West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Sep 1937, p. 2

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; «,i|l » i r a s f r e r a r r a r 1 Ml. WEST VAW UNITED CHUECH R*¥. HUlli W rffht, MlnliUr SttB4«f StftieiMi 11:15 «.m>. 7:15 p.w. Sunday School and BibU CUiia S tranftrg A Vliltort WaJcoma. Plan Your' Hair Style for pall BAKHST CMUHCTI MittiaUr W. K MeKay* B.A., U.D, Sunday fifrrietu jU;0(i a.m.--Church School in- cludinie Adult Claas, 11 a.in. & 7:110 p.m.--Preachlnif Scrvicea, A h< urty welcome to all Ah < urt'fully aw you wouli! pfan ytJijj' wai<hol>e. " He )<uiv It i>* ( Ul ho Umt il cuji la* «lr<'Kht*<l in many yariulioriM. that it <un la* iJn*Kio*(J iri'a formal ooilfurt* ft/r formal <K'<'aKionH, umJ ha (otrihi'd mon* ftiixjm utely for Mlnat waur. A Duyrt I'armun- âat in junt What you iifcd. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CriutorM of KxduHtve rcrmancntN, 1540 Marine Drive , Weal 117 DR. G. D. //. SEALE D.D.B,. L.D.S. DENTIST May Block, 14th and Marine Ur, Ollk'e llourH'O to 0 p,m. KvaniniCH by appointment. Phorie Went 72 HOLLYBURN HALL iith^und Ducheas HI NUAV, ,Si'pt, 2<Jih, «l 10 u.m. .Sunday School and Yomtif I'eoplo'ij Bible Clattrt HUNDAV KVKNINC at 7:.'10 MB. MAItOM) K. SriMMKU.M will pnuu'h till* (JoMpfl. I'lJKSDAY a t 8 p.tn. I'rayei' tind Bibb* Study. ( imii* and brin«. your frlendH. WEST VANCOUVER ChrUtian kience Society CHURCa EDIFICE 20tli and Eaqolmalt. UoUybarn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Firot Church of Chrlot, SeientUi, in Booion, Maaiachusetto Sunday Service: 11:110 a.m. Sunday, Seplemhcr 2(ilh, Subject: "IlEAUTY Sunday School at 10:00 a.rn. Teatlmony Meetlnir Wedneaday a t 8:11̂ p.m. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and meetinsrs. SALE OF EASY CHAIRS from $7.50 to $50 RE-COVKHINC FURNITURE and LOOSE COVERS . 1516 Marine Drive Phone West 710 Cheaterfield SuitcH * Pksy Chairs - CuahlonH - ()ttomana - Stook UraperirM - Window Shade* • i Urtam Rod* ■ llepairlnjsf French PtJiNhinjf • Needlepoint Mounted - Life Pre&erver Boat Cushions WEST VAN MESSENGER SERVICE 4̂ JIM TURNKIl, Proprietor Sm all and Large F reigh t, Baggage, Etc. Picked up and Delivered DAILY FERRY SERVICE p h o n e V V EST 5 Re.Hidence Phone West 245L before lU a.m. and after (3 p.m. UNITIOI) CHURCH Sl.ht and KHijuinialt Avo. Itev. IlilliH WriRht, Mini.slfr ICMtabliahed on North Shore 26 Yeara. (Lady AsaisUnl) HAIUION BROS. LTD. funeral Birectors North Vancouver" ParlorH 122 WuhL Sixth Street IMione North ISd Vancouver ParlorH ' 'J'enth Avenue lOaHt fMione Fair. 1H4 Sunday Service.s at 11:15 a.m. and V : 15 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. 'I'lir Rev. Coo. W. Sparling, D.D,, Vice Chancellor of West China Union Univor.sity, will Ik; thi' speaker next Sabbath rnoni- inp. ' , , - The choir will render the anthem "f'hriHtiun, the Morn Hn'aks Sweetly O'er Thee." (by Shelly).. 1'he soloi.st will he Miss .Joan* Durbin. . ' ^ 'Da* .service in the eveniiiK will he conducted by the .mini.ster. 'J'h<' soloist will he. Mrs. W. R. Ilowieson. 'rile Uxplorei's will meet on Monday at 7 p.m, 'IVaii Rangers will meet oil M dhiliiy"T ir 8 Vp.Tfi BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. MdKay - - 1545 Duchess Ave. Annual Rally Day-will lx' ob- .served in the (!hurch School, which meet.s at 10 f/clock. Every member i.s urged, to lie present and parents and friends are cordially invited. A. C. Hamp­ ton will address the school. In .* both the Sunday School .session and the Church services donii- tiohs of fruit,. vegetables and money will be resvdved for tho.se suffering from the elfects of the drought in the Ĵ rovihee of Saskatchewan. The church will also be opened Saturday after­ noon and Monday morning to re­ ceive contributioni .̂ The pastor will continue hii^ Corporation o f W est V ancouver NOTICE Notice ia hereby given that the 1937 Tax Sale will be held dt the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, Holly- burn, B.C., at 10 a.m,, onThuraday^SeptemberSOth, 1937 Hollyburn, B.C., WM. HERRIN, |6th September, 1937. . Municipal Clerk Mr. Henpeck: "Poetor, my wife's dislocated her jaw. ,11 •you're paffsing o&t.our way some­ time next week , or the week after, you might clrqp in and see her." N A VIG ABI.E WATERS PROIEC-- TION ACT R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 110 Hollyburn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive _PhONE WEST 583 I\h l8$ D . H. HORIE Ferguson-s TRUCK LINE li'v. Went Van. H*a.m. & 3 p.m. I.v, Vancouver 1 1 n.m. & 3 p.m. Lv. Van., Suturdaya, 1 |trm. only --JVVH»*t-Hr> Doug,^*)--^ Prci)arntory Service on Wed- ncjelay at 8 p.m., - .rii(>ii' practicv'on Thursday at 8 p.mr i . 'om m unioivof the Lord's Sup­ per on 1 lu* tir.st Sunday in Octo-" her. (k>me to church .next Sabbath and lake part in tjie -.service of -w orship -̂^Y-on - w ill-fe e l-the-beb .series ' of" addresses lori I'aul's great hymn of ;love, found in, 1 Corinthians 13, The subject will be, "The Excellency of ~Love." In the evening he will ' .speak on "The Supreme Choice." The Young People'.s Society " got ĵfway to a splendid start last- Monday liight.. Next Monday ̂ Marjory Vernon will have charge of the devotional and Phil Bas­ ham wilt speak on the topic, "The Social Gospel and Individu­ al Salvation." ter for it all through thê wixdc. "For a Sunday well spent'brings a week of content." ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev., F. A. Ramsey ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC -4mtiu;H- r September 2()th--Trinity 18. 8:0() a.m.---Holy Communion ' ' kfi-............. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE­ PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice that if has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min­ ister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the Olfice of the District Registrar -of-theTjandRegistry--District-of-New- W estm instef-at Vancouver, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans'"'of a telephone sub­ marine cable proposed to be laid in Howe Sound from Copper Cove the . southerly point, in the Municipality of W,e.st Vancouver to, Britannia Beach the northerly point, a point approxi- - mately eighteen (18) miles due north, in the Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the'ex- •piration of one month from the date bf the first publication of this notibe, the British Columbia Telephone Coin- pany will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the*̂ Minister of Public Works at his Office in. the. City of zOffawii7ifoi:ztta£raTjproT.alrofithr̂ ̂ site and ,plans, and for leave to lay •the said telephone submarine cable. - Dated at Vaneduver this T 6th day of September, 1937.' - M arguerite Wilcox Teacher of Piano and Theory Recently returned from Sigisnibhd Stujowski Piano Colony_-___ ____ Pupils prepared for Recitals, Examinations, Musical Festival. STUDIO--3285 Marine T heF rench B eauty Salon For W ork of Quality ' 1562 Marine Drive - Phone W. 212 . VERNON FEED STORE At O. SEARLB Phone Weat 9 BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY Fertilizers of AH Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies l\ D. 0 . CAFE U e s i Quality Food u.sed; Silex ColViHV with a. repnUition- ftu; goodness. --Aloii--w-ill. -e-njo-y-: oni!-..-J0 -.ctiJit- l.uiK'h and Dinner. We special-, i/e in l.loine MadeChicken Pies.- 1612 Marino West 616 R(:v.-W;;i. Millay, Pa.stor Phoiie We.st 540 4-H15 avm--̂ Matiiis-atid-S-eî moM- Low Ma.s.s --̂ 8:15 a.m. Jligh Maas and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ______________ 7:'15 p.ni.-^Evensohg and Ser­ mon. Wednesday, Sept. 29th -- St. Michael and' All Angels -- 10:L5 a m.--Holy Corhmun- ion. EXPERT RAmO REPAIRS REASONARLE WALLY CRAIG (Over 1-1 Years' Experience) , 2117 Argyle Avenue Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 ___ D-m*___ Week-day Services Maa.s"-- 7 ;00 a.m. Caulfeild Burrard Launciry Ltd. DEPENDABLE LAUNDRY SERVICE -DAA^E-A-N-DERSUN7-West-^^^ncouvBr"Eepresefitat1ve Phones -- West 691-L or NoftH-lBID 9745 a.m.--Holy Communion. ' PAUWNE JOHNSON Fridays--Rosary,- Benediction . -- 7_.45------- Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30.p.m. >CHURCHES OF CHRIS'L - - SCIENTIST - tillmm WOOD -- COAL ^ SAWDUSr Bu.sh Fir, Dry.,...;. .. ^6.60 cord Mill Fir. Dry ........"ifb.r.O cord Healer, Fninac«v and Fireiilace Block.s .. ,$-l.26 cord , Slab.H and Kdgin'g.s ,,...$3.76 cord 3 COrds_d4>r..-.,- l-UKL jiv:t the ,1 PARENT-TEACHERS ASSN. A meeting of all interested parents of the pupils at Pauline Johnson School will be held at the. home of the President, C. F .. JV\veIl,._994_22nd ._S_tree.t,_at 8 . p.m,, Monday, September 27th. ---Phis meeting is arvital one, as it may decide the future of the Mill - run Edging.s ..,..;$3.60 cord 3 curd.*̂ fo r ........$10.00 . ; AIdor'TT,'........................$5,60 cord SAwnu.s'i\ place your order -.now for - - SopP' n: ber-a J ul-Oc t o bo r- d o I i v o r-y, - - wbilo,prices are low. ; all Churches of Christr Scientist; on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "For 'ever, 0 Lbrd, Thy word is settled in heaven." (Psalms 119: 89)." . Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sornum is Uie"ToHowing7"fTOhT; the BibleT" "Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeerher the' Lord of basis; I am the first, and I am the last; and l>eside Me lhcr -̂Jsjlo_ilcK 44: 6). The Lesson - Sermon also in- YOUNGER TOWNSWOMEN'S: GUILD CIL^HLlE THOMPS(.)N We.st_.6vS2: _w«'Nt,_:6_s2_ eludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- -beok>--̂ Seienee-and ■ Heal Hi-w The regular monthly meeting ofiThe_..Younger Townswomen's Guild will- be~"held ..Thursday- evening, -September 23rd, at 8 o'clock at-Hunter's Coffee Shop, " "̂ ^XSTMarine Drive. "Mrs, 1̂'. IT" PAtterson who is Honorarŷ Pres­ ident of the Dpoette Club of Van­ couver, will be the guest speaker of the evenijig. A full attend­ ance is requested as. there will be an election-of two officers, diie to the fuct that-the 4>resent members in those, offices are t h e : :: KeyTo. theBcidptures'Lbŷ M .Baker Eddy: "The Scriptures w'.wjr. ' T r T ' imply that God is All-in-all. y V £ ! S t y c u t I S B Z V S Fi-om this it follows that nothpig mdjLv-_:non-existence ' l'ubli.>̂ hi'<i Every Thur.sday possesses- S 7 Publisht'r F. F. LOVEGROVE i -- Phone West 363 except the divine Mind and His . ideas." bf residence. Eiich member is invited to bring a frieiid,-as the ' latter part of the evening will be in the form' Of - a social. Any -gi rJs-who-are- intereste4 în--t-he- Guild".iu'e'cordiany invited to at­ tend the meeting as guests. -Buaimiss-jandf^di tor-uil--0 tU (uu- 1704 Marine Drive' --------I*hime~West'i> 5r-t i:v- North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ' $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail . . HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP OF^B.& -- -------mCo-Dreas--You r-D ari ihga,-Go-to-M arlin ------------ jS£TERATION" SAXE" B A a G A IN ^ IN b d W ' 1 9 g Friday and Saturday only--Dresses, values lo $1.98 for 98c. 1678 Marine Drive 10 per cent, discount on all new stock. Phone W est 359R or 601 m u % / T h o m e r o n t h e G t n c w i t h n B^ove another winter arrives, have your lighting surveyed by one of our Home Lighting Advisers. wrely-advisory--She-wHlT tell you how your lighting wiin>e more eff îive foe seeing and decoration; She does not sell lamps; ahe D^dy ad\^. Call. Seymour 5151 aod aak for Hoine lighting Adv̂ ers--B. C. Electric I U S ffT ^t& H T 1 1 . mrdm.