr., ^will teach tatting. ' ' . * Already 20 beginners have cm. roiled in the new class being formed in the School Baiuj. Jioya from all schools, particulaidy in grades 5, 6 and 7 are eligible, and all intending to join, should do so right away. The servi(;es of Mr. Delamont have been secured if or annther-day--each -wee lf=̂ and- this time will be devoted entire- --ly', to beginners:------ ; ^ ̂ For any information -phone " Mr? Condon, Westi448-T77 has an area of 95.5 acres, ern braejng.all classes of soils, ex­ posures, glens,-aiiil hills. - <*Mrs; J . . JL Leyland pre.senled the prizes to nearly a hundred successful contestants . .of -ithe Horticultural Exhihitro.n of S(;p- temlber 1 I t.li,. it^d ilee. e J. B. Leyland drew lucky numbers for the Memboi-ship rafi'le, as all prizes were atLractive..aiserul. or valuable.■ ■ ■ . . ' ■ . In--cx:>n-riext-ion--wi-tii--ttia--.-4in̂ - nounoemefif-iof tlie-nexP kfcturir Engagement Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish, 1713. Ooi'don Avenue, announce the ciigagenient of their only dUigh- t-cr, Naom i'H ilda (Peggy), to Mr. J. M. Gillison, son of the ate Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gillison,' ocotland. . of- the president, Mrs. Skirton, on 'Tuesday, October 12th, at 7:45 p.m., and will be followed by. a social-evening. A. special invitation is extended to all members and friends to attend. V HARVEST MOON DANCE Mr. and Mrs.'^G. L. Breckiri have moved from Duchess Ave­ nue to Sherman. \ HALF'HOURLY SERVICE iving Day Schedule tVMBLESIDE CITY F irst Boat leaves a t 6 a.m. Last Boat" leaves'^at 11:30 p.m. DOCK -- F irst Boat leaves a t 6:30 a.mJ - Last Boat leaves -at T2 midnight.' West Bay Buses meet all ferries. U pper Level Bus-*-Sunday "Service. Have you bought your tickets yet for the Harvest Moon Dance on October--15th_at_ the. Holly- burn Pavilion? This is the first dance of a series to be given this season by the Girls'.Auxiliary to the Barbarian Rugby'Club and the girls are certainly doing their utmost -to make this dance the best yet. One of the attractions' of the evening-is a rafflfe. A sup- porter has wery kindly donated LADIES' COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY on-NovemlK;r 9th-for -ChryHKn- -- themums the ((iieslron of holding --a"-"Mum" Parlor Show in eon- iTjn ĉUo7i" "̂ t}r-thTr"lFctTii'eTi^^ ̂-- The West Vancouver^Ladies' branch of the Scottish Conn try Dance Society will hold their ' fir.st practice oL -the siia.son on Friday,.the 15th October, at 2:30 p.m., in the Clachan. As this hall will only. £iccommodat(! four sets comfortably, the member­ ship will be limited to thirt.y-iwo for the present. /l*hose intere.st- favorably received. On behalf of the memhers and director.^ of the association the president then pre.sented Mr.s. Leyland "with, a large .spray _oL golden chrysanthemums, ' as a humble token of,their gratitude. Following the adjournment of the meeting, guests, speakers and directors retired to the ho'me. c)f MTSs. Alle'n, where dairiiV re­ freshments, wete served. an Irish; Tefrief pup. Raffle_ti ets are ngjw on sale with Mrs, F: Lofting in charge., i?d a re urgeiLto^et in tfAjch with' yH'EHlMPIHHA-Ir^V-CTEltTVNST HOLLYBURN HALL A Lantern ,Service- for boys and girls will be conducted by Jack Anderson from 7 :15 p.m. to "8:15 tomorrow (Friday) in^ "H ro ll^u rn '"H an ;;.fd by- prayer- and . Bible study from 8:20 to 9:20*p.m, Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class , \vill be held at TO a.mV next Sun­ day, and at the 7 :30 p.m. service on that day John Wallace will give a Gospel address. M iss L aw son , m em b ersh ip con­ v en er , a s .soon as p ossib le , ^ s th e r e h a y e been m ore applica­ tio n s- th a n w ere expecteiJ, and o n ly a" fe w v a ca n cies are l^ft. . M rs. T h o m a s B in g h a m , who is w ell k now n fo r her worT w ith th e In tern a tio n a l F olk D a n c in g A sso c ia tio n , w h ere sh e . had c h a rg e o f th e S co ttish C ountry -Danctng;~wiirbe7[ris^tTiJcH^^ so m em b ers a re a ssu red o f th e b est ,pos^ible_ tu it io n . P lea se p hone M iss L aw .soh ,fbr in form a tio n re ­ g a r d in g fe e s , e tc . W est 55, a f te r 6 p^m. or M iss M illard, W e s t 295-L. NORTH 'VANCOUVER This'm onth is the first anni­ versary of the North Vancouver branch, and they^have invited ' representatives - ol--all Veteran UnitsjonThe North Shore to a t­ tend their nexf /meeting, when the gu esLspeaker-w il Ibe-T.-Mi 11 .s-- president of the Veterans Coun- "'eil,- who is giving an address on the work of the-Council. It is - hoped that many veterans will take this opportunity of hearing Mr. Mills give hi.s^jidflre.ss at the Board'Of Trade room, Octob- - e r 14th, a t 8 p.m_ ' \ .