West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Sep 1937, p. 3

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You will like dealing at the - A M B t ' E S I D E - P H A R M A C Y - * ' t * n « n a l S e r v i a hy iraJuiiU "Jr^Sl!^uti,'*' LIVER ^DAY OR^NJGHT 0. S. Montague . ,■.■■ ■ 'West.323 Local and Personal M rs. CoUn-M gj/Lmn rwieri. m . wm̂ irare -jl ,lLrX;. . iJfAI!^ ^ Conductor of W est Vancouver G els' Choir Fall term* commences Monday, October 4ili, S tu d io ---889 20th S treet . JpXLiJnVJKiX CT JD IJIIiJe SlliljlJF 1588 Iiitrlewood Avenue-, BOILIMNG CONTRACTORS I'UMKNT FOUNDATIONS, IT,OORS, SIDEWALKS. ' Ktc. - -Saiist'uctioir (luaranteed , WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED .CHURCH,, BURNS EVENING TUESDAY, SEPT. 28th, at 8 p.m., in the United C h u i^ Lecture Mall l.iiiitern Slides? Admission 25c Musical Program She: "My Paw is the best pisldl shot in the country." Safety li'irat Captain: "Why the dickens didn't 'll,,•' ■•Ami" what (loo's , that >'!'■- V ■■ i!-oal C'make you: \Slny:' "Your-wil'e-io-be.--------- l i t F R A N K D . R IC E B.G. Land Surveyor & Civil Engineer Phone West-660 goal' Halfback: "Stop him he darned!* It took all my time getting out of his way." , ... " ■ ■■ J ■ Miss M. R. Hardnuni, 21sl and ■Marine Drive; left on Saturday for Corvallis, Oregon, to attend the Women'.s State College. Miss Peggy WoUer and Miss . Connie Page liavf,' returned to 2450 Hellevue Avenue, after a ..month's holiday at Oliver, Nel­ son, Merrill and way points.4> * Colonel and Mrs. 1C II. Cun- . ...ningham of Sherman, have re­ turned from a visit to Shuswap, B. C. * * ♦ * A. S. lluntingford of Vancou­ ver, is building two liouses at i;Uh and Haywood Avenue. 'G. S. McTeer of Vancouver, ■has moved into a 1u)use at 1724 Argyle Avenue.* 4> H< C. ('. Cooke has moved front Vancouver into a luni.so at 157() , Argyle Aveiuie.♦ ♦ If Dr. G. E. Haytield, 2()()4 Ingle- W(Kjd Avenue, returned from up coast last week and left .again to take charge temporarily of the hospital at AleVt*Hay during the sickness of the d(x;lor in chargei On the return of the latter he will resume hi.s duties as d(.)dor on board the boaj. of tlu? Coluni- hia Coast Mission. ' ' . I -.41 • A son was born last Thursday a,t the Vancouver General Hos­ pital to Mr. anb Mrs. Vito Cianci, : ^607 Nelson Avenue, H.E. Whiffin Agency /•Ueal Estate -- Insurance -- ^̂ -pon veyanchfg-----Rentals- - 1.520 Marine Drive West Vancouver, B. C. 11. E.' WHIFFIN, LL.B.,'^-Mgr. i t 's Cold Outside! Have a nice HOT CHOCOLATE.- after the show or HOT COFFfJE I t's warm in the HOLLYBURN DAIRY West 617 17,02 Marine Drive Have your AUTO FENDER-and B̂ODy:=W.ORIC:adiicC.by_aZBi)̂ ^̂ ^̂ Mechanic: Expert color match­ ing. Cars called for and deliver­ ed in West Vancouvei', - HARRINGTON'S . FENDER & BODY SHOP Mrs. Arthur George, 2508 Lawson Avenue, is ji patient in the North Vancouver General Hiospitah. -: ' . If ■ ■ Gibsbn Oliver,, 1584 Marine Drive; who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in ̂ the North Vancouver General Hospital,'returned to his home i here today. . ,■ ..!f ■ : If ■ „ The Misses A. J. and Grace Dauphinee, Mrs: Frank- Hifat^ --a-nd-Missr€3IiEsL:haye-:reto from a trip across Canada to-the-- Maritime Provinces, New York, and Washington,, D.C., returning here via the Lincoln Highway, -a-clistance of 11,000 miles_._; Miss Eva Campbell, 2125 Mar­ ine Drive, ■ has rtdii'rned' after- spending tile summer in l)ie Oka­ nagan. Miss Alice Williamson, lUsi and Waterfront, has a portrait in oils entitled "Vincent," luing in th<* n. C, Art Exhibit at the Vancouvei* Art Gallery. The painting has received very fav­ orable comment. If ♦ , If Mrs. Bremmnd, 2822 Marine Drive, lias moved (o Vaiuvuiver. Mrs. I). Cutler and ehildreYi~ liav<' returned to their liome at 22 li Marine Drive fropi the city wheri* they have been visiting for sevi'ral weeks with Mrs. Cutler's brother. Willingloii---Baker A,'very ])rotty wedding was .'solemilized in tlie West Vancou­ ver Baptist ('hurch at 8 p.iTL Friday,, September 17th, when Anne May Baker became the bride of Norman David Willing- ton of West Vancouver. Rev. W. T. McKay od'iciatedi / To the strains of the wedd.iniS: march playeil by Mr., lOlmore llumphrey.s, the britle entered ilie church, which was beauti­ fullydecorated by her friends, being escorted'to tlie altar by Mr. Norman (k)le. She was daintily atfired in iiavy georg­ ette with embroidered white llowers, chic blue felt hat and _Yei.LandJacn mittens and carried DUNG AR A VE ... W. L. KKU, Pniprietor 24U4 Marine Drive Phone W est 6 0 6 PATENT MEDICINES PRESCRIPTIONS PHOTO SUPPLIES FREE DELIVERY Stratton;;^BAKERY HOME-MADE B t n IT A 11 KRKSII DA|LY*~ • Tun VMi'ii'tius to Huit evory inHtu Mual IMoh -- Appio 'I'urnovorM EccIcn .UnkoM --■ PuHtricN Buiih uml I{oIIh Note Address: Marine Drive, , Phone West 27 a boiKiuet of pink earnations and Ophelia ro.ses and maiden hair fern, " , Mrs/William Swanson as mat- roir' of honor, was attired in wine georgette with black, acces­ sories carrying a bouquet of yellow chrysanthem'nni roseTnids aiid feriT. " . . The groom was supported by his brother Mr. d-jeslie Willing- ton. The ushersJwere Mr. Albert Morrow and Mr., Gilbert Perry _cou.sin of the grqoni. •• Dnfing thT'^giTing ()f~nTe" Tegi.ster, a solo was rendei'ed' by Mjl-.s/-Sud(la,by. Fallowing the ceremony, a re­ ception was hekLin'dhe ohurcb, w bpj» MrM;T-)av|d W iliiiigton-a.s- Holly burn Theatre TliUUSDAY, I'MUDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Si'pt. 2:ii'(l, 'JlMi ami 25lh WALTER WINCIIEI.I.' 'Wake Up and Live' ako "lINDERSHA KINGDOM" No."4 HAT.-EVENING & MONDAY Si'pt. 21)1,11 anil 27t.h / ̂ I.ILY PONS ----- --i i EN E RA,V M O N'l)----------- .lACK OAKil'L Ml s e n A AUER "THAT GIRL FROM PARIS" , also . . I'roaTum' of Short Suhjuuts. .TUESDAY & .WEDNESDAY . ' SiM)t. 2Hth 'and 21)th. EDMIJN|V-Lbwi<>: -^even-Sinners-- (Onceonly at'S:15) also • "THE BRIDE WAI.KS - OUT" K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive (Woodward's Garage) v Scy. 7l51 W e s t ()2:i-Y --Ambl^ide Phone .West 340 Evenings, T^|sLj43 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and . West Vancouver arti.st.s suc­ cessful in being" represented in the Sixth AnnuaLB._ C, Artists' Exhibition, September 17th to October 10th, at-the Vancouver _A-Ffe-- arj0--X--VAn--der -0 A New Home,' "0 "" ~"AnrABdition, or ^ Repairs to the old one Gracht with "The. Bridge Pier," and .Gertrude Lawson with "August bn the Fairway," inthe- oil paintings ;■ in the Water colors -"The~Bridger^by--Joy--Gowley^ Bes.sie, A. Fry, instructress' of the West ■ Vancouver Sketch Group, has a pastel, "How._Still the Niight," and a watercolor "After Rain, Bow River̂ Banff."■■■ . ',■* ... ■.. ...., sisted the bride and groom iri I'c- ceiving the guests;.- wearijig'. a "gown of navy blue georgette, acr "ce.s"sories "to match. Mrs. W. Ij. McKa.y also as.sisted, weafhig a brown silk crepe and .black ac- Harold A. Eager & Son Builders & Con trac to rs JlorncsTf DiBtincLinn. 'A. L.T-1 or.ton, editor of the Vegreville Observer, (Alberta), was a visitor at the home of"Mr. Fv A ...Walker, _2_45̂ cessories. Each wore a porsage' _ of red rose buds. »■ The bride's table was ceii ie red with ,a three-tier wedding cake --em bedd ed--i n-mau ve--t-u 11 e-r-su mounted with yellow taper.s in silver . candlesticks and mauve : aslers and brown eyed Su.sans .in cut g.lass vase.s. Mrs. A. 11. ilib- berd, Mrs. F. Huggins, Mns. N. - Gi bson, - Mrs. - W, Lou cks,. a.ŝ s i ,s led. by the Misses H., M. and A. Ool- pitts,- J. Pe'fry; A. Walters, J. Vernon, "M: Vernon, A. Davey, -- p̂._ Milli gan̂ ̂ M. EightyIL I 'au 1- _ AlteratioiiH Repairs . Re-roofing 825 - 22nd Street " -------------tgeN ERAL----------- --̂ Builders* Supplies i -Coal» W ood and Saw dust WEST VAN. BHILDERvS' SUPPLY ~ 21.5:t Marine Drive West 5()0 SPECIAL . In-side Fir..........*!rj$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabsi& J}dgingS-,$3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL . Thone North 620. Astbury Lumber Co., Ltd. - for Service and Satisfaction. ' ■ Phone W est 199 . Night Calls-- - A. ROLLO, West 672-R; igreragiagB i I I:i , t e-Eg -i - , If ■ ♦ Miss Grace Blatchford, daugh­ ter of the kte K. A.' Blatchford, M.P., East Edmonton, Alta., was the guest this week of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's Avenue. CONWAY A^DORWARD PASSES, ON ANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE WEST 300 ̂ A.II.T, of It.O. CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Land Clearing - Excavation Work "rSoje Agen~tg ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT~PAINT TEAROE & SON, 1427 MARINE DRIVEp h o n e • W E S T 8 4 Conway/ Alexander Dorward, 1105 E.s'quimalt Avenue, passed away suddenly la'st Tuesday in his 61st year. He is survived by his wife, one sonr Nelson-C. of- Vancouver: one-brother, William refreshments. Mrs. A. H. Mib- herd cut the bride's cake. ' The bride and groom' left on the midnight boat for Victoria; the bride travelling in a grey tweed coat with blue acce.s.sories. "V22-- R.'■Bla'cf;eli haH>ov(i,. mio Victoria-DFive,-Wanoou-ver,-B.C.. a,housc_atJ_742 Marine ILuy.O',-- i L, of Winnipeg; and,one sister, , There is No Heat in an Empty If your sawdust bins are not full you had better s ta rt worrying get in tonrh ■with os a t once assure yourself ample supplies for Jv winter -- and then" YOU can quit, worrying. In nny case, don t say D didn't warn yoi .̂ - mdpt'w Y f' KNILL FUELS '■ -TI iii Scotland. Funeral services were held'at 3:30 p.m. today/ from .'the North Vancouver" Chaperof Harrori Bros. LtaT/the-̂ : _Rev^H i 11 i .s--WxigJit-officiating,_ affd interment was made in Cap- ilanoWiew Cemetery. W est V ancouver Tennis Club Annual Fall Bailee JFiriday,-October 1st, 1 9 3 7 -- M ^RIE a b S a m 's o r c h u s t r A o r a n g k h a u ., =-\: tickets 5 0 c--Obtainable from local member'H-or at West Van Stationers; (next.Royal-Bank). i - ii >t|: 1' I t nn EXPERT W atcli and Clock / REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd,, Montreal) 1522- Marine Drive FERRY LENDING LIBRARY AT FERRY_WHARF_ With your patroniage I can, supply the.ne.w.books for .your pleasure in leisure hours. . THIS WEEK-- Three Comrades," " Daniel Airlie," : , . . -..' : . hs TjrleiiTteinarcme .by Itoberi/.mcbens G I F T S