West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Sep 1937, p. 4

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SMITH'S MARKET Phone W est 46 RED AND WHITE Phone West 46 SPKCIAr.H & whitf (;h k k n c u t imANH if HqttAl 'I'ln** ■. • .......... . 2le 'IViid.fr and Strln*th'HW. ICrd & WhiU- W niTK COHN 2 N». 2 Tliih .................... 23c Hrd A While iML(TIAUOH 2 Tall Tina . , . 17c l»INK HACMON . 2 Twll 'I'lnK I7c SI N(;A 1'OHH IM N KA HPUK^KIiccd or Crualu'd 2 No. 2 'I'lnii 17c Hfd & While i*KACIIIiH--Hllc<'d or llnlvi*d Squat Tin 17c -- Hed-X-AVhiU.. IJrAiul~SOUi*S~--------- *' Cliuii Chowder, Tomato, VeKclahle 2 liiiH ........ ......... 17c Ked K White MAHMAUAIIK t II). Tin . .................. 37c (U;iCK OATH--Quaker |ikC 23c IIONKV--Muiillol»a No. 1 2»/i Ih. Till ........ ...... ................... 25c SIIOHTKNINt;--Sw iftC JeweL. 2 1*111. CarloiiH ................ ' 2!>'c Hed Ht White 12 ounce tin of HAKINC I*0W1)KH with a UHefiit lli'incii Wooden iWixlii); HpiMin you will enjoy hiiviiq; Both, for 20c Meats-«-Pjhone West S70 FHIDAV AND SA'Il'HDAY StpL Urd and 4tli. M E A T S SOME FUNDAMENTAL CAUSES (H- PI.ANT ^ . --JIISEA B ES ( Experittienitil Farms Note) ,SHOinA>EK OF S P U IN G L A M II |n,*r If)................................. 17c S 'H A V IN G LAM H , 2 1I)S. fo r 25c S IIO U L D K U U O A ST V E A L 12'/iClo 16c II). PltliME U E E F P O r H O A S l'S from,. .............. 15c per II), LIvfiS L A M IL r̂op Sprinir, lb. 20c H U E AS'ILOlilA^-EAL, .per:il), 40c- V E A L L O A F (North Star) Per lb.............;............. 25c' FEE'J'C H E ir S H O N E Y & .SPICED U A K E D H A M , Per lb. ......................... 60c (;U A IN F E D U EEF , PO U K ami V E A L -- F IN E S T Q U A LITY . lied A While BHKAKKAST COCOA >1 III. (ill l)c AI N'I' .MAIIV.S TBA' ........ Ih. :il)c SCHOOL SUPPLIES .STUIKES AND IHGHHALLS ' AfUfi* (Iropi)inK the lirs l 'tw o }far»u\s of the playolf.s the ,Tri- torm came to life, winniniirThurH- (luy a t AmbleHide, and Monday , ' a t Mahon I'aidt. Scores: 2-1, and VValf Ziidski jiitched six-h it liail in the home name, and re- ceive.H* credit for the win. He. was relievtal in the ninth by ( 'h ick Mcltito.sh. as LvnrAwcyiitl -iilleci the bases .with one out. (2»ic)c served up a double-play hall to McManus, and the was ()V(M'. Taylor, with a triple and sinKhj,..led the h itters, and scared the w inning .run in the . six th ,'w hen Tearoe followed his triple witii doMhle to centre. NADAN ROSS JORDAN MfdalllHt I..A.M. V wijl Often a Hliidip \ lOMN - r PIANO -- THKOHV .ill 253(1 Bellevue Hliortly iMllNK'IPAMTY OP WKHT VANCOIJVKK ' Disea.ses Have been known to a tta l'k plants*ever since ancient tim es. Blights, mildews and niHls have l>een inferred to in the Bible, and the w ritings of the ancient Greeks and Uonians show th a t the true nature and cause of p lan t dise.ases were not undorstoTKl and tiiat ideas con­ ce rn in g 'them were of a super­ stitious, nature. In fact, little - was known of the origin of. dis- ease in plants" iitdil about the middle of the niiM'teenth century when investigatnr.s; aided by the compound mitio.scope, made great, stride.s towards assooiat* ing diseases with tlieir real cause. . Disease in plants may be de- iined as a disturbance of struc­ ture or function which niay af­ fect a p a rt or all of the plant, tltei'ehy th reaten ing its life or ,l(?.s.sening • its economic value. .Such a^definitioii leads to the as­ sumption th a t there are different , kind.s of p lan t diseases. Thesb . ai-e cla.ssified according to the nature of the casual' agent as follows,: (1) Disturl)ances, due J;o non-parasitio agents (as nu-, trition, environm ent, e tc .) ; (2) Parasitic* disea.ses which result " IVom the attack of some organ­ ism, or parasite . (.2) Virus dis­ ea.ses, (lup to infected-sap .stream (cause unknown). - , Am ong ib e agencie's causing lOiLipnmsitic_diseases_or* 'Mil- Je f f e r ie s ' S u e e r io r .M Ea t s Government Inspected Only :H A M S ---:-"^ -L A M B ~ * -t-- B » K F -- 8 * - F O B E * ^ w « , ,V E A I r COLD MBA1B OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN , 1 S to re a t H o lly b u rn , next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 Service L U M B lR Q oaU ty SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS "T:ATn------------ THERE IS NO si/bstitute -FORQUALITY- TILE I Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ROOFING -WAJLLBOARD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ' 15th & Murine Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Clastiified AdTcrtisemcnU is 2..cents per word."mininiuiii 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all claNsi* Beds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West Van News get Immediate results. "SPIRELLA" Professional Corsetiere, ;iM West .'Jrd St., North Vancouver. Phone: Evenings, North 1327-L. FOR SALE -- Bantams, cheap. Phom> , West 6.3C-R. * ! ,- „ LOST -- Cameo Brooch between Sher­ man and West Buy bus. West 243-X-;L * • FOR s a l e -- Sehibr Matriculalimi Books. West 321. ' WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE -- Unfurnished 4-room house, fairly clo.se to'. ferry, mu.st bo 'w.arnr for ' winter. Scy. H25:j-L. ________ FOR SALE -- Easy Washer $35.00; Dining Room Suite, $35.00; Hcd- room Suite _ $55.00; Chestorllcld Suite $50.00; 2 Chest of Drawer. ,̂ $G.00 each. 2177 Bellevue Avcmiuc. FOUND--P art Persian cat, gray and._-....__ ... ............... A....... . 1 #v j.t _ .VOTICK o r PUBLIC HEARING li(' Pro|ioKi'd Amendment In the. Zoning By-law ' ~ ~~ ,J r Ciiick Meinto.sh, aH.si.4t(*d by orrorJes.s ilcjdiiig from the Tri- (t, >(• ions, .sixired the .second win. The .-winning runs came home in the dill. W ith the base.s full and one out, GrOen let Bob Fiddes's Imrd- -rldfi-gtoy n der-gt) "t*hi"#H'git-4ti-s~]eg.M. for.a home run. The fifth fiml deciding game will be played a t Ambleaitie Park tonight, Septem ber 2nd. Percy ■•Ma.stermaTi~vviiH he in the bo .Xoliec i.'4 hereby given that pursu­ ant lu . lh<* iirnVi.sions of Uut 'I'own .Planning Aet'a tnceling of-tl̂ o Coun­ cil of the Corporation of the District of We.st Vancouver will he hold in 'the Council Chamber at the Municipal Hull, .17tli Street and J'j.s«iuinialt Ave. ~ nn e.Ti.ri;:M eommeneing .at 7 p,/n., to consider a proposed* amendment to /aming By­ law No.-17t< in re.Hi)ect to the lots be­ tween 20th aiid 21st Streets, situated on both the imrlli and south side.s of Marine I)n\e and immediately abut health" in planl.s may be. men- lioncd such , things as unfavor- . able 'chem ical conditions of the soil, unfavorable cliniatio condi­ tions and mechanical • injuries. U nfavorable chemical .soil condi- ,_tjgns may be due to a deficiency or exce,ss of a certain chemical element. F o r example, a. defici­ ency of piagne.sium impairs the am ount of sfargh production, thus cau.sing the disease known, as magnesium deficiency. In the cn.se of potatoes, it has been re- ■^ucTTslript'd; Palmerston UlTd 30tlir West 41-1-Y-3. . COUPI.E TO RENT COTTAGE from -- ^̂ Sept--15,--for-C-mdnths--or--longcrr MAN AND W IFE-want position as caretakers for a home for the 'win- tcr months. Box 53, West Van News- furnished or partly; not over $15. Box 20, ,West Van News. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2442 Marine for School Supplies, Notions, Sheer Cotton, etc. ■ FOR RENT --Small House suitable for 2 people; water and light, bul no bathroom. .Home between 12 and 2 or G to 8 daily, Mrs. White, 2757 Lawson. Avenue. , WANTED TO EXCHANGE -- Coal Heater for air-tight heater. West 349-L. WANTED--Girl for light housework; mornings only. West 223-R. SCHOOL GIRL -- Fond of ^ ild re n would do light housework dn return for board and room. Box 54, West „ Van News. . ■ s' FOUND -- In Ju ly ; Black and while tom' dit, great pet. West 502. LADY REQUIRES Unfurnished rooni.s or small cottage, end September. Reasonabl^rreiit.z3V:fistz5Q2~ ~ ~ j:z i l ion may be corrected by employ­ ing riiagne.siimi-limestone in the preparation of the Bordeaux m ix - ; tu rc ' used in preventing blight. " Tuiznip-brow n- hea44--is anothe r-- WANTED TO LEASE -- 6 or 7 room unfurnished house by-October 15th. Kerri.sdale 37C9. ' • * . I'vrvvT "7 ' ' "t --..■I...UI-IIHJ--Ut U;V>M fo r Tritons, aiid Chips Chapman' ' zoned ns^"d',c>cu\'̂ BusiiroĴ ̂ non-para.sitic-disea.se associated ,d: ■ in.stend of "(liu-Fantily Disirict" n.s at ' ' 'v " o f boron in th e FOR QUICK SALE --̂ 2 Acre plots, . $500 and .'$600 each; close - in; one' FOR SALE -- Fawcett Range and oil burner complete, cheap. Phone West 79-X-3. - ' ' will chuck for Lynnwood; 4 acre plot; $1250, C.'j; Archer Ltd.. West 225. ROOM ANP-IBOARP availablp in quiet locality.' Easv^access to ferrv. West 628kL. . I 1 Robert ■'W. Gi'an t ha.s moved- into,a house a t (kudfeild. 45Xl>ER'r present; All pc't'son.s who 'diH'm themselves lUrocted by the projin.-sed amendment Will be alVordetl an opportunity to be heard by the Council von i n i y m a t t e r . s relating thereto. ' ' (lltions ! R A D I O R E P A I R S llEASONXHtfi-,------- WALLY CRAIG A copy, of the propo.sed amendment may bo in;-ir)eeted_at the iUunieipal ' ' ■ to ,5:00 soil, .and'corrected in mjosf^soiis by the addition of borax a t the i-ate of ten to fifteen pounds per -Unfavorable climatic obn- miav cause - in jury to WANTED -- For p,ermanent rental; 3 bedroom fully modern home; rent about $25. West 225*. Hail from t):00 o'clock a.ih. (Over 14 Years' Rxperjonco) - 2117 Argyle Avenue (laj'S when 'flu; offieo o'clock'noon. ' Dated at We.st Vaneouver. B.t'., this -- 2nd -day-of Se.pteml)T*jVd!)37r' . W. HKURIN, plants. Very strong-sunlight, for instance, gives rise to sunscald Too much shade on the othei WANTED/-- Woman, one day per week for family sewing; must be -- good--mender;--Box 55;-'-West Vai r New3. ' - - 4 " TO ' RENT--Cosy furnished house for 3 to G months; two bedrooms, mod­ ern; adults; references; immediate possession. Box 50, West Van News -C Q M JF m iT A ^ E J^ a M -^ o'clock, p.m. cacli day t.- \co j)t_ S a iu r-_ _ n m cn .s^aae on tne Qtlier ' ejosos at . 12:00 hoiui caused iriad€qLTafe"stafch .Municipal .Slerk. ^►ftirmation. Incorrect a ir relations in s torage_a re known - to_b.e_re- ,,sponsible for apple scald and black heart of potatoes. Fi'ost WANTED -- Furniture, stoves, tools, _ , and' anything of value.. We- buy, C ... sell and exchange. City 2nd HMd ^ Store, 109 -111 W. 1st St. Phone North 431, in selecf homeTpermanent, required ■ -by. quiet elderly man. Must be close to ferry wharf. Box 51, West Van i : News. ' JUNK--We buy everything of value. Phone West 91. _Burrard Junk Co. and freezing in juries cause sev­ ere In ju ry to leaves, fru its , flow­ ers,-i-oots-and tubers; Most g a r­ deners, fa rm ers and orchardists are familiar with the more com­ mon CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners '-Jintalled; /furnace' repairs. __Phone G. Meldrum,, 1103 Lonsdale ^ o r t h 822. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DEC­ ORATING -- For economy and satisfaction, phone F. C. DaTgleish, West 574-R. INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience dhtlets installed. J. H. Paterson, West 108. LAWN MOWERS~SHARPEN^ --amplLsJjOH^--w ih te r - k illing of - - Special" machine; ■renairs. na MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents. Only best materials used. - Expert onerators. Phone ..; tw igL ^jifi-haok^aod > IjiNt week we ninde (he delinite stafenieiit "Up to 20'.' siivinKs ,̂!, .vouFfucI oil hills." . Now in^addilioii we offer 50'? SAVING ON ItllllNKU SERyiCE <50 cents insleiid j t f u dotlar) and hack up (he sta tem ent w ith A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE •W |i| f - f 4 f T r - M i i i f 1 ^ The days are shortening, the n ig h ts cold; fuel bil(s are mounting. Sewn these.fuel bills will be an im portant item on your budget. " - , m r i - «;||k ' l i l ' i . 2 0 p e r cent, on Oil On Service 5 0 p e r cent. T -- C a l l u s o n t l r i s - G i K t r a n t e e . . lro.st nGcrosn.s of potatoes. ___ Para.sjtic diseases, -intei*pr5eted br<iadly,'include all disturbances -in the life of p lants inflicted by a living organism , e ither plant c r animal. Fungous plants are probably the m ost im portant of such parasites; fieing-nnable 'to m aiuifacture th e ir own food they steal it from living plants, thus causing injuries known as fun­ gous diseases. L ate blight and ro t of potatoes il lu s tra te this f.ype ot distilrbailee,. P revention oT- such diseases is achieved by means of spray' applications. Vjrus diseases result- from in- lection by a virus which is "sap" transm itted from plant to plant, chiefly by aphids and Ieaf_hop- pers .or .even by p lan t contaot. ilAUi.Uj.g within . th is g roup- are - Special" machine; repairs, parts. --Shd'prTT449nVIarine. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Guaranteed;try'-'way. __ -stPne--repairs.-- -GldUoun- B r l^ and" FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent-^ Houses; Lots, and Lawson & Pride, -1704 Marine, Phone West 55, North. 811-R-2. -Palmer-^ CapilanOr- PON I FORGET -- You always get what you pay for -when you buy paint, so be. sure and ask for Martin GORDON -ROBSON, Barrister, Solicit- - tor, 1447 Marine, by appointment only, West-AOS; >510 Hastings Street Seymour 4199 afternoons. HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Op- ' tometrist, Optician; , Wednesdays 10:30 to 4. -West 458-R for appoint­ ments. ■ ' ' Before You Buy Get Our ■ s p e c ia l PRICES on KITCHEN RANGES efifll N H . R E I D " A S e n t - S l i e i r O i l G o . i S T ' P h o n e N o r t h Z S 6 such important diseases Jis spindle tuber, mosaic, and leaf roll of 'Potatoes, peach' yellows, beau .iw ^ c ,„ c a s p b e n !y lm o s a ic ,- cherry niottle leaf and tobacco mosaic. Destruction of JnfecM Local Service at Cjty Prices Largest Stock in ^West Vancouver at FORST*S W. N, MORRIS, Agent 1476 Marine Dr. W est 711 " XT Lonsdale Avenue Morth Vancouver... North 525 ' MASON'S TAXI Day and night. Passengers fully insuretd. West 512 ■'W."U._- VASS," CKiropra^or,' Suire~4l Hollyburn Block. WAT^R PRESSURE RESTORED - No cure, no pay. Local testimenials. West 188-X. * WEST TAT^r BLIND . & AWNING SUPPLY ]^inds_and Awnings ^mhde' to orderi' Have'your old bliiiJsy . - . wff wxwcj.. j.xo,vt5 ,yuui:..uiu cleaned and repaired.sPree estimates Phone West 74-L-2. plants; ̂insect control and the iKse of re.̂ îstant varieties are the main features in preventing the ravage. ̂ of these diseases; '" % Mr.~̂ d-Mi:ŝ ]̂ -a{ijgLottbm and" Mr. and Mi^. Clark, a l l . of-V ancou­ ver, and Mr. and Mrs. Webb o f CaJifornia, a re guests a t the ' Clachan. . ^ Insurance & p; C. GIBBENS & CO. Ltd. •1473i Maiine' Drive ' West 704 vfvV-,