West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Sep 1937, p. 4

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* c ^ r n m m ' w r i m : ,.W,V*'4'~ Phone „We»e 46. RED, AND WHITE Phone W est 46 SPKCIALH liONKV--Manitoba No. I Whltf VI' 25c W"' lb. tin JAM Natxili. I*urc Strawln*rr> 4 lb, fin 4tlc t'orKKI*!--Aunt .Mary'a lb. 25c A r i l i r o 'r s ' -MiHlIuni Si/.#* ' • (ioldt'ii liilIvcH 2 No. I tina 2.'kr ' "MeatgT.rpitoiie'̂ WesFs^^ ̂ " FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Sept, 21th & 25th 71/f I ? A / 2nd WEST VANCOUVER TROOP OF BOY S C O U I ^ mwtinir of the ft ...... (), II. I*. S A I MK !; I't, lioltif* 2.5c < (il(NKI) IIKJI5F 2 tIna 25c IdiM* und ' VVbiic IIKOO.MH each 49c ■ A h<*rvic»*abl<< llvc-Hlrinif broom-- 5tii<Ji' by till* Itihid. lied /i M'liitc CATSUP, 12 o/.. Im>I.' 15c M'ilJrdi'liKbtrui Miiniipy lltivor, Itid X Wbiic C iillJ SAUCP 12 o/. bollli* .... 19c tiivcH (lie riKbf Imicb to. all nicalH. < IIUAM (»r WIIKAT, larKc pkt. 22c (!OllN I'l.AK K.H---(|iial(cT, H pkln. 25c ICai X VVbite ( I:KA.NI':I{, 2 tina l.5c CANNKI) POODS lied & VVbile I'KA.S. Si/e,.'l, tin 15c lied X Wliile OIIIOKN ( I! r IIHANH 2 Tina . 21c PICAS, [iOKnided ' .. tin lOc lied A Wbife ( Hit KICN IIADDilC I k. till , . I5c The weekly' 2ml West Vancouver Troop, on Tuesday, September Idth, was held at the Pauline Johnson An­ nex, The bewH are taking full advantage of Die darker even­ ings, with .stalking u.h well as lively games. Two badges were SBOl ^r.DKR OF SPRING LAMB peril).. .......... ....... 17c STEW ING LAMB, 2 lbs. for 25c SHOULDER ROAST VEAL . 12«/2C to ICc Jh: PJtIME B E E F P O r ROAS'lS from ....... nresented, the (.'anijx.u* badge to T* I j. LEGS I.AMB, Top Spring, lb. 28c .JlitliAST OF VEAL, per Ib. lOc VEAf. L O A F '(N orth S ta r) I'er 11), . ........... . 25c FLETCHER'S HONEY & SPICED BAKED HAM, Per If). .............................. (JOc (.'RAINM'ED BEEF,, PORK and V E AI. -- FINESTARJA LITY. FRESH FISH DAILY Neil Peacock, iind Die Swif mer badge to P.L. (Jerald Jones, The indobr uotiviiy for the even­ ing took on *ho iorm of an ob­ servance test, 1'h(* winners Were the Wolves. . iKi- ni.- Ill Dieeting closed earlier II. <»o„ tlmn usual as there wa.s a.'TJourt JEFFERIES' Superior Meats Government Inspected Only ' HAMS LAMB.. BEEF..*.-* PORE COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PH0NEVVEST3 llnl iV Whitt- POIIK & IIKAN.S :i l.iirni- IH-bz, tiiiH . 2.5r 'I'liKtyi tiiciity lH-uiiH with Pork iind Tmiijito tSmicc. CURRENT EVENTS FORUM 'rill* Current lOvenl.s Forurn held their lir.st inet.'ting ofn the .season at tin*" Dlindjirave schooli li I (on NORTH SHORE I.OCAI. COUNCII. OF WOMEN Til rough arrangement of the Norlli Vancouver Branch of the hur.Mdfty evening hut OwingV.O.N., the North Shore Ltx:aJ to it Hiiddeii thunder .storm just iirecediiig 11m* meeting the at­ tendance wa.s nioHt disappoint­ ing. Coutieillor. Elgai' waa pres­ ent at the meeting with a view to disoij.s.s .sor?M! of our lix'ul trafiHportation prohjema. ('oimcil of Women were privil- t-dged 'to have the /ilm, "The Liltle Black Bag," depleting the ,aeliviti(*a of the ' Victorian Nur.sea, shown at their meeting Monday aft(!rnoon in, the North VancoinsM' Club rooms. Mrs. of Honor." imnie(liat<*ly follow- ,lng.- 'Nie program for the com­ ing winter \ya.s lim'd up, and .several bright siigge.st'Um.s were brought forward. i Any hoys belwi'i'ii the ages of 12 and HJ, wishing'to join the .scout niovmneiil ari* niviU'd do eonie to the Ĵ auiine Johnson An­ nex any 'J'uesday at 7 :B0 p.m., or get in (ouch with the Scoutmas­ ter 10. Lyiiii.s-Cniy. '• Th<; auto mechanic class<*s which were po.stponed dun'ng. t.he nmnth of August, commenc­ ed again on Monday, September 20th. 'rile final, lesson will be held at the fei'ry bus ]&arage on 'J'hursday, September 2.'h*(l, A me.iisage froni the chief:-- "Now that a vcj-y full surhmer of scouting a.qtivjtics Iie.s behind ns, T wish to express to each and JLj iL/JhAlLift EjjgEpfSAMKy .SASH & D(JOHS SHINGLES PJ.YVVO(JDS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIE.S ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE . Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD, 15ih & Maripe Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S 'The rate for Claanifli^ Adrertisenients la 2 centa per word, minimum 25 centa. Except in the caae of Uioee having regular accounts, all ciaasi- fieja are payable strictly in advance. Remember ClaaBifleda in the West Van News get immediate resultu. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2142 M arine- School Supplies, Stationery, Staples, Buttons, Toys, ___________ FOR SALE--Baby Buggy, first class . condition. Phone Web't 552-11-3. all of you my lu-arty 'apprecia- I-h(̂ -next"-meet,ing-will--be-at-- (T'org<r'K-Herrmanrchairman-of Hunlei'H 'Pea Room.s, Marine Drive, oji Thursday evening, September BOUi, wlien it hopeil the members will have a geiuH'al discusHion on "A Public UtilitiestJommission and It's Relation to Our Local Transpor­ tation Prohlem." All those inter, e.sted are cordially invited. "At a Uiniier given nu- in Hung- ciiow Lluj .piece do resifttanco was many-ieggod, live bugs Kovoral inches T'ing_toiifirekenibIijig,.iioadiiis_i»LicQloi:,d_fiPBf»_MiSs _E .J.,._.S-t,e.VI.(iJ 1S, inti^l Those jivore served' in a Imwl covered' mated ' that 7th<3"'"International the Women's Division of the North Shore Welfare Federation camj)aign, was one of the guest s|)cakers, • ' IMiss Empey of the North Van- couvei' Brajioh, VX).N., explain­ ed the'* workings of the Order, and Mrs. It. A. Sai-gent gave, an idea of the heavy work the V.O. N. had to do. Mrs. A, C. Biigley, National Vice President,was also present and.referred to the Big Ben Highway. The Presi- tion for̂ your .scouting spirit, and ask for youi' full loyalty'and keen aelivilies throughout the fall program." _All scouts of the 2ii(l will meet al the gJeii at 'TO REN'l' -- Modern 4-roomod bunga­ low nvwly decorated, also comfort­ able cabin. 2757 Lawson. GIRL WANTS WORK in nice homo; good pers"6nality and fond of child­ ren. Phone West 220-L. NU-BONE CORSErrS, Surgical Belts, Dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. MacAulay, 1(318 Esciuimalt, West '1Q8-R. LO.ST -- By old age pensioner, wallt-i containing . $12.00, Finder kindly phone West 78. Reward. .7 p.m. PTi- day, September 24th, for the purpose of, a campfire and feed with the. scout.s of the 1st and ;3rd. I. FoirsALir condition.. "Drop.s1de" Goach7"new- FOR RENT -- Furnished house, rooms and sleeping porch. ■ Apply ----121G -ATgy 1 e;------------------- West G96-L-2. FOR SA LE -- Regal Heater No. 16, •full sized bed complete, Edison Gramophone with records, kitchen chainSi West 498rL, SAVE Mo n e y on your land clear­ ing. Have experience and equip­ ment. Rush jobs wanted. Box 81, West Van News. . A TRUE S'I'ORY Venomous thin woman, badly ' .squeezed by fat woman m street car .seat: "It's a pity passengers are not charged by weight." Fat old party: "Then the likes of you would never be allowed FOR RENT-^Lovely new home, every . convenience . .and splendid view. Phone West 541-R. MONUMENTS -- For Monuments and Tablets phone evening for appoint-, ment. S. Fraser. North 1Q59..L-2 WANTED -- In vicinity of Amble- ■ side to 27th Avenue, room and board ' or'housekeeping rooms, by couple from October 1st to November 15th o.nly. West 159-X-2. WEST VAN. STATIONERS and Library--West ' 687; next Royaf Bank--Books, Magazines, Films and' Developing. Greeting Cards, School, Badminton and Household Supplies, Violin Strings. City pricecs. i --Gfi- Coriyention would be held in Edinburgh, July, 19:38 ̂ and the next 'N.ational Convention in \-ancotiye 22, 1038, m- mind,ing m em bers' nwhGi...-,niul~<-i'U;di - it befiu-e-jt r^lrf--- with IF gbis.s shell. It̂ m bad form not to accuprii. helping of everything of­ fered. I was supposed to lift the cover iiuickly, grab the wriggling animal with my, ehoii-stieks, pop it into iny start to erawl."--Dr.* ITeiser. . .Stern father (to .son (ieparting for hoarding school): "Now, don't let me hear any had reports about you!" ' Sun: "Til'Li-y hard. Dad. But yoii know how tliose things Itnik out." • October '22nd. " Resolution-' re Daylight Delivery of Millrdur- . iiig the winter months and the matter of the C.B.C., banning liquor from the tiir were also dealt-witln--------------. '■______■ "Well, mum," said the tramp, "the reaTion PranT get a job is because I'm what they calls'̂ an unhappy n n ^ m --too light for. he.avy work] and too h eav y fo r _FQR_SALE_^==^Basement-ping.?pdng- table complete with' netT'etcr,' $4.75r West' 689-L. NEARLY TIME to renew your light g]dbeS'-for-fallr-=^We--have-what -you WANTED-- r Girl for light-"house, Hollyburn, afternoons 2 - 7, Sun­ days free. State wages and phone number. Box :84, West Van News. want in this line. Crawley'& Bar­ ker, Hardware. light work: d*̂ U4JT̂ FlHĤ IS«®D-eOŜ Ŷ 0T=- LAWN STOWERS SHARPENED -- ■ Special machine; repairs, parts. -- West Vancouver Machine /Shop, . ' 1449 Marine. . ' VAGF,'pTumblng,Tl8.']"^£Jm^OcT , f^AINyiNG, PAPERHANGING, DEC- 1st. - Apply 2310 Be'llevue. -- For economy, andjT* V . ' UA , c.cuiiumy e aiiu satisfaction, phone F. C. Dalgleish, West 574-R.CLEARANCE--̂ Rock Plants, Shrubs .............. . v.-»-xw.. - ,, ■ . 10 -'25c. Richards' Nursery, 23rd 'and Jefferson, We.st 691-R, ; ■ -- Thermique Steam. ■■ T .....■ - ■■■ - --- ̂ ■• ,, A GmiflUPllf'S. " Onlir YtoqF . *v»oFavIo1g .Suitor; '•Honey,, don't you think you could <manage to live on $25..00 a- week-V-̂ -̂--- -̂----------------------- =-- -̂---- 'Fhc next inedting will/be held at the liome of Mr.s. .E; Jupp, ^20th,' and Inglewood Avenue, October 18th.<,, ----- -Synopsis of Lsnd Act - F0R-SAdrÎ or-EXeiTANGE-for-Fir̂ wpod,_sman range, good water" back _ .w* --- AAAX;AUA14Ut; istvoui Permanents. " Only best materials -usedT-- Expurt operators. Phone West 304,.Royal Bank Building. Girl Frieiul: "Get the license. I'll try it a week," t o OITR jREADERS nuc-BMrrioNs Y7ACANT, narea«rTCd, surveyed Crown » landi_ mey be pre-empt^ _ by__Brl_tish_ FOR .SALE --- Bed, coil spring, new mattress. 1420 Argyle St._______ NOTICE : Organizations aiuLothers aie ro.spectfully reminded Unit the dead-line for news and other reading matter is (> p.m. 'Puesday for the issue of that week, tliis T"- i makliig ah earlier dcTivê j'y. ■ 7'he*dead-Hne for advertising copy remains The .same, namely, nobiron \Vednesdays.--Editor. Any householder not-receiving a-copy of thisjpaim-on any and (?ach 'riuirsday evening, 'is re­ quested to kindly phone us at West 363, in order that the omis­ sion may be corrected.- We shall esteem_any-such phone as a fav­ or, as it is our^rly way of check- boys have sTfetT instructions ,lo place a' ptipei^on' the verandah of^^very house on t})eir routes. T Editor. su b jecu over 18 yourt o< uge, and by^ nllena on deo larln j In ten tion to become ■Uritlsh BUbJecU, conditional upon " r e s i ­ dence. occupation and latprovem ept.-^ Pull Information- oonoernlnĝ T̂ e-emp.i tiona U given in Bulletin . No. l. Land Series,VHow to Pre-empt Land;*' copl'ea Of a'lilch can be^ t̂atned .̂free of charge by Bddrcaalng the Department of Lands,' Vlc- Aoj;la.̂ _Dî Cr;_Bureau of_J>tovJnclal Informa­tion Victoria, or any Oovernment Agent -Records wlU be. granted covering only land suitable for .agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, sctitJbl and marketing faclUMee and which Is ndt timberland, l,e„ carrying over 5,000 board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and -»-,2^Zf!$l7E«aErs ̂ --- - WA'NT'ED ■--- Capable girl for* House­ work, over twenty; sleep 6u.t.' West 694-R. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - - Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. Brick and .Palmer, Capilano,Nor.th-811--R-2.______ _̂__-_-- f o r RENT -r-̂ Furnished room", for a business lady in quiet household, board optional, . Box 37, West Van -News, _, GORDON ROBSON,_ Barrister,-Solici- 1447 Marine,: :by appointment hnly, - West "403; 510 Hastings Street - Seymour 4199 afternonog HANDY MAN Wants Work; odd jobs. Phone West 277-X. HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Op- Dptician, Wednesdays 10:30 to,4. West 458-R for appoint­ ments. . rim ws LAST CHANCE This W eek Only Cim p and Garden F urniture to be Sold at [e ss Than Cost Ilardw(K>d j)ook (7iaiiy with rog.^1.15.... -Har.thvcKid-Bfvnqiicf-eimtî ^̂ - .....$ 0 9 " ■ a lifeilT . . V ■■ . . . . . . ■' r ^ r ^ /"N • . ♦ . 1 . s » • ><»•.« •..« IS « "s. I, • » g A V * V V • ■ W? * • J i u r ■ ■ holding Cnnip CImirs. modi]'iv-enforced, I'og. 95c,....now 65c Folding Camp Stmils. reg. 76c,..........................T.........now 35c Folding Camp Cc>t,*t, reg. $3.25................................. now $2.25 I.ta 10.*̂ t at \* 1 <V Rec 1 i n i n g Q h mm.g. Lhjfii-*s -writ h footrest-aiKl-Tringofl- ̂ Canopy, reg. $.r,95 .J. "............. ........... now $3.45 8-Foot Gimkhi Umbivllas, reg. .$15.... ......................now $10.50 1 .3 Off on special selection of first grade awnings. iS'l: STANDARD TENT"&"AWNINC LTD. "■f.i Seymour 4260 or West 74-L-2 873 Granville Streel- See our prices .on Window Blinds. .jfe .-.. Applications - fbi- prc-em ptloaii 'atc to Be addres,ved to Um Lm uI Com missioner of ihe Land Recording Division in Which the , land applied, for U situated , on prin ted form s obtained from tlM C om m asloner, PrereinptlODs m ust bo occupied fo r five years and hnprovoffloats made to value of t io p e r acre, Inchidtng clearing and cultt- - vatlng a t least-five aeraa, before a. Crown G ran t can-be received. Pre-em ptions ca rry ta g p a s t tim e condi­ tions .of oeeupatton a re also gran ted . IvOR SALE,-- Number of bantams \V.lth..i:nQstei-43-tĥ ot-;----Weslr-5HT̂ T- * ' ' T III 1 fl - ' ~ ■ ' i-im I _____ TAXI --- Day and night, j^asserigers fully insured._We3t_5l2 y o u n g MARRIED COPPLE would like care of house/ for winter month§ or would rlent smallcottage. Crdmar'Bruce, Westo30-I. ;W A8S,- Chifop^ ̂ 4, ^Hollyburn Block "^ATER PRESSURE RESTORED - . pay. Local testimonials West 188-X. < . . ' ' ' I' d r . SALE Empire 4-^hole range; condition, $25.00. West/-b-L. PDBCHA8S <MI LEASE Applications a n focelTed for purchase of vacant ahd unreaerved Crown lands, not being ttm berlaad. for, ag ricu ltu ra l purposes Minimum priaa _a< firs t-c la ss . (arable) land Is 85 per aere,' an d second- class (grating) land. 8>.8a p e r acre. P u rthc r Inform ation Is g te sn : m B ulletin No. 10, Land Serlea. **Pare)>ase an d Lease of Crown Lands." As a partia l rMlef m easure, reverted lands m ay be acnulted by purebaM In ten equal Instalm ents. VttJi UM firs t paym ent , .suspended::.for^twe^yeaxa,^ p rov ided , taxes a re -p a id--w h e n -d w -a n d tmprovsme n ts -a re ^ -- mndeL-durlng'-^ th e - f l ra t- tw e -y e a r s -o f--n o t - te.ss th a n 10« of th e appraised walua. Mill, factory or ladaatzia) altea on Umber land. no« axeeedtaE 40 aerea,- may be purchased a r leaaed, th e eonditlons Including paym ent «d atam page. Unsurveyed areaa, n o t exceeding so acres, may be leaaed .as bocaesltee, oondi- ; ttonal upon a dwelling being erected In NEW h o m e s f o r SALE or RENT * Ba.v.' & AWNING -- Blinds and Awning; . made-to order. Have your old blihdf deaned and repaired. PrereStimatef Phone West 74-L-2 HANDT ANN SHOP, 2442 M arin e- Hardware, Paints, Turps. Oil ̂ (-.enicnt Sole.s, Insoles, Stove Pine.«;* I A PER H.ANGING, Painting Exterior or Interior. First class work; low rates.--W est-189^..- -F ' .WANTED --- Furniture, stoves, tools and anything oT value. We buy and exchange. City 2nd Hani North 431 ■ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdus burners^ intalled; furnace repairs OR"SAXE-- Kitchcen range and oil ----^ ' L._______ _ ' c S e t 'aiaiu'tv"2-'? ™®̂ *̂'I-ATIONS-Baoctric RopairA 1 ^nnniity 2 :x 4 lumber, l°nvenience outlets insta lW " J I miscellaneous arte Paterson. West. in« ", 'Ides, cheap. West 556-R ' ------------- -- ' ' (he llrs t: year, UOinBiUBDfTdbtumad aft« rrem̂TPvidence and Im nroT em m eocidUlons arc fulfilled and land h a s b e * sorveyedL " POr gracing and tiadnxtrtel porposm areas n o t exceedliiE PM m m * m ay be leased by one perees a r a com paay. U nder the O raxtag A ct th e B ro tln ce ts d iv id e d : into e ra sin g dU trleta 'an d ' t h e rarrge adm lnatered u n d e r g racing regu la - rtlons-am ended tro a7 th sc~ to 'tim e~ to '~ m eet'" varying condltiona.. A nnual g ra tin g per­ m its a re tssuisl based « a ee rta ln m onthly ra te s per head of stock: p rio rity In g ra t­ ing privileges Is ghran ks residen t stock ow ners. Stock-ow asrs m ay fonB a&soela- tions ' for range m an ag em en t:. P>ree or Bicycter-excHl̂ lent conditi-on. particnlars phone West 683-L. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHE w u ses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, ar ■ arrpfli>« - P A a a v , . r > 'iA L - - r « -- 7 . ^ required for \\nnter heatmg, it-is tim e to check up on your Fire Insurance on hduse _â Ld_.coiLtmts,__See.-us--.for--rate&4- --Wit,-- -xAuusea, JLULS, axi Lawson & Pridt 1704 Marine, Phone West 55. U J. Archer Ltd.. West 225. p artia lly free parmtM arm lhM s fo r se tU en teamp«rt Bo r d e r p l a n t s For Sale ~ ®"rplus from te- 1^69 R eafE state ■■ .'I . p. C, GIBBENS & CO. Ltd. 1473̂ Marine Drive West 704 itti