/ % ■ L weekly Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Ambleside., Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave j X ^ 0 '"m m m k . W ̂ j^ e m ^ n il ^ n t m m ' m a m m u m .$1.00 per year Cypress Park, Caulfeild,Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newaitande./ Vol. XII, H O LLYBURN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER. B.C., TH U RSD A Y , SRPEM BTER 30th. 1937 No. 26 THE DICTATORS MEET Tho two di(5tatbrs, who have,, turned the world upside down, liavo met, and the greatly honored guest hUs gone home. 'I'here ha.s been much ilamboyant entertainment, much gooae- ,slupping, much striking of attitudes, and, of course,-the usual duruint warniiigs to the world at large. All this bh the suh- race, and strictly for the edification of the German and Italian man-in-tho-street, who must be kept hypnotised lest he turn and rend them. , Jk'hind the scenes it was probably, quite another story. A.s ilipir somjewhat perfunctory greetings to one another at the railway station showed, they met only because they had- io. Like a coiiplc of gangsters with the police on their trail, a crisis Inuf arrived in their affairs and something had to be (lone- What that something will be no man knows, but it would be folly indeed to take at their face value their public .sliilements, since they have ever used words merely to fool oUiur uations. The "piracŷ ,' in the Mediterranean would receive their v<'ry special attention, more particularly as the fact had do bo .faced that the public of the' w'Qrld had shown a most disconcerting unanimity in'.clearing that sea of the,scourge, and, which was much more serious, a quite unusual regard- lossiiess for the feeling and wishes of the two. Tlie venture in Spain was dragging, and Franco callipg for more men. In this connection the point doubtless arose a.s to whether or no the world.in its present mood might not consider suoh reenforcements as pirates, in which case the Mediterranean, instead of being an Italian, sea, might very -wulhbecoine-an-Italian-graver ATTIC PLAYERS IX) PRESENT Pl.AYS HERE THE BURNING HUSH By Subadar COMING EVENTS ' •An evening pf unusua in er- Robbers have ixxxmtly stolen eat will be presenteed on Friday, nnn wui October 8th. at the Inglewoili ' Va.v lolMiom a U.S. A ...lii__!___ Ai.. . .....____iiDwtmv'nr tii»n 'nn in irij» Hrnok- Friday, Oct. Ifith -- Harlmrians Auxiliary Dance in Htdlyburn Pavilion. Auditorium under the sponsor ship of the West Vancouver Students' Association. The At- destroyer tied up in the Brook lyn Navy Yard, which is said to 1)0 harder to enter without about NOTICE Then there was Hitler's particular bogey,, the Russian bear, whose attention had been arranged to have been- so taken up with Japan's whirlwind cdnquest of,. China as to have, had no time to bother with European matters. Here again disappointment owing to the unexpectedly stiff Chinese resistance. Consequently, that so nicely concocted plan ha'd,' gone by the board, and the bear ,more savage and truculent * than ever. / ' ̂ No, it was no merry meeting behind the scenes. Two : T anxious men, who in their rise to power had broken every law of God and man and forced by these very acts to. stay together, .sat and pondered how they might safely ride the flood of re- aimameiit which they theniselves had created. And, because by desperate'pitflblihg they have reached the heights, so they ~ ~ wiirganible ddsperMelŷ t̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ Organizations and others arc tic Players of Vancouver under six letters signed by,the same l•('Hpectfully reminded that the ' the direction of ,Carlcton Clay number of admirals than for a duad-liiui for news • ami other will present three oiie-act plays' iieanut'vender to reach the sanc- 1 of a light and entertaining char- turn of one of our larger Canadi- acter. 'This group of talented an business men. One wonders actors, now entering upon their where the sergeant-over-the- third dramatic season, will pro- cash Or whatever they like to sent the same program here that call him was located at the time, copy remains the same, namely, they are offering this week iii and, if the olficer of the watch noon on Wednesdays'.--Editor, their Vancouver studio. doesn't watch over the cash. The Dundarave Junior Dra- what's the go(xl of him, especial- matic Society need no introduc- • ly.as.I take it it's a safe bet no tion to West.Vancouyer audiene- girls are allowed , iii the Navy es. Those, who savv their lively Yard to distract. Jiis. attention? and natural performances in The- robbers must have been "Our College Stars" and "Rooms bank bap,(lits, and they are tough for Rent" will look forward to fellows, :as a bank teller friend seeing .them again._, Their,_con- of mine, who had cashed up at; ' "octXn-'VRh"hi tribution this time takes the the point of a gun, told one of i„jr|cwood School The first will form of a short comedy in three . the bank's directors. He added, - 'T h mi acts wntten by Beryl Gray one rather unnecessarily, as it seem- i„ Web Vancouver S ( W news reading matter is (> p.m. Tuesday for tho issue of that week, this , IxMiig done to help our boys in jiiaking an earlier delivery.^ 'Plu! (lead-line fbr advertising • PUBUC IaECTURE'ITES" BV IlbUTICULTURAL ASS'N The West Vancouver Horti- culhiral Association have ar ranged fur an eVtming of "I'liblic Lectui'etts" to be held at 8 p.m. It is a gay little skit"on school teller and - not a hero, which life entitled "School for Small Talk." V YOUNGER TOWNSWOMEN'S; GUILD "The Younger Townswomen's Guild had the,pleasure at their meeting last Thursday evening' of having Mrs. P. P. Patterson of Vancouver, as . their guest speaker. Mrs. Pattersoii gave a detailed, account; hf .drouĝ ht con- -ditions-in-the-pi'airie-provihces.-- In order to help the sufferers loss better than the bandits. lii • " ♦ ' « L.O.L. No. 2990 The members of the. above .r| 11 T*l I f)?*) irfl K O ■ T1 fYTll L M jLl the next' regiilar meeting, to; .held on October. 5th, will-Be .in the form of an anniversary meeting. The^brethren are re quested: to wearneg^lia on this -ocĉ sionT--Those-bret-hrem-desi-r-- FALL TEA AND SALErr OF HOME COOKING the girls have planned a tea to be held on Monday, October 4th, at the^home of Mrs. Gromar Br.uoej 2iS0 Argyle Avenue, in , . . . u- • I tee, while "Beautiful I'erennial nearly cost hini his j<)b. -^^y- Borderf̂ " by Andrew Leitch will way Uncle Sam can stand the .subject, of the second.'. Mrs. J. 'B.^Levlandi^will -nr.esent the prizes" to the winners in the I note the press is raving over September Show, over sixty in the nasty mess the Jap avia.tors number, and„there will also be have been m/aking of Chinese a grand prize drawing, and a , civilian.s. That's modern war up inember.ship rafUe, in which eon- to the second, and it's why Tm - nection members, are asked to running for the nearest recruit- bring theeir membership cards, ing, station with my ears laid Admission is free, and it is back if we tumble into it, so as hoped that a large crowd will be to have some peace ̂ and-* quiet̂ . - present. - - ------ ness in the front line. Aijd it'" • ...izr̂ TT" ■ TENNIS CLUB DANCE The .West Vancouver, Tennis Club are giving thefr annual! Fall Dance tomorrow (Friday) Women's Association of the United Church a fall tea and sale of shome cooking will be held in the Church Hall on Friday, Oo- tober 8th, at 2:30 p.m. MTST̂ r̂Paut OUR of bringing their friends speaker, will address the meet after the business session are ing on the subject, "The , Chal- heartily invited to do so, as ,a lenge of a Changing World." program of entertainment ' will Admission 25c.. . -be-held-at-about-9-p7mr-The reg- -------------- ;----- ular meeting will commence at the usual time of 8 p.m. sharp. can't be too front for me. Other wise I'm taking to the nearo.st sewer manhole and pulling the cover down after me, where I'll aftern.QQni.f̂ ̂ to. 5 ;.. l̂ ̂ until.they have Q n i^. ............ ............... ; and in thejevening'from 7:30 to ed beaning people TVqm llbpOO Lin'the Orang^Hall., Ihe music 10 The Public art cordm̂ ^̂ feet up. You 11 do the same, will be supplied by Marte -Ab-- vited to attend, the price of ad- b ô̂ êr, if you're wise. IVe had raraLs - Orchestra. Tournament Hpjjqnr anVtof thfi follow- xpund put .its. jio prizes, und the North Sliore.Ton-; ,.in'g articles' or a donation of earthly kind of use staying ̂tcip-. nis Cup will be pre.sPnfqd durin̂ ^̂ ; eaTiTTied siuo fî nd Wishing on Hil fouis , the course oi the evenirjtî ,, Jic*" milk^^n vegetables"or anv you weie J)adger or-ev̂ en -a kets at 50 cecntis can-be obtained of these, fresh vegetables, car- SOCCER BARBARIANS AUXILIARY There will be a practice game of' the West Vancouver Football team at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, ' Odtober'2nd,"at Ambleside Park,- the local .'team entertaining the The Girls' Auxiliary to__the Barbarians Rugby Club held a very successful meeting on Tues- . ^ clay evening, September 28thratr- V-ikmgs of Vancouver the home of the Misses Jane-and ^ --...lAciTOre :̂:Beaftie7zt:Several-Yiew' ^ rots, potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips and squash. These will be packed in cartons and sent to the warehouse in Vancouver where they will be shipped to the prairies. Mrs. Crpmar Bruce, honorary president of the Younger Guild who was also a gu'ert at the meeting, invited the members to attend any meetings or activities of the Senior Towns women's Guild. mole. There's only one- way to stop bombing, and that'.s to bomb , the other fellow back. When, some of his girl friend.s have been scattered over the lot and a few old generals way-back have got badly di'sorgaTlized through spending a night in a damp cellar instead of thejir \varm beds, they may cry q u its. But you'll get quicker results by centralizing on the generals; be- frcHTi any of the club members or at the- West Van. Stationers (next to the Royal Bank.) , HOLLYBURN. HALL "The first Lantern Service of the sea.son for boys iind^girls will be given at'7:15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall. Jack Evans will be the speakert . L^0rD.-Ef-UV'-- -- - , , and his subject "The Prodigal." __________ pause no genera cares w hatN ext Sunday -at lO 'amr theT It was with great regref. the__ ̂ friends, usual Suj}daj>L.Sch<xJ..an(î member.i" were welcomed- and Timid was---forced to accent the' "' resignation of three of their of̂ TVOTRS. MARGERY" R. CJjAHK final arrangements' were made The regular monthly meeting fleers owing to change of resid- in pi'eparation for the Harvest of the Duncan'Lawson Chapter, eiice, the -following being- ap- Moon Dance--Roy Barry, a mem.*, - I.O.'D.E.,; will be held at the home ' pointed to fill the^vacancies : ber of the Home Gas Orchestra, of.'Mrs. P. C. Chapman, 2557. i.s bringing over his orchestra of King's Avenue, on Monday, Oc- Optimists for the occasion. tober 4th, at 1:45 p.m. - PeopIci's-Bible CIass will be heldf a.nd at the 7 :3(/ p^mTsetwice that TO RESUME TEACHING NIGHT ri A ■ \ Applications" will be receivecd for Free Tuition in W ood w o r k in g M otor M echanics ^ b l i c Speaking - Com m ercial Typing A pplied A ft Address the Secretary . . . WEST VANCOUVER' BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Mrs. Margery R. Clark, elo- Miss Betty Moulton as secretary cutionist, has resumedrteachipg in place of Miss Hattie Young; following the summer'^vacaiion,. Mrs. F. Harrington.as treasurer and is specializing in the instruc_ in place- of Miss Ida Allan, and tion of pupils desiring training Miss Margaret Johnston as in speech and reading. Her press correspondent, in place of .studio is situated at 2365 Belle- Miss Doris Cullen. ' jvue Avenue, where any interest- The ,next regular meeting will- day Jack Anderson will give, a* Gospel address. All will be wel come at these services; WEST VANCOUVER BUSINESS MEN'S ASSN: The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Busiheŝ ^̂ ̂ j^kpeiatiori w in ■ ed are asked to kindly cal 1 or p.m. next We"dnesday, October be held on Thursday, October phone her at West 468-R. For L 6t.h, in the rooms aljove the , 7th, at Hunter's Coff^ Shopp- further particulars plea.se refer ̂ P.D.Q.- C ^' at .15.12 Marine ' 2423 Marine Drive, at 8 p.m., . to' the advertisement in this." Drive: . when Dr. ,E. Therrien.will be the is.sue. . , _It is hoped that all old mem- =̂ -Oqî iSPgakg_̂ =:3̂ f:uJ.Lafrtnd.â ̂ _ r~ ~ - ' bers--and--t-hose--who--have--jusT̂ i: of members is requested ami any "young ladies who are interested - are inviteed to attend. . NIGHT CLASSES BRITISH - ISRAEL jbmed> will rt ocr .casion so that the 'Association The West Vancouver Schwl niay get awaŷ to a good start Board is again, making arrange- for. the fall activities. ments to hold night classes Ibis'- . ' Lib e r a l s to hold ANNUAL MEETINGThj©- regular weekly meeting of the Dundarave Branch of the British - Isreal Federations will be held at 25th and Marine Drive "bn-Monday-,-October-4th. pood .speakers are arranged for. Oc tober 11th meeting will be can celled because of the holiday. On Wednesday of that week, the Prayer Circle will meet, The^ meetings are open to all and everyone will be welcomed. *** year: and application. ̂ will be.'rt- ceiyed for free tuition in the following .subjects: wood work ing, motor mechanics, public . speaking, commercial, typing^ applied art; -the Hast to- incl u(ie leather craft and lampshade ccin- struotion. Any who are thinking of joining are asked to kindly write' the Seertary.of the Board as soon as .possible. An adver tisement relative to this appears in this issue. The annual meeting of the -West-Vancouver Liberal Associ ation will bo held onr-Tuesday, October 5th at 8 p.m. in the .Legion Hall. The election of of ficers for 1938 - will--tako-place, ̂ and otheF'Hmportant busine.ss will come up for discussion. All members are urged to be pres ent. ^