liWrtjBifi «r* AM iNMiM oiiU-niber 16.1937. THE WEST VAN NEWS !HM wwwiwp SMART ARRIVALS INV. - ise '»■'<!, JV •>'*•' *"- ■• '& -̂ * C '"*Ĵ •vMJs ; D resses, H ats, Blousws atiil Im p orted -W in ter-I^ eed -C oats Every summer dress and hat still being cleared at HALF PRICE 50 dresses only and 30 hats. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE VVi'i'l 17H0 Murine Drive '. jEHVEY f f BURFIPLD .;: ; y 1588 Iitglewood Avenue BU lLD lN d CONTRACTORS CUlllKNT KOUNOATIONS, FLOOHS, SIDEWALKS, Etc. 'Satisfaction Guaranteed hosiery - HOUSE DRESSES - HATS All kinds of Sowing at moc^erato charges. Personal Christmas Cards- "placed before October 1st, ,' "15 cards for $1 .0 0 d o lly VARDEN s h o p , Dundarave, B.C. g a r j o r i e R . M c G i l l i v r a y Piano - Rhythm Band- - Theory Associate Teacher of J; D. A. Tripp; Individual and' giass.̂ ̂ Daily Kindergarten Piano Class for Young Children S T U D I O O P E N T O V I S I T O R S SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, from 11 A.M. to 8-P.M. Residence,Studio: 2GG7 Haywood Awnue . • Mr. ami Mrs.' Willington,. 1313 ' T e a ro ^ N e ra d a ' ' rivdp Avenue have miaved to ' A quiet wedding,, took place v-mcmiver on Tuesday evening, Septem ber ■ ■ 14th. between, H. Jam es Tearoe, T^3k|iiM*'Adii-S«iii,ider«^-aiid'^h^rr son, Milton, of Butte, Montana, who have been visiting her brothers in . Vancouver, and the Interior, paid a surprise visit last Wednesday to lier sister-in- law, Mrs. Lyman Jone.s and family, 22nd and Marine Drive.. ̂ f ^ Mrs. V.̂ O'Grady of 205)1 Esquimau Avenue, is leaving Sunday, the 15)th instant, for a visit to her mother in Nova Scotia. ♦ ♦ iK An auto driven by Ronald Howard of North. Vaneoiiyer, which was going east on Marine Drive late Monday afternoon, allegedly struck C. 11 ."P itt's wir fu ll in the centre, as the latter, coming,frohi the opposite: direction, wn;̂ / turning to go south down 2(lth Street. Both cars were badly wrecked, the North Vancouver auto turning over two oi' three times. Fortun ately, neither Mr. Pitts, who re- .sides at 3063 Marine Drive, nor the North Vancouver man were seriously hurt. : " The Terries last month carried a total of 104,400 passengers. The many friends of Charles Reid of Sandy Cove, will be glad, to hear'tha t he' is able .to be out and around again after a v e ry . serious illness. . . \ ♦ ,*K * ^ The Council donated $20 to -Nor-l--Tro6p--()fAhe-Boy-Scouts- to kssist them in their construe- tion of a log cabin- on Hollyburn Ilidge. ' Mr, ftiul-Mm, Fuirbura* 211L Bellevue Avenue, have moved to Ii.vim Valley.♦ "* * Mrs. 1). M. Smith, who has , bwm visiting Inn* mother, Mrs. L. X WrKsberg, 2031 EsciulnuUt Avenue, left on Tue.sday to rO- joiii her husband in Englewood, B. C. B, C. Bailey of Cypix'ss Park, ha.s taken over the Black Cat 'Pea Rooms at West Bay.♦ iii ' L. Cart home, 22nd and Mar ine Drive, hah returned from a week's holiday a t Hood Point; ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Westwood of Ladner, B.C., are occupying one of the Clachan cottages. A vei\v heavy run of pink salmon has entered Indian River, tilling the stream from bank to baiik. ,■ ' ■ ' Ill ...■ 6*' ......... . ■ ' Charles Lloyd, who has been holidaying in the Okanagan, has returned to his home at- 2558 Haywood Avenue. . * ' Hi Ml Mrs. Martin of Edmonton;, is the guest of her brother and ' sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Colin M. Macl-<ean, 889 20th Street. .L-I . ̂ ̂ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Reid have moved from 29th and Mathei*s Avenue, into a house at 29th and Water- ' f ro n t. ' ' ' ■ *. ........... ..... ,, ♦ IH. Ik""'"' 'i r"~" Stratton's BAKERY f l l f l T L f 1? R y i A l U l ?JILJBilLlFJl̂ vJniaCil̂ iĈ r3KJmImJm JKmI ■-- BREAD--- KUKHH DAlliY Ton varit'tlos to null ovory Moat IMon Applo Tuntovors , KooIoh <*hUoh -- ' PaMtrloM lUittM and ttdllN Note Address: M08 Marine Drive, Phono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre Tin)RSI.)AY. FRIDAY AND SATtJRDAY MATINEE Sopt. IGlh, 17th and IKth SillRIiEY TEMPliE "S to w a w a y " iiIho "CNDERSEA KINGDOM" MllNGLE PLAYMATES" . 8AT: EVENING & -MONDAY „ .Sopt, 1 Hill and 20th, Onr Ice C re a m is- G ood f o r Y o u Summer or Winter, SPECIAL RATES FOR PARTIES' HOLLYBURN DAIRY West 617 1702 Marine Drive 1640 Haywood Ave., and Lillian M u'Nerada of Swift Current', Saskatchewan. The ceremony was performed a t the United Churchi? parsonage by the Rev. Hillis Wright. ' . - McD. F.'G ray has moved from . 4667 'Marine Drive into a house a t 2881 Bellevue, Avenue. Mrs. W. T. Shellard and family,. Muriel, Gordon, 'Bruce an d . ^iolet, have left for Port Arthur,, (hitario, where they-will- make their home. H« . ■ »l< 'Hi ' * , lltVi- !|! L W ^ a v o r y 1443 Marine Drive __iLAmM^Me___ _ Phone West 340 , Evenings, W est 143 listing&Jiahtei Real E s ta te Finance an d In su ran ce Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove VlODIN-amM'IANO Pupils' successes in The Royal Schools-of~Musio Trinity College -- London and -Toron tuC oiiservatory;; Younger children visited a t , their home. ̂ , Term S tarts Tuesday - _______September 7th, Magistrate and Mrs. Macken zie"Matheson have moved back from the oity ^nd- are residing a t Caulfeild. ̂ ■ :|i , i|c --^Mr.-Cunnmgham_of,.Burnaby,.. TiasThoved~intoTa"lf&us^^ Mathers Avenue.* * * Mr., and Mrs. Harroway, who have been spending th summer . months a e ir house a t 19th and Bellev^ue Avenue, have re turned to the city. : CKORGE BURNT BEVERLY ROBEKT.S "God's Couotry and the Woman" (in Technicolor) ; ' also "MOVIE MANIA" "IT'S A LIVING" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY .Sept;. 2lHt ami 22mi^" BARBARA STANWYCK ^The Ploû lTand the Stars" flhicc.j)rily at K:20) ____ also ' . ' "CLARENCE" Shower A'farewell shower was held h r Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Point Grey, have movecHnto a suite at 2058 Argyle Avenue. -the home, of Mrs. E. L. Hpwdle, '"2046 Fisquimalt Ave., in honor - of Mrs. Donald M. Smith, nee . M argart (Peggy) W rlsberg.Thc many heautiful gifts, Were pre-. Harold A. Eager & Son Builders & Con tractors ' HSrties of DistincUon. ^Alterations--.__ Repairs Re-'i-i 825 - 22nd Street sehted by the M.isses ETleen' . Mrs, Harden has moyed from Dent and Mabel Phillips and 1313 Fulton Avenue iftto her , little Colleen Root presented the new'horfie at 11th and Fulton bride with a bouquet. The guests Avenue. " ■ invited includecl: Mesdames A. .Hi- n« "SrRoot, F. A. Ramsey, Norman Aubrey and Kenneth-Shellard ^ m ith ofYanoouver, .E~H~Ju{)p, have taken a house a t ,1325 j . R, Lidster, W.-R. Green, Mil- C!lydc Avenue. ' - lard, Cromar Bruce, R. .Bloxbain; * .. ■■ E. L. Howdle, D. Newmarcdi, W. Wr'GT'Drapeiywvhcr~ha^" beeTi BrColvuirWallaccTW. ErScvve;11 T. Batchelor, M. JUNK buy^oLttesr^a'gs.._M:e@ ̂ rniture, etc. H ighest prices paidt---- - • . - I A N ew Home - Ah Addition, of PHONE WEST 91 BURRARD JUNK CO. SPECIAL In.side Fir.............$5.50 per cord Slabs with Barl^$4.00 per cord Slabs & Edging^ $3.75 per cord _ SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 Bring your problems to Astbury Lumber - ^Co.,-Ltd. for Service and Satisfaction. Phone West 199 - Night Calls-- ■ - \ A. ROLLO, West 672-R | -=M f rom-'San -T'-raiielfieeKand-HoL-- Batch eJ or^GoHecH--1^4. " ' lywood, where she went to get • AT the end of an enjoyable Uie~hew~ahdnafe^'darice rout- evening i^ffeMfmeht^ . away on an extended trip to Wrisberg, "'Eastern Canada,, during which I'hillips, C. Sharman, IL Stok<«.s, he went as far as Ottawa, has F. H. Parkes, W. T. I)avi(!s, returned to- his,hom e a t 2435 Harold Walker, D. M. Smilli, Maiine Drive, ~ Prowei*, D. Anderson, H. LIf)yd, * * * ; ' ̂ D. W. Graham, H ardy; 1,he After a^busy summer arrang- Ca.sey, Doris Howdle, -ing danc_es_ fpr_ outdoor drarna __ Helen. „Wrisberg,__Jessie_Wris- season in Stanley Park and Van- berg, Mabel Phillips, K, W en-^vftr^-^ib1tiOn-mfieaitt-.-=3)^ss--^w-Qrih^- :̂;==Gmss;p--.Eileerr-4-)iqt-l^ S p e c ia l i^ iirc h a se 50 Ladies' Crepe A iternooti ^ W tE S S E S - Sizes 14 to 20. .New„:StyJ_es, .New_Colors Worth $4.95 ON SALE "H.""'Ca^hdrsh^^ h a s 'f us1xfefurn-"^"PhyIlrs'""lBiox ines and -the .' newest teaching methods. -* ♦ . jji' evening .served; w e r e Engagement The engagement is announced BARBARIANS RUGBY CLUB ElilS'faiEi -} CONCRETE CONTRAGTORS "T Excavation WorkrLand Clearing Sole Agents for " , ARMOR COAti WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT TEAROE & SON. 84 There w as'a large turnout of of Betty Churton, 1866 Bellevue players a t the B a rb a f^ s prac- Ave., only daughter of Mrs. J. A. tioe last Saturday a rm ^ h a en- C. Drew of, Duncan, V.I., to John then .shown augurs M. McKay, youiTgest son of Mr. well for the club's .success d'ur- and Mrs. D. H. McKay of Van- ing the coming season., couver. The wedding will be sol- The club this season will be emnized by Rev. C. C. Owen a t very .strong Jn the backfield but St. George's Anglican Church, ..will have to .secure the .services Vanconverj-on Monday. O ct.-11, of several hustling .young and a t 8 p.m. heavy forwards to fill vacancies * * in the pack, if it is to 'get its FRIDAY - AND - SATURDAY See window- display BARRADELL'S 1528 Marine-Drive ~4^hone West 701 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Forsyth-p.5lw e" of the bMl and use its and- their daughter. Miss Jean, ' speedy backs to advantage, from Univer.sity Hill, V ^couver, Next practice will be held a t ■ also Mrs. Forsyth's sister, ISTiss F r a n k d . r i c e ^ BrGT^lTArND-SUVEYeR^ & Civil Engineer Phone West 660 HOW SORE IS A BOILED OWL ? Someone told Jack the other, day tha t he was as sore as a--boiled owl last winter because he_ couldn't get sawdust when he needed it. Jack doesn't know how sore th a t 'i s , but don't take any chances --^ jpake sure of youif supply tof sawdust by ordering it a t once and uy at Once" we don't mean a month from now -- we mean as .soon as you can get to the phone. - ' KNILL . FUELS SAWDUST ' - -a . WOOlb -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS, I North ________T^msdale Ave. Ambleside Park aT 2:45' p.m Suzanne Blackwood, have taken Saturday, Septmber-18fch, when up. residence at 1591 Haywood a very-cordial welcome r-w;ilHhe Ave. . . . given to new members. Mrs, Don Ford of RadclilT Ayenue, is visiting her aunt in PaJyallup, f Washington. E-X-PERT- W a tc h a n d C lo c k 'REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Rirks^Ltd,, Montreal)-- 1522 Marine Drive TERRYILENDINGLLIBRARY AT FERRY WHARF **Books Broaden gour outlook/*' f m '■TH E C IT A D E L ," by C ro n in , novy available and many other .additions, C H I N A F O R G I F T S