West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Sep 1937, p. 2

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1 I'.f '* U<"> ( t,' t-r '.S ".u S,*', .' s»' i-1.' I j1 -I' *'f i I ' •- j' •! ■ bf' ?: '•I . c' •;? 4 'i f.-':i-i't? '■ -r 4 ' "a '7_V'{!;<!; ,-rli'Vi'i !■, «Am SepUml^r a 19BT. W «8T VAJM i;NtTm> CBUBCB ̂ -'tt*f/BUIIfWrifkt«>liliiltt«t<>v- 8an4«jr S«rricM IUI& m.m., 7:i6 p.agu SujodAp ̂ Bdguool £3«m 10 m.m. 8tranf«fs A Vbitorf Wtlebmt. 1. First in British Cnlombii UAI*T18T CHUttCH 7, . MliilidbBi-w, K«r. W. I* McKay, lUI. Sunday Bcrvirea l(j'M «,prj.--<;bu»'ch School in. cludihsf'AduH Claaa IJ a.m. & 7:!i0 p.m,*«-Pr«Achinif , Scrvicca. -A hearty welcome to «U 'Fo Inlroiluee D u art's New P erm an en t Wave M achine With thertnoNtlculiy. controlled, heatera Arner»ca'« /inoKt ^HTmnneiit wave rriuchhie, the chofee of the Holly* Wood «tar«, Duurt'H certified .Solution and Duart'a .Sealed Pad». (.'all and talk over the improve- itiettUt.JJuurl peri/ianentH olfer you a t the G w e n d o l y n 's B e a u t y S h o p p e Creatora of Bxclualve Permnnenta, 1540 Marine Drive Went 117 D R . G. D . I L S I M L E D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Slock, 14th and Marino Dr. Olflce Houra 11 to 0 p.m. BveniriKa by appointment. Phone Waal 72 HOLLYBURN HALL Mth and Duchess SI NDAV, Sept. .5<h, n( 10 a.m, Sunday School and . V'ouriK Pfoj)lo'*8 llible Class SU.N'DAY KVKNJNfJ at 7;.70 IhiKlit CoHp<!l 'IVslinumies l)y vjirioiJK brethren. t| « TUESDAY at 8 p.m. 1'rayer and lliblo Study. rom(' and brinK your friends. W EST VANCOUVER t̂ hrittian Science 7,Scciety CHUKCH EDIFICB m h and f^uim aH , HoUybnrn 'rhis Society.j|i a Branch of , The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunduy, Septornlter 5(h, Subject: ** M i\ N " -ffl Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetinjf Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m.. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and mectinjre. SALE ot Sm all Odd cahestem elds HB.COVBKING FUKRITUUK and LOOSE COVBKS 1516 Marine Drive' l*honc West 710 ('lieMteriield .Suilea * Ea«y Chairs - CuahloiiH * OttomanH - S|(k>Ih Draperiea • Window .Shades • Curtain Hods > Uepairinif French Polishing • Needlepoint Mounted • Life Preserver D ^ i Cushions HOLLYBURN GIfT SHOP OF B.C. " To Dresa Your Darlings, Go to Marlings." c r n r i T T A i f i M r C A ! P s e e w in d o w s f o k b a r ( O l U L A lI A i y j n u D A iiC i Aircenuino KeducUoni , 1678 Marine Drive Phone W est 359R or 601 IJNITICl) CHURCH 2 1.si & J^Hquimalt A ve. Rev. Hillls W riKht, MiniBter Sunday, Septem ber 5 ih . M uniing .servie<3 1 1 :00 u.nri.: I'lvcniiiK service 7:30 p.ni.. Established on North Shore 25 Yearn (Lady Assistant) V HAIUION BROS. LTD. " IFuiirral S icectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth .Street ------ ^̂ Piione North 134----̂ , Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth A venue E a st Phone P^air. 134 ST. A N TH O N Y 'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ICev. W. J. M illay, JPastor , Phone W est 540 ;. i 7... # .. . ....... ... .... .... ..... ̂ .... ..,. M arguerite Wilcox Teacher oip Piano and Theory Recently returned from Sigismond Stojownki I*iano ■ Colony Pupils prepared for Recituls, Kxuminutions, Musical Festival. , S'l'UI)10--3285 Marini^ M I S S C L A R A W I L S O N P i a n o a n d T h e o r y Pupils prepared for any E xam ination required and Hiifh School Credits. , , S tu d io :-- 2586 M arine; Residence Studio:-- 665 W est 12th A venue, Yttneouver Sunday Services Low Mjish -- 8 :15 a.m ., o«tu.u«^ - . w . ... IIirI) Mas.s and Seim on 1 . « V ancouver General H ospital. She d e a t h o f MRS. M ILDRED - W. MORTON Mrs. Mildred Wallace Morton, ,2277 Jeireraon Avenue, passed aw ay la st Saturday in North DUNDARAVE LIBRARY, 2476 Marine Dr. Among the New Books: ^ .. " AND SO-VICTORIA," by Vaughan Wilkms ' " THREE COMRADES," by^Erich M. ReMarque. Subscription, ,50c a month. Support your Local Library 7 ,AK . leaves to mourn her decease, be- *' ̂ ' s id es her husband, one sister, a.m. Rosary lind Benediction 7-IV L ------- riDH'T'-ni------- -o-7AA--Mrs.--D r-M -~Spl(ldell,-andT-one- Catechism and Btblc Clas.s-- 2 .Op H3j.y^her, E. W hitford, both of Hollyburn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive PhONE WEST 583 M I8 S D . H. H O R iE p.rn W eek-day Services M ass -- 7:00 a.m . <>. Friday.s-- Ro.sary, Benediction - '-- 7:45 ' Sa(iii'd.ays -- C onfessions; 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. b a p t i s t CHURCH M inister; Rev. W. L. McKay, pastor 1545 D u ch ess A ve, Chester. N ova Scotia. Funeral .services conducted by the B reth­ ren,; wore held a t 2:30 p.m. T u e s - , day in H ollyb iir ir Hall, and the rem ains are being taken to Fal­ m outh, JSfova Scotia, for burial, ifar i'on .Brofi. Ltd. had charge o f - the fun eral arrangem ents. WEST VAN MESSENGER SERVICE . - --------JIM-TURNIOR,-Proprietor___ __________ Small and Large F reigh t, Baggage, E tc. Picked up and Delivered ' DAILY FERRY SERVICE P H O N E W E S T 5 Residence Phone West 245L before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. CH URCHES OF CHRIST, SC IENTIST Ferguson's TRUCK LINE Lv. West Van. 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Lv; Vyncobver 11 a.m. & 8 p.m.' LV. ,Yn n „ SatujptliiyH,- l .p W«»t 85 Doug. 429 .. .... ....... wHI be the .subject o f h is vacation ami will conduct Hie ̂ c:hm'ches of Christ, Scien tist, on serv ices both m orning and even- Sunday ing. The morning subject will be. i W g o ld e n .Text is : "God "^The U pper-R oonir' The ordin- '.created, man in H is own im age, anoe oL the l.ord .s Supper wdl be j„ the im age of God, created He Mothers, remembor the .special . School liunehcon for your children. Home-made Chicken Pies our Rpeeialtyf____________ P . D . 0 . C A ^ 1512 Marine Weat 616 adm inistered at (.lie c.IOse oT the him ; male and fem ale created evening • su b ,lect. He th em ." (G enesis 1: 27 ). will be Abounding More and Amnmr- ih.:i pH-ntinns! whieh WHY. GO TO THiE CITY FOR YOUR DENTISTRY? Experienced Operator , Finest Materials Modern Equiprnent , Ver>rReasonable Charges D r . G e o r g e S . M a c d o n a l d . • D E N T I S T Royal Bank Bldg., VVest Vancouver . . Phone W est 446 iviore anti Am ong the c itations which More. S trangers and v isitors com prise the Lesson - Serm on i s ' , the follow ing from th e BiWe-:-- T he prayer m eeting wil be - A s for m e / I will behold thy held on W ednesday al 8 o clock. . faee-tn-righ teou sn ess: Tshall Re-- WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Uopalra, , - SnwduaP'Burnera- The B ap tist VVoman's M ission .sntisfied, when I aw ake, w ith Circle wi 1 be held in the / T h y likdne.ss." (P sa lm s'17 : 15). on Tuesday, Septem ber ttji, at The I.esson - Serm on also in- 2 ;3 0 p .m . Al mcniber.s arek in d - eludes the M ellow in g passage -ly a.sked to be present, ^so tliat from the Christian Science tex t- ;we m ay be able to prepare tor book, ."Science and H ealth wjth the fa ll ^and w inter w'ork. All Key to the Scrip tures" by Mary w ho;are interested in th is work Baker Eddy: "Mail reflects in- are in v ited -to m eet with us. J in ite Truth, L ife, SndL ove. The «T m r n î ^̂ twre of man,; thu s understood, S I . S I E l H L N 8 CHURCH includes all that is implied by the t.i'rnV.S ir'iOlh {rA*'" F P A N K I V . H L O Y D , A r T . C . M . Teacher of Piatiô and Theory PUPILS TAUGHT IN THEIR O'SVN, HOMES For information and appointment Phone or write 641 Burrard Street. ki -fi? f t n l ' t cfHi'f fi. tT' 3̂̂ Mill' Fir, Dry..;....^.......$6,00 cord Buah Fir, i)ry........... ^f>,50jcord Furnace Heater Blocks and Fjreplttcc Fir.,,. ^4.00 cord Barky Slabs .......... . $4.00 c6rd Slabs & Edgings..,, 8 Cord.s $11 Alder .......... ................ $5.00 cord Topsoil - Rock • Manure Dump Truck Work. ' CKAKLIB THOMPSON Went 582 - ' W ist 582 L - . R ev, F . A . R am sey ~ Sept. 6th -- T rin ity 15th. 8 :0 0 a .m ,-- H oly Communion term.s 'im age' and 'lik en ess' as used in Scripture." HARRADINE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 710 Seymour Street (Publicity.Bldg.) _ Phone: Sey. 5711 ' KERRiSDALE BRANCH: '41st and Granville " Our fees are $15.00 a month and your prospects o f employment - through our school are better than.elsew h^e:' ---- JJLqLv CommunmiL 3Eitgag.^Bieiit and Serm on. ' ' 'M r.-in uL Airs. ,F . B urt, 436 " /7 : 1 5 '!^ipmL^EveiT^ and Ser* W est Sixth,"' Nortlf^Va^iicbuver, ______mdn.________ .__________________ announce__Uie en gagem en t--of- Cuesda'/ , 2 :JJ0'p.in, -- W, A. their only daughter, M ai'guerite, ' 8 p.m .-- Church Com m ittee, to Mr. ^Villiam-T. Jessop , young- St» Francis-in-the-AVood, son o f Mr. and Mrs. R. J e s - / Caulfeild" ' sop, 1370 D uchess A venue, W est 3 :0 0 p.m ,-- E venson g and Ser- V^ancouver. The 'w edding will moiL -- - -------r--take place in Septem beiv F U L L G O SPEL iMISSION A m blesidc Hall y:i t 'm i v ' THE ■ Y W est V an N^ews ------ PuMi«hi»d -Kvery-Thur^ny -- R em inding you that, you are welcom e. ' M eetin gs every Sunday. 11:00 " a.m. and 7 :30 p.m. A lso W ednes­ day a t 8 p'mt. CARD OF THANKS r Mr. G. Bulkley and family wish to express their^ sincere thanks to their many frierids who were so .Jiind during their sad bereavement in the loss of beloved wife and mother. ^ W ^ A L L ^ i '6 R f r ' c o m E R C E r A . f g : i ^ ^ T h e B e s t i n B u s i n e s s ' E d u c a t i o n a t Y o u r S e r v i c e STUDENTS ALWAYS IN DEMAND--ask their employers. ■ Dap and Night Classes Sey. 1810 Read Office--812 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. Sey. 9002 m m - m ■'g ; | i M,'.;..-,. I . i rm . Publisher F . F* LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 . Business and ._Editonnl,_Ofr_ice: i ¥ f Vf, /v>5^^ l v J - ■ i l '- i ' -f P i >lr f'S 1 .4 /' Phone WesL363 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonadale Ave. H ear DR. CLEM DAVIES CANADIAN LEGION HALL, ~ WEST VANCOUVER . f FRIDAY, Sept. lOth 8:15 p.m. GARFIELD, WHITE. Chairman -a d m is s io n _e r e e -=^„c 6 l l e c t io n Don't Fail to Hear ,This Outstanding Orator' II.M $a.00 a yaar Dr. a.m Da>l« '°s«aav !" '8 'L 's ° f e 'a i '° " r ^ ^ ^ Re-Roof with _ ASPHALT SHINGLES in Colors, Fireproof. Terms if -you wisK • \V E 8T Va n . BU IL D E R S' SU PPLY 2153 Marine Drive West 560 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 "dFertRizeiB^ofr^A iriK iiids" Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies BurfMTXaundry Ltd. DEPENDABLE LAUNDRY SERVICE w ■'̂ aMouver Representative Phones West 691-L 6r North 1310 fn J ic , .... .... ................................................