West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Sep 1937, p. 3

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-jvj£fc.i •>. SVi^'^.7-{.,^-a^4j«jwii»'^!^S|.p«<yWi«^.-fiSwJ^?l,»i^ 'i '% m vKjwvto'f ■'-•̂ ----------------^ .><..' W - « * k »-' Wf . , / ^.- * *, ' i ' r j. j "I ' l - ^ - . •» ', ' t ' s - s V. '■'A^i-' */ >1- > i Mta Mkii* lAa* *' THE -WEST V4N -NEWS School Opeiitng buy your s c h o o l s u p p l ie s a t CUNNINGHAM'S ___Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, Loose-Ltgf^ k s . PS'"I». InL Etc-..___ .............." ' S p e i i a l J w m i w ' "" C U N N I N G H A M D R U G S T O R E Wi'.'if •{" _____________ _______ ^586 Marine* Drive tocal awd Personal . S p e c i ^ U . K i n d e r g a r t ^ . C o u r s e M VIlrV W(>HK IN PIANO EmphaBlzinK-- KAT TRAINING, ^ SINGING «nd DANCING GAMKsS, INTERPRETATIVE WORK MUSIC APPRECIATION nii(I Hand Work with .; ■ _____________ tJjaJJisuul-JCinderg'arton -activities.---------------------- \ ,, Kor liirthor informutibn consult ' . M i s s M c G i l l i v r a y , 2 6 6 7 H a y w o o d A v e . West Vancouver A gricultural and H o rticu ltu ra l A ssn . Fall E x h ih itio ii S A T U R D A Y , S e p t T 1 t h , to 11. in in INGLEWOGD s c h o o l ' The public laro asked to keep this in mind. IWrrstahley har liiovê ^ 21«t and Argylc Avenue, into a house at 2176 Argyle Avenue. ♦ * * C, C. Boldrjck, 3.'170 Radcliffe Avenue, has moved into a hnuse at 2676 Haywood Avenue. Mr. and Mr.s. W. F. Pochin and' family, of West Bay, have moved into a hou.se at 2675 Bellevue Avenue. ■ ' )«t ■ ..' .t ■■■■.■■■, Mr. and Mrs. Black, who.have . beoif "-Ttvehue ern Canada, 4> 4< * y-* Mr. and Mrs. Beall of Hornby Island, have moved into a house at 25th and Haywood Avenue. ■■♦■♦■ iR Mrs. Jack Parker and two duughfers, .761 20tli Street, have returned from ,u visit to the former's mother in 'roronto. Ill ' 'i(<- * r, and Mrs, Black, who,hnvc *« o«"Knuui aiicriiooi f staying at 1357,■Bellevue-, r.'"* H"* l iW T ifv e - fe lu fn a T ^ T E S w t-nnnndn Street, in honor of Mrs. Be The ferries will maintain a half-hourly service throughout Burnaby' Tnee Nellie next Monday (Labor Day). The who formerly re.sided have been spending the season at their summer home at 22nd and Fulton Avenue, have return­ ed to Vancouver.,V ■« V -Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Sawyer who have occupied a cottage at "Dreamy Nook" for the summer months, have rturned to Van­ couver and taken up i*esidence .at the Devonshire Hotel.• ♦ * ♦ • ■ Ae delightful afternoon tea home of m h " Bourne, who is leaving for her home in Vancouver after spending the summer at Ilollyburn. The guests included Mrs. Bourne, Mrs. N. Williamson, Mrs. Thomp­ son, Mrs. 0. Williamson, Mrs. G. Metcalfe, Mrs. I. Dc Lure,. Mrs. H. Barclay, Mrs. A. Bossenberry, Orline DeLjire, Botty-Anne Bar­ clay and Peter Williamson.♦ ♦ .' ■♦ ..... , Mrs. C. Lowe and little son of Young), in West StrattonWKERY Kifjfm iRjriBi:" m ; j i ' - O iS k J B iim ljP . KRK8H DAILY Ton vtiriolioH to Kuit ovory Moat l*lo8 -- Apple Turnovera ICi'ctcH CukoM -- Paiitrloa Duhh and RoIIm Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive, ' Phone Weal 27 For Special Prices on Phone W est 617^ HOLLYBURN DAIRY West ^1,7 1702 Mnrlno Drivo An Lssex farmer missed on,ê ' ̂ of ills Inills. As a last resort he searched an . empty tarmhouse in one of the bedrooms he found a bull resting on an old bedstead. .September 3rd̂ by Dr. Clem La cot and bull stPry. Davies, has been set back one * * ♦ week as • Dr. Dayies has been ' "Driver of death car is held prevailed u p o n ■ oirsuspicion of negligibl|€ |io ][jy citizens of. Nortk^Van- first boat will leave Aniblesidc Vancouver, are .spending a week Dock at 6 ami., and the last at with Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, 1452 ll;30 p.m. Ihe first boat from Clyde Avenue.# 1* A '■■•■II 1% £} mO/Y ' ak 1.1,. ' .1. cicie." Misprint in -. California -paper.--lM'pbably--^-heni-be._.oonr. victed..of/inconsiderable ,man- slaughtei'. . . • DR. CLEM DAVIES . The lecture to have been given in the Canadian Legion Hall, the city dock will be 6:30 a.m. West Vancouver, on Friday, the last boat leaving there at Mfri and Mrs. K. F. Boyd of midnight. Buses meet all boats. Toronto, arrived at the coast ., * * * Saturday'and are the ■ guests of Miss Irene Orr of Victoria, their aunt, Mrs. p. R. Goodwin, has returned home after spend- 2148 Argyle Avenue. They will ing three weeks at Donald", B.C., reside-in Vancouver, with friends, aftei;-which .she * * * three_„ weeks with her JUNK We buy Bottles, Rags; Metals, Furniture, etc. Highest prices paid.' . PHON'E w est 91 -- BURRARD JUNK CO: The French Beauty Saloin - . For W ork o f C^ality 1562 Marine Drive, Phorie W; 212 ' couver to spealT in their- British Israel Hall, on that evening, so Dr. Davies' leo ture i n We s t Vancouver will be given in the ̂ Canadian Legion Hall, on Friday evening, Sep^m- Garfield While ber 10th, instead, and Garfield ' White, his chairman and'man­ ager, trusts that the people. of Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE ' Sopt. 2mi, Mrd und 4th, i DOROTHY LAMOIJR RAY MIDLAND Jungle Princess also "UNDERSEA KINGDOM" SAT, grandparents, Mr., and Mrs. H. terday for an extended visit to Wheelwright of Marine Drive. * * , - * . The Misses Loriia and Jean Thomson, 1150 Esquimalt Ave­ nue, returned last Thursday from an extended Trip to the,,; Eastern United States and Ont­ ario, ^he former has resumed her duties in the Hollyburn Post Office. - her sisters in Ontario. During- her absence Captain Lovegrove has living quarters over Law- son & Pride's ,rear estate office at 17th and Marino Drive. . ■ ♦ ■. ♦ ■ 'Hi , ' ■ ■ The Vancouver Natural .His­ tory Society are taking .a Labor Day trip, to the North Fork, Brother's Creek, to study the geological formation there. They Constable and Mrs. -Kruger will spend .the and" fam ily, who have- been fu rth e r We^st'Vancouver'^wil'l"tQrn"Out~in-- spending'irhe~snmmer^a'Wforse=---^paiducularsJdndlypJiQnBJ^^ la rge num bers to --h ear Dr. "shpe'Bay, have retu rned to th e ir ' Drive,: p Davies' fecture, the subject of home'in West Bay. which will be given in. these col- * * , umns-next Thursday.. Dr. D'^vies Mrs. Miflay; ,2327 Bellevue 4jS-jw 4Jung-tcueom e4^ .-tn .i.s-.CQm.rr.,-.^ ĝ ^̂ ^̂̂ EVENING & MONDAY Si'pt, 4 th und 0th • ANNABISLLA HENRY FONDA "WINGSOF THE MORNING" also <'THE CHEMIST" "FLORIDA COWBOY" . TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Sept. 7th and 8th ilARRY BA UR **1 Stand Condemned*' al.so "NOBODY'S FOOL' Mrs.T.E. Snelgrove VIOLIN and PLANO Pupils.'. successejMn The Uoyal Schools of Musio Trinity College-- London - and - - Toronto Conservatory A'̂ ounger children visited at their home. . - Term Starts Tuesday September 7th. munit'y twice a month so long -as _ the "masses desire to hear him, and it is, therefore, hoped that a large .turn out will greet him when he speaks here on Fri­ day evening, September 10th. In s Ivk lhv̂ -f hv----- mQrnin g ._ The bu sines.«i*i.s-hqitig ,.lias m ojedT o Lhe.ciLy. ^carried n n -a s usual, ^ -JD itnald .. Bates. % JTOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The Townswomen's .Guild meeting scheduled for Friday, September 3rd, has been post- poined to Friday, September Aoth, owing to the holiday. The christening, took prlace on Sunday at the Church of SL Francis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild, of Donald Alastair, infant son of Mi\ and Mrs. Donald E. Fergus- son, the service being conducted by the Rev. D; Blackaller. God- Mr. -and Mrs. Benson, 2170 parents chosen were IVHss Juan ̂ Argyle Avenue, have moved io rta Cameron, Mr. John T. A. Fox Vancouver. - Mr. ahd'Mrs. W. G. Johnstone and family, 250 19th Street, have moved into a house at 22nd and B ellevue A v e n u e / " i________ ̂ ♦ ON NY MAKE MUNTON 1G42 MARINE DRIVE WEfiT 300 .\ici.iiuu-, A.n.T. Ilf n.e. SPECIAL .3? In.side Fir.............$5.50 per cord _Slabs_j«itl^Bar-kj-$4.00-per~cord~"^ The hostess, was pressing h e r guests to provide Entertainment.' "Isn't there any instrument you can piay,. _Mr. Jones?" she asked. "Not any away from' home," he re- and Mr. J. E, Buerk jr. Follow­ ing the ceremony tea was served to the guests at the home of the baby's parents on Marine Drive. Mrs.. Malcolm Fergusson pour­ ing, and being assisted by Mrs. R. M. Bailey, Mrs. Chri;̂ ' Brown and Miss Marjorie Brown. ■ - :)< -* -,)e- -- Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Craier and Ik , , i|< - - 1 J. T. Littleford of 133G Duch­ ess Avenue, received news e f the death of his father T. LiUle- fofd of Excel, Alta., who recent­ ly visited, him here.■ i'. Ik >|< ENGLISH RUGBY The West Vancouver Barbari- an̂ Tar âdyisedrthat tlfe~opeiiingzzr Harold 4.. Eager & Son Builders & C ontractors Homes of Distinction. Alterations Repairs . Re-roofing__ 825 - 22nd Street PRITAM'S FUEL -P-hon^-NortH 620 "What don you play a t home ? inquired. "Second solemnly. fiddle,^ murmured Jones S C H O O L S U P P L IE S A Local Service a t City Prices -MAGAZINES . ̂ BOOKS ' BADMINTON SUPPLIES LENDING LIBRARY West Van Stationers , Phone West 687 Mrs. C harles B iirh ric^ e Teacher o f P ian o and T heory Students prepared for Examinations and the B.C. Musical Festival, if. desired." 100% successes . aVToronto 'Conservatory ,Exams with first -claBS= honors or honors. ■ Re-opens Tuesday, .Septembier-~7th. ^ Studio:--2309 Manne Dir-ive - « ' Phone West 88tX Craig's father and sisters, Mr. ■ John L. McKenna, ^nd Mrs. Keith and Mrs. "Wright, T540 Marine Drive. ' Miss M. E. Anderson of Acton, Ontario, is visiting her sister,- - Mrs. R. B. Cripps, of 2361 Mar­ ine Drive. She is home ph fur­ lough from Jaban, and is return­ ing on the Empress of Japan to resume her mission work among the Koreans. Y ♦ I)e _ _ . ______________________ __ Major George M. Turnbull -;who-'-is city- salesman for the Hammond Lumber Co. in Los Angeles, California, is visiting his mother, Mrs. B. Turhbull, and brothers at 13;J19 Fulton Ave ̂ -n-ue,-----------------:r-̂ --̂--------------- be played Saturday, October 2nd. Their first' practice has been called for Saturday, September 11th. in Ambleside Park. Jkn iO lM undfl.-T fiim k .X m fftfi; Bathing. Boating. Fishing, Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent by Month dr Week. G e t y o u r S C H O O L S U P P L I E S f r o m AMBLESIDE PHARMACYr You will find a complete selection of Canadian and British ^ PENCILS, PENS, BOOKS, ETC., a t THE RIGHT PRICES D . S . M O N T A G U E 1401 Marine Drive Phone W est 323 We-Dcliver .Mrs. West, who has been spending the summer at 2360 Beilvue Avenue., has gone back _tp_the_city. " " C O N C R T nnE ^O N T R A C T O R S Land Clearing . - Excavation Work : Sole - Agents f or armor COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT ^ A R o e & S O N , ---------------- EXPER1" W a t c h a n d , C l o c k REPAIRING . T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive -------- W e s t V a n c o u v e r ----------- ^ A m a t e u r ^ S w i t n m i n g C l u b Sept. 4 th a t 2.30 an d W a te r C arn iv a l SWIMMING ■ DIVING ' . RACES Children 10c. D U N D A R A V E P IE R Adults 26c.