West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Sep 1937, p. 3

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- T-7-" -" ' - -r- mm* p cmiemb«r.l6,193T THE WEST VAN NEWS D resses, H ats, B lo u se and im poirted"W iiiterT w eed"C oats Every summer dress and hat stil(.beinî cleared at HALF PRICE 50 dresses only and 30 hats. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE West r.«2 1730 Marine Drive M lk 'A d a Saundert? ~and "her- " Mr: anti Mrs. Fairbnrn, 2 H 1 son, MilUtn, of ButU\ Montana, Bollovuo Avenuo, Imvo moved to* who have been visiting: her Lynn Valley, brothers in Vancouver and the ♦ ♦ ♦ Interior, paid a surpri.se visit Mr.s. D. M. Smith, who baa last Wednesday to her sister-in- been visitiuR her mother, Mrs. law, Mrs, Lyman Jones and L. d. ^VrisUn'K, 20;U Estiuimalt family, 22nd a'lid Marine Drive. Avenue, left on Tuesday to re- * * * ' join her huslmml in Englewood, JISoM VlS*m CT iliJI»ll'«l!«li<IJ 1588 Inglewood Avenue BUlLlllNG CONTRACTORS ( KMKNT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, SIDEWALK.S, Etc. 'Satisfaction Guaranteed HOSIRY - HOUSE d r e s s e s - HATS Ail kinds of Sowinj^ a t moctorato charges. Mrs. V, O'Grady of 2091 E.s(iuimalt Avenue, is leaviiiM: Sunday, Ihe'lO ih instant, for a visit to her mother in Ntivti Scotia.... 4, 4> ' ' ■ ■ ■ A n -a u to d r iv e n by Ronald Howard of North Vancouver, w„hich was gointr east on Marine Drive late Monday afternoon, allegedly struck C. ' II. P itt's ciU' full in the centre, 'as the B. G. B. G. Bailey of Cypress Park, has taken over tlu* Black Cat Tea Rooms at. West Bay. Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE .-- : r B R E A D -- KieKSIl DAILY 'iVn vniiutlos to suit every lante Meat 1'ieN -- Ai»|)le TurnuverH 1'k'cles ('nkeN -- I*UHtrli'H iiutts and ItollN Note Address: M(i8 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 L, Garthorne, 22nd and Mar­ ino Di'ive, lias returned from ti week's holiday a t HooO Point. •. . ..« . Mr. and ■ Mrs. Westwood' of Ladner, B.C., are oeeupying one. latter, coming from tl\j* opposite of the Claclian coit^iges. direction, was turning to go south down 26th Street. Both A verv * , Hi , .1̂', luiavv run of pink !(1 Indian River, i from biink to Seuiember 16, i937.' THE WEST VAN NEWS TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The West Vancouver Towns­ women Guild held . its, opening meeting of the ' season a t the Claclian last. Friday, September 10th. 'Mrs:"R. Fiddes gave a most interesting and concise report on the Pan Pacific Conference. ■ Mrs. A E. Young reported on two teas, one Held a t the British Svmlicate Properties for the vis- -ilors--to4 he-Eait?Pacific_Qonfe.r_r NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL NAVIGABLE tVATEHS iMtOTEC- TION ACT R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 140 who has been Okanagan, has homo at 2558 Hollyburn Theatre T llU K SD A V . FRIDAY AND .SATURDAY MATINMIO ' Supt. KUlj, 17lh and IKlh SinUI.EY TEMIM.K dIho "UNDERSEA KINGDOM" "JUNGLE PLAYMATES" SAT. EVENING & 'MONDAY Supt. IStli amt 20th. GROUGE BRENT REVERLYROBEUTS The'opening meeting of the new season of the Northr Shore Local Council of Women will be held in North Vancouver Club Rooms,.. North...Vancouver, on Monday, afternoon at 2 o'clock, when a, good, turnout of dele­ gates is requested. Pacific Stage leaves Ambleside Wharf at*l :25* p .m T ^n executive meet- . THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE­ PHONE COMPANY hereby givos notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min­ ister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the Office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry, District of New Westminster at Vancouver, British iColumbia, a- de.scription, of the site and th'o plans of" a ieltephono sub- f Edmonton,, is ir brother and and Mrs. Colin 20th Street. >K ' ■ ei(f h^iye moved athors Avenue, Dth and Water- marine cable proposed be laid in ~Haw¥" Sdu'nd'^frdirfnildpper"Cove"'tKo" southerly point, in the Municipality of West Vancouver to Britannia Beach ' cnee, and one to th e C h a m b e r o f ^ ------'V : 'L V u ' -u r Commerce. M rs.,J. Glover ex- be held at the ...... ... ........ ............. ............ ................ nrn^qpfl h e r b le a su re in b e in g th e p re s id e n t, M iss E . J . S tev en s , - the northerly point, a point approxi- lu n Jo i fn o n tp r ta in a s h e r ffliest 180 W in d so r R oad E a s t, on F r i- mately eighteen (18) miles due north,./• - ("llO.SCn to e n te rL a ill ,-^ ne g . p > n YFI " ■-- - - in <V,f»--Prr,vinPD .nf Tirifish-Colmnhmr----:-- K fis^M cD onald-of-Stonehaveni-- day-(-tomorro.w-)_at-L.pmL_ Scotland.. O ther' reports were submitted by, Mrs. E. White on̂ the Guild Hike to West Lake, Mrs. Beverage on the trip to the, Vancouver Airport, and. the Members^of the North Shore Council wefe guests of th e Van­ couver ' Local Council a t their opening -meeting held in the Women's. Building on Monday ' A nd 'take. noticcr thnVafter"thc e Sliollard and Gordon, Bruce left for Port - where they- will - - treasurer, Mrs. Fox, on the fin- aftrnodn. A special "Council" anc'jal .standing, of- the Guid.. cake centred the tea ta,ble bear- The meeting was unanimous ing the m otto '"Do unto Others" - in its opinion th a t the establish- _ and was cut by "Mrs,. J. McGov- n i igHof a bralTC^h~gfnhe~VT^ ̂ -- ^ern7^residing-aiH:he^rns--were piration of pne month from the date of the fir.st publication of this notice, the British Colombia Telephone Com­ pany will under "Sectiop 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister _pf Public Works a t his Office in the C ity 'of Ottawa, for the approval 'of the said ' .site and -iplans, and for .leave to lay* 1 the said telephone submarine cable. . Dated at Vancouver. thi.s 16th day of September, 1937. ' ■ f-IaiToway, who ing th summer ; hou.se a t 19th eniie, have re- "God's Country and the Woman" i (in Technicolor) also , "MOVIE MANIA", - "IT'S A LIVING" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY .Sept. 21st and 22ml.' BARBARA STANWYCK____ "ThTPloliih and tlje Stars" ___(Oiice-Obly5at.-R:20.)__:__ also "CLARENCE" ' West Vancouver would be very "Mrs. Paul Smith, M.L.A., Mrs. desirable, if it could be satis- R. P. Steey^s, M.L.A., Aid. factorily. arranged. _ - Helena Gutteridge and Mrs. Atr~ai:nieetingr7bf the Local---Harbld-Grump. 13-RITl SH..CDLUMBTAT ^ TELEPHONE COMPANY yer fver wa.siTeldmr ■VCoimcil of Women held in North Vancouver, a resolution was sub-' mitted' "T h a t. no. member of parliament should be eligible for office in the Localj Provincial or ' ■ ^-National Council." 'This resolu­ tion was endorsed by the mebt- Mr. and Mrs. Bob .ppuohette, 27th .and .- W aterfron t,. have moved into "a bouse a t 3252 Mar­ ine Drive. of Vaneou- Synopsis of Land Act .■•1"' i- i E. L. Howdle, Ave., in honor M. Smith, ntjo Wrisberg. 'Hie yiffl were pi'o- 'Misses Harold A. Eager & Son Builders & Contractors Homes of .Distinction. . _. _ . Alterations - rllopairs Re-roofinjf 8 2 5 - 2 2 nd Street IT ■ETIW 'PRiHip.s and nUt-BMPTIONa TrACANT, unresM-ved, eurveyed Crown V landa may b«-.pre-empted by British to the Old Country of one of the bdest members, Mrs. Sewell, she was presented 'a s a . m ark of esteem with a. ,boQkL_and- a bou- ver, is spending a holiday at the Guest Cottage, Sherman. ' -i . H - subjects over, 18 yean, of age, and by -irllena - on --dee1arlng"rltttentloirrto--become- quet, and also given a letter of introduction to the'Townswom­ en Guild in the Old Country. The' Book. Olub; ̂met a t ' the home of Miss Barrow,.' 2304 Inglewodd'Avenue; today a t 2 :30'. p.m. and the - Needlework' C lub' 'will m eer'a p ' t h e ' h o m e ' o f ̂ Cromiar Bruce. '2130 - Argyle' son . gave a very instructive lec­ ture on ^Garden Bulbs and How - to Grow Them," and as"a result - of his lecture there wRl be a "Bulb Competition'-' held about Xmas time, regarding which further particulars will be. an­ nounced later.. . ̂ ■ Janice Bayliss'will give a talk at the next regular meeting on. "How to dress well on th e mini­ mum amount." . ' Engagement, The engagement is announced of .Margaret ... Eileen, eldest "daughter of Mfrand^'M^^WvtTT" Dent , of Capilaho, to Robert Mc­ Allister, eldest son of Mr. an'd Mrs. R, M. Rennie, also of Cap- ilano. TheV.w€dding will take --Place on Mond^i^evenihg-y^^^Sep^-- tember 27th a t 8:3.0 in the Cap- ilano United Church. _^jruiad.Mrs.' Wismer. have re - . ----- . Aven turned to Vancouver after spends mg^:he-suniih1Sr a t~ T 4 '48 'l^^ "Fue. A bargain I --telephone froim . West Vancouver- for 35c. '(Station'-to-station) or 65c (person-tO'person) ̂ after 7 p.m. week days, or any time Sundays.. The' above rates cover a three- minute- conversation. T Gqvern- ment-tax extra. T: : B r C ^ T E L E P B O N E CO. Britlsb subjects,., eondltfonol- .upon- resi­ dence, occupation, and Improvement, . Full mformatlon/'-Ooncemlng - Pre-emp­ tions la given la Bulletin No. 1, Land* Series, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies ol whlcm can be'obtained tree of charge by addressing the Department of I^nds, Vlc- torla. B,C.; Bureau; ofrProvlnclal lnformn- t presented the juet; The guests I Me.sdames A. msey,*~Nonnan "^ V 'E t'HttJ L1PP7 :R. Green, Mil- ce, R. Bloxham, ■'Nowmiireh, W. 1 W. E. Sowell, tion. Victoria, or any Government Agent- Records--will -be granted- covering 'only land eultable for' agrlepituralt purposes "within reosonablei distance of road, school and marketing facilities and which Is not tlmberland, ■ l.e., carrying over .8,000 board -feet per acre east of the Coast Range and 8.000 feet per .'aero wost-of that Range. < . "Applications :for pre-emptions are, to be addressed to the Land Commlialssloher of the Land Recording .Division«to which the land applied for-'-IS' situated,-on" printed, forms obtained, from tbo-Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied.for five -ypftru-and 'lmprovemenU-made-to'^alue of "tlO^er-^ttcre.-rfncludlng' elearldS - dhdHsultl* Batcholor, M. nan, H. Stokt.'s, T. Davi(?s, :D. M. Srhitli,. teon, IT. L|/).vd, ; Hardy; the* IJoiH.s llovvdlc, , L ,Ics8io_Wilis-... lips, K. > 011- vatlng at-least five-aeres, before a Crown. ?Jrant can be-fi?celved.' -B.-^AnworkP^Pre-emptions carrying part y time cottd̂ ̂tions of occupation are .also granted. ..FUROHA8B OR LBA8B Applications ore yecetred for purchase - of--vacant - and„nnreperyed_Orown .lands, _ not • being tlmberland, for agricultural - purposes. Minimum f,vi^lc#of;, f IrstrClass; (arable) land is $8 per acre,"and second- class (grazing) , -land . Further Information Is ^VSB .in BulleUn No. 10. Land Serlec,, *Parchase .and ZjeAe of Crown Lands,"..; As' a. partial rMlof meoaure, reverted lands may be ocaulred by purctaoM Jn ten equal ln8talroenti,-wltt»-the first xmyment suspended for two years, provided 'taxes are paid when due and .improvement ore made during the find "two years of not less than 10* of the appraised-vplue. Mill, factory, or Industrial sites so rp ^ S S .V t* !S S S r£ ■SSS.iSS Ainclu&ing payment of ;Stnmpago, Unsurveyed, areas, - s iio^ lng - JW acres, may. be leased,as *»mssltss, -condl- "Calleci'1 Hiooi: __ an <L*njoyal)]c menls w (M'c iUGBY CLUB .rge te lrn o u t oU -tion aence and^l^rpyemaSt,conditlor ectedJ-ln_ the ■residence after,.cogaditlonsyare fSfilled and lo ^ has baen surveyed- - For grazing and. Industrial .p u rp o ^ . ar^s - ^ exceeding-848 oersa may be leased by one person'ar , a eompony. under tihe Oroalng Act divided Into groxlng -dlstrleU and the ĵ t̂ e-fldmlnlstered nndar irbarian.s,^ pTac- ) and the en- Bhown, augur.s' s succe.s.s dur-' . jason, se.ason will be e backfield but fe the .service.s -and- UpeciiLCurahase 50 Ladies' Crepe A t t e r n o o n D R E S S E S ^ SizGK H to 20. N ew Styigs N ew Colors ----Worth-$4^B5-- ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S ee w in d o w d is p la y BARRADELL'S V5.28 Marine Drive Phone West 701 . 0 fill vacancies I is to get its ■ I and u.se, its --idvantagb. V- ' varying"conditions.. Annual groxlng per­ mits we issued based on -certain monthly mtes head of stock.; PrlorltT to ^an- Ing privileges Is given, to-resident etoek ovraers. Stock-ownsra.iinay.form.j^cl^ ^ill be held a t F R A N K D . R i c e B.C. LAND SUVEYOR & Civil Engineier -Rhone West 660- tlons for"Vange' m im age^t.^ Free or S a l l y fr^ t a m a n ^ n a ^ tor «t«era eampers mmA .m ^ \&t 2:45 p.m, icr 18th, when elcome will/be ■ibers.. Mrs. Don Ford of Radcliff Avenue, is visiting her aunt in Payallup, Washington. jtRYLENDINGTJBRARYAT FERRY-WHARF•* *_ ___ ________ _ - - B ooks B roaden pour oudook/*i • w e s t " 3 9 -SAWDUST.-- North 94 NORTH 9 4KNILL FUELS. -- . WOOD -- -COAL ̂ -- HOME OIL FUELS^ -513 Lonsdale Ave. (formerly ivith Birks ■ Ltd., ' Montreal) .1522 Marine Drive ■" 'THE CITADEL " by Cronin, now avaijable % and many othfer additions. . C H I N A F O R G I F T S "r h' AJ'.'v- ,'t' *' 'Li-u""'*'- .-.a""-* -