* • a.' -m . Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Amhleside, Hollyhurn., Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress PaTk, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. . 6c per copy at newsatandn. Vol. ̂^ HOLLYBURN, P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. SEPEMBTER 16th. 1937 No. 24 DOES WAR PAY? THE FALL SHOW Only a week or so uk'o a prominent speaker was telling a' ' . V-im-ouv<M* audience that war-did not pay. Ever since 1018 the ^'iiiic (liiiig has been said. It has bemi dinned into„our. ears,so iniiir as (o liave attained rank among tlie old sa,ws and proverbs . of ouV forefathers ; and this is as it should be, since, like most of them, it is th a t most dangerous thing; a, half truth. War is only one of the forms of competition, and, when one btisiiiess tirmenters, into competition with another in the same •line aild wins, it is seldom, if ever, tha t the victor does not reap substantial benefits from it)j success. Should the struggle liavc been long and underselling have had to be resorted to, time may be required to recoup the resultant loss, but with the uiisiii;c(?ssf\il firm elirhinated or so crippled as to have become /■111 insignificant fnctor--as is nearly.always the case--we can rest assured th a t the wjnner in the long run will make a very Kood thing out of it. So with war, which pays or does not pay in the exact pro- . portion in which the victors despoil the defeated'enemy. Of course, if we are such fools as to save an enemy froni a debacle oh the Vield by granting him; an a.rmistice, and then,"afte'r mak ing such a comparatively, easy peacefunder the circumstances as the Versailles Treaty,.allow most of its clauses to be broken, certainly war cannot pay. Nor would a business war, if the .successful permitted their broken competitors to recover most of them' losses, concluding by trying to set them up in. business agaim Yet tha t is what we. have done with th^ Hun. Had we made the kind, of peace Germany would have ex- , 'acted from us with the positions reversed, we would have , wrecked her country, seized'all her gold, taken alhher trade, -and-so-brokefi-her-t-hat-her-people-woiild-never-have-been-able-- to again disturb the peace^ of the world. If anyone doubts tha,t ' that would not have paid;det him study the German trade're- '. turns before 1914,:^d then consider all t̂ ^̂ insecurity .of these • post-war .'gears, which has'b'een the main cause of the depres-, ; sion, also th.e price of the present armament race, for which Germany is mainly responsible. ,. There is the case of Japan todaiy, in which connection we can be .quite certain that'as a victor,-should the fates so fa,vor. ' her, she will allow, no repetition of the Portsmouth Treaty. In ■ such a case, she will hold every square mile- of China won, and that probably the. whole of it. The immense natural resources then in her g r ia would.make her independent o f th e world, shC t;. could and would repudiate all her"Outside, debts, and ther^'4»-̂ -wou-ld-be-ftot-anu-openJbut-a-very-tig-htly-QlQ'sed-door-in-China... -- .r--ju-- .---- -- -V. ->--■ .w . */ : ' • -I .. I....... . . Most certainly she will jnake thi-s war pay, if sJie can only win. "T.n \rin-i-mra halnnrr artmla ia Tini- SinU The We.st Vancouver Ilorti- cullurul Association held their Annual Exhibition in the Ingle- wo(xl School Auditorium on Sat-, urday. The show was opened at 2:30*'p.m. by Mrs., O'Donnell of the School Board who substitut ed for Chairman H. G. Barker. Reeve and Mi's. Loyland were ^/uests of the Horticultural As sociation a t the olficers' and judges' - luncheon held at, the llighlaiuls Cafe. 'J'he judges pj'esiding were; Mrs. M. B. Randall, Mrs. Eddy, li. Clarke, Chas.HCilgour and A. Leach, who were kept busy with the tnany. entries. Very favor able comments wei'e expres.sed at the excellent (luality of the , ,flowers and, produce shoWn. , J .'7 H. Owen & Company" of Mission, sent Over a very fine exhibit of 200 gladioli,, which were brought from there by A. J. Capon. These were either , sold or raffled, the winners in the raffle being Mrs: Woodcock, Mrs. Cartwright, Mr. -Thwaites, ~Mrs^--^befeaux7" 'Mrs:--Rankiner Mrs. Seeds. ,. . . During the afternoon and - evening, a delightful musical-pro-. gram was rendered by Miss . Jessie Davies and her string quartette. . ' The following were the prize- winnres of a very keen competi tion:-- » Beans, Wax-- 1, Philip Aldred; ■ . G. W. Poole. - ■' Beans, Green -p 1, Robt. Hol den; 2, D. McTavish. COMlN(! EVENT'S i"ri<lay, October 1st -- Annual b'all Dauct' of the We.st V^au- couviu' T ennis' Club in the Orange Mall. NOTICE Until further kioUcc thotMj de siring to telophuiie the editor of this newspaper re ads, etc., should'call hiuk. between t) and 10 a.im at West 55 and after (I pan. at West .•lOJ. , THE BURNING BUSH . By Subadur Ruevo J. U. Ltwliind of West Van couver, who was elected first vice- president of the Union of Hniish Columbia Municipalities at the an nual .convention in Nanaimo. NEW REAL ESTATE OFFICE T h ^ H" E" W h iff iniigcpcjr-has- opened an office at 1520 Mariim Drive,.where they will, deal fn _real estate, in.surance, 'rehtals. The manager is H. E. Whiff in Ll.B., and the phone W est^^3 . uFor further particulars kindly, refer to the advertisement in this issue. SCOTTISH EVENING . A Scottish evening has been ,: arranged,-.byTf h e ... JVVpm.en's .A f?*-: sociation of the United Church -for-^-Tuesda.v-r-Septem bor--28t-h The 'I'owu Planning Commis sion liave, told the Vancouver th)uncil (hut False Creek has "an unsightly .and .offeiKsive appear ance." 'It sure has,' but it's all very old stuff. They also said it was "a major problem." I re member my house . master^ at school making the same idcritioal i-emarks about me when I slosh ed into his house after tumbling into, a ])urticularly foul ditch --Whi Ic-b ird s n es t i n gr--A t-th e-ti me 1 was an offence to myself al though how I could be " a major problem" was a bit above me ■ then. Later "I understood, and 'I imagine I must have been quite a problem. My line of humor in my school years was rather raw. Amongst, other item's was tho filling of his gloves, left on hi.s deski with, piaster of pari.s, the injection into evening prep of a .tomcat plus, a tin-can to his tail, and the leading'of a general dis- --tu r-banco-party-into-^t-tra veiling menagerie's show, which finished" by opening a bear'eage, the bears joining -the pa-rty^'to' the great exhilaration. of the multitude. That was a ba(i one and we all To -the vectors belong the spoils." War is not and never has been a. pleasant afternoon's game concluded by all who take part in it shaking, hands as good fellows over the tea.o.r soyiething strongerr.'Tt- is a grim business^ p^articularly-these- :-̂ •days, M̂ hen the driving force is economic: neefessftyv , We of the British-Empire are . so fortuna.te as to need no spoils-. But we are W'ell worth despoiling, a m atter deserving GUI* most serious ^Consideration, with so much international Beans, Pole White -- 1, Mrs. -Van der Gracht; 2, John Bay- field. _ . Beans, Pole, A.O.V. -- 1, Mrs. ^Wv Wiltshire'; -2,"R'obt; Heldem- "Beets - 7̂' I, A. .Carthorne; 27 when a series of-interesting pic tures will be shown by Mr. Por ter, along \vith a short program, of musjc_and songs. Admission^ -2A'cents'. ' '■ ---- ------------ - T»'at~the'nv'harkH.Tmntrhtylrf:ordcH;^ banditry loose in the'world. AYEgTWANGOUVER- -HOtfcYBURJ'L^HALL- Mrs. M. Cook. Swiss Chard -- 1, A. Gar- thorne; 2, Mrs. M. Cook. Carrots, Chantenay -- 1, Robt. Holden; 2, A. Carthorne. ' Carrots.-Qoreless -- 1, G; W. BUSINESS MEN'S ' ' ASSOCIATION the West Vancouver Business' Men's Association will hold their first meeting of the fall season i following the summer, recess at 8:li0 p.hi, next Wedneday,.. Sep tember 22nd, in the P.D.Q. Cafe, 1512 Marine Drive. This is to Te a. get-together" meeting for the winter session, and it is honed . Sunday School and Young Teople's Btble'-'Class will be hekL^ Poole; 2, Miss Betty Blair. Leeks. -- 2, Robt. Holden. Corn --- i, Miss Betty Blair; • Dahlias, C actus "-- 1, Mr.s. Rehberger. , Dahlias, Pornpon -- I, Mrs. Excell; 2, Mrs. H. P. Allen, Dahlias, Display Box -- 1, Mrs. Rehberger, as usual, at 10 a.m. next* Sunday, September 19th,- in -Hollybum Hall. At the 7 :30 p.m .. service -next Sunday Evangelist Wm. M. Rae will preach the Gospel. Tuesday at 8 p.m., prayer and Bible study. __ j _ ____ --'-that qver-y 'meTriber "wtll special -effort - to attend. B U im iN i^ C Q J j^ A eTORS: 2, Mrs. Richardson. Cuoumbers -- 1, Miss Betty Blair; 2, Mrs. Richardson. Cucumbers, Pickling -- 1, Mrs. A. Haw'ks. Herbs -- 1_, Mrs. W-. Dickin son; 2, Mrs. D.HHcTavish. Citron -- 1, W. Loucks; -2, -Mrs. V; D: Gracht: ------- nnmTis--t Mr.s. McQuaker Collebtioh 6f Lilies .1, Mrs. D. McTavish; 2, MLsi K. Skeet. Asters --; 1, Mrs, Exccll; .. ting the bears loose, because luckily nobody saw m e.do.that, or there would have been a hang- . ing, but just on general prin-, ciples. They suspected a lot, but couldn't find out anything. It was " gruatlTniTthough. I can see now ^hd Burfield- oome before the meeting will be a membership drive, the object of whioh is to increase the mem bership to that-poin t-w here it will be possible to turn the as sociation into a Beard pf Trade, that being thej>xiginal idea, be hind its formation. A minimum of thirty is- required . for this ~fairposp_ and - the old ch a rte r, of the West Vancouver Board of L"ade which ceased to function announce thaUthey are conduct ing a general building and con tracting business in West .Van couver. Cement foundations, floors, sidewalks, etc. -Satisfac tion guaranteed. .Phone West 122R. For fu rthe r ^particulars ■please turn to the advertisem m t^ in this issue. «^ - P a r s n i p s - ^ ^ " McTavi s lr ;^ r W. Loucks. "r"Ptyfcsteos,"~~Whrfec "* ■ ■ Poole; 2, Mrs. McQuaker. Potatoes;' Red -- 1, D. McTaVr ish ; 2, J. Lqavens. Squash, Green -- 1, Mrs. Rich ardson. Squash, Gold'en -- 1, F. H. Chapman. Mrs. Menzies. , * .Gladiolus-- T, Mrs. Menzie.s; 2, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. ■ Marigolds, African -- 1, E- M urray; 2, Mr.s. D, Mc^Pavish. Marigolds, French -- .1, Mrs. D. McTavish;; 2, Mrs. Mfister- man. ' -Marigolds, Royal Scot -- L _Mrs._-3CP^-Rhodes-;-2,-Mi .̂ .,,W. Tlicklnsoh: ■ ' •' ~ ------- three fa t" old .^vomen charging the'entrance in line and get- ^inffj^mmod-th&ro, I have-never seen such-unanimity- before or__ .since, I'alw ays got the blame_, for everything whether I had fione it or,not, .smmostly thought I might as well have the fun, . because I'd get Ihclm nishm ent .anyway. ' ' Bernard Shaw has been lately ioflfeidngfsMnsadyi CHORAL SOCIETY- some years ago, is^still available. The association feel th a t in the short period of-their organ- ization they have been-able to'dn The" first rehearsal for the new season "of the West Vancou ver "Choral Society will be'held :/at-8p.m.-.next_Monday,_Sep.tejmi_ Marrow, Green _-- 1, . W. J. Clifford. Marrow, White--1,. W. J. Clif ford. " Pumpkin, 1, Mrs. Hutchison j 2, John Bayfield. Best- in-Class; -^^J. Mitchell; SpeoialT ?pme good work, also th a t the Hhie has arrived when West Vancouver should have" a Board Trade. ̂ Will merchants and other business men.° contractors, ■Ter^m'hTiiT Înglewood tScho-oL 2 , W. Dickinson. Tomatoe.s--- 1, G. W. Poole;. M arigoldsf A.O.V,-- -A, Mip f̂ Michaelmas Daisies -- J, Mrs. Rhodes. . - ; f ' Chrysanthemums -7- L Mrs. Hammond; 2, Mrs, Dickinson. Annuals'-- 1, Mrs. Exccll; 2, Mrs. Rhodes. Perennials -- .1; Mrs. Tinncy; 2, Mrs. Rhodes. , . Zinnias -- 1, Mrs. McTavish; 2,M rs .E x c e l l r - ^ - - Zinnias; Dwarf -- 1, F„ Mur ray; 2, Mrs. Rehberger. ' Apples, Wealthy -- f- Mrs'. Richafdson; 2, "Betty Blair. . ' . . Apples, Graven stein -- 2, Miss M. B. Frame. . in connection with the meeting New mmbers will be welcomed, and old members are asked to bring their music. / otc,, who SO: far haVe not" joined, carefully consider th is m atter attend ° 'the meeting , next Wednesday in the P.D.Q.- Cafe. AV so dping they will help them- ---seLves-a-nd '̂"~- H R inSH -ISR A EL WDRfcfU Vegetable Collection -- 1, D. McTavish; 2, G. W. Poole. . ' Sweet' Peas -7- 1, Mrs. D. Mc Tavish; 2, J. Mitchell. Mrs. FEDERATION D.underave Branch Basket of~F]ower.s I7 R. B. Rhbde.s-; 2,. J; Mitchell. Foliage Plant ~ R. Holdepf Special. Nasturtiums, Double--̂ 1, Mrs. - jygs^Ti] Apples, puche.ss of Oldenburg '--2, D. Dewar. ^ Apples, A.O.V. 2, ■Betty Blair. ,, Apples, Gratis -- Wm. Diok^ .sociation for, the Advancement of Science. The pres.s reports on his mean'derings call him "a sage." If they had called him an egotistical old fool, they would ' in my opinion have been nearer the" mark, brother.,.lie's always fond of handing out advice to all and sundry, which is only a n - ' oihr'proof oUhis assishness, and , th a t's a "good'word not in th e dictionaryTTTeoause people whose , advice is worth taking are very slow to give it out,-He-dId-wxile._ .some good, plays. Outside of th a t he seems to spend most of ^:^'k^meTx>HmgHxVsay^meth^i^^^ smart, and hardly e'ver rings the bell. If i ,could only ge t my boot iin rlp r cb irri bp'f? hai1 nvAr fb p Youn^ W ife: "The new nurse is scientific. She,never lets anyone the baby while she is around." Husband": "Who w ou ld ?" And-the n ext day- th e nurse le ft . ' of the Dundarave'branch of the British Israel Worid Federation will be held as usual September •20th, in the hall a t 25th , and*. Marine Drive. Speaker, C. K. Vahey. All, are'welcome. *** .ijJutchison4-2^ -pmiey-. inson. . , Blackberries.-- 1, W. Clifford 2, Mrs. S. Gi.sby, ̂ ' Peaches ^ 1, Dr^ Bayfield, Plums 1, Mr.s,' Wv Dickin- under ^flim, he'd sail over the Lions-^ure. Why people fall fo^ Jiis-particuIar-Ii-iKM)f-tripe4-4on4^ know, but suppose it is becauise he has become one of the fash ionable fads. - Na.sturtiums, S ingle-- 1, Mrs: V. D. Grachet; 2, Mrs., Tjnney.^ -som I>alilia's, Dwarf T, Mrs. Ex- ceIL;.2, Mrs. Blair. Dahlias,, Decorative -- 1, l^rs. Excell.' . . - . Needlework, Lunch. Cloth 1, Mrs. Richardson; 2, Mrs. Brown. - ' Needlework,. Cross Stitch:--2, Audry Richardson; ' (Continued on Page Four) "You say you lost your sweetie by to.ssing coins with your, rival in front of her," * "Yes, we tossed to see who'd be her permanent boy friend arid I tossed a dime and he tossed a twenty-dollar gold piece!" ' i i i S I